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Skullgirls DLC Crowdsourcing - Completed, $829,829 raised, 4+1 characters funded


I don't understand the appeal behind Venus since we already have a gross shapeshifter in the cast. How many more mouths, eyeballs and appendages do people want popping out of nowhere? :p

The difference between Venus and Double is that one is sexy while the other isn't.


All I know is that it's super comfy over here with Team Venus.



Santa May Claus
I don't understand the appeal behind Venus since we already have a gross shapeshifter in the cast. How many more mouths, eyeballs and appendages do people want popping out of nowhere? :p

They'll probably play completely differently. I really dislike Double's playstyle as it is.

But to answer your question, the more mouths, eyeballs, and appendages he better.

Sure, if eldritch horror pornstars are your thing.

It's hard finding material.

Please don't let Venus win, she is too gross.

You're gross!


So we have the satisfaction of destroying your opponent with a Space themed loli badass with Carl Sagan in stuffed animal form granting her galaxy attacks with gameplay motivations from Sol-Badguy and mother fucking GUTS.

Where is your god now?
Kind of hoping for both Minette and Annie at this point, now that there will be two voted in (that description for the latter definitely reinforcing that). If not either of them, then Feng, Stanley, or Panzerfaust.


Having both Minette and Annie win would be so boring. We need more guys, especially because Big Band is more instrument cyborg than man.


For a while I thought Eliza was the clear front-runner, but now I'm not so sure...

This whole process should be really interesting and fun. And I'm loving all the fan art is community is putting out to advocate their choices. And I expect that only to get better and more fevered in the second vote.


Having both Minette and Annie win would be so boring. We need more guys, especially because Big Band is more instrument cyborg than man.
Really we just need Minette to win. I mean, there's gotta be a soup special. Maybe it can make reference to the soup nazi.
For a while I thought Eliza was the clear front-runner, but now I'm not so sure...

This whole process should be really interesting and fun. And I'm loving all the fan art is community is putting out to advocate their choices. And I expect that only to get better and more fevered in the second vote.

Ravi you need to contact Udon and put out 2 artbooks. One official book and one Tribute book full of fan art. If the Street Fighter and Darkstalkers tribute books are anything to go by then the Skullgirls book would be pure insanity. The quailty and quanitiy of skullgirls fanart is already top notch, I can only imagine whats in store as the game continues to grow.
I dropped Venus.......because I don't think she needs my vote at all to get in top 16

I'm voting Feng/Marie/Annie/Minette.... I CAN'T WAIT FOR MONDAY

I hope Japan saves the day


I honestly still don't know who to vote for at this point. I'll need to thoroughly read the description page before I can filter just 4 character to vote for.

Nyoro SF

I would encourage people to vote for Beowulf.

Currently my votes are Beowulf/Marie/Feng/Aeon.

I like the idea of time manipulation on a grander scale than Isaac's.

** Special Mike Z note ** Thanks to GGPO requiring the game to have savestates, a lot of this is more possible than you might think. Though you may not enjoy fighting against a divine being very much...

From the 3rd character info page for Aeon. Didn't notice that note before.


Sketchbook Picasso
Inspired by A-bad-idea's Style of works...

See if you can guess who I'll vote for! (O-O) #TeamMeganeMolly?! #TeamConferenceCall


My first piece of SG Fanart :)
down with #TeamPenis
Well, we have than in common.

I probably wouldn't be so against the male characters if they weren't so manly. In Ougon Musou Kyoku my favourite characters are Kanon and Ronove and I always tag team them. So that isn't to say I'm against male characters. But I'm unimpressed by the selection for Skullgirls.

Annie and Umbrella are all I need.
The only way to be safe is to join Team Annie.

You can't resist, don't try.
DiscoShark is correct.

There is no need to resist Annie. And giving in feels good.


I will be really disappointed if both the fan voted characters are girls. We need at least one more male character with Big Band.


Inspired by A-bad-idea's Style of works...

See if you can guess who I'll vote for! (O-O) #TeamMeganeMolly?! #TeamConferenceCall


My first piece of SG Fanart :)

I like the relaxed interpretation of her character here. It's refreshing from the "Wobbuffet" salute (which I do still like a lot) and stiff stance on the 3rd Character profile image from concept art.


Sketchbook Picasso
I'm not sure which guy I'd like to see in most... Stanley would compliment my desire for team Science and Technology, Isaac just looks awesome, and Hubrecht would be fun to see fleshed out. Taliesin calls out to my love for Red Mage looks, and Bard-like folk always are fertile ground for Telling the tales and backstory of a world, which would be welcome here...I'd even like to see Adam's one-man-tag-team stuff in action... especially if reaching him in a match produces the lamest "install" style move in history; The hypest anti-hype possible, lol.

I looooove it. :)

Thanks Much! :)

I like the relaxed interpretation of her character here. It's refreshing from the "Wobbuffet" salute (which I do still like a lot) and stiff stance on the 3rd Character profile image from concept art.

I keep thinking about her being in the middle of those "Telephone Relay Call" skits one would see in animation and old TV shows... where she's bouncing around from caller to caller, ocassionally getting the wrong one, with little image bubbles of the callers popping up all the time.

Since basically everyone she has on call would be like a "lifeline" from "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" why should she be stuffy and worried? Help is just a call away!


All hail Scythana your new half Gigan overlord

For me, outside Beowulf everyone's negotiable, but Scythana's descrption sounds like a nice blend of Dhalsim and Kim, which would be perfect for me as playstyle goes - I'll even forgive the uneven horn placement and lame Cody prison duds over it.


I keep thinking about her being in the middle of those "Telephone Relay Call" skits one would see in animation and old TV shows... where she's bouncing around from caller to caller, ocassionally getting the wrong one, with little image bubbles of the callers popping up all the time.

Since basically everyone she has on call would be like a "lifeline" from "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" why should she be stuffy and worried? Help is just a call away!

Good thinking!

I will be really disappointed if both the fan voted characters are girls. We need at least one more male character with Big Band.

I'm fine with any gender combination (as long as it has one of the characters I want!)


Maybe when the voting starts (or just before) we could make a new thread Heres an FAQ provided to me by Mr. ECKS and J-boogie from the Skullheart IRC

FAQ Document here

When will the 360 patch be out?
There is some progress on the 360 patch but due to legalities the team are not allowed to make any confirmations. The bottleneck is not something Lab Zero have the ability to solve, so the official word is “it will be released when it’s released”.

Will there be PS3/PC Cross-platform play?
No. Steamworks is not an approved middleware for cross-platform play, and as such Portal 2 will be the only game to have this feature. It’s not that Lab Zero do not want to add in this feature, but because it is literally impossible for them to do so.

What kind of sandwiches does Mike Z eat?
Really big ones, that have mint thins in them.

Now that the IGG is over will Salty Cupcakes still stream?
Yes! Salty Cupcakes will continue to stream until the end of the universe as we know it!

When will Squigly/Big Band/DLC characters/PC version/PC beta be out?
An update from the IndieGoGo campaign stated as follows:
“Because a number of the items rely on the results of the votes, such as the T-shirts and posters, we can’t begin designing those until the votes have concluded. The Physical OST will likely require Michiru Yamane to complete all of her work, as well.

Here is an extremely tentative schedule for the reward distribution:
By 4/31/2013: Wallpapers, Digital OST, Digital Sketchbook, Digital Art Compendium, Half Minute Hero Codes
By 6/31/2013: Steam Beta Codes
By 7/31/2013: T-Shirt, Poster, Postcards, Physical OST”
- Reference: www.indiegogo.com/projects/keep-skullgirls-growing/c=activity

Characters will be made one at a time and take 3-4 months each to make
PC Beta possibly mid-June
“We expect Squigly to be released alongside the PC version of the game, most likely in mid-July,”

When will the Indiegogo tier rewards be fulfilled?
See the question directly above.

What is the proper way to pronounce FAQ?
"fack", "faak", "fax", and "facts"
- Referance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAQ

Is it true voting for [insert character] is a waste? I heard that [some reason].
No, no character is a wasted vote. Nothing after these 5 characters is guaranteed, all characters will be made to the same quality you have come to expect Skullgirls characters to be.
Source: http://www.twitch.tv/eightysixed/b/383686801?t=2h28m33s
Additionally, even if the characters you like don’t win, the runner-ups in the poll would be taken into account and popular characters will likely be considered earlier. Rather than voting for characters you think will win, vote for the ones you like to improve their positions.
Source: Alex said that the runner ups will be considered in Tuesday’s stream?

How will the mystery DLC character voting work?
Anyone who contributes at least $1 will be eligible to vote for the 3rd DLC character, so be sure to tell your friends to contribute before the campaign ends on March 27th! (Mike has said that anyone who donates via PayPal before Monday 1st April will also be eligible to vote. - needs to grab snippet for this from the latest Salty)
Voting will go as follows:

Four rounds of voting
1st round: All characters, 4 votes
2nd round: Top 16 from 1st round, 3 votes
3rd round: Top 8 from 2nd round, 2 votes
4th round: Top 4 from 3rd round, 1 vote
Polls will be e-mailed directly to all contributors.
We'll be keeping an eye out for suspicious votes. Any votes deemed suspicious will be thrown out, and will not count toward the results of the poll.


- Reference: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/keep-skullgirls-growing/?c=activity ,

How much will Squigly/Big Band/Mystery characters cost to Download?
All content funded through the IGG campaign will be available FREE for all players for three months after their release, before they will become standard price. Standard price is five dollars. Once you download the characters when they are free, they will be available for you forever (Think of it that in the first 3 months, the characters can be “bought” at a 100% discount.).
- References: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/keep-skullgirls-growing/ ,
https://twitter.com/Skullgirls/status/317162483947282432 (with some math applied)

I want to donate even though the IGG drive is over. How do I do it?
“If you still wish to contribute to the campaign, you can send Paypal payments directly to operations (at) labzerogames (dot) com. We will be honoring the reward tiers for two weeks, so be sure to make it clear which tier you want and provide your shipping address, if applicable.”
Donate through paypal to operations@labzerogames.com
Reference: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/keep-skullgirls-growing/c=activity
- Reference: https://twitter.com/Skullgirls/status/317184959733460992 (Timestamp?)

How will <insert character here> play?
No one is really sure right now but read the character concepts on this page: http://www.labzerogames.com/3rdcharacter/ . Also note the disclaimers about the character designs being likely to change.
Mike Z has also created “proof of concept” for certain characters’ play mechanics. In order to check them out, you can watch the Lab Zero Twitch channel in Mike Z’s stream archive. http://www.twitch.tv/labzero/videos?kind=past_broadcasts

Will the money from the PC version/DLC character/color pack/etc. go to Lab Zero?
Not all of it, but it is likely that Lab Zero will see some money from sales.

Speaking of DLC colors, when will those go on sale?
When the patch gets released on the Xbox 360. Microsoft has a policy of not allowing purchasable content on the 360 if it gets released first on another console.

Will the money that Autumn owes Lab Zero be used to make more characters?
No. This is money that the team is owed for the work they have already done on the game. It is their money to spend as they wish.

So what’s the deal with Juju?
She’s stuck in legal hell. Basically, she’s a character based off a silly concept someone posted on Facebook, and one of the artists thought it was funny, so he drew her. Alex Ahad happened to like her and decided to keep her. She’s not up for voting though due to potential legal issues, unless the original creator signs some papers sent through snail mail, giving the rights to Lab Zero. Unless the guy gets back to Lab Zero by Sunday 31st March, she would not be eligible to be voted for in the first fan vote.
- Reference: https://twitter.com/Skullgirls/status/317456047503728641 ,
- To do: Find references about her creation process; I know they’re somewhere in the Salty Cupcake recordings, but I don’t remember exactly where.
- We could link directly to the original facebook post although I’m not sure if that would “encourage” people to go harass the guy.
- I think that’d lead to people harassing the guy. I’m against linking the original post. Maybe post a screenshot of the post but crop the names out.
- Or blank it out yeah I agree.

I want to apply for an animation or clean-up contract with Lab Zero. Can I do it now?
No, the application period ended on March 22nd. If they need more contractors, they will likely announce it on stream or through the official Twitter account.

I want to audition for voice work in the game. Who do I contact?
No one, at the moment. Wait until the audition postings go up. Lab Zero may decide to

I want to apply for an internship with Lab Zero. Is that possible?
Lab Zero does not currently have the finances to hire interns. Mike said on stream (perhaps jokingly) to send an email to jobs@labzero.com if you want to do unpaid work, however several people who have done so have received no reply.

So what’s going on with the Autumn Games lawsuit?
(Answering this one properly could be difficult, but it still deserves to be in the FAQ). Mike has given some decent explanations on the various streams.
Essentially, Autumn Games (and Konami) was getting sued by City National Bank over a loan. This lawsuit has since resolved, now, but Autumn Games is now suing someone else (Clarification required) to get money back from the previous lawsuit.
Dicks dicks
For the extra voice packs (Republican Double, Valley Girl Painwheel, etc.), will I be forced to listen to what my opponent is using?
No. Mike has said that it is actually easier to not implement the voice packs in this way, and it is of course less annoying for the other player.
- Reference: http://www.twitch.tv/eightysixed/b/383686801?t=5h33m23s timestamp: 5:33:23

Will Robo-Fortune be a completely different character from Ms Fortune or just a reskin? How different will they be?
Robo-Fortune will be about as different from Ms. Fortune as Robo-Ky is from Ky in the newer Guilty Gears. Read: Pretty different.
- Reference: http://www.twitch.tv/eightysixed/b/383686801?t=5h30m59s , timestamp: 5:30:59
- Reference: http://www.twitch.tv/eightysixed/b/383686801?t=5h32m45s , timestamp:
What is “undizzy”? (Shouldn’t this go on the Skullheart wiki once that is back up?) (Yeah although the feature is not final yet so I’m not sure if it’s wiki material)
- Undizzy is a mechanic that Mike Z is currently testing that aims to stop overly long combos, while the existing Infinite Prevention System (IPS) aims to stop infinite combos. If it is implemented into the game, then it will work in tandem with IPS. A certain amount of attacks on the opponent will cause them to “fall out” of the combo.
- Basically, lights add 30, mediums add 20, heavies add 10, specials and supers add zero, cap is 550. Once you hit 550 your opponent spirals out of your combo high into the air. For some reason they carry over through fast resets (within 6 frames, although this is still tentative and that number may change). They also carry over across DHCs.

Will the PC version features such as lobbies be available for the console versions as well?
The plan is to make them available for the console versions eventually, but Lab Zero will need to check with their investors who are funding the PC version whether there is a clause that makes certain PC version features only PC-exclusive.
source: http://www.twitch.tv/eightysixed/b/383686801?t=5h30m - Timestamp: 5:30:00 (literally)

So who is this “Zone” person and what does he do for Lab Zero?
ZONE is a well-known flash animator. He’s (or she?) contracted to do animation for Lab Zero. Contrary to popular belief, him being an animation contractor for Lab Zero will have no effect on Skullgirls’ ESRB rating. (You guys can argue amongst yourselves if that last sentence is necessary. I don’t think it is, but I figure someone’ll make a comment about his work anyways.)

Zone took the same animation test as everyone else who applied and passed, there are no other reasons why.

I got the tier (Patron Saint and up) where I can put my character into a background of a stage. Will I have to give up my rights to my character to do this?
Generally, putting a character into Skullgirls will automatically mean that Autumn Games will own the copyright to it, but Peter (the CEO of Lab Zero) is in talk with Autumn Games in order to make an exception for this.

Will the PC version run on my computer?
The system requirement for Skullgirls isn’t finalised but Mike Z can develop and run the game on his less-than-stellar laptop.
source: I think Mike mentioned the spec of his toaster either on Tuesday’s Salty or last week’s?

Will there be a Mac or a Linux version of Skullgirls?
There are no confirmations for either, but a Linux developer and a Mac developer have expressed their interests in helping Lab Zero port the game to these two operating systems
source: The mac thing was on today’s Salty. Linux thing was a few weeks ago
(The Linux guy is a Salty Cupcake regular so the Linux port is talked about nearly every week, I think. I’ve heard it atleast three times now from the guy; his name is Fred. That guy.) (0h awesome)

I have an idea for a character for Skullgirls. Can I send it to Lab Zero for them to be considered?
No, just no.
- See Juju for reference.

Will Skullgirls be at EVO 2013?
Skullgirls will be present at EVO as a side tournament. Because of the amazing amount of money we raised for the EVO Breast Cancer Research donation drive, EVO organisers have agreed to let the top 8 matches of Skullgirls be on the main stage. They will also have dedicated space for the tournament in the Bring Your Own Console (BYOC) area and will have a $1,000 pot bonus with no entry fee. (SO GO PLAY!)

Any other major tournaments featuring Skullgirls?
Texas Showdown 2013, Houston, TX April 12-14 https://txshowdown.com
Civil War V, Richmond, VA April 19-21 http://rvatournaments.tumblr.com/CivilWarDetails
UFGT9 Chicago, IL May 24-26 http://ufgtus.wordpress.com/
CEO2013 Orlando, FL June 28-30 http://ceogaming.org/

If you want to know if a tournament near you is hosting Skullgirls check out the Shoryuken Tournaments & Events page here: http://forums.shoryuken.com/categories/tournaments-events
Also Skullheart when it’s back up.

Which story mode in Skullgirls is the canon one? Will there be a canon story mode?
None of the character endings are canon (although some of them do contain some “truths” in the overall story). Lab Zero has plans to make a canon story eventually, but Alex Ahad has said that he needs Umbrella, Marie and Black Dahlia to be playable in order to make the first part of the canon story.

Will Lab Zero put Survival Mode/Challenge Mode/other game modes in the game?
While some game modes could be implemented into the game, they would require time and hence money to implement. Right now Lab Zero’s priority is to implement the new DLC characters.

What are the results of the IGG Keep Skullgirls Growing campaign?
Great success! With $829,829 raised on the IGG site.

- Squigly
- Squigly’s Stage and Music
- Squigly’s Story Mode
- Big Band
- Big Band’s Stage and Music
- Big Band’s Story Mode
- Fan-selected Character #1
- Fan-selected Character #1’s Stage and Music
- Fan-selected Character #1’s Story Mode
- Fan-selected Character #2
- Fan-selected Character #2’s Stage and Music
- Fan-selected Character #2’s Story Mode
- Robo-Fortune
- Robo-Fortune’s Stage and Music
- Robo-Fortune’s Story Mode
- Bonus Stage: River King Casino
- Bonus Stage: The Glass Canopy
- “Republican Double” Voice Pack by Kaiji Tang
- “Female Announcer” Voice Pack by Cristina Vee
- “Salty Parasoul” Voice Pack by Erin Fitzgerald
- “Drunk Commentator” Voice Pack by Joshua Tomar
- “Valley Girl Painwheel” Voice Pack by Danielle McRae
- “Saxploitation” Voice Pack by Rich Brown
- “Anime Peacock” Voice Pack by Sarah Williams
- “Real Soviet Announcer” Voice Pack by MikeZ
- “New Black Egrets” Voice Pack by Kaiji Tang

Robo Fortune isn't exactly a "full" character as such, since it will probably share quite a few moves with Ms. Fortune. Basically, compare Ky and Robo-Ky in Guilty Gear and you'll get the general idea.
Mike considers Robo Ky his own character if you go by what he said last night on the stream. Maybe there was a point in GG when Robo Ky wasn't that different, but he became his own man(erm.. machine) after a while.
Robo-Ky's actually pretty darn different in practice. Not just his heat management and charging up his power, but all the other attacks he's got which are totally new and/or dramatically changed. Even the normals he has "in common" with Ky have very different uses. I suspect Robo-Fortune will follow the same lines.
The only way to be safe is to join Team Annie.

You can't resist, don't try.
The best team.
What's so great about Annie? I can not comprehend it.
Galactic theme crossed with non frilly magical girl and surprising inner viciousness. It's pretty different from your standard Platinum or Sailor Moon type of MG.
For a while I thought Eliza was the clear front-runner, but now I'm not so sure...

This whole process should be really interesting and fun. And I'm loving all the fan art is community is putting out to advocate their choices. And I expect that only to get better and more fevered in the second vote.
Following the straw poll and she went way down. Annie is way up and Beowulf is now in there. I think Umbrella got Adam to rig the votes in her favor.

Still thinking of how to make the voting thread.
I will be really disappointed if both the fan voted characters are girls. We need at least one more male character with Big Band.
Yeah, I'll be pretty disappointed if there are no new guys added. I don't even want both Feng and Annie to win at the same time despite them being in my top 4. Game needs dicks for the guys(I never thought I'd say that in relation to the FGC lol) to give it a shot.
Maybe when the voting starts (or just before) we could make a new thread Heres an FAQ provided to me by Mr. ECKS and J-boogie from the Skullheart IRC

FAQ Document here
Good shit on the FAQ. It's pretty comprehensive.
Okay i r not gud with fighting gamez

Who do I vote for if I want small, fast, quick and low damage dealing fighting, as them saying who they play like does nothing for me as I don't know most of what they're referencing. Like Wolverine or Spiderman in MVC2 type guys/girls.

I hate big slow guys, they're not fun to me harumph.

And if I don't vote for that, I'll just vote for the silliest looking things like Dr. Sharkhead there.


Other than the character selection, are there any other questions you'd like to see in the poll?

Right now I've also got...

- Where you live
- What was the primary consideration for your character selection - Story, Gameplay or Appearance?​
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