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"PS4 is like a 5 years old PC and it’s really holding developers back"

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it's ironic how the PC gamers brag about the power of their PC and their graphics when PS4 has games like Uncharted 4 or horizon that looks better than anything maxed on PC non-modded
Yeah, at 30fps lol

Those games look slightly better than something like Witcher 3 and I was getting 100+fps. I'd rather my games not be slideshows


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Just because I like the sodium so much, I'm going to keep buying consoles and, get this, I'm going to keep enjoying the games on them.


make a game PC exclusive then, don't see the problem.

Or release game now on PC and port later on next-gen consoles. Or improve your programming skills.

Stop moaning. If you want a PC, develop on PC.
And good luck making a game for top of the range PCs that only about 1% of PC owners will be able to play properly.

Yeah, at 30fps lol

Those games look slightly better than something like Witcher 3 and I was getting 100+fps. I'd rather my games not be slideshows

besides, how good a few exclusives look on consoles don't change how other multiplat games look on consoles


30fps isn't a slideshow

This hyperbolic bullshit should be a bannable offense honestly

It's pretty jarring though.

I play at 144hz, and moving from 144hz to 30 is damn awful. Hell, moving from 144 to a locked 60 is pretty jarring for quite awhile until I get used to it.


Yeah, at 30fps lol

Those games look slightly better than something like Witcher 3 and I was getting 100+fps. I'd rather my games not be slideshows
You must have something wrong with your eyesight then pal if 30fps games look like slideshows to you.


Yeah, at 30fps lol

Those games look slightly better than something like Witcher 3 and I was getting 100+fps. I'd rather my games not be slideshows

isn't that what PC gamers brag about ?? the graphics ?? well, UC4 and Horzion got the better graphics

PS4 can't handle 60FPS in good looking games ?? what about MGS V(rock solid 60FPS) and BF1 ?
Surprising about no one. It was the most powerful console at launch, but the GPU was still around a midrange card even at launch, and the CPUs are lower end than you can get in most full form desktops (or non-super-budget laptops)

That said, I don't feel we're at the painful end of the 7th gens life where it's really strangling things. It's only at the midway point. Staying on it till 2019 would be fine by me. Any further than that though and it would likely start to feel as strangling as the late 7G.

Assuming that's so, that would be easier to attain for other devs with more powerful consoles, the devs commentary was about raw power and not developer talent.

You can have all the raw power in the world but if you don't have the development tech and put in work your games will still look and run like shit. I think the consoles don't get enough credit for forcing developers to develop tech that can be useful on pc also.


PS4 is almost 4 years old, so....

Also being hold back by hardware is bullshit excuses to make an actually good game. Hardware being limitation is some technological bullshit that have entrapped the western games in a cycle of pretty-but-barebones games for the past years. But I guess it's easier to blame the hardware rather than checking and reconsidering your own game design board.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Oh I see we've sunk to the level where we call 30fps a "slideshow".

I don't think even 10 RDJ gifs would roll their eyes hard enough.
And yet other than Star Citizen, What is actually pushing PC hardware? Their PC conference at E3 wasn't thrilling, They all jizzed at AOE remaster.

Look at HZD and what can be achieved. PC is just overkill to play multi-plats at 60fps.


Disagree, and as always I find the argument ignores various factors.

-We tend to see more innovation in graphically undemanding Indie games than AAA games that really push the hardware.

-Games, as most products, are only able to be made because there's lots of people willing to buy them. And the vast majority of those people don't own high end PC's, they own mid-low end PC's and Consoles. You can't just ignore how much larger the number of potential buyers for your game is thanks to the fact that there are consoles you can buy for $200-$400.

-In a world where consoles don't exist it wouldn't mean everyone has a GTX1080, 32 Gb of ram and a i7. If the only way to play games was on PC chances are that most if not all devs would follow the Blizzard strategy of making sure their games also work well on modest hardware.
PC has lots of exclusives but almost none of them target high end PC's only. Why do you think that is?


What are stopping these developers from skipping the consoles then. Grow some balls developers, take a chance and stop whining.
I think the crucial phrase that quote turns on is "all different games." What will eventually sell a new console generation, besides "it's the new console, buy the new console," is what those different games are. In other words, what does the additional power (and its associated price) grant me? Is it improved graphics? Besides 4K and HDR, do we need a lot more right now? If it's not improved graphics, what else gets better? If incremental upgrades aren't enough, what's the revolutionary new thing (be it hardware, game genre, etc.) that convinces people to upgrade? Is VR that thing yet?

"The PS4 is holding us back because we could do this crazy new game with tons of stuff you've never done before in a game" is an entirely different proposition than "The PS4 is holding us back because we could have, like, 8K."
I'm interested in the advancements in AI and level manipulation that current CPUs arent capable of.


It would be a nightmare if you needed a < 2 year old PC to play the latest games. Consoles have always been out of date PCs by their very nature. The PS3/360 were 10 year old PCs by the time their successors came out and they didn't have mid-gen refreshes to appease enthusiasts.

A developer can't afford to make a cutting edge game that can only be run on the latest hardware because it can only be sold to people with the latest hardware.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
lol @ calling Uncharted 4 and Horizon "slideshows"... SMH

I am reminded of the comment by CD Projekt basically saying they could have made the Witcher 3 look a lot better by keeping it exclusive to PCs but then they wouldn't have had the install base to even fund the game to look that good
A developer can't afford to make a cutting edge game that can only be run on the latest hardware because it can only be sold to people with the latest hardware.


Consoles aren't holding devs back. Devs are free to make the biggest, meanest, most demanding games for PC only... but then they won't have the sales to justify their budget.


it's ironic how the PC gamers brag about the power of their PC and their graphics when PS4 has games like Uncharted 4 or horizon that looks better than anything maxed on PC non-modded

It's amazing what you can do with Good art while only needing to worry about one or two very similar pieces of hardware.

Also I don't agree that they look better than anything on the PC maxed.
It's pretty jarring though.

I play at 144hz, and moving from 144hz to 30 is damn awful. Hell, moving from 144 to a locked 60 is pretty jarring for quite awhile until I get used to it.

I play at 100hz to 120hz on pc and have absolutely no issues playing Horizizon ZD at 30fps. Is it better to play at a higher fps sure but 30fps is not "damn awful" as longs as it's locked.
It's amazing what you can do with Good art while only needing to worry about one or two very similar pieces of hardware.

Also I don't agree that they look better than anything on the PC maxed.

What games do you think look better than Horizon ZD or Uncharted 4 on pc right now? The games on my oled with hdr/ps4 Pro looks absolutely bonkers.


Considering that everything he does is about heart and if somebody told him to make a change that might let it sell 1million copies and he would tell them to fuck off,
Why doesn't he just make it for top end PCs?


At what point are we gonna stop holding consoles and games to a graphic/power standard only and start talking about how mass game output in general is lacking any actual innovation or gameplay advancements?
This ''old hardware is holding us back from making innovative games!'' shit that pops up every X years is just too funny, especially with the whole video game industry becoming more and more conservative every year.

Its ironic, because if anything has caused games to become more conservative and safe, particularly in the AAA space, its been the exponential increases in the cost of creating visual assets that take full advantage of the latest hardware.


lol @ calling Uncharted 4 and Horizon "slideshows"... SMH


Consoles aren't holding devs back. Devs are free to make the biggest, meanest, most demanding games for PC only... but then they won't have the sales to justify their budget.


It's all about budget at the end of the day.

Consoles offer players an affordable way to access games.

Of course we all know that the latest PC's are more powerful/faster than the latest Consoles, that's obvious, just like saying a sports car is faster than a family saloon. They get to the same destination eventually, just the cost to get there is significantly cheaper. To argue anything different is meaningless and naive.

I have a PC, I enjoy the games I play on it.

I have a PS4 pro, I enjoy the games I play on that.

that's all that matter.


This is a little like saying, "I'd never be late anywhere if there were no speed limits."

The only reason developers have the money and support to make big games is because of the abundance of consoles in people's homes. And the only reason there are so many consoles out in the wild is because they are relatively inexpensive to buy and easy to use. And the only reason they are inexpensive and easy to use is that they are relatively underpowered.

So, no. Devs wouldn't be able to make tech-forward games without the support of the "underpowered" console industry.


Yeah, at 30fps lol

Those games look slightly better than something like Witcher 3 and I was getting 100+fps. I'd rather my games not be slideshows

This does nothing to advance the conversation. Calling it a slideshows is beyond an exaggeration.

What are stopping these developers from skipping the consoles then. Grow some balls developers, take a chance and stop whining.

He's not whining, instead he's responding to this notion:

This doesn't mean the game's graphics are perfectly polished and the animations always smooth (1979 doesn't quite reach this goal, either) -- A Way Out is due to hit PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in early 2018, so developers are still tweaking its systems. But, there's only so much they can do.

At least that's the way I took it.


And yet other than Star Citizen, What is actually pushing PC hardware? Their PC conference at E3 wasn't thrilling, They all jizzed at AOE remaster.

Look at HZD and what can be achieved. PC is just overkill to play multi-plats at 60fps.

It's not overkill at all. PC is the best platform for literally every game that isn't exclusive. Not just for 60+fps which is reason enough to invest in PC gaming imo, but all of the other benefits as well.

Yeah, Horizon is nice, but 30fps sucks and always will.

Consoles will always hold developers back tech wise, especially when they're fitted with garbage processors like the current iterations are.


At what point are we gonna stop holding consoles and games to a graphic/power standard only and start talking about how mass game output in general is lacking any actual innovation or gameplay advancements?

This is a good point.

Isn't it ironic that we've only really seen true innovation in recent years on the weakest (power wise) of the console lineups


Sorry I insulted your preferred gaming platform. Doesn't warrant a ban though, seems a bit extreme

It isn't an insult, it is just that the vast majority of gamers likely do not perceive 30 fps as a "slideshow" and such remarks come of as silly to others.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
The problem for developers that aren't Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Guerilla, CD Projekt Red, DICE et al is put up or shut up.

Who knew a game with two windows of real time AAA graphics would be straining systems? Moan all you want, but consumers are happy with long gens.
What games do you think look better than Horizon ZD or Uncharted 4 on pc right now? The games on my oled with hdr/ps4 Pro looks absolutely bonkers.
I have a 4K LG with HDR as well as a PS4 pro and horizon. I also have a GTX1080. Battlefront and Battlefield 1 for starters look fucking incredible and definitely better than HZD. HZD is of course pretty amazing.

But regardless. Why we spending all this time on graphics. Its like anytime the discussion of power comes up all creativity is lost for the possibilities outside graphical capabilities. This is why we still need console generations. The PS4 Pro and Xbox one X focused on GPU power since they still wanted all games to remain compatible. We will need something better than Jaguar to see real new possibilities in game design come to life.
The problem with this gen is the typically to my understanding, and correct me if I'm wrong, but consoles have launched with superior specs to PCs in the past and then PCs eventually become the more powerful units (duh). This gen, consoles launched far behind PCs. So these consoles were dated from launch.


Yeah, at 30fps lol

Those games look slightly better than something like Witcher 3 and I was getting 100+fps. I'd rather my games not be slideshows
Slightly better looking than Witcher 3 "out of all games", and they're nothing but slideshows too? You're certainly on a roll...

Funny enough, I think "A way out" might be 30fps on consoles too, even with it's basic visuals..


This does nothing to advance the conversation. Calling it a slideshows is beyond an exaggeration.
Yeah, it's at least a kinetoscope

I am reminded of the comment by CD Projekt basically saying they could have made the Witcher 3 look a lot better by keeping it exclusive to PCs but then they wouldn't have had the install base to even fund the game to look that good

Here it is

"If the consoles are not involved there is no Witcher 3 as it is," answers Marcin Iwinski, definitively. "We can lay it out that simply. We just cannot afford it, because consoles allow us to go higher in terms of the possible or achievable sales; have a higher budget for the game, and invest it all into developing this huge, gigantic world. "Developing only for the PC: yes, probably we could get more [in terms of graphics] as there would be nothing else - they would be so focused, like if we would develop only on Xbox One or PlayStation 4. But then we cannot afford such a game."
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