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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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I love, LOVE how people are still trotting out mediocre launch games like Ryse and Zoo Tycoon as reasons to own a particular console over another.

And merely a casual glance at metacritic and the "all releases" tab for both consoles nicely illustrates how silly the "PS4 has no games" mantra is. Microsoft is getting whooped in quantity and quality, and that's apparently with no games. Impressive.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Sony is the only one who actually built a next gen system this time around. The X1 is basically a 360 2.0 and WiiU IS a 360.

I disagree. Ironically, the PS4 is the 360 2.0. Cheap, powerful, concentrates on its core functionality, doesn't try and do too much, although I'm sure that over time they'll add a lot of features that will make it more than just a 'games console'.

Xbone is just a mess of a product. It's not PS3 2.0 because it doesn't do anything (minus HDMI in) that the PS4 doesn't do, but it's clear that MS were aiming for some kind of jack of all trades box.


I don't know how MS got to the point that some of the biggest Xbox fans are completely against the brand. I remember coming off the PS2 and being a huge 360 fan, especially after Sony fucked up bad. MS had a powerful system at a good price with a great new controller, the best online set up, tons of high end games (and lots of them exclusive) and a great XBLA initiative. Sony's early PS3 days in comparison were brutal, it took years for them to claw back and get me to pick up their machine. While that was happening MS seemingly stopped focusing on the core gamers after Kinect came out and it was all downhill from there for me. The initial reveals further cemented this fact.

When you look at the leadership for the OG Xbox and early Xbox 360 and what the leadership is now, it kind of makes sense. Allard, Fries, Blackley...guys with real passion for gaming, all gone and replaced by faceless suits. It's a fucking shame.
Going from ps2, xbox and pc, I bought the 360 when the first gears of war was released and picked up a ps3 last year to catch up on all the exclusives, i've gone with the ps4 and looking at my friends list i can see at least 15 that have jumped from 360 to ps4, most including myself have no intention of getting the xbox one at any point, only 4 have gone with the xbox one and a few of them are what i would call the most hardened fanboys, where ms could have literally released a shit on a stick and they would still buy it over anything else, i've yet to come across one person that has gone from ps3 to xbox one.


I wish this was true in my circle of friends. But no, most of them have XB1s and are playing Titanfall and Garden Warfare, while I'm stuck playing KZ with random jerks. Seems like Xbox will be the spot for mutliplayer gaming in my little sphere once again.
Well it does hold some truth, Me personally was Xbox the last 10 years, But after that initial reveal, The way they were so anti-consumer and all TV TV TV and the crap with the used game policies along with it being more expensive and weaker, Then I decided with friends to go with the ps4 this gen.

I feel it's gamers like me who switched who have made the swing in ps4's favour rather than that of Xbox, As had MS knocked it out of the park with the X1 and made it a beast of a console then I would happily of stayed with them, But as much as I love Halo I cant be paying more for less.


Specs might not have meant a lot in the 80s and 90s but everyone is tech savvy enough now to know when something is better.

If Nintendo would have been the one to bring out a system as powerful as PS4 at the same price point, they would be winning right now.

Specs and price matter. Brand loyalty does not exist. All 3 companies should understand this now.


I had a 360 (no PS3) last time around and would cut my balls off before I got a X1. Halo was the biggest franchise for me on the Xbox brand but I don't like the direction the series went after 3. I literally cannot see any value in the X1 knowing Microsoft's history with first-party output and value proposition. I'm not exactly lining up for a PS4 but it's just an obvious choice when I compare the consoles on these two aspects for the long term.

I mean, really, is anyone that was PS3-only interested in going X1-exclusive this time around? That would be very surprising to me.


Yeah, this. If MS can get the 'bone down to around $299 by the time Halo 5 comes out there will be quite a few PS4 owners buying a secondary console.

i dunno. are you considering the fact that people would have to pay for two subscriptions for online multiplayer?

Mister D

I have always had nearly all of the home consoles within reason growing up with the exception of super expensive shit like the Neo Geo or 3DO or flops like the Philips CDi. I had a PS2 first and when MS came out with the Xbox I jumped on that too and eventually bought most of my games on it since it offered 480p compared to the 480i PS2 versions of multiplatform titles.

I played mostly exclusives on PS2 but everything else I bought for Xbox. MS also had a pretty good slate of exclusive titles that I had a lot of fun playing. I honestly would go so far as to say I was a bit of an Xbox fanboy not touching games like the GTA games and downplaying how cool they were because the performance was so shitty only to end up loving those same games when the Xbox bundle was released.

I've always been a stickler for trying to play games in the highest quality available but convenience was also pretty important which is why I ignored PC gaming for so long and just looked on enviously at their clean image quality, higher res textures, and solid frame rates until last year when I jumped in after Steam BPM made the transition between consoles and PC pretty seamless.

I bought a 360 at launch and MS looked to be continuing what they started with the OG Xbox with games like Crackdown and PGR3 so I was pretty happy with it. The only reason I bought a PS3 was because it was the cheapest and best Bluray player at the time. Sony touted how much more powerful the thing was but this was not evident until more first party titles starting coming out as multiplatform devs weren't putting in the work to take advantage of it. I wasn't much of an online gamer at the time so Xbox Live Gold didn't bother me since I never needed it so I never paid for it. However, when apps and demos were moved behind the wall I was pretty annoyed but could usually just use the apps or download the demos from PSN.

COD4 was the first game that got me seriously into multiplayer and I played on PS3 since it was free. That's when I started to resent the whole Gold racket since I never really had that much of a problem playing on PSN for free despite no cross game chats or invites which is a one time software implementation that shouldn't require continuous fees from gamers using their own connection for P2P gaming. It was also around this time that MS started to move in a direction I didn't like focusing on DLC first bullshit and the same tired franchises I didn't care for instead of developing exciting exclusives. Kinect only made this worse so that by the end of the previous generation I was barely turning on my 360 and just played on my PS3.

Adding PC into the mix has pretty much killed my need for an Xbone as I honestly didn't even need to buy the PS4 and only got it for the possibility of playing with friends who will definitely not get into PC gaming and the Sony exclusives. With how huge my Steam backlog has gotten I could even pass up on all the Sony exclusives and still have enough great experiences playing just PC exclusives and better versions of multiplatform titles.


For those who owned both system last gen, did you buy them both at launch or did you wait a little while before you got the second? I'm asking because I don't see why someone who had both last gen can't still be planning on having both this gen.

I was a late adopter to both consoles last gen. I bought a PS3 first for uncharted 2 as it blew me away and I shortly bought a 360 after. By then both consoles had great games to play so I had a tonne to catch up on. I really only used the PS3 for its exclusives and did everything else on 360.

This gen I went for PS4 purely because I want MLB the show. The way things have panned out though I'm extremely pleased I went with Sonys machine. I have also just purchased a Vita due to the unreal value of PSN+.

The thing that is putting me off buying both this gen is having to pay 2 subs. Especially if I'm using one way more than the other.

I'll probably get an xbox one after the next price drop and hopefully by then there will be some games for it I fancy.
I really wish some of you would whine some more about how Microsoft "wronged" you with their initial unveiling of the Xbox One.

The whining made the machine more consumer friendly. So yes, please do whine. Also, whine about how slow Sony is to update firmware.

As for me, Titanfall and Zoo Tycoon are making me desert my ps4, lately.
I didn't leave the system due to the DRM or anything like that. I was just sick of what was going on with exclusives. E3 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 I was hoping for exclusives and what did I get? COD demos, COD DLC is first on Xbox, etc. Not at all what I wanted and each E3 put me off the brand more and more. Couple that with the fact that Halo became horrible to me after Halo 3 (Reach and 4, blegh).

The decision was clear for me.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Yeah, this. If MS can get the 'bone down to around $299 by the time Halo 5 comes out there will be quite a few PS4 owners buying a secondary console.

I'm sure there'll be a few people who do this, but I don't think it will be a significant number overall. Probably around the number of people who bought an Xbox for Halo 2. Nowhere near enough to bring anything resembling sales parity.

In fact it might be even fewer, considering how many are now of the opinion that the brand has been mismanaged by MS and driven into the ground by 343i.

The future is looking very, very bleak for MS in the console space.


A lot of people are doing this on the start of this gen, since most game still are third parties.

I think things will change once franchises that kept players with the Xbox on previews gens, like Halo, Gears, Fable and some of the new ones like QB and Sunset Overdrive, start to come out.
If the Xbox One was as powerful as the PS4 and launched at the same price without Kinect then the mass exodus would not be happening.
except that's not the xbox one. and you wouldn't know as well. had the ps3 been cheaper and had stable online and launched the same date, would the 360 not have been successful?
Guys, guys.

Right now, both of them have shit for games. Wait a year, then come back.

I don't agree that the games are 'shit', an obvious exaggeration on your part. But I do agree that it's too early to tell. Almost everyone I know that was MS exclusive last gen and/or the one before that it was always for Live, Halo, and other exclusives which aren't going anywhere soon.

I absolutely believe that sure, a lot of people are switching this gen, but it happens every gen, and until we are at least a year out into the new consoles lives I don't think there's enough info to draw solid conclusions.

I personally hope there will just be more multi console ownership this gen so that xbone and PS4 can compete with features while both still sharing a lot of good third party titles.


Yeah, this. If MS can get the 'bone down to around $299 by the time Halo 5 comes out there will be quite a few PS4 owners buying a secondary console.

Maybe. But to do that, not only is it the $299 price plus $60 game, but you also need to pay for Gold. And the creative talent that spawned the franchise are no longer in charge of it. Halo ain't what it used to be.

It will get some people to buy, but they'll basically be only buying it for that game and maybe a few other exclusives. It's still lost revenue for MS when multi-console owners are buying none of their multiplat games on XBO.

It's also not good for MS when their online subscription doesn't have as much value as PS+ so people who own both PS4 and XBO are more likely to stick with PS+ subs and may cancel Gold subs as needed between exclusives they want to play. But then when they consider how much of a brick the XBO is without Gold, the entire endeavor of getting one becomes a bigger ordeal and holds less value overall when the subscription is basically required to even use the thing.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I feel for Xbox fans, I'd be pretty pissed if I gave a shit about MS's IPs.

That's one reason why I get annoyed by the hardware design decisions made by Microsoft and Nintendo. I like their franchises but don't like how they are hold back by the limitations of the hardware. This was especially true for the Wii where games like Zelda:SS obviously suffered from the underpowered system. The unpopulated, small sky in the game was one example for that.

It's not that severe for the Xbox One since its CPU and memory setup are at least on par, but seeing that games like Forza could run with less aliasing or games like Titanfall could run with better performance leaves one disappointed, especially since the last generation lasted so long, and the reason why the system is underpowered is mandatory nonsense like Kinect and TV, which has more value to Microsoft's ambition to use the Xbox One as a trojan horse for services and NuAds, than to the gamer who just wants to play Microsoft's exclusives.


I wish this was true in my circle of friends. But no, most of them have XB1s and are playing Titanfall and Garden Warfare, while I'm stuck playing KZ with random jerks. Seems like Xbox will be the spot for mutliplayer gaming in my little sphere once again.
I guess I don't wish one way or the other since I have both but the majority of my friends who play multiplayer stayed with xbox.


I bought the PS4 at launch and don't intend on buying the XBOX One, even though I owned PS3, xbox360 and Wii last generation. There is simply no reason, for me, to have an xbox one since I have Titanfall on PC.


I had both and preferred the 360 last gen. I went first with a PS4 this gen because $100 cheaper, PS+ $10 cheaper, Microsoft being so involved with the NSA, plus some other reasons. I still think the Xbox One games looked better though and I really like a lot of the Xbox new features so it was a tough choice. If they were the same price I would have for sure got the Xbox one and I probably will in a year or two.
I didn't leave the system due to the DRM or anything like that. I was just sick of what was going on with exclusives. E3 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 I was hoping for exclusives and what did I get? COD demos, COD DLC is first on Xbox, etc. Not at all what I wanted and each E3 put me off the brand more and more. Couple that with the fact that Halo became horrible to me after Halo 3 (Reach and 4, blegh).

The decision was clear for me.
had a 360 forsome months on 2008, but after so many rrods and mgs4 and valkyria chronicles dropped, sold it and went for ps3. never looked back. for some reason, people only count exclusively ves. most people only game on one system so that multiplat counts a lot in terms of the library of the console.
For those who owned both system last gen, did you buy them both at launch or did you wait a little while before you got the second? I'm asking because I don't see why someone who had both last gen can't still be planning on having both this gen.

I own both with buying the Xbox One at launch and got the PS4 some time in December. Also owned both last-gen consoles as well, but gamed mainly on the 360.

How can I own both systems this gen? That's easy, I enjoy gaming. Simple. Yes, I'm more of an Xbox guy, but enjoy what games that PS system has to offer. I dont play much on the PS4 since I dont have many games for it since I only own only three games for it.



That's one reason why I get annoyed by the hardware design decisions made by Microsoft and Nintendo. I like their franchises but don't like how they are hold back by the limitations of the hardware. This was especially true for the Wii where games like Zelda:SS obviously suffered from the underpowered system. The unpopulated, small sky in the game was one example for that.

It's not that severe for the Xbox One since its CPU and memory setup are at least on par, but seeing that games like Forza could run with less aliasing or games like Titanfall could run with better performance leaves one disappointed, especially since the last generation lasted so long, and the reason why the system is underpowered is mandatory nonsense like Kinect and TV, which has more value to Microsoft's ambition to use the Xbox One as a trojan horse for services and NuAds, than to the gamer who just wants to play Microsoft's exclusives.

The entire philosophy behind Xbox One was a mistake, it's lead to all the problems they're facing now.

Early multimedia focus -> Kinect in box -> Need 8gb of ram for media/kinect/multitasking -> DDR3 to make sure this is possible -> ESRam on the die to make this work -> Smaller GPU as a result -> High price w/ Kinect -> Poor performance vs. PS4 at $100 more

That to me is the biggest turnoff, the entire philosophy around the box is so against everything I want from a console. OG Xbox and X360 were not like that, they were gaming machines first and you could see that from the hardware choices they made. PS4 is the closest to being a true evolution to the Xbox 360 design ethos.


I deserted Microsoft halfway through the previous gen when I got myself a PS3.


Seeing how much better Sony was in supporting its console late in the console cycle really helped me make my decision.

If I got the console that had the games I wanted short term, I'd have an XONE. But for long term, I stuck with the PS4.

Then seeing how MS was acting with the Xbox One, sealed my decision. I doubt I will ever go back to MS. At least for this gen.


If they make Halo 5 good (which requires removing Infinity Slayer, flinching, plasma pistols/mini shotguns in loadouts, etc.), and do a Halo 2 Anniversary the correct way, then I'll certainly get an X1. But most of my software purchases will by far be PS4, due multi platform games.

Anyway, I can see why many previously multi console gamers are going with one console this Gen, with lack of backwards compatibility and both requiring a subscription for online gaming. At least, those are my main reasons.


I guess I don't wish one way or the other since I have both but the majority of my friends who play multiplayer stayed with xbox.

Oh I'll get an Xbox One eventually but for right now I'm bummed that few are on PS4. And it's weird considering it has sold better.
Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

You could only own a Wii, 360, or PS3 and have hundreds of games worth playing depending of your taste. Unless gaming is a huge hobby for you there is little reason to game on more than one platform.
And merely a casual glance at metacritic and the "all releases" tab for both consoles nicely illustrates how silly the "PS4 has no games" mantra is. Microsoft is getting whooped in quantity and quality, and that's apparently with no games. Impressive.

What magical land are you from? I see two lackluster exclusives and a decent open world sand box game vs a decent zombie open world game, a racer and a killer app in tf.

Sony is losing the exclusive battle, and badly for the foreseeable future.

Joe T.

A little silly to be treating the favorable early adoption of PS4 as a news worthy story, the reasons for it are quite obvious. Sony's track record since its entry into the console market has been very strong with the exception of the PS3 launch, and even then it managed to recover and apparently finish ahead of Xbox 360 sales-wise. They've learned from their mistakes.

I've always owned more than one of the major consoles during each generation, this one will likely be no different, but like last gen I'm going to wait things out a little longer until the dust settles and a few more games are available. I've always got my PC for any multiplatform titles I may want to play until then.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The whining made the machine more consumer friendly. So yes, please do whine.

One has to give Microsoft credit for their agility. They do react quickly to criticism (manifested in relatively bad sales numbers) and change the system as good as they can. One can only wish that Nintendo would do the same.

Pressure is good. Not so much pressure that companies go bust, but enough pressure to make them improve their products. After all, the shit Sony got for the PS3 is the reason why we now have the PS4.
"The PSx has no games" meme is really growing old, but even as a fan of Sony's games, I have to say that their offerings weren't that great on the PS1/2. WipEouts were the only games from them I bought back then (EDIT: + Siren and God of War, which I forgot). Things changed on the PS3, when they couldn't rely on the 3rd parties anymore, and had to provide more games of their own. Now they're one of the strongest publishers out there, and over a third of the PS3 games I own were published by them.

Nah man Sony had some great games during PS1 IMO , don't forget Wild Arms , Arc the Lad , Alundra and few more RPGs.
Also don't forget GT was born on PSx along with Twisted Metal ,PaRappa the Rapper , Wipe out , Syphon Filter and many more.
Same can be said for PS2.
That is why i don't worry about Sony when it comes to games.
One has to give Microsoft credit for their agility. They do react quickly to criticism (manifested in relatively bad sales numbers) and change the system as good as they can. One can only wish that Nintendo would do the same.

Buddy I've been doing this for over a decade. I gave up.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Buddy I've been doing this for over a decade. I gave up.

Yeah, I can't believe that they still neither have a decent online infrastructure, nor cross-buy. Being a Nintendo fan is freakin' painful. They make the most wonderful games, but everything else is crap.


Let me know when PS4 has something that rivals Titanfall or Halo and maybe we'll talk.

In the grand scheme of things the power differences between PS4 and Xbone have been grossly exaggerated by people on the internet. It's funny how many fanboys became pixel counters and framerate fiends during the launch of this generation. You'd all be better serviced by a gaming PC if image quality is such a concern.
Yeah, I can't believe that they still don't have a decent online infrastructure, nor cross-buy. Being a Nintendo fan is freakin' painful. They make the most wonderful games, but everything else is crap.

It stops hurting less when you realize they've just kept milking the same 3 ips for the past 10 years, with only the occasional Metroid or DK thrown in. It's always Mario, Mario, Zelda, Mario, Wario, Mariokart, Smash Bros, Marioparty, mario, mario bros, LUIGI, zelda, mario, mario, mario goes to the Olympics, mario goes to the bathroom, mario, zelda, dankey kang, hey did you know we have mario?

It get's nauseating.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Well, to each their own. Superior tech has nothing I find worth playing. I go where the games are. The PS4 was one of my biggest buyers remorse moment in awhile.

I never quite get this argument. Those are still brand new consoles. 98% of the best games these systems will have over their entire lifetime are still ahead of us.


Yeah, I can't believe that they still neither have a decent online infrastructure, nor cross-buy. Being a Nintendo fan is freakin' painful. They make the most wonderful games, but everything else is crap.

This. Nintendo hasn't had strong 3rd party support on consoles since NES & SNES.
Let me know when PS4 has something that rivals Titanfall or Halo and maybe we'll talk.

In the grand scheme of things the power difference between PS4 and Xbone have been grossly exaggerated by people on the internet. It's funny how many fanboys became pixel counters and framerate fiends during the launch of this generation. You'd all be better serviced by a gaming PC if image quality is such a concern.

Agree. Seems like everyone has suddenly turned into an expert in resolution, frame rate, and what not.
The whining made the machine more consumer friendly. So yes, please do whine. Also, whine about how slow Sony is to update firmware.

As for me, Titanfall and Zoo Tycoon are making me desert my ps4, lately.

Titanfall and PvZ are making me desert my PS4

But then inFamous will have me desert my Xbox One on Friday

The curse of having both.
I bought an early Slim 360 over a PS3 to enjoy all the exclusive shmups, quality XBLA titles and Bayonetta but MS, it was cool for the first 6 months, then MS increasingly got worse with the Metro UI, Movies over games and less and less exclusives.

What seriously burnt me was just how "dude bro" the online community were as just about any MP games that didn't appeal that that audience was doomed to quickly die off, often with the playerbase jumping over to play the PS3 version. With little incentive to play online I rarely bothered with a gold sub, although I subbed most of my first year just because of all the great XBLA games that went on sale at the time, which MS gave up on too.

I too plan to jump over to PS4 when I go next gen, which won't be for atleast 2-3 years, the library just isn't there on either systems especially with PC and last gen ports aswell.
The WiiU is where the games are at for 2014, that, last gen and a 3DS will keep me more than busy for 3 years.

Speaking of the Wii, MS has acted as arrogantly and took their userbase for granted as Nintendo since both the Wii and 360 weren't properly supported in their latter life spans, the only difference between two is that MS has 3rd party support.
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