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Racism caught on tape (NSFW) for starting car : White woman +kids vs Black male

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So, my acquaintances say I'm not chinese because I was born in Italy.

cobragt4001 says I'm not european because I have chinese parents.

I don't even know what I am anymore...

Who am I supposed to be, WHAT AM I?!?

Your parents are Chinese so you're Chinese. It doesn't matter if you don't know you native language, you are what your parents are. You're just a citizen of Italy, you ain't Italian dude.


I have a problem with people grouping every country in Europe together and just saying, ''Yup, Europeans''.


Your parents are Chinese so you're Chinese. It doesn't matter if you don't know you native language, you are what your parents are. You're just a citizen of Italy, you ain't Italian dude.

Italian mean "citizens of italy", and can be used to define a ethnic group.

May I ask where you live and what you consider yourself?


I have a problem with people grouping every country in Europe together and just saying, ''Yup Europeans''.

Didn't you know that genetics, nay, human existence, comes down to whether you are American, European, Italian, or Chinese? Interestingly enough, these are also the different types of foods at the food court at the mall


Didn't you know that genetics, nay, human existence, comes down to whether you are American, European, Italian, or Chinese? Interestingly enough, these are also the different types of foods at the food court at the mall


Some of the stuff happening in this thread is actually offending me. I don't care where somebodies parents are from or what race they are, if somebody is born and raised in America then they are American. The same can be said for any other country in the world. I am 50% Irish 50% Italian but consider myself 100% British. I know nothing about Ireland or Italy.


You're just a citizen of Italy, you ain't Italian dude.

I thought that Italians were Italy's citizens

Then I must be a freak

25% croat 25% slovene 25% bosnian and 25% serb


You're a quarter-blood


Some of the stuff happening in this thread is actually offending me. I don't care where somebodies parents are from or what race they are, if somebody is born and raised in America then they are American. The same can be said for any other country in the world. I am 50% Irish 50% Italian but consider myself 100% British. I know nothing about Ireland or Italy.

I feel the same, I wasn't even raised by my chinese parents
Italian mean "citizens of italy", and can be used to define a ethnic group.

May I ask where you live and what you consider yourself?
Oh yeah, I forgot that Americans do that weird thing where they call themselves 'Italian' or 'Irish' in regards to some form of ethnicity (even if it's rather removed). This thread was quite confusing before I remembered that.


Whoever did the cover art is a supremacist because when you look at the entirety of that cover, it's disrespectful so what type of mind would come up with that shit. I'm not even buying FC4 because that.

Are you going to answer the question of where you live and what your nationality is? Or are you just going to be racist here.
Whoever did the cover art is a supremacist because when you look at the entirety of that cover, it's disrespectful so what type of mind would come up with that shit. I'm not even buying FC4 because that.

You appear to have a massive chip on your shoulder. Did a European run over your cat or something or are you trolling?


Ethnicity and nationality - the simplest distinction which some people are seemingly incapable of making. I had a similar discussion with a colleague in Japan who tried to argue that white or Korean-born Japanese shouldn't be able to play for the Japanese national soccer team. "They don't have Japanese hearts".

Culture is malleable. Ethnicity less so, but still morphs over time. Nationality is binary: you are a citizen, or you aren't.
I thought that Italians were Italy's citizens

They are natives to the land, you aren't. Getting citizenship from a country doesn't make you the native of the land sorry. Europeans in America are US citizens, so their citizens of a corporate entity that occupies America, they aren't true Americans which I have been saying. The 1828 definition of American shows who the true Americans are, but through connotation it's definition has changed but connotation does not represent the true nature of the word so that's where I'm coming from.


They emigrated to America, so it's obviously their fault if today some americans are racist

The way mass transportation works these days they're probably not the only ones...
Heck the native americans must have come from somewhere too....

Does that mean that black people and asians living in France with their families and everything in France for nth generations are not French anymore?
Works with any country really but I may have to collect some IDs depending on the answer...

Sidenot : after watching the vid, I'm also on the side of wanting to hear what the husband was telling her on the phone.
Something like :
"Wait what? you called him what? He's filming you? Where are the kidsN You'll end up on youtube. calm the fuck down and go inside the shop. Holy shit stop this, I'm not killing anyone you hear me. Stop this right this instant."


They are natives to the land, you aren't. Getting citizenship from a country doesn't make you the native of the land sorry. Europeans in America are US citizens, so their citizens of a corporate entity that occupies America, they aren't true Americans which I have been saying. The 1828 definition of American shows who the true Americans are, but through connotation it's definition has changed but connotation does not represent the true nature of the word so that's where I'm coming from.

Actually Italians aren't natives of Italy, every human is native of Africa. The only difference is that they have been staying there for thousands of thousands of years, so that means that my offspring will be Italian in 100000 years if they stay in Italy for that long?

I was joking


Actually Italians aren't natives of Italy, every human is native of Africa. The only difference is that they have been staying there for thousands of thousands of years, so that means that my offspring will be Italian in 100000 years if they stay in Italy for that long?

No, obviously Italians are from Italy and sprouted from nothing.
Do I have to shred my passport and get one from some place else now or something?
I was joking
We're all joking...right?


They are natives to the land, you aren't. Getting citizenship from a country doesn't make you the native of the land sorry. Europeans in America are US citizens, so their citizens of a corporate entity that occupies America, they aren't true Americans which I have been saying. The 1828 definition of American shows who the true Americans are, but through connotation it's definition has changed but connotation does not represent the true nature of the word so that's where I'm coming from.

1828 edition of Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary said:
AMER''ICAN, n. A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.


They are natives to the land, you aren't. Getting citizenship from a country doesn't make you the native of the land sorry. Europeans in America are US citizens, so their citizens of a corporate entity that occupies America, they aren't true Americans which I have been saying. The 1828 definition of American shows who the true Americans are, but through connotation it's definition has changed but connotation does not represent the true nature of the word so that's where I'm coming from.

Should be be called Africans then? How long do you have to stay in a land before you are a "Native"?

Do you have to wipe out the previous occupants? Can you claim the land then? If one of the previous occupants lives can you never claim ownership? If a "Native" and "non-Native" breed together what do you call their progeny?


No, obviously Italians are from Italy and sprouted from nothing.
Do I have to shred my passport and get one from some place else now or something?

We're all joking...right?

Dude, if I recall correctly, you're French. You're like, 99% sure to be a racist european coward on the Internet.


Dude, if I recall correctly, you're French. You're like, 99% sure to be a racist european coward on the Internet.
But I'm not white so I'm obviously not French, right?
The good point is that I'm not a racist coward on the internet!
The bad side is that I won't be able to cross the border and I may end up in some place I've never seen next time I come across cops...
Not cobragt4001

Well....you could say he's a n*****....If we go by that racist stripper's definition that is.
"that thread about that racist woman was quite interesting, let's see which direction the discussion has gone"

*sees the last few pages*

what the hell guys


How am I a racist, who am I hurting or suppressing?

So you are not willing to answer those simple questions. Sorry for the offtopic beseda but this guy has made some ridiculous statements in this thread.

Either way, I hope this woman is recognized all the time as ' that racist woman'.

Should be be called Africans then? How long do you have to stay in a land before you are a "Native"?

Do you have to wipe out the previous occupants? Can you claim the land then? If one of the previous occupants lives can you never claim ownership? If a "Native" and "non-Native" breed together what do you call their progeny?
Notice how it say originally applied to people of the copper color skin race for the American definition, when studying etymology you deal with what's original, not superficially imposed.


It could have just been a series of bizarre coincidences. I don't know why everyone is is quick to assume it's racism.

When you call someone the N word. Its racist. Not but, or if about that. Especially in a hurtful manner..

That woman is cray cray, she's the one causing a scene when she could have easily walk away. Her kids didn't even look scare, more like confused to why she was even doing this.


Pedantry at its finest.

comment also on the rude and derogatory comments I got without provoking anyone.... :(

care should be taken about this kind of video recordings.
In Europe things are more strict. I think Google camera recording cars were forbidden in some countries since they violated privacy.


Then I must be a freak

25% croat 25% slovene 25% bosnian and 25% serb



Squat proud, brother.

Two Words

When you call someone the N word. Its racist. Not but, or if about that. Especially in a hurtful manner..

That woman is cray cray, she's the one causing a scene when she could have easily walk away. Her kids didn't even look scare, more like confused to why she was even doing this.
No, that's not quite right. Throwing N-bombs to hurt someone's feelings doesn't make you racist. Having prejudicial views that dictate how quickly you flip out over nothing and call a black person a "nigger" because that is actually what you think that person is makes you a racist. The woman definitely did the second thing. I've been called a nigger by people I can tell were saying it just to make me mad and those that actually thought of me as a "nigger".


Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit, I normally do not post on these because there is usually 2 sides to every story but she comes across as a freakin nut. Than again ignorance has been shown to be a universal thing that always causes me to shake my head.

Now my cheap shot at her...She probably works the 7am - 4pm stripper shift Mon - Fri since I can't imagine anyone paying to see her ass.

It amazes me that will all the problems in this country with the economy we are going to demean others because of melanin content of their skin or their ethnic heritage. I hope nothing bad happens to her for the kids, but I do hope she gets any eye opening to help her change her outlook.

As for naming things, what the hell is wrong with the US. Do black Canadians refer to themselves as African-Canadians? Why do we have label everything? Can't we just be Americans (US Citizens)?

(sorry for the incoherent rant - working)

Ploid 3.0

You know how people have cams on their dashboard? I've been thinking about having a cam on me all the time. Maybe we need google glasses. It could save us, could be a black box for cases where the victim doesn't survive to tell their side of the story, instant upload to the cloud. Though that information will be abused by NSA and Skynet. Oh wells.

Two Words

I don't believe you.
The act itself isn't a racist one. Racism isn't about words. It's about how you view other races. This particular woman made it clear she is racist, but not just because of her saying "nigger". I've had people call me "nigger" before plenty of times growing up. You can tell those that say it just because they want to really piss you off and those that actually view you as a "nigger". It's much like calling a woman "a dumb bitch" because you want to upset her as much as possible, not that you are actually sexist and hold a lower view of women.

Just to be clear, the woman is a racist or clinically insane. Assuming she doesn't talk to every single person like this, It's obvious that she is racist because her entire attitude is towards him was predefined by his race. She was upset because he was a black person. I just think that distinction is important because in my eyes, the part of racism I want to be reviled the most is the fucked up views people have, not the words.
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