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Street Fighter V is getting thrashed by the Steam reviews


Arcade SF4, the most vanilla of all versions, had 16 characters at launch. The console release, which had 25, came out a year later. A year from now SFV will have, at least, 22 characters.

Alot of console gamers never play on arcades. The fact is the first time SFIV was on sale it came with 25 characters. Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat X all have a larger roster than 16.

However I used to be one to complain about small roster. After playing this game I appreciate this small roster. In fact I barely have gotten to try alot of characters in depth. Small roster allows me to learn the game quicker with the matchups. Each character also seem like Capcom took more care with them, they animate so well and are very unique in terms of design and Gameplay mechanics. V Skill and V Trigger make the characters even more unique. Things like Bison having such a slow walk animation and having a Teleport Dash make these characters so different from eachother.

As for having a 16 character roster. I think we can safely say 18 as the first 2 DLC characters should be extremely easy to get free with Fight money. It's pretty much as long as getting Gouken, Set etc unlocked from SF4


lol yeh as if every top player stopped playing SF4...the ones who did would have no problem going back to it. Everything changed when they couldnt finish SF5 on time. Simply release the game a few months later when its actually complete. WTF is the problem with delaying it? Would it have affected CPT? of course....but so what? its their fault that would have happened. CPT is not SF5. Its a bunch of tournaments that the majority of who bought the game would never enter or even care about.
At the end of the day Capcom's main priority with SF5 was getting it ready for CPT and so they rushed it, which was just ridiculous and the backlash is well deserved.
You obviously love unfinished games or likely Capcom itself, so no point in discussing this further with you.

so it should be delayed for your needs?
why can't you just wait a few months?
why should everyone else be forced to change their plans, lose support, wait a whole year to see the game on the biggest stage...all because you didn't get a feature you wanted?

i get being bummed out. again hopefully they add that shit in. But calling for a delay for something like that when all you really had to do was simply not buy the game doesn't sit well w/ me.
Xrd launched with 15. Skull Girls launched with 8. Persona 4 Arena launched with 13. KI launched with 8. Hell, even MKX, known as the fighting game with ALL the content, only launched with 18 characters (with an additional special pre-order character).
No point they see what they wanna see. The fact that hes saying other games have more characters when most recent games in the last 3 years don't tells you how out of touch he is from the genre. He is just following the bandwagon.


I'm honestly not trying to be an ass, but this looks like basic concept art. I'm pretty shocked it's the actual, final artwork for the story mode.

Capcom really must be struggling financially. And Sony must not have given them a whole lot of cash.

There's people drawing at doujinshi conventions (basically japanese indie) who dismantle that level of art, and do for pocket money. It's time constraints, they basically felt the backlash coming like a bird senses a tidal wave and rushed the artist to get whatever
he had out the door.


I don't know if SFV really deserves the negative feedback because I felt like Capcom has been pretty open about what you're going to get with SFV, and that you will get all the content within a year without additional costs. Yeah, I understand it sucks for those who don't keep up with SFV news and make a blind purchase because it's "Street Fighter", but this info was out there to begin with, and you'll get everything eventually. If Capcom was charging for all the additional features then all hell should break loose, but it isn't that way. I find this very similar to Killer Instinct where it was even more bare bones with only 6 characters at launch and it kept growing and evolving over time with new content, balance changes, and community feedback.


You say this like 16 is a commendable number of characters for a fighting game released in 2016.

Vanilla SFIV had 25 characters in 2009. Most fighting games since then have had at least 20, many with considerably more than that.

SFV having only 16 characters at launch is as barebones as the rest of the game.

Actually Vailla SFIV launched in 2008 with 17 characters(4 new, 12 original world world warriors minus Super SFII cast), I can't remeber if Akuma was there at launch, but Seth & Gouken were unlocked later to make it 19, and the the home version came out 8 months later and added 6 more characters to bring it up to 25.
I'm honestly not trying to be an ass, but this looks like basic concept art. I'm pretty shocked it's the actual, final artwork for the story mode.

Capcom really must be struggling financially. And Sony must not have given them a whole lot of cash.

I quite like it, IMO that was the style they were going for. And I'm on the side that thinks that they game should not have shipped like this.
So 2000 matches for one character isn't grinding? Seems pretty much a grind to me.

After all the data that's out you still believe that you need to win 2000 matches to buy a character? Do you even read what other people posts or just blindly follow the noise of wheels of that bandwagon?


I don't know if SFV really deserves the negative feedback because I felt like Capcom has been pretty open about what you're going to get with SFV, and that you will get all the content within a year without additional costs. Yeah, I understand it sucks for those who don't keep up with SFV news and make a blind purchase because it's "Street Fighter", but this info was out there to begin with, and you'll get everything eventually. If Capcom was charging for all the additional features then all hell should break loose, but it isn't that way. I find this very similar to Killer Instinct where it was even more bare bones with only 6 characters at launch and it kept growing and evolving over time with new content, balance changes, and community feedback.

but KI had arcade mode and was F2P so its fine is the answer you will get


However I used to be one to complain about small roster. After playing this game I appreciate this small roster.
Haha, yeah I remember. Pretty much every other SF topic you were there talking about character counts. I personally don't mind the smaller launch character count either. Capcom's clearly given each of them a lot of care and given them a really unique feel.


So 2000 matches for one character isn't grinding? Seems pretty much a grind to me.

Fight Money Details:

The purpose of the Fight Money system is to reward players who stay engaged with Street Fighter V over time. While we are still finalizing details on pricing and Fight Money accumulation rates, which will be refined throughout our future beta tests, we are excited to share some details on how we are approaching the new system.

There will be two primary methods for players to gain Fight Money: completing daily goals, and leveling up individual characters.

Daily Goals:

Each day a player logs into the Street Fighter V client, they will be assigned a new daily goal. Daily goals should be easily achievable in in one play session, and will award Fight Money based on their difficulty.

Some example goals are as follows:

- Land X number of Hadokens

- Land X number of anti-air attacks

- Land X number crush-counter hits

Daily goals will help players improve with a variety of characters. It will also ensure that players with a limited amount of time to play per day can still earn characters for free. We want a system that rewards frequency of play, rather than requiring long marathon grinding sessions.

Leveling Individual Characters:

Another goal that we have for the Fight Money system is to ensure that players can still earn Fight Money through both single player and multiplayer modes. We accomplish this by allowing players to earn Fight Money by leveling up individual characters in a variety of modes.

To remove any confusion up front, leveling up a character in Street Fighter V will not affect game balance. It only shows how much time and effort an individual has placed into learning a character.

Each time a player levels up a character, they will receive a Fight Money bonus. Earlier levels will be easy to obtain, and will scale to become more difficult the higher the level.

Street Fighter V will reward players who experiment with a wide variety of characters, and those who play frequently. If you complete your daily goals and level up your characters on a regular basis, you’ll be on your way to earning new characters with ease!

Notice how winning online matches isnt even a primary way of getting fm.


You said this already,no need to edit that statement out of your last post,champion your opinion if you want to. King Awesome also replied to you with a better explanation so you should also not want to continue this discussion with him either.

I said that at first then edited it to an actual comment, now I said it and left it because you really are clueless with the pointless replies. Give it a rest already, you're in the minority here who loves unfinished games. But its ok as long as you get to watch your precious CPT lmao
Good, I put in a good 10 + hours on the ps4 betas and only managed to complete ONE match without it DCing. That reason kept me from buying the final release since it was still an issue in the last beta. I'll buy it once its discounted heavily and patched.
WTF is the problem with waiting a few months to play the game that meets your standards? Frankly, I envy the people who think the lack of singleplayer modes is a deal breaker. You guys can walk into Best Buy whenever these modes get patched it and pick it up at a severely reduced price. Big deal.

People can do that every game. Video games don't carry a long shelf life.

People buy at release date because the attention given to the game is the highest at that point. And the higher price is worth obtaining it at that point in time. It's no different than the people who bought occulus rift or any technology earlier.

If you envy them honestly, why don't you wait as well? You'll be able to get the game at a discount price too, and the people who will be worth playing against will still be playing the game.

You know that's a load of crap.


No point they see what they wanna see. The fact that hes saying other games have more characters when most recent games in the last 3 years don't tells you how out of touch he is from the genre. He is just following the bandwagon.

Guys, Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4 has 60+ characters. Why can't all games meet this common standard?


but KI had arcade mode and was F2P so its fine is the answer you will get

Your implication that one being F2P and one costing 60 quid shouldnt enter into the comparison seems misguided at best

This has been proven false on multiple occasions and yet people still use it as gospel. this is exactly the issue with a lot of people...they don't do any legwork.

Nope it hasnt been "proven false" because it isnt false, if you are earning fight money just from matches then yes it will take you ~2000 matches. Of course there are other avenues to earn fight money with more being added (that should be the fucking tagline for the game). So it's misleading, but technically correct.
The no arcade mode complain to me is legit. Its the most basic feature in any FG and it's hard to find a FG that don't have this mode ever since the dawn of FG games. So this complaint is legit and capcom should be ashamed to leave this out. I am a massive fan but what is right is right.


so it should be delayed for your needs?
why can't you just wait a few months?
why should everyone else be forced to change their plans, lose support, wait a whole year to see the game on the biggest stage...all because you didn't get a feature you wanted?

i get being bummed out. again hopefully they add that shit in. But calling for a delay for something like that when all you really had to do was simply not buy the game doesn't sit well w/ me.

lol my needs? the majority who will buy this game dont care about CPT. Wait a few months for what? I have already bought it and did not expect such basic content to be missing...hence the backlash from many. Feature that I wanted? Nowhere did I even mention about a feature, and talking about that it has "features" missing not just a feature. If Capcom said from the beginning that the game would be uncomplete come release, I would have waited.


On a 10 point scale, how much would you dock for no Arcade more in a fighting game?
1 point, 3, 5, 10?
Giving a negative score for it, means that you're docking 6 or more points for it.
There's a lot to complain about with this game but complaining about the number of characters is a joke.

I agree I find that sad....16 is actually pretty high compared to most recent FGs including AAA ones. Also 16 is easy to balance. I feel like SFV is one of the most balanced FG right out of the box in a long time if not ever.

Notice how winning online matches isnt even a primary way of getting fm.

I heard about that, 1000 per level up but still no information on the dailies.

Let's say one does not want to do 2000 matches, with the information we have so far (if there is a number on the dailies just tell me), that still means getting a character to level 100. How long will that take I'm not sure, could be trivial but could be a grind.

After all the data that's out you still believe that you need to win 2000 matches to buy a character? Do you even read what other people posts or just blindly follow the noise of wheels of that bandwagon?

If there is someone blindly following something here I can assure you that's not me, you should look in the mirror first.


Your implication that one being F2P and one costing 60 quid shouldnt enter into the comparison seems misguided at best

Nope it hasnt been "proven false" because it isnt false, if you are earning fight money just from matches then yes it will take you ~2000 matches. Of course there are other avenues to earn fight money with more being added (that should be the fucking tagline for the game). So it's misleading, but technically correct.

but Capcom has said that ONLY playing online isn't the main way they want you to earn money. Its not even mentioned. So while yeah it's true it ignores the fact that even with the shittastic current single player stuff, you can get 2-3 characters easy...so its not a stretch to say you can have all 6 without ever having to do the 2000 matches shit.

It is a useless point to bring up. But people continue to use it as if it means something...
I heard about that, 1000 per level up but still no information on the dailies.

Let's say one does not want to do 2000 matches, with the information we have so far (if there is a number on the dailies just tell me), that still means getting a character to level 100. How long will that take I'm not sure, could be trivial but could be a grind.

You could do story mode and survival mode easy/normal with all characters and have almost enough to buy all 6 characters......

without going online once. SP gives you way more FM than online. Playing online to get FM is actually bad idea.


I heard about that, 1000 per level up but still no information on the dailies.

Let's say one does not want to do 2000 matches, with the information we have so far (if there is a number on the dailies just tell me), that still means getting a character to level 100. How long will that take I'm not sure, could be trivial but could be a grind.
Mike Huber (ex-gametrailers employee) came across a level 137 dhalsim yesterday as he was finishing his stream. No idea if that dude's been playing non-stop since the game released or what.


I'll just quote myself. There's a reason survival mode is separate from arcade, it is a different experience and a different appeal. People who are into arcade aren't necessarily going to like survival.

Thanks for the response.

Fair points.

For completionists, I can understand the frustration.

I would still have liked an Arcade Mode myself, just am somewhat content with what they offer with survival mode.

I could also see myself getting frustrated as time goes on with Survival mode. And that could be an issue with long-term replayability for me as I'm not good enough to likely want to keep playing MP for the long haul.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Did Dimps develop this? Cause if so, then it probably makes sense why the game's a mess.


lol my needs? the majority who will buy this game dont care about CPT. Wait a few months for what? I have already bought it and did not expect such basic content to be missing...hence the backlash from many. Feature that I wanted? Nowhere did I even mention about a feature, and talking about that it has "features" missing not just a feature. If Capcom said from the beginning that the game would be uncomplete come release, I would have waited.

Sorry you didn't research a product you purchased. lol


I heard about that, 1000 per level up but still no information on the dailies.

Let's say one does not want to do 2000 matches, with the information we have so far (if there is a number on the dailies just tell me), that still means getting a character to level 100. How long will that take I'm not sure, could be trivial but could be a grind.

You're still leaving out the 10k you get for completing each prologue, the money you get for the first time completion of a survival diffculty and whatever else I missed listing here(cant be much more though.) I currently have around 190k just for doing each prologue and about 6 survival runthroughs on easy. I read someone here had around over 600k on launch day and thats just for doing whatever singleplayer content is in the game currently.


You're still leaving out the 10k you get for completing each prologue, the money you get for the first time completion of a survival diffculty and whatever else I missed listing here(cant be much more though.) I currently have 193k just for doing each prologue and about 6 survival runthroughs on easy. I read someone here had around over 600k on launch day and thats just for doing whatever singleplayer content is in the game currently.
I'm going to do a tally of story mode prologue and all the survivals on easy and chime in when that's done. I don't think beating survival on normal with all the characters is a realistic expectation to have for the average person due to the nature of it, sudden difficulty ramp ups, random supplements available, and the frustration/unwillingness to go through all the past missions you've beaten again just because you lost at the end and you can't continue from there.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player

Okay, so when I first saw this, I also thought "holy crap, thats bad, really bad, wtf is going on", but having actually played the game, and even if its just a prologue from each character, I came away happy with the story art. I was taking each piece at face value and not looking at the bigger picture, which is how they should be looked at. Theres a few reasons for this.

(Exception to the rule being Seans drawing on Lauras story, that one is just plain bad.OMG)

First, thats Bengus. A motherfucking legendary artist, one of the best in the industry of the business. Darkstalkers, SF Alpha, Marvel? Thats mostly him.

Then, why is it bad? Its actually not, its loose, sketchy and with an emphasis on motion. Look at that Ryu drawing, its really solid with a cool balance between dynamic and anatomically correct. Theres a lot of high level stuff going on in these drawings that if a regular artists would try to replicate it would end up in some really bad shit. If you are responsible for making 500 things, then a few of those will be bad, thats just math.

Diversity. If you play through all the prologues, you will have no choice but to notice that a lot of the art is unique. This is very, very different from the norm. Games like Bazblue usually use stock character illustrations with tons of text, when they do have fullscreen images its treated like a rare occasion and even then theyll find a way to milk those a fair bit. Its super rare for a story mode to have a lot of unique art per character, and here they have done so, but at a price. Its loose, its rough, its not detailed, more importantly its CONSISTENT and it moves the story along with its wide array of angles and perspectives. It feels like reading a comic book, and thats a good thing.



To me thats a lot more attractive and varied than what Blazblue does, for example, because in that game is mostly a lot of really stiff interactions like this:


With just a tiny bit of this


Workload. Do any of you know how much work it is for one artist to make all the illustrations for SIXTEEN story modes? The whole reason why story mode is delayed is probably because Bengus has turned into dust and they need to resuscitate him over and over again. After seeing how much unique art the freakin prologues have, having possible 3x more art for each characters story is an incredible workload, and he probably has other responsibilities in the game due to his seniority. I dont wanna sound like an old man but have some respect.

I wish this game had DeviantArt level art. This is equivalent to something I would doodle in high school when I was bored in class, just colored in.

No, its not. Come on.


Sorry you didn't research a product you purchased. lol

Nice ignorance. I saw every trailer they released, all they stated was that the full story was due in June. Nothing about all the other basic content that is missing....because we all knew that a simple thing like Vs mode would be missing Kappa


I agree I find that sad....16 is actually pretty high compared to most recent FGs including AAA ones. Also 16 is easy to balance. I feel like SFV is one of the most balanced FG right out of the box in a long time if not ever.

PS All Stars launched with 20 and as barebones as it is still had an arcade mode.

Pokken also has 16 but has way more content and presumably with Namco's track record will actually have functioning online without needing a beta.

These are both brand new franchises, whats SF5's excuse?


I'm going to do a tally of story mode prologue and all the survivals on easy and chime in when that's done. I don't think beating survival on normal with all the characters is a realistic expectation to have for the average person due to the nature of it, sudden difficulty ramp ups, random supplements available, and the frustration/unwillingness to go through all the past missions you've beaten again just because you lost at the end and you can't continue from there.

Fair enough. Curious to see the total you get.


lol my needs? the majority who will buy this game dont care about CPT. Wait a few months for what? I have already bought it and did not expect such basic content to be missing...hence the backlash from many. If Capcom said from the beginning that the game would be uncomplete come release, I would have waited.

Its not about if the majority cares about CPT or not. Capcom put money into that community as they think they are pretty important to them. Whether it is a good choice or not will be left to be seen or not but just because there are folks mad about it doesn't make it okay for the other group to have to wait. Delaying the game is a nonstarter for me ,CPT or not, with the game as is. I have known about no arcade mode for over two weeks. I will give you guys Vs CPU because come on that is a no brainer...but regardless, we all knew the game was going to be missing features for a the few month or so for a while.

My disconnect is this idea that people just willy nilly bought this game without doing even the smallest amount of research on it. Or reading reviews which came out a few day priors. Or reading early impressions (this is where I learned about the bad story mode). Its not about being hardcore in this case but just being an informed consumer....so I have no sympathy for those blindsided by this (mainly because I think it will eventually come). It sucks and I wish it didn't happen but it did. Sell your game if you can, get a refund if you are on the PC.

I'm not even say don't complain as that seems to have potentially made Capcom try to add these modes....but I cannot stand the misinformation that had been spewed around in the name of "criticism". Its just that this board has ruined that word and concept for me. Criticism definition from my interactions with you guys has turned into "this thing should change for me and anyone who disagrees is an apologist for this bad thing". There is no discussion with many of these criticism...nothing but my way or the high way. People (both sides) aren't even interested in seeing the other sides POV. so why are we doing this song and dance?


Nice ignorance. I saw every trailer they released, all they stated was that the full story was due in June. Nothing about all the other basic content that is missing....because we all knew that a simple thing like Vs mode would be missing Kappa

Just play 10 matches at low rank then imagine a story at the end like "I still live for the fight" or some other bullshit.
so it should be delayed for your needs?
why can't you just wait a few months?
why should everyone else be forced to change their plans, lose support, wait a whole year to see the game on the biggest stage...all because you didn't get a feature you wanted?

i get being bummed out. again hopefully they add that shit in. But calling for a delay for something like that when all you really had to do was simply not buy the game doesn't sit well w/ me.

Honestly, from where I'm sitting as a high-information customer, I don't really feel like Capcom has done wrong by me by releasing the game now. My position is one that arises more out of concern as to whether or not this was the right business decision. In its current state, it just feels like something that was rushed out the door to hit a hard deadline. Now, maybe the backlash is just a vocal minority that doesn't really speak to the whole fanbase. Some people are perfectly happy with what's there. Others may be disappointed but are willing to exercise patience in terms of knowing that the content they want will be there and will be content with the current game to tide them over in the meantime. But I do think that there's an inherent danger in making a bad first impression.

Another part of the problem I have is that if this is just supposed to be seen as a gesture of goodwill to appease the fans who want the game now in its current form, I feel like we're in an age where there were other options. Even if a full Free to Play model was written off as less than desirable, there's still the option of Early Access. You don't even necessarily need to discount that option. But I just worry that releasing this to retail at $60 invites disappointment and creates a lackluster launch.

But I don't have a crystal ball. Maybe this won't hurt in the long run.
Mike Huber (ex-gametrailers employee) came across a level 137 dhalsim yesterday as he was finishing his stream. No idea if that dude's been playing non-stop since the game released or what.

So it could be trivial, great news.

You're still leaving out the 10k you get for completing each prologue, the money you get for the first time completion of a survival diffculty and whatever else I missed listing here(cant be much more though.) I currently have around 190k just for doing each prologue and about 6 survival runthroughs on easy. I read someone here had around over 600k on launch day and thats just for doing whatever singleplayer content is in the game currently.

I'm not leaving out that, the first character or even maybe the second can be obtained by doing the current story mode, I know people in my group that have around 190-270k FM by doing that. But you can only do that once, and it's gone, you need to find another ways go get FM.


Sorry you didn't research a product you purchased. lol

I mean he is continuing to argue things despite saying they're a waste of time, it doesn't make him look all at that good. And those spiteful replies only make other dissatisfied people look bad. But with all the 'lols' he seems to be having fun shooting the shit here.


PS All Stars launched with 20 and as barebones as it is still had an arcade mode.

Pokken also has 16 but has way more content and presumably with Namco's track record will actually have functioning online without needing a beta.

These are both brand new franchises, whats SF5's excuse?

Pokken also had an arcade release. PSALBR is garbage, IMO.

Thats the difference


People can do that every game. Video games don't carry a long shelf life.

People buy at release date because the attention given to the game is the highest at that point. And the higher price is worth obtaining it at that point in time. It's no different than the people who bought occulus rift or any technology earlier.

If you envy them honestly, why don't you wait as well? You'll be able to get the game at a discount price too, and the people who will be worth playing against will still be playing the game.

You know that's a load of crap.

No, the online community is considerably different. The best way to learn, and enjoy, a fighting game is when it's brand new. I feel bad for anyone who tried to get into Street Fighter with Ultra because the only people who really played at that point were above beginner level.

So yeah, I could wait, but it wouldn't be as fun slamming my head into a wall over and over trying to learn what everyone else learned over the past six months.


No, its not. Come on.
Yes it is. To me. (and I was actually a pretty decent artist in my high school day but that's besides the point, LOL) It's great that there's someone like you who likes it, but most seem to not like it. You are one of the very few I've seen say that they legitimately like it, many have just defended Bengus when his skill was being called into question by saying he was rushed, but even those folks didn't actually say they liked what they saw.

I am of the opinion that I've seen plenty of Deviantart work that looks better than what we've got in this game. It's unfortunate that he was overworked and rushed (and if I were given the same amount of time to create the artwork as he was, it would probably turn out A LOT worse), but knowing the circumstances isn't going to all of a sudden make the final product (which is what counts in the end) look any better to someone who doesn't like it.


Honestly, from where I'm sitting as a high-information customer, I don't really feel like Capcom has done wrong by me by releasing the game now. My position is one that arises more out of concern as to whether or not this was the right business decision. In its current state, it just feels like something that was rushed out the door to hit a hard deadline. Now, maybe the backlash is just a vocal minority that doesn't really speak to the whole fanbase. Some people are perfectly happy with what's there. Others may be disappointed but are willing to exercise patience in terms of knowing that the content they want will be there and will be content with the current game to tide them over in the meantime. But I do think that there's an inherent danger in making a bad first impression.

Another part of the problem I have is that if this is just supposed to be seen as a gesture of goodwill to appease the fans who want the game now in its current form, I feel like we're in an age where there were other options. Even if a full Free to Play model was written off as less than desirable, there's still the option of Early Access. You don't even necessarily need to discount that option. But I just worry that releasing this to retail at $60 invites disappointment and creates a lackluster launch.

But I don't have a crystal ball. Maybe this won't hurt in the long run.

Nintendos solution to this with Splatoon was an aggressive marketing push from every corner of japan whenever updates happen. Big events like Splatfest made people talk and engaged.With leaks from the SF5 beta there is a high likelihood that big events should be recognised ingame for spectating but that's speculation at this point. Capcom do have plans for bigger stuff and they do hope to reach higher with the Dota and League model.
and they paid for what is currently in the game now. Thats on them.

I'm not saying they deserve a refund or free stuff or even an apology. But I am honestly baffled that we have now reached a point with some of you that being disappointed in a game is now considered unreasonable.

What is going on?
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