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Skyrim coming to Nintendo Switch [Maybe?]

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Symbolic or not, truly means nothing until we see more games. Why should I care about the Switch if I don't like Nintendo games, hypothetically? I personally do and am ready to play the next Mario and Zelda asap, but people are going to want more than 5 year old ports and aren't going to ditch a console that has every new game day 1 for a console that MIGHT get those games.

I'm excited that From Software is partnering with Nintendo too, I just need to see the games. Dark Souls 3 would make the Switch a must buy for me, really

I was on the fence about buying a ps4 for dark souls 3, but if I can get it on the Nintendo switch it is an instant buy for me, too.
I think people have short memories, and are extremely optimistic because it's a big reveal day. But yeah...I don't see how this is any different than the Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, and Arkham City ports on the Wii U. Everyone was saying things would be different with those, but this screams "Wait and see" to me. We've definitely been down this road before. Who knows though, maybe some new third party support will get announced. But ports of remasters of last gen games doesn't exactly push me to want to purchase a new console.
I think a big reason the Wii U lost so much third party support was because the much more powerful next gen consoles were being announced and launched a year later. Devs already moved production to the XB1 and PS4 and the power gap was too large to bother with downports to the Wii U. Plus the system sold like garbage (not just the lack of third parties, but also Nintendo taking forever to get a good lineup of games on it) which drove third parties away for good on the system.

We still need to know way more about the Switch before we can say definitively, but assuming this is the remastered edition of Skyrim (which technically makes it a current gen game), then that means the Switch is probably a lot closer to XB1 and PS4 power than the Wii U was.

I think the fact that the more powerful PS4 Pro and XB1 Scorpio are coming out might actually help too (rather than hurt like what happened to the Wii U). Devs are probably learning to make their games more scalable, so with any luck it might be easier to put things onto the Switch.

Maybe a bit too much wishful thinking on my part, but I'm optimistic. Honestly, I'll probably still play most third party games on PC, but stuff like Skyrim would be great to have on a portable system. My wishlist right now for Switch would be Borderlands series, Fallout 4, Persona 5, and the Dark Souls series.
After taking time to think of it... lol wtf were they thinking ? Dedicating this much time to a 5 year old game ? This is Wii U all over again.
I was on the fence about buying a ps4 for dark souls 3, but if I can get it on the Nintendo switch it is an instant buy for me, too.

Skyrim is rubbish people should be more excited that fromsoftware is behind it

Symbolic or not, truly means nothing until we see more games. Why should I care about the Switch if I don't like Nintendo games, hypothetically? I personally do and am ready to play the next Mario and Zelda asap, but people are going to want more than 5 year old ports and aren't going to ditch a console that has every new game day 1 for a console that MIGHT get those games.

I'm excited that From Software is partnering with Nintendo too, I just need to see the games. Dark Souls 3 would make the Switch a must buy for me, really.

I was more excited to see From software on the dev list.

The list of developers has me cautiously optimistic, but I wanna see the games before I care. From Software in particular has me excited, but again, need to see the games. If I can get, say, Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 on the console, that could tip me over to get the Switch instead of a PS4 for the time being.

Imagine if From is doing a Soulsborne game exclusive to Switch... Souls game portable, oh my.

They are probably porting DS1.

This is a reminder that Fromsoft have released games on Nintendo hardware as recently as last year.


Yes I am here specifically to dash preemptive hopes for a game you'd expect from fromsoft
We still need to know way more about the Switch before we can say definitively, but assuming this is the remastered edition of Skyrim (which technically makes it a current gen game), then that means the Switch is probably a lot closer to XB1 and PS4 power than the Wii U was.
That's why showing Skyrim was, imo, a bad move. We have no idea of knowing if it's the most recent version of the game or if it's the old one. Showing something like Fallout 4 instantly would say to audiences "Hey look! It's Bethesda's latest and great which you can now play on Nintendo Switch!" It's up in the air now, but hopefully not for long as more info is presented to us. The huge lineup of 3rd parties has me optimistic; I doubt people like From Software and Epic Games would show support if they couldn't release their latest titles, but truly we won't know until we see the games. For all we know they'll be making small pet projects and releasing them on the Switch.


Gold Member
Nintendo showing Skyrim in this commercial is them symbolically announcing that they are actively trying to improve their third party relations. That is all.

Late to the party but you're still missing HIS point. People thought the same thing when Nintendo showed the enhanced version of Mass Effect 3 for Wii U. It made it appear that Nintendo was repairing their image with third party devs, especially big name ones like EA who had all but fled from the Wii in the back half of its lifespan.

Like Skyrim on Switch to Bethesda, porting ME3 with a few additions to the Wii U was a low risk venture for EA. If the Wii U failed to pick up steam, EA could simply walk away and not give a damn. If the Switch fails to pick up marketshare, Bethesda can just walk away and give the "well, we tried" excuse.

You want to know what would have made this more interesting from the point of view of "OMG Bethesda is supporting the Switch"? A purely this-gen game: Fallout 4, with DLC. Not a port of a 5 year old game that's about to drop as a slightly enhanced "special edition" on the PS4 and Xbox One anyway.

On a HANDHELD device.

None of which changes any of his points. The fact that it's handheld only matters in that I'm laughing at people who think they're going to be able to play Skyrim on battery power for more than 2-3 hours at a time before having to plug it right back into the TV dock.


None of which changes any of his points. The fact that it's handheld only matters in that I'm laughing at people who think they're going to be able to play Skyrim on battery power for more than 2-3 hours at a time before having to plug it right back into the TV dock.

They will be too busy for those 2-3 hours to care about you.
That's why showing Skyrim was, imo, a bad move. We have no idea of knowing if it's the most recent version of the game or if it's the old one. Showing something like Fallout 4 instantly would say to audiences "Hey look! It's Bethesda's latest and great which you can now play on Nintendo Switch!" It's up in the air now, but hopefully not for long as more info is presented to us. The huge lineup of 3rd parties has me optimistic; I doubt people like From Software and Epic Games would show support if they couldn't release their latest titles, but truly we won't know until we see the games. For all we know they'll be making small pet projects and releasing them on the Switch.

Definitely. Fallout 4 would have cleared things up a bit more for us in terms of power, but I'm guessing they didn't do that because either
a. Switch isn't powerful enough (i hope it is!)
b. it's just not ready yet
c. Fallout 4 didn't have the greatest buzz, especially compared to Skyrim

I'm really hoping we get a consistent drip feed of information from Nintendo and developers over the next 5 months.
None of which changes any of his points. The fact that it's handheld only matters in that I'm laughing at people who think they're going to be able to play Skyrim on battery power for more than 2-3 hours at a time before having to plug it right back into the TV dock.
That sounds well within my typical handheld gaming session length.
Looking at my 3DS rankings, the longest average play session I had was about an hour and it was only with RPGs like Pokemon Y and Paper Mario.

Absolute worst case scenario and the system only has 2 hours of battery with graphic intensive games, then I'll look into buying a battery case or something for it. Most handheld systems launch with those pretty quick, I remember getting one for my 3DS that worked pretty great.


Late to the party but you're still missing HIS point. People thought the same thing when Nintendo showed the enhanced version of Mass Effect 3 for Wii U. It made it appear that Nintendo was repairing their image with third party devs, especially big name ones like EA who had all but fled from the Wii in the back half of its lifespan.

Like Skyrim on Switch to Bethesda, porting ME3 with a few additions to the Wii U was a low risk venture for EA. If the Wii U failed to pick up steam, EA could simply walk away and not give a damn. If the Switch fails to pick up marketshare, Bethesda can just walk away and give the "well, we tried" excuse.

You want to know what would have made this more interesting from the point of view of "OMG Bethesda is supporting the Switch"? A purely this-gen game: Fallout 4, with DLC. Not a port of a 5 year old game that's about to drop as a slightly enhanced "special edition" on the PS4 and Xbox One anyway.

To be fair, EA and Bethesda are not really comparable. Of course EA would port stuff to WiiU, but few people would expect Bethesda to do anything at all on a Nintendo console.

That being said, I also don't think it means much in terms of third party support. I don't even think they were trying to make this point anyway. They are probably just showing that now you can play something as big and epic as Skyrim on a portable system. And from the impressions I'm reading and watching around the web, they were mostly successfull with that. A lot of people seem impressed that you can play Skyrim on a mobile unit. In my opinion they should probably have showed another third party game (a new one) alongside Skyrim.
How many times are you guys going to let Nintendo blow smoke up your ass with this kind of image before you learn any better?

Look at the difference between those two images in addition to their first party studios. I'm not even a Nintendo fan but some of you guys are salty as hell.


This has to be the remaster, otherwise why even bother. But I think this could be a bad idea. If this is a launch game along side Zelda, it's gonna get crushed. Maybe Fallout 4 would've been a better idea? Or perhaps Zelda won't be there at launch.


How many times are you guys going to let Nintendo blow smoke up your ass with this kind of image before you learn any better?


Shh. This time is totally different. The third party support that has been declining for two decades is definitely coming back.
How many times are you guys going to let Nintendo blow smoke up your ass with this kind of image before you learn any better?


To be fair their current lineup of 3rd party developers are much higher profile than what you showed, AND there's more than 2x the amount. Not saying we're gonna get anything great just yet, but keep that mind. There are a lot more companies on board this time


How many times are you guys going to let Nintendo blow smoke up your ass with this kind of image before you learn any better?

Every developer on that WiiU list was one that had previously worked on the Wii (which, it should be noted, was a very successful system).

Meanwhile, we have two very prominent developers/publishers that explicitly did not support either suddenly pledging support for the Switch.


How many times are you guys going to let Nintendo blow smoke up your ass with this kind of image before you learn any better?


Most of those started with some support, some with good exclusives. The problem was they were too little too late. Off-TV might not have been enough to switch from a more powerful console or rebuy last year's game but full portability? If I bought a 100 hour RPG it's very likely I want to have more time to play it than I can get in front of a TV. Even if I've played it once, a portable version may give me more of an excuse to replay it. The other important part is that Switch does seem to support the most popular engines meaning ports won't require as much investment.
To be fair their current lineup of 3rd party developers are much higher profile than what you showed, AND there's more than 2x the amount.

If you look closer you'll see that the new list includes middleware and engines like Havok, FMOD, and Unity. The older image has just publishers.


I just realized that the 3.5mm audio jack at the top is really damn stupid. If you want any distance from the thing you basically always have a cable dangling in front of the screen.

Yeah, that's annoying hope it moves for the final model or has some sort of clip on the back. Or supports bluetooth.


I just realized that the 3.5mm audio jack at the top is really damn stupid. If you want any distance from the thing you basically always have a cable dangling in front of the screen.

Where would you put it? Sides are taken up and you cant put on the bottom if you want to set it down as in the plane example.


We got games from all those companies though

No Wii U games from Konami to my knowledge, a grand total of ONE Wii U game from Take 2, two up-ports of 3DS titles from Capcom and hahahahahaha EA.

If you'd like me to put further research in I can pick apart the rest of the companies on that board, but outside of Sega, Ubisoft, and (arguably) Activison none of those publishers were particularly supportive of the Wii U.

I think EA is the most damning. They couldn't even bother to release Madden on the Wii U past launch...MADDEN! The most sure-fire selling game ever.
Personally I am stoked. Open world games like this have become one of my biggest timesinks in recent years, and nooooothing on DS or 3DS scratched that itch. I was excited to see Zelda go in a direction more like this, and even more excited when it became apparent I'd be able to play that Zelda away from home. Now Skyrim too? Hell yeah.

I don't get a lot of the negativity. Hey, why Ocarina of Time for 3DS? Nobody's going to buy that, it's thirteen years old and already been released for two generations of consoles.
It is almost defintiely the remastered edition that PS4/XBO is getting. It would be ridiculous if it was the original PS360 version.
I hear people saying things like this, and I guess I haven't been paying much attention to the remaster, but how much difference does it make? I thought it was basically the old version with sliders pushed up and a few new effects? In which case I would assume any Switch version would be somewhere between the PS360 versions and PS4One versions?
Haines said:
Well, i havent played it so maybe im wrong?

I thought i would be able to fire it up and just explore. Thats what i did in oblivion back in the day.
No, that's right. A big world to explore a piece of at any given time is a big reason I've wanted something like this portable.
Rodney McKay said:
Definitely. Fallout 4 would have cleared things up a bit more for us in terms of power, but I'm guessing they didn't do that because either
a. Switch isn't powerful enough (i hope it is!)
b. it's just not ready yet
c. Fallout 4 didn't have the greatest buzz, especially compared to Skyrim
Given what we've seen I see no reason to doubt Fallout 4 could run on Switch, though it probably wouldn't compare as nicely to the other versions whereas with Skyrim it's just everyone getting an improved version of an old game at this point.

But we know they're not done with Fallout 4 releases yet. They've still got a bit of DLC and next year will have the VR version for PC, so maybe if Skyrim Switch passes the test they'll be ready to release "Fallout 4 Complete Edition" or whatever alongside other versions of it.
Yeah, thinking about it, they really didn't have much options with their controller strategy.

Still sucks though.
Maybe it'll have Bluetooth?

Maybe that's how the little wireless controllers connect, and Switch could have the added benefit of being able to connect wireless headphones.


No Wii U games from Konami to my knowledge, a grand total of ONE Wii U game from Take 2, two up-ports of 3DS titles from Capcom and hahahahahaha EA.

If you'd like me to put further research in I can pick apart the rest of the companies on that board, but outside of Sega, Ubisoft, and (arguably) Activison none of those publishers were particularly supportive of the Wii U.

I think EA is the most damning. They couldn't even bother to release Madden on the Wii U past launch...MADDEN! The most sure-fire selling game ever.
And yet here they are. If they didn't think it was really worth it, they wouldn't bother period. They managed just fine having abandoned the WiiU and have nothing to lose by sitting another Nintendo console out.
But we know they're not done with Fallout 4 releases yet. They've still got a bit of DLC and next year will have the VR version for PC, so maybe if Skyrim Switch passes the test they'll be ready to release "Fallout 4 Complete Edition" or whatever alongside other versions of it.

I would absolutely love that (assuming it runs ok).

I rarely mess with PC mods, so a Fallout 4 GOTY edition on Switch might make me choose it over the PC for once. I honestly can't remember the last time I didn't buy a multiconsole game on the PC, but the NX might start changing that in a few cases.
This announcement has given me the strength to hold off on buying the ps4 version. I was already so sour on the pathetic mod situation that I told myself I shouldn't buy it, but goddamn did I fucking love that game and want to play it again. Now I have something to keep me grounded and resist dammit.
Lol why are some people saying Skyrim is a waste. It wasn't a waste when the remastered version was announced earlier this year and its easily Bethesda's most distinguished title (sorry Fallout 4 I still love you).

Considering how for months now we've talked about how getting lower end ports of PS4/XBO shouldn't be a problem, Skyrim Remastered was a shoe-in for the first Bethesda title.


Lol why are some people saying Skyrim is a waste. It wasn't a waste when the remastered version was announced earlier this year and its easily Bethesda's most distinguished title (sorry Fallout 4 I still love you).

Considering how for months now we've talked about how getting lower end ports of PS4/XBO shouldn't be a problem, Skyrim Remastered was a shoe-in for the first Bethesda title.

Just a chance to shit on Nintendo.

People can't pass that up.

I would not be purchasing this as a handheld first and foremost.

Makes no difference what YOUR preference are. When it comes to the possibilities the Switch brings, we will be able to play Skyrim (remaster?) on a handheld. That's crazy. And it opens up so many possibilities in the future.
Lol why are some people saying Skyrim is a waste. It wasn't a waste when the remastered version was announced earlier this year and its easily Bethesda's most distinguished title (sorry Fallout 4 I still love you).

Considering how for months now we've talked about how getting lower end ports of PS4/XBO shouldn't be a problem, Skyrim Remastered was a shoe-in for the first Bethesda title.

No kidding, every social media channel I've seen has people freaking out at the idea of playing Skyrim on a handheld.

This is an exciting prospect to a decent amount of people. Skyrim is still a relevant and well-known game to the general public.


Makes no difference what YOUR preference are. When it comes to the possibilities the Switch brings, we will be able to play Skyrim (remaster?) on a handheld.

Of course it matters, because I'm one of many people with a similar mindset. I don't give a shit about Skyrim. I hate Bethesda RPGs, but they are representative of something much more significant - third parties not present on the Wii being willing to give this system a shot. If Skyrim tanks, they will likely not continue to support the system.
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