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Sony Computer Entertainment 2011 Fiscal Report : Deficit Over 94.7 Billion Yen

Apple doesn't even make its own game for its own market. What makes you think it will make dedicated console? Also, Google? They can't even get their OS fragmentation shit together, and they have zero hardware know-how.

Samsung will never, ever enter proprietary hardware market. They have zero interest in that. Their next target is imaging area, not gaming.

The console market is not some traditional market that you can think of. Traditional model was selling hardware at loss, getting money back by software loyalty. It will take TREMENDOUS loss at first, guaranteed.

If anything company who wants to go to gaming would probably will go either browser social gaming or mobile gaming.

It will be about platforms, services, and pipeline. Hardware will always play an important role in videogames, but "the box" is becoming obsolete. It will be about playing the same game on multiple devices. And who has those sort of digital delivery platforms in place?


Come on Sony, follow MS right to your doom and give us some crazy hardware next generation. Lol.

Next generation may actually end up interesting if the PS4 and Wii U are comparable and the next MS machine is crazy over-powered.


What's to worry about. They will pay off those debt in 50 years. I'm not complaining as a gamer that they invest money on making games.
March 2013 should be big for Sony and the industry in general. GoW: Acenssion is releasing, and maybe GTA5. Rockstar has released there last 3 titles in March. TLoU might release in the fiscal year as well. They should have a strong finish


What's to worry about. They will pay off those debt in 50 years. I'm not complaining as a gamer that they invest money on making games.

not if Sony corp continue losing money each year as a whole.

Sony president Kaz Hirai steps down from SCE roles.

Maybe this will help in the future.


old news. was posted in this thread several pages/ > 12 hours ago.
Not a chance in hell that it will be Microsoft, at least not with something that could be called a 'console' in any traditional sense.

Of the 3 it's by far most likely to be Microsoft, actually.

For me I think Nintendo is already out of next gen, as I see no chance Wii U will succeed.


Of the 3 it's by far most likely to be Microsoft, actually.

For me I think Nintendo is already out of next gen, as I see no chance Wii U will succeed.

There are 3 consoles coming out next gen. There will be 3 consoles still out at the end of the generation.

Miles X

March 2013 should be big for Sony and the industry in general. GoW: Acenssion is releasing, and maybe GTA5. Rockstar has released there last 3 titles in March. TLoU might release in the fiscal year as well. They should have a strong finish

Gow:A will have legs, if it does anything like GoW3 anyway, certainly not gonna bolt out of the gate. R* games release in May not March, typically. TLoU isn't gonna do huge numbers to begin with either.


Not a chance in hell that it will be Microsoft, at least not with something that could be called a 'console' in any traditional sense.

Of the 3 it's by far most likely to be Microsoft, actually.

For me I think Nintendo is already out of next gen, as I see no chance Wii U will succeed.

Microsoft definitely seems to be going the total multimedia platform route instead of dedicated gaming hardware with multimedia functions. There is nothing wrong with that but a Microsoft-only future would be really sad for all gamers.

A Microsoft-only future is also extremely unlikely due to it being an American company. The industry has traditionally been held up by the East, not the West. Japanese devs for the most part will want to stick with Japanese hardware over Microsoft's system. We have seen it a ton this gen with a lot of reluctance for them to bring their games out on 360 with some key exceptions (like Capcom). This is also why a Sony/Microsoft merger would never happen.

We don't have to worry about this anyways though because even if Sony does fold Nintendo is still around. Nintendo haters abound, I know, but they are still going to be around after this next-gen even if the Wii U utterly fails. They have enough reserves to do that. Plus, if it did utterly fail they have the 3DS to still bring in profits and that system is definitely already a success. On top of that, there is pretty much no way the Wii U actually fails anyways so in summation Nintendo is fine and not going anywhere.
Gow:A will have legs, if it does anything like GoW3 anyway, certainly not gonna bolt out of the gate. R* games release in May not March, typically. TLoU isn't gonna do huge numbers to begin with either.

Have you seen the hype surrounding it? Its gonna do Uncharted numbers.

Miles X

Have you seen the hype surrounding it? Its gonna do Uncharted numbers.

I hear the same thing about every other PS3 exclusive, if we went by hype LBP should have done 2m out of the gate. Heck doesn't Uncharted only manage just above 1m first week? And that's an established franchise that releases towards the holiday season ...

Game Guru

Yeah I can agree here too, Nintendo and Western devs really don't see eye to eye. I just don't know if they will be able to ignore Nintendo this next generation, considering the architecture of the consoles being basically the same and thus portable across the board, and how many devs have closed their doors this generation.

If Sony were to drop out of the console race, third-parties as a whole would be unable to ignore Nintendo anymore. This generation has made it a regular occurance for third-parties to support two systems, but I don't think third-parties can go back to making exclusive games for just one system, and there will be no new competitor to the console market... At least, not a console as we know it. Third-parties will be forced to support both Microsoft and Nintendo. If third-parties do choose exclusivity... Japanese ones will choose Nintendo and Western ones will choose Microsoft because of cultural differences between Japan and the West which prevents the other company as being seen as a viable platform. It will be a dark day in gaming should Sony leave, though. At least, Mircosoft essentially replaced Sega when Sega left. There will be no replacement for Sony.
I hear the same thing about every other PS3 exclusive, if we went by hype LBP should have done 2m out of the gate. Heck doesn't Uncharted only manage just above 1m first week? And that's an established franchise that releases towards the holiday season ...

U3 shipped 3 million at launch. Last of Us has a much more mainstream hype than LBP did if that makes sense.


It's going to sell 18 million in combination with the PSP though. According to Sony.

That number is entirely hypothetical and extremely optimistic, based entirely on having a strong holiday season. Also, them having to include it "in combination with the PSP" should tell you all you need to know.
Last I checked, it's falling in line with Sony's projections.

The projections that have it selling 10 million this fiscal year, when it's almost certainly sold less than 400K total worldwide in the first two months of it?

Yes, multiple Sony executives have claimed that it's selling in line with expectations. They're lying.
What are you checking? Cause it's certainly not Sony's projections and Vita sales which aren't falling in line with each other.

It's a statement a higher-up made, something along the lines of it performing to their expectations.

I'm trying to find it but I'm terrible at GAF searching.
That number is entirely hypothetical and extremely optimistic, based entirely on having a strong holiday season. Also, them having to include it "in combination with the PSP" should tell you all you need to know.

Yeah I was being sarcastic. Sony should know by now that their strongest market (handheld's strongest market in fact) is Japan, instead of focusing their attention on America, where sales wouldn't have been strong anyway, they should've followed on PSP's footsteps and guarantee good japanese support.


Last I checked, it's falling in line with Sony's projections.

It's a statement a higher-up made, something along the lines of it performing to their expectations.

I'm trying to find it but I'm terrible at GAF searching.


You expect an Executive to say,"Yeah the Vita is flopping everywhere. We fucked up."

It's going to sell 18 million in combination with the PSP though. According to Sony.

Maybe with some great channel stuffing to prop up those numbers. Even then probably not.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Their most succesful systems were not the most powerful for the time.
Which time? IIRC all Playstations have been advertised as "more powerful then anything on the market" at launch
but if you mean, N64 (debatable) or Xbox & GCN (machines released way over a year after) then ya got a point in a captain obvious way.
but still, all Playstations have been pushed as powerful machines, PSone with its 3D graphics & PS2 with its emotion engine & 70 million polygons per second.

You expect an Executive to say,"Yeah the Vita is flopping everywhere. We fucked up."

It's not an either/or situation, you know. That's kind of the problem with discussing sales in places like GAF, where everything is treated strictly as either a smashing success or a complete flop.


It's not an either/or situation, you know. That's kind of the problem with discussing sales in places like GAF, where everything is treated strictly as either a smashing success or a complete flop.

There is an in between. The Vita however is not an in-between. It is definitely, right now, a failure. It could very well still be turned around but right now it is not doing well. Sony executives will of course put a positive spin on it but the system needs a lot of support it isn't getting right now.


It's not an either/or situation, you know. That's kind of the problem with discussing sales in places like GAF, where everything either a smashing success or a complete flop.

You are right it isn't any either or or situation.

The Vita is failing world-wide right now. Fact.

Even in its home market, where the majority of handheld support comes from.

No amount of spinning can change that.

Well, for comparison, Iwata publicly acknowledged that 3DS was performing below expectations just a month after the Western launches. Sony isn't quite ready to do the candor thing, apparently.

I was waiting for someone to bring that up. Iwata is truly an anomaly.


Which time? IIRC all Playstations have been advertised as "more powerful then anything on the market" at launch
but if you mean, N64 (debatable) or Xbox & GCN (machines released way over a year after) then ya got a point in a captain obvious way.
but still, all Playstations have been pushed as powerful machines, PSone with its 3D graphics & PS2 with its emotion engine & 70 million polygons per second.

There is an in between. The Vita however is not an in-between. It is definitely, right now, a failure. It could very well still be turned around but right now it is not doing well. Sony executives will of course put a positive spin on it but the system needs a lot of support it isn't getting right now.

I'm watching their actions as well as hearing their talk. Their behavior at E3 where the Vita was barely mentioned in the presser, along with their refusal to do a price drop when everyone predicted it, and their talk surrounding their future titles as well their "in line with expectations" paints a clear picture: it's a slow start and they're not worried that it is one. If they were truly worried we'd be seeing a presser almost entirely focused on it, a price drop, and statements promising aggressive expansion.


Well, for comparison, Iwata publicly acknowledged that 3DS was performing below expectations just a month after the Western launches. Sony isn't quite ready to do the candor thing, apparently.

Iwata is definitely an odd exception of a company exec. Most do not act like him. His entire philosophy is about the company being open and direct (while still being secretive about their software). That is why he made that statement instead of pretending to stick his head in the sand and also why he has been pushing public relations things like "Iwata Asks" and "Nintendo Direct".


I'm watching their actions as well as hearing their talk. Their behavior at E3 where the Vita was barely mentioned in the presser, along with their refusal to do a price drop when everyone predicted it, and their talk surrounding their future titles as well their "in line with expectations" paints a clear picture: it's a slow start and they're not worried that it is one. If they were truly worried we'd be seeing a presser almost entirely focused on it, a price drop, and statements promising aggressive expansion.

I think you are purposely being dense here or just trolling.
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