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Tearaway sold 14k and it's made me depressed. See why it killed my cynicism inside.

A lot of people could be waiting for it to be free on PSN too. It's a dangerous thing that Instant Collection.

As for me, the game looks boring and unappealing.


A metacritic rating of 87 and 80 is not underrated. They just fail to attract the masses. They are the arthouse equivalent of gaming. The only problem is they are built with a AAA budget.
Please provide the source where Puppeteer and Tearaway cost as much as Killzone: Shadow Fall to make.

You won't find it, because that's stupid and not the case.


They're not porting puppateer, a game that would obviously sell better on a launch system and have the proper control scheme for it, to PS4. What makes you think they'll treat Tearaway any differently?

I am not even remotely sure HOW you would port it. It would require PS Camera, right? You could probably change the way you open presents with your fingers and change that to a regular button. But I am not sure how you replace the integral back touch elements or the creativity elements, drawing with the touchpad on PS4 probably won't feel as good either.

You might be able to barely do it, but I think people might then be surprised it was praised to the level it was... a lot of the charm would evaporate I think.
That's silly.

A port to the PS4 is the only way Sony will ever make any money on it, so of course it will get a digital port.

I don't see why the touch pad stuff can't be done on PS4.

The camera stuff is trickier. I can see it being reworked.

Have you played it? The gameplay and presentation of the world and story would need to be altered considerably.

It would not be the same game on any other platform.
Welp, you've bummed me out pretty bad. I'm pretty sure we moved more units of New Little King Story than that.

I've really enjoyed my copy so far.
Where do I sign the petition/subscribe to the newsletter/etc., etc.?

I think I finally understand all the teeth-gnashing over The Wonderful 101, because here is a game that I love that will never, ever be repeated or appreciated by enough people because of reasons completely out of our control. We tried. WE TRIED.
It was a fun enough game, but I think some Vita owners make too big of a deal out of it because it's maybe the first really good exclusive for that system (not counting P4G, for which the "exclusive" label is debatable). The game is charming and fun, but it's also short for a full priced game, lacking in replayability imo, and the combat is a little meh. It's a solid 8-9/10 game, but personally, and this is just me, not a game that I could recommend buying a Vita just to play.


Welp, you've bummed me out pretty bad. I'm pretty sure we moved more units of New Little King Story than that.

Speaking of!

How IS New Little King Story? I am really curious, I liked the Wii game, my finger keeps hovering over the purchase button...
it's kind of the 999 of the vita. right now it's the only platform it could be on (unfortunately with regards to sales). it's designed completely around the vita as a system, and uses gimmicks in creative ways to aid the platforming and unlock secrets within the level design.
Yeah, I get that... I just mean from an IP image/style standpoint, it would certainly do better on a Nintendo platform for the audience makeup (high interest by the audience in the genre/style), and any other platform for the higher userbase. This game on Vita is a wicked combo of wrong place at the wrong time.

Isn't there an iOS port of 999 out with the shitty puzzles removed?
Sure, if you want to completely miss the point of the game. His point was about the game being designed for the platform, like 999 was for the DS. You don't get the true experience unless you play it on the platform.
It needs to not be on such a hit and miss system

If I had a Vita I'd play it in a heart beat, only problem is I don't see enough value in a Vita to warrant a purchase of one yet. I was close recently to buying one but got a 3DS instead due to the game library


I did my part.

So sad that after this and Puppeteer bombas Sony won't bother anymore with more creative games & ideas. Even Shu said they're gonna cut the mid-tier games and go after the AAA money.

A few years from now I don't want to hear any complaints about how it's either a Hollywood movie in disguise or some 8-bit crap. We'll get what we deserve.


The PS4 doesn't have a mic? A camera? A touchpad? Motion controls?

You don't know much about the PS4, do you?

The PS4 has a touch screen? A rear camera? A camera (an extra purchase isn't the same as having it built into the system)? Good luck selling Tearaway on PS4 requiring the PS Camera and STILL missing features from PS Vita.

You don't know much about PS Vita or the PS4 do you?


I hope the digital sales were significant. That's how I payed for it.

Tearaway is fantastic, reminded me of Psychonauts in more than a few ways so I suppose the low numbers aren't surprising. Bad release date, no marketing. Should have good word of mouth and long legs at the very least, it's the first game I'd recommend to new owners. Great writeup.
So Tearaway is going on sale this weekend? Did I hear that right?

Also not sure if could ever be ported to PS4, the camera and sixaxis could handle the front camera stuff, mic, and gyro but then not sure about back camera stuff, and front and rear touch.


This is what I'm doing, same with Persona 4. I waited for Soul Sacrifice to go on Plus and it's being added to the EU one in a few weeks

What makes you think something like P4G will make it on IGC?

The rest of the Vita library? Much better chances.


It was a fun enough game, but I think some Vita owners make too big of a deal out of it because it's maybe the first really good exclusive for that system (not counting P4G, for which the "exclusive" label is debatable). The game is charming and fun, but it's also short for a full priced game, lacking in replayability imo, and the combat is a little meh. It's a solid 8-9/10 game, but personally, and this is just me, not a game that I could recommend buying a Vita just to play.

I am going to quote from my OP review my response to the length criticism:

Amir0x said:
It is such a compact yet magnificently fulfilling package that I would have had no problem recommending it were it a 60 dollar game. A value is not derived purely from the hours you get, which Journey taught me. If that experience can convey something you cannot feel anywhere else and it is something you found profoundly pleasurable and moving, then it's a commodity as rare as Poudretteite. At six-to-eight hours, and probably up to ten if you really go wild with photos and secret finding as I did, there is not a single moment that overstays its welcome. It has excised any element that is unnecessary or that could be considered filling, and merely allowed simple curiosity to compel one to stay and spend more time. I could not and still cannot stop taking photos. Maybe you will take one photo and never participate in much of the creative opportunities, and in such a case I would geniunely suggest not to buy the game. But I think few people will be able to resist the disarming level of hand pulling and winking the game does at you, because it's just so effectively handled.

I do not think being clinical in a game's "value" by only assessing the time it takes to beat is very fair to many games. I used to be a bit more like you on this score, but Journey really changed my concept here. I realized I was wrong.


I bought it and enjoyed it. I think it had the best use of touch within a 3d game, and some of the stuff with the camera was pretty neat. I think all that was just papering over the cracks in the gameplay though. In that respect it's really just competent and no more. It's this gen's Psychonauts for me, which is still a pretty big compliment i guess.
Looking at the reviews of the game on here, the demo must be doing it a disservice. It didn't really sell me on the game. It hinted at some pretty cool ideas in the game and gave an introduction to the controls but that's about it. It is only $20 at Gamestop this weekend, might as well give it a shot.
Anyway, the point of all this camera conversation is simple. Before, my idea was that games needed to be "fun", and to accomplish that the focus was always on the most efficient, tight and deep game design. I still believe many genres require that to work, I do. But I realized at some point very recently that to me "fun" was limiting what I could expect out of games, as were my requirements. I don't need games to be fun, although in this case Tearaway was amazing fun. What I need is a game to provide compelling escapism, an outlet to experience themes and people and ideas that I don't necessarily come across in my daily grind. Sometimes that may be at the behest of the sort of tight game design I've always endorsed. But other times, perhaps more rarely, that escapsim can succeed by just being about the sheer joy of playing, that nearly incommunicable spark that you get when you load up a truly memorable game title for which there are no peers and no way to properly ground the experience...

nicely said. as a long-time gamer, this's always been the big payoff for me. i love having my expectations subverted, whether it's by something like how dark sections of majora's mask were, or by how messed-up the last couple hours of metal gear solid 2 were, or by punching tigers in yakuza 2. the more a game comes at me from outa left field, the more i'm likely to enjoy it...

& this's also why series like grand theft auto & saints row, set in the world/culture i already live in, despite how obviously well made they are, just don't work for me. they're just all so 'familiar'...

&, yeah, i played & enjoyed tearaway. took a while to warm to it, but it eventually got me good :) ...


The PS4 has a touch screen? A rear camera? A camera (an extra purchase isn't the same as having it built into the system).

You don't know much about PS Vita or the PS4 do you?

It has a touch pad, and the camera sold a hell of a lot more units than this game did so that argument is weak as hell. The only thing it doesn't have is a rear camera, and there is no reason that it couldn't be worked around or changed.

The PS4 has plenty of features to get this game ported.

But, whatever, if you think Sony is happy letting this series die after selling 14k copies I guess we will see.


I am not even remotely sure HOW you would port it. It would require PS Camera, right? You could probably change the way you open presents with your fingers and change that to a regular button. But I am not sure how you replace the integral back touch elements or the creativity elements, drawing with the touchpad on PS4 probably won't feel as good either.

You might be able to barely do it, but I think people might then be surprised it was praised to the level it was... a lot of the charm would evaporate I think.

Opening presents would work fine with the touchpad, you'd just mimic the same action as on the Vita, but the rest of the stuff, yeah. Wouldn't work.
I picked up Tearaway and Puppeteer yesterday. Got them both at full price. They deserve it. I'm going to let my lady play Tearaway first and I'm about to play Puppeteer now. Woo for charming games
Speaking of!

How IS New Little King Story? I am really curious, I liked the Wii game, my finger keeps hovering over the purchase button...

It's an improved experience of the Wii game with some of the meta removed and played more as a straight fantasy. It has a few small tech issues (framerate in main town), but otherwise is a pretty faithful port (though it treats it as a 'sequel' story-wise).


It's an improved experience of the Wii game with some of the meta removed and played more as a straight fantasy. It has a few small tech issues (framerate in main town), but otherwise is a pretty faithful port (though it treats it as a 'sequel' story-wise).

Nice. I think I will bite soon then. Thanks for the information.
I'm willing to give the game a shot but the art style does nothing for me and my Vita is already full from PS+ freebies. By the time I'm ready to play it, it will probably be free too.

We all love the PS+ IGC, but unless the Vita makes some kind of turnaround, I think the abundance of free games are doing more harm than good for that platform:

1) People are trained not to buy and just wait
2) People already have free games to play so why buy
3) The memory cards are so expensive and the one you have is already full from free games

I don't even have space to download the demo!


It has a touch pad, and the camera sold a hell of a lot more units than this game did so that argument is weak as hell. The only thing it doesn't have is a rear camera, and there is no reason that it couldn't be worked around or changed.

The PS4 has plenty of features to get this game ported.

But, whatever, if you think Sony is happy letting this series die after selling 14k copies I guess we will see.
Touch pad can not and doesn't replicate a touch screen. At all.

And the touch pad would not replicate the usage of the rear touch either. Put your finger on the top of your controller... finger comes up from the ground in the game. TOTALLY MAKES SENSE. Plus, it wouldn't be the proper size.

Nope. The game would be gimmicky and need severe alterations if they forced it on PS4. As it is, it's a perfect fit on Vita. It doesn't work anywhere else.

And the PS Camera sales are irrelevant. You think a niche game will sell on PS4 for solely being on PS4? Especially one that requires the camera? Yeah, okay. Good luck with that.


It has a touch pad, and the camera sold a hell of a lot more units than this game did so that argument is weak as hell. The only thing it doesn't have is a rear camera, and there is no reason that it couldn't be worked around or changed.

touchpad != touchscreen, and the game needs both the front and back touch interfaces.


Haha, what?

yeah Tearaway is genuinely one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. It only needs 60fps to enter a top ten list for me, frankly.

I was surprised a Vita game could enter that sort of category for me, but every element of its presentation is so lovingly crafted it's just insane.


Nice writeup.

I'm one of those folk that don't look for one specific thing in games. I enjoy games with minimal gameplay and i enjoy games that only focus on gameplay. MGS4, U2, Demons Souls, DMC4 and TLOU are my favoruite games of this generation. It's the entire experience that matters to me. How the gameplay, presentation and sound create a cohesive and memorable experience.


I bought it on PSN the day it came out but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Surprised it isn't closer to a 1:1 attach rate, maybe there's just a lot of Vita gamers out there with no taste in games.


It has a touch pad, and the camera sold a hell of a lot more units than this game did so that argument is weak as hell. The only thing it doesn't have is a rear camera, and there is no reason that it couldn't be worked around or changed.

The PS4 has plenty of features to get this game ported.

But, whatever, if you think Sony is happy letting this series die after selling 14k copies I guess we will see.
It wouldn't work, both from a gameplay and story perspective. They'd have to change more than just control input. It's a Vita game through and through, for better or worse.


So sad that after this and Puppeteer bombas Sony won't bother anymore with more creative games & ideas. Even Shu said they're gonna cut the mid-tier games and go after the AAA money.

None of this was ever said. You are jumping to conclusions that lie at the bottom of a cliff.


It wouldn't work, both from a gameplay and story perspective. They'd have to change more than just control input. It's a Vita game through and through, for better or worse.

Yeah, there's another reason why Vita is necessary. It introduces a level of intimacy in your interaction that is critical to everything. I can't exactly say why without spoiling everything, but it does require getting to the end to understand the scope of what they achieved. It's a game so perfectly in harmony with all its elements that this is why people say it can't be done anywhere else quite the same.


If you always wait for a game to go to ps+ on the vita, sooner or later vita will just not get any games. While ps+ is great, you need to show support to the games you really care about if you want a sequel.

Vita is already at the point where it's not getting any games. Even Sony themselves have pretty much given up on the platform and are selling it as PS4 remote play device.

If I went out and bought Tearaway at launch the only difference is that NPD numbers would say 14,001 and I'd be paying twice as much money than if I waited for this $20 Gamestop sale. Tearaway would still be a massive flop with zero chance of getting a sequel.


It's a shame when gems go unnoticed. This happened to TW101, and it seems Puppeteer as well.

I don't have a Vita, but if I did, I'd be checking this game out.
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