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Racism caught on tape (NSFW) for starting car : White woman +kids vs Black male

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She went on the defence so hard. The radio host was the most patient guy ever. Jeez.

Them crocodile tears mean fuck all.

She is a racist, albiet probably with some mental issues..m she did say she was bipolar.

Also why is the go to excuse for vile bouts of racism either attributed to a bipolar disorder or some serious anxiety issues. I know family members who deal with similar issues but they have some bit of self control and awareness because you don't magically lose both. This isn't some racist jekyl & hyde thing.

Maybe my anecdote is incorrect and maybe the worlds racists are just bipolar and/or have serious anxiety issues but that still shouldn't be used as a defense.

Because mental illness is a scapegoat, instead of people just being racist. It's the idea that racism is an isolated thing.

Plenty of people have mental illness without being racist.


An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.1 When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people.

Many of those people go through their whole lives without spouting racial slurs. She can in fact, be bipolar and racist. She can hold racist beliefs and bouts of bipolar anxiety cause those feelings to surface, that's still two separate things.

Im quite clearly racist, the secret is out
. All I said was it'd be interesting to see it from the off and they both said he did something to alarm the children (this being starting the car) I just wanted to see what was so terrifying about it. blimey good bye


Who said anything about you being racist? I just said there's a problem with the question. Start with saying "hey, that was super racist" and then you can ponder that question afterwards, instead of posing the question and then when called on it, saying "oh, well she was racist, too. I just want clarification". You were called on it, because it's a rather normal tactics to avoid talking about the racist actions.
Whats interesting though is that in the Youtube comments lots of people are saying a bunch of racist things in response. Yeah lets fight racism with racism, that'll work.


"and quite frankly, if you look it up, 'nigger' means 'ignorant person'. It has nothing to do with race."


Let me hop on twitter real quick...
Dammit. Seriously? Did this video go up before or after I made this comment?
I'm really fucking sick of hearing this from people in this area. People claim that nigger just means "ignorant person" yet they use it exclusively for black people. It's embarrassing.

nel e nel


When someone states 'I'm not surprised this happened in [location]', the implication is it doesn't happen or doesn't happen as often in most other areas. Otherwise there is no point in specifying the location.

Come on ... you're being obtuse here.

If I'm not surprised that this kind of shit still happens on a daily basis, then yes, I guess I'm obtuse. If someone were to post a video of this happening in Brooklyn, I would be 'yep, not surprised'.

The only bullshit going on is people being shocked that this type of racism exists.


is a goddamn bear
It may sound insensitive, but it irritates me that once again, mental illness is going to be used to try to undermine disgusting behavior.

Plenty of people in this world have mental illnesses, but in no way are most of them racist, sexist (in reference to an incident we all know about), etc etc. Nor is that disability used for justifying wrongdoing.


Post Count: 9999
If I'm not surprised that this kind of shit still happens on a daily basis, then yes, I guess I'm obtuse. If someone were to post a video of this happening in Brooklyn, I would be 'yep, not surprised'.

The only bullshit going on is people being shocked that this type of racism exists.
wow ... you're missing the point


To most of you, the day you saw that racism like this is strong in the world today it was one of the most important days of your lives. To me, a black person who plays games on the internet, it was Tuesday.


This shit becomes routine to you. About a month ago I got pulled over for no front plates despite plenty of other cars doing the same, I just drive a nice car. First words out of cops mouth was "is this your car". Not license or registration, not an explanation, but asking me if its my car.

I waited to see how long it would take him to say why I was being pulled over. 5+ minutes before I eventually asked him myself.

If that guy in the video would've got out of the car it would've been a wrap.


She called him a pussy for rolling up his windows after she threatened to 'whip' her coffee at him... wat? LOL
Racist white people have got to stop claiming a black person called them a cracker or honkey first. Only racist white people believe that shit, cause everyone else giggles at those words.
"It's by marriage, I almost never see him, and I'd never let him stay at my house because he'd probably steal all my tips, but that's gotta count for something right!?"
Now, PLEASE, tell me that's real..PLEEEASE!
Racist white people have got to stop claiming a black person called them a cracker or honkey first. Only racist white people believe that shit, cause everyone else giggles at those words.
As soon as she said the shit, me and the wife started laughing..
Man, that's one of those situations where you're having to seriously restrain yourself from biting back. Bad enough to get random bullshit slung your way, but random crazy bullshit that tries to make you the bad guy is seriously hard to walk away from without the adrenaline going and your hands shaking from the tension. I've been called a 'fucking chink' by random people and had people locking their fucking doors as I walk by, but direct threats to kick my ass or drag me out of the car and call the cops as well as siccing their lawyer on me would test my resolve to just keep it on a relatively calm level. Dude had it on lock, so kudos to him...
"...and quite frankly, if you look it up, 'nigger' means 'ignorant person'. It has nothing to do with race. But it's ok for him to call me a cracker and a honky though? That's racist!"

I smiled. That's a crazy couple sentences. I would've never guessed from that original video that the guy in the car was the racist the whole time!


"Upstate" NY.. yikes. Anything north of Westchester County, amirite?

Anybody who has actually been to Cheektowaga has most likely been to the Galleria Mall. And anyone who has been to the Galleria Mall would laugh at the idea of Cheektowaga not being an integrated group of people.

Anyway, it's embarrassing this still happens anywhere.


"Upstate" NY.. yikes. Anything north of Westchester County, amirite?

Anybody who has actually been to Cheektowaga has most likely been to the Galleria Mall. And anyone who has been to the Galleria Mall would laugh at the idea of Cheektowaga not being an integrated group of people.

Anyway, it's embarrassing this still happens anywhere.

Fei! Yes! I feel like all the WNY GAF posters have been showing up here. It's like an awesome reunion under the worst conditions!


Racist white people have got to stop claiming a black person called them a cracker or honkey first. Only racist white people believe that shit, cause everyone else giggles at those words.

I have heard "cracker' used.

"Honkey" though, exists only in my vague recollections of early 70's sitcoms.

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