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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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aka IMurRIVAL69
wow you are right.

Arthur Gies
because apparently it needs saying, i have not captured any doom footage for polygon. not like i'm captain no-scope, but. not me.

9:31 PM - 12 May 2016


Arthur Gies
still super cool seeing some former professionals act like dicks about it though.

9:32 PM - 12 May 2016

Arthur Gies
also i wouldn't really need to use "i couldn't swap my sticks" as an excuse considering i paid too much for a controller and can remap them.

9:35 PM - 12 May 2016

Arthur Gies
(and that *is* me playing doom. not amazing, not MLG. just *fine.*)

4:05 PM - 14 May 2016


He said it was somebody in NY. Then later went on to say it was him. I'm so confused.


This why I stop going to game sites. Rather watch someone that actually knows how to games on Youtube/Twitch, not some clumsy person on a gaming site.


He said it was somebody in NY. Then later went on to say it was him. I'm so confused.

Arthur Gies the same stupid twat who defended Sim City's game design and even claimed that no one understood the cloud gaming aspect of its online connectivity.

Then it came out that the cloud was offering nothing to the game from EA themselves but Arthur Gies knows best.


That got a sensible chuckle out of me.


Un Rama
Maybe the person playing wasn't using the other analogue stick because they were too busy eating Doritos because of how high they were? Can't blame them for that.

Footage absolved.
My two cents: Knowing how to use two analog sticks is not "being good at videogames." That's literally basic gameplay mechanics that anyone who plays games should be familiar with and a pretty easy concept to understand.
wait, he was actually a tinfoil hat wearing xbone secret sauce guy?

like... actually?

I am pretty sure he was the person to coin the term "secret sauce" when it came to the XB1

Dude was putting in the work trying to make the original always online XB1 plans sound good. More so then anyone at MS was at the time.

But I still think the sure fire way to judge a person in the games press' character is to look at how the reacted during that hole DRM mess. Some people really embarrassed themselves pushing that coolaid.


This has been an issue I have had with "Gaming Media" for quite some time actually. I really don't think you need to be a pro at video games to review them but you should at least be competent and understand the basics. Some genres I believe you should be a bit more skilled at if you're going to do a review.




Ucchedavāda;204021901 said:
The "that is me" was apparently in reference to a different video:


EDIT: Too slow, much like however is playing in the original video.
Well at least he's using both at the same time sticks. That's already good enough for me.
Oh boy, John Walker. Of course someone wants to bring that condescending ass into the conversation.

The title of the editorial is right though: You Don’t Need To Be “Good” At Games To Enjoy Them

But we're not talking about simple pleasure seeking. We're talking about a job centered around playing games. And besides that, we're not talking about being average or mediocre with a game. We're also not talking about being "bad" at a perhaps more "impenetrable" genre like a MOBA or an RTS. We're not even really talking about being "bad" at an FPS. We're talking about footage of a game that looks like the person has no idea how to move in a video game, which is an utterly basic skill. Knowing how to "move and look" in a game isn't something that's singularly important for an FPS. That's kind of something required for a good chunk of the industry.

And without some context, like perhaps, a person talking over the video explaining their prior experience with FPS games or how they're struggling to adapt to the controls or "how much fun they're having," what use is the Polygon video to us?

Not much to add. Not sure where he sees the player "having a lot of fun" in the Polygon video. Not to mention that this is a really vague criteria.


Doesn't he still owe a user on this very forum money from a bet?

He still owes someone on GAF $10 for a bet he lost.

EviLore did call him "the most disreputable member of the enthusiast press" awhile back, so there's that.

He's always around defending DRM with lies, so plussed at being caught out rabbiting on about "secret sauce" he welches on a $10 bet with a gaffer. helping libellous twitter storms vs Notch,
Dude has a pattern of shitty behaviour.

a well known idiot and liar, yes.

Good to know. Thanks


Oh boy, John Walker. Of course someone wants to bring that condescending ass into the conversation.

When the hell did this happen? Jesus Christ.

John Walker is a "condescending ass" now? The only times I've seen people go against him are the gamergate peeps who rankled at his view that sexism shouldn't have a place in gaming (common fucking sense, IMO) or people that took fairly common criticisms against HyperLightDrifter waaayyyy too personally and now have a vendetta against him.

I mean...what the hell.


wow you are right.

Arthur Gies
because apparently it needs saying, i have not captured any doom footage for polygon. not like i'm captain no-scope, but. not me.

9:31 PM - 12 May 2016


Arthur Gies
still super cool seeing some former professionals act like dicks about it though.

9:32 PM - 12 May 2016

Arthur Gies
also i wouldn't really need to use "i couldn't swap my sticks" as an excuse considering i paid too much for a controller and can remap them.

9:35 PM - 12 May 2016

Arthur Gies
(and that *is* me playing doom. not amazing, not MLG. just *fine.*)

4:05 PM - 14 May 2016


Sounds like the guy is pretty good at spreading confusion.

As if writing for Polygon didn't involve that already, ayyy


Sounds like the guy is pretty good at spreading confusion.

As if writing for Polygon didn't involve that already, ayyy

Not really, you're just quoting someone that either has no idea how twitter works or is deliberately trying to misinform you by cutting off Gies' timeline at the exact moment to imply something not actually being said. Here is the previous tweet from 4 minutes before that:


The linked youtube video in his tweet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCgFOKUwEro

Sucks having to defend this guy after avoiding giving his site any clicks for the past year or so.
There is no directive that says you have to be super skilled to play games, much less enjoy them


If you're going to post a video of a game for demonstrative purposes, you probably shouldn't look like you're flailing around with no clue

Or if you are, that cluelessness should be part of the context. And at least throw some amusing commentary on top of it. That video almost looks like someone is playing it one handed. Which might be fine with some context, but... if it's just thrown up under the descriptor of "First 30 minutes" then it kinda stinks like lazy video production, at the very least.
This mess has inspired me to start a series where I have first graders read and review classic books like Moby Dick, War & Peace, Pride & Prejudice, etc.

... Except now that I think of it, they still have enough motor skills to turn the pages.

~~The quest for the perfect analogy continues...~~
So... there really is a witch hunt to find who was playing while that footage was recorded? Is there really nothing better to do? Leave the poor person alone.

They were playing with a controller after all. That is punishment enough!


This mess has inspired me to start a series where I have first graders read and review classic books like Moby Dick, War & Peace, Pride & Prejudice, etc.

... Except now that I think of it, they still have enough motor skills to turn the pages.

~~The quest for the perfect analogy continues...~~

Also...the person in the video is not the reviewer for the game, so it would have to be a video series where you have them read portions from the books and immediately cut away if they offer any opinions.
There are many simple explanations for this.

Playing with a controller is difficult if you're only used to playing with a mouse.

Maybe he wasn't able to or didn't bother to invert the controls.

Perhaps he was distracted.

Perhaps the sensitivity was different than what he was used to.

Maybe he got scared from the game.

Perhaps he got better at the game as time went on?

Shall I continue?

Y'all were just worried about the review score it was going to get... haha.
Y'all were just worried about the review score it was going to get... haha.

Eh...no. I have yet to read a review and have no idea what the Metacritic is. I don't believe I've even opened the review thread. I have no interest in the game whatsoever.

It was made clear on the first page of this thread that the person playing would not be reviewing the game. Review score concern or whatever has absolutely nothing to do with this.

I guess every few days another poster is going to come along and make the same tired arguments without reading the thread to see that those arguments have already been shit on multiple times. But yes, please continue.


There are many simple explanations for this.

Playing with a controller is difficult if you're only used to playing with a mouse.

Maybe he wasn't able to or didn't bother to invert the controls.

Perhaps he was distracted.

Perhaps the sensitivity was different than what he was used to.

Maybe he got scared from the game.

Perhaps he got better at the game as time went on?

Shall I continue?

Y'all were just worried about the review score it was going to get... haha.

And even if that all is true. The video was still posted on YT (by a mayor and important outlet) to get views, attention and in the end money. If a big company puts out videos without caring about the quality than other people are allowed to criticise that lack of quality.


There are many simple explanations for this.

Playing with a controller is difficult if you're only used to playing with a mouse.

Maybe he wasn't able to or didn't bother to invert the controls.

Perhaps he was distracted.

Perhaps the sensitivity was different than what he was used to.

Maybe he got scared from the game.

Perhaps he got better at the game as time went on?

Shall I continue?

All those are valid points, but points that maybe shouldn't apply to someone who is paid to play a game for a website. They should know about the sensitivity and inversion, they should be someone who knows how to use a pad for an FPS. Those issues shouldn't be issues for someone in the position to be paid to play a game for 30 minutes to put up on your gaming website to show gameplay for a new game.

Y'all were just worried about the review score it was going to get... haha.

Where the hell did that come from? Like, seriously, who are you talking to with that? I don't think a single person in this entire, way too big, thread has even mentioned being worried about review scores. People have mentioned that they wouldn't trust a review from someone who doesn't know how to play the game, which is totally fair because why should you trust a product review from someone that doesn't understand the product?
There are many simple explanations for this.

Playing with a controller is difficult if you're only used to playing with a mouse.

Maybe he wasn't able to or didn't bother to invert the controls.

Perhaps he was distracted.

Perhaps the sensitivity was different than what he was used to.

Maybe he got scared from the game.

Perhaps he got better at the game as time went on?

Shall I continue?

Y'all were just worried about the review score it was going to get... haha.

Ridiculous....we are not talking about some random person here. We are talking about a site that makes money reviewing games.

Also that last line...wtf lol.
People have been saying in this thread that this person shouldn't review games because their score wouldn't reflect the reality of being a gamer... I guess. Looks like I hit a nerve.

I like your conspiracy theories though. It might be they were strapped for time and got some intern to do it.


That video is painful to watch, but in his defence, the situation is responsible for this. Usually games start slow in safe area where you can gat familiar with controls, Doom just drops you in between demons. I've actually seen 2 more let's play videos of Doom played with a controller and they both started the same. In one the guy actually managed to die from these possessed workers, just because he was trying to get a hold of control scheme.

My problem with this video is that they chose to present such game playing with controller instead of kb/m, but maybe they didn't have a PC code.
Thats not any better though is it, for the multiple reasons already covered ad nauseum in this thread.

I mean got an intern to capture video while the reviewer was busy playing the game.

Do you have to be good at a game to review it? Is simply playing a game through to the end enough to evaluate it?

This is what I put forward: you can have an opinion on anything.


I mean got an intern to capture video while the reviewer was busy playing the game.

Do you have to be good at a game to review it? Is simply playing a game through to the end enough to evaluate it?

This is what I put forward: you can have an opinion on anything.

And others can have the opinion that your opinion is unqualified and meaningless. Opinions!
I mean got an intern to capture video while the reviewer was busy playing the game.

Do you have to be good at a game to review it? Is simply playing a game through to the end enough to evaluate it?

This is what I put forward: you can have an opinion on anything.
Simply having an opinion doesn't mean it has value.


I am pretty sure it is Russ Frushtick, he flat out said on the 404 podcast Friday,he was uploading video of him playing Doom to Polygon FB. Which is the video in question.

People seemed to ignore this. Honestly though who cares who played it. The discussion is more about is it better or worse to show gameplay footage from people not good at the game?

Me personally still dont care.

Honestly to me it looked like someone playing mouse and keyboard for the very first time.

Also Russ was commenting on how he couldn't capture at a higher res and some other things were going on.
I will really feel bad if its indeed Russ, because he is simply a wonderful person judging from his interaction Jeff Bakalar on the 404 and does not deserve this long thread.


I mean got an intern to capture video while the reviewer was busy playing the game.

Do you have to be good at a game to review it? Is simply playing a game through to the end enough to evaluate it?
If you're reviewing a shooter you need to be able to move and shoot at the same time otherwise how are you going to be able to give a useful review?


Do you have to be good at a game to review it? Is simply playing a game through to the end enough to evaluate it?

I'm with the camp of people who have covered this a bazillion times already - I believe you need a basic level of competence in order for your review to have any merit.

I'm reminded of that old Uncle Clive gaming website where he had a joke Gamer Girlfriends review of Mario Kart; " I JUST KEEP BUMPING OFF THE SIDES!" 3.5 Bridget Jones's out of 5.

Well I'm not so sure. Let's say polygon gave it a 10, then released this video. I'm not sure the response would be the same. People value opinions they agree with.

There are exactly zero people in this thread debating the quality of the game itself. You are grasping at straws.

You're just going in circles. Read the thread. You haven't raise a single point that hasn't already been defeated multiple times.
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