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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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Just listened to Gies on the recent Rebel FM discussing Doom. He essentially stated that he used an elite controller on the Xbone, and apparently played with the sticks reversed(guessing he is a southpaw), but the problem was that this also reversed the triggers, thus the shoot button was on the left trigger making it very awkward to acclimate(he just wanted the sticks reversed). On top of that he complained the sensitivity of the elite controller profile he was using caused his aiming to overshoot targets constantly until he made adjustments.

Essentially the video was likely recorded during this whole process which did not show him or the game in the best light, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Still an immensely poor decision to even utilize that footage at all assuming all of the above to be a factor, particularly for a site like Polygon where credibility is their trade.

That's just excuses, forget the shooting part the aiming was off from the get go and sensitivity changes won't make that big of a difference. Unless the controller was set to southpaw and the player wasn't a southpaw it makes little sense to use that reasoning.

Elite controller allows you to map any button to any action, so even if he selected southpaw and LT/RT were reversed he could have fixed it in a matter of 10 seconds and done so before he even began the game. Same for sensitivity,which can be defaulted to a normal non elite controller. So he was aware enough to know what's causing the issue but not aware enough to have the controller settings changed within seconds and instead kept on going for 30 minutes like that?


That's just excuses, forget the shooting part the aiming was off from the get go and sensitivity changes won't make that big of a difference. Unless the controller was set to southpaw and the player wasn't a southpaw it makes little sense to use that reasoning.

Elite controller allows you to map any button to any action, so even if he selected southpaw and LT/RT were reversed he could have fixed it in a matter of 10 seconds and done so before he even began the game. Same for sensitivity,which can be defaulted to a normal non elite controller. So he was aware enough to know what's causing the issue but not aware enough to have the controller settings changed within seconds and instead kept on going for 30 minutes like that?

Not only that, but even uploading the video that shows a game in a bad light thanks to external factors without having any kind of disclaimer......


Just listened to Gies on the recent Rebel FM discussing Doom. He essentially stated that he used an elite controller on the Xbone, and apparently played with the sticks reversed(guessing he is a southpaw), but the problem was that this also reversed the triggers, thus the shoot button was on the left trigger making it very awkward to acclimate(he just wanted the sticks reversed). On top of that he complained the sensitivity of the elite controller profile he was using caused his aiming to overshoot targets constantly until he made adjustments.

Essentially the video was likely recorded during this whole process which did not show him or the game in the best light, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Still an immensely poor decision to even utilize that footage at all assuming all of the above to be a factor, particularly for a site like Polygon where credibility is their trade.

Polygon and Gies in particular have no credibility, unless people keep pretending history started yesterday.


He's so terrified at having to come clean on being wrong he welches on a bet.



Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
That's just excuses.
Elite controller allows you to map any button to any action, so even if he selected southpaw and LT/RT were reversed he could have fixed it in a matter of 10 seconds and done so before he even began the game. Same for sensitivity,which can be defaulted to a normal non elite controller.

So he was aware enough to know what's causing the issue but not aware enough to have the controller settings changed within seconds and instead kept on going for 30 minutes like that?

Hey I'm with you. It was a terrible choice and an editorial snafu to bother pushing his supposed settings wankery video to the public space, particularly for a game that is relatively unknown and secretive up through launch. I'm just stating what was mentioned on the podcast, not defending it. I've never used an elite controller so am completely unaware that it even offered such profile settings until his remarks.

At the end of the day, it's absolutely a disservice to his audience and the product that he not get his personal settings handicap sorted before uploading a video. I'm an inverted aim player, I would never upload pre-launch game footage of my struggles to aim properly until flicking on inverted Y-axis in options. Yet he effectively did just that. (And yes it makes no sense he would continue to struggle for as long as he did given how far the footage goes...)


Just listened to Gies on the recent Rebel FM discussing Doom. He essentially stated that he used an elite controller on the Xbone, and apparently played with the sticks reversed(guessing he is a southpaw), but the problem was that this also reversed the triggers, thus the shoot button was on the left trigger making it very awkward to acclimate(he just wanted the sticks reversed). On top of that he complained the sensitivity of the elite controller profile he was using caused his aiming to overshoot targets constantly until he made adjustments.

Essentially the video was likely recorded during this whole process which did not show him or the game in the best light, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Still an immensely poor decision to even utilize that footage at all assuming all of the above to be a factor, particularly for a site like Polygon where credibility is their trade.

That's some bullshit right there. Wouldn't he realize something was wrong about 2 minutes into the game...instead of playing it for 30+ minutes. Come on now.

Also, I could have sworn he claimed it wasn't him playing on Twitter. Did I read that wrong?


Hey I'm with you. It was a terrible choice and an editorial snafu to bother pushing his supposed settings wankery video to the public space, particularly for a game that is relatively unknown and secretive up through launch. I'm just stating what was mentioned on the podcast, not defending it. I've never used an elite controller so am completely unaware that it even offered such profile settings until his remarks.

At the end of the day, it's absolutely a disservice to his audience and the product that he not get his personal settings handicap sorted before uploading a video. I'm an inverted aim player, I would never upload pre-launch game footage of my struggles to aim properly until flicking on inverted Y-axis in options. Yet he effectively did just that. (And yes it makes no sense he would continue to struggle for as long as he did given how far the footage goes...)
Do we know for sure it's Gies? I saw him playing a bit on Twitch the other night. Was at least as competent as me... which is to say, not too shabby.


Do we know for sure it's Gies? I saw him playing a bit on Twitch the other night. Was at least as competent as me... which is to say, not too shabby.

I am pretty sure it is Russ Frushtick, he flat out said on the 404 podcast Friday,he was uploading video of him playing Doom to Polygon FB. Which is the video in question.

People seemed to ignore this. Honestly though who cares who played it. The discussion is more about is it better or worse to show gameplay footage from people not good at the game?

Me personally still dont care.

Honestly to me it looked like someone playing mouse and keyboard for the very first time.

Also Russ was commenting on how he couldn't capture at a higher res and some other things were going on.
I am pretty sure it is Russ Frushtick, he flat out said on the 404 podcast Friday,he was uploading video of him playing Doom to Polygon FB. Which is the video in question.

People seemed to ignore this. Honestly though who cares who played it. The discussion is more about is it better or worse to show gameplay footage from people not good at the game?

Me personally still dont care.

Honestly to me it looked like someone playing mouse and keyboard for the very first time.

Also Russ was commenting on how he couldn't capture at a higher res and some other things were going on.
He also tweeted how much fun he had playing it. I don't know, he's bad at the game, but some people are. Part of me thinks that if even 20% of all players are as bad as he is, his viewpoint on a game is perfectly valid.
Oh hey, we just recreated the internet. /And scene.

In all seriousness this whole thing is embarrassing and petty. And still kind of hilarious.

it's a tempest in a teapot for sure. and a spectacularly petty one even by video game standards. trying to understand why it matters or why people care has flipped from funny to exacerbating several times for me.


Why would anyone want an educated opinion from someone who is clrearly not educated in the subject matter?

Reminded me of my dad trying to figure both controllers sticks at once.

Honestly looks like a media stun for them clicks, exploiting a hot topic like gg and stuff like that.
Why would anyone want an educated opinion from someone who is clrearly not educated in the subject matter?

Reminded me of my dad trying to figure both controllers sticks at once.

Honestly looks like a media stun for them clicks, exploiting a hot topic like gg and stuff like that.

what makes you think that this is what's happening.


what makes you think that this is what's happening.

Well, any real news outlet woudln't release a film review by the weather guy because there are systems in the way to check for things like these. The weather guy has no business doing film reviews.

So at the end is a case of actual incompetence vs willing incompetence. Since Polygon is known for controversy and click baiting, I think the most logical thing would be to assume willing incompetence.

Polygon reputation won't be damaged for it, because at the end of the day they can point and yell gamergate and everything will be alright. People who hate gg will feel validated, people who love gg will get to feed their persecution complex and everybody will be making money by clicks and a shitload of shitty response videos.


I couldn't believe it either but here it is


Sweet Mother of God.

Holy shit. Is this guy for real

Someone should put this voice over the Doom video

Holy shit. Like, wow.

This is brilliant.

Polygon: The Wonder Years

I have no words for this... this is the beginning of the end. Lol

Ok... come the fuck on. I love gaming, I play shooters, but I DON'T like real bullet-loaded guns and have not fired a real one other than pellet/bb gun as a kid, and air soft gun recently.

The idea of even holding a gun that could kill someone terrifies the hell out of me... I can totally relate with this guy. I want to experience that VR demo/game some day, but some people just put themselves into their game/movie/book/whatever, and feel real emotional feedback from it. And if you are scared of guns, you may simply be scared by this demo, especially when an unexpected round goes off because you didn't consider that there was one in the chamber. And it's perfectly find for normal non-NRA gun-fueled individuals to actually NOT know about that.

And this has NOTHING to do with how good/crappy someone would be playing a dual stick shooter...
If the Video Game International Neogaf Authority has concluded that to be a competent video game player you need to be able to operate both sticks at the same time. And Doom allows forward progress to someone guilty of these crimes of incompetence. Does that make Doom a baby game for babies? Incompetent babies?


If the Video Game International Neogaf Authority has concluded that to be a competent video game player you need to be able to operate both sticks at the same time. And Doom allows forward progress to someone guilty of these crimes of incompetence. Does that make Doom a baby game for babies? Incompetent babies?


And if you don't like it, I suggest you take it up with

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to finishing Ultra Nightmare in this baby game for incompetent babies.

Also, shouldn't it be the Video And Gaming International Neogaf Authority? I feel like that rolls off the tongue better.
Oh boy, John Walker. Of course someone wants to bring that condescending ass into the conversation.

The title of the editorial is right though: You Don’t Need To Be “Good” At Games To Enjoy Them

But we're not talking about simple pleasure seeking. We're talking about a job centered around playing games. And besides that, we're not talking about being average or mediocre with a game. We're also not talking about being "bad" at a perhaps more "impenetrable" genre like a MOBA or an RTS. We're not even really talking about being "bad" at an FPS. We're talking about footage of a game that looks like the person has no idea how to move in a video game, which is an utterly basic skill. Knowing how to "move and look" in a game isn't something that's singularly important for an FPS. That's kind of something required for a good chunk of the industry.

And without some context, like perhaps, a person talking over the video explaining their prior experience with FPS games or how they're struggling to adapt to the controls or "how much fun they're having," what use is the Polygon video to us?

L Thammy

Looks like he banned ReviewTechUSA too, for doing basically nothing. I`m not the biggest fan of RTU, but I agree with him on this one.


I watched this video yesterday for some reason, and I ended up thinking it was pretty fair. I'll try to summarize for people who haven't seen it (and who have probably already formed an opinion). I'm going to call the guy in the video "the guy" because I can't remember his name.

- The guy in the video starts off by saying that he isn't trying to hate on Arthur Gies and doesn't want people harassing him or anything like that.

- The guy also states that he himself sucks at certain video games, such as Dark Souls. He says that he wouldn't do a video of a Souls game himself for that reason, instead leaving it for someone who would show it off better.

- The guy says that he can tolerate people pointing out that he's bad at video games, because he is bad at certain kinds of games, but no one should have to deal with harassment.

- The guy claims that Gies sent him another one of his Doom videos using a previous build where he actually played much better. The guy only found out that Gies had blocked him when he was posting about how he was surprised by the quality of the gameplay in the video he was sent. He thought it was absurd, as if Gies was trying to prove his "gaming manhood" before blocking him.

- He also thought it was absurd that someone whose job is to criticize games seems to be afraid of taking criticism, and thinks it's a bad trend he's also seeing elsewhere. The guy mentioned being blocked by some other journalist who he had never interacted with because someone who had criticized the journalist had simply mentioned this guy.​
Oh boy, John Walker. Of course someone wants to bring that condescending ass into the conversation.

The title of the editorial is right though: You Don’t Need To Be “Good” At Games To Enjoy Them

But we're not talking about simple pleasure seeking. We're talking about a job centered around playing games. And besides that, we're not talking about being average or mediocre with a game. We're also not talking about being "bad" at a perhaps more "impenetrable" genre like a MOBA or an RTS. We're not even really talking about being "bad" at an FPS. We're talking about footage of a game that looks like the person has no idea how to move in a video game, which is an utterly basic skill. Knowing how to "move and look" in a game isn't something that's singularly important for an FPS. That's kind of something required for a good chunk of the industry.

And without some context, like perhaps, a person talking over the video explaining their prior experience with FPS games or how they're struggling to adapt to the controls or "how much fun they're having," what use is the Polygon video to us?


The bottom line is that if you're a videogame site who uploaded that video and considers it good enough to represent the game you're paid to cover, that's a pretty shit site.
- He also thought it was absurd that someone whose job is to criticize games seems to be afraid of taking criticism, and thinks it's a bad trend he's also seeing elsewhere. The guy mentioned being blocked by some other journalist who he had never interacted with because someone who had criticized the journalist had simply mentioned this guy.[/indent]

I've said this before and I'll say this again - if you want to criticize somebody, especially somebody in the games press, Twitter is not the place to do it because you'll be lumped in with the thousands of other people on Twitter shouting you're a SJW, a shill, or whatever the sin of the week is.

Frankly, I'm stunned most of the people in the games press are as nice as they are on Twitter. Or maybe I'm just a raging asshole.


Just listened to Gies on the recent Rebel FM discussing Doom. He essentially stated that he used an elite controller on the Xbone, and apparently played with the sticks reversed(guessing he is a southpaw), but the problem was that this also reversed the triggers, thus the shoot button was on the left trigger making it very awkward to acclimate(he just wanted the sticks reversed). On top of that he complained the sensitivity of the elite controller profile he was using caused his aiming to overshoot targets constantly until he made adjustments.

Essentially the video was likely recorded during this whole process which did not show him or the game in the best light, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Still an immensely poor decision to even utilize that footage at all assuming all of the above to be a factor, particularly for a site like Polygon where credibility is their trade.

If something was wrong, he would've stopped playing and recording to fix the problem. Assuming it's him playing. I have my doubts that it was.

L Thammy

I've said this before and I'll say this again - if you want to criticize somebody, especially somebody in the games press, Twitter is not the place to do it because you'll be lumped in with the thousands of other people on Twitter shouting you're a SJW, a shill, or whatever the sin of the week is.

Frankly, I'm stunned most of the people in the games press are as nice as they are on Twitter. Or maybe I'm just a raging asshole.

As far as I'm aware, Gies went out of his way to prove his gaming skill to this one individual though, so I don't think that's really being lumped in. He could have just blocked him and not bothered responding.

I do think Polygon's had a bit of a track record for responding poorly to criticism. Like with the pie chart fiasco, it was ultimately just a throwaway article with a super obvious premise, so I don't think their reputation would have been damaged if they just said "whoops that was a hell of a mistake haha". Instead they tried to stealthily fix the article, still managed to get the numbers wrong in doing so, and then doubled down on it for some reason. It was weird.


It is pretty unprofessional to put up a 30 minute video for first impressions and have it be shit.

It fuels the conspiracy that they are upset with Bethesda for not supplying a copy of the game without ample review time.



omg smh. there just so much wrong with it. could use it own thread.

I feel sorry for the developers that spend years of their life making these games. Then game reviewer spend a week or weekend rushing through it for deadline. yet "if a games critic is to be of any use to the largest proportion of readers, they need to be in a position to have a normal experience of a game. "

yeah that very "normal."

And they wonder why streamers are taking over. I dont want to read a wall of test about a video game. I see now why they dont post play through.

I would pay to see polygon "play through" of star fox.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Just listened to Gies on the recent Rebel FM discussing Doom. He essentially stated that he used an elite controller on the Xbone, and apparently played with the sticks reversed(guessing he is a southpaw), but the problem was that this also reversed the triggers, thus the shoot button was on the left trigger making it very awkward to acclimate(he just wanted the sticks reversed). On top of that he complained the sensitivity of the elite controller profile he was using caused his aiming to overshoot targets constantly until he made adjustments.

Essentially the video was likely recorded during this whole process which did not show him or the game in the best light, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Still an immensely poor decision to even utilize that footage at all assuming all of the above to be a factor, particularly for a site like Polygon where credibility is their trade.

Gies said on twitter this wasn't him playing in the video


Gies said on twitter this wasn't him playing in the video

wow you are right.

Arthur Gies
because apparently it needs saying, i have not captured any doom footage for polygon. not like i'm captain no-scope, but. not me.

9:31 PM - 12 May 2016


Arthur Gies
still super cool seeing some former professionals act like dicks about it though.

9:32 PM - 12 May 2016

Arthur Gies
also i wouldn't really need to use "i couldn't swap my sticks" as an excuse considering i paid too much for a controller and can remap them.

9:35 PM - 12 May 2016

Arthur Gies
(and that *is* me playing doom. not amazing, not MLG. just *fine.*)

4:05 PM - 14 May 2016



So why did he tell someone else that he was the guy playing?

Not sure but I also saw his tweet about how it was someone in the video department in New York. Unless that was a lie or something.

Did he actually say it was him playing, or did he just happen to also complain about the controls and people are drawing conclusions?
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