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Tearaway sold 14k and it's made me depressed. See why it killed my cynicism inside.

Vita is already at the point where it's not getting any games. Even Sony themselves have pretty much given up on the platform and are selling it as PS4 remote play device.

If I went out and bought Tearaway at launch the only difference is that NPD numbers would say 14,001 and I'd be paying twice as much money than if I waited for this $20 Gamestop sale. Tearaway would still be a massive flop with zero chance of getting a sequel.


I'm not saying don't wait for the sale. It is coming up soon and is definitely happening, so that's rational. I am saying dont wait for games to be on PS+ before they even come out...
Nice. I think I will bite soon then. Thanks for the information.

Huh. That's the first time I've ever heard somebody say the game was in any way an improvement over the Wii version, other than being portable. From everything I've seen, read, and heard, the new version hacks up the story for something completely uninspired along with its uninspired anime art style, has performance issues all over the place.

I'll be interested to hear your take if you give it a shot. I loved the original.
I am going to quote from my OP review my response to the length criticism:

I do not think being clinical in a game's "value" by only assessing the time it takes to beat is very fair to many games. I used to be a bit more like you on this score, but Journey really changed my concept here. I realized I was wrong.

Journey was not a $40 or $60 game. I agree with you that the length of a game does not correlate to it's value. I actually got Tearaway for $25, and feel it was worth every penny, but again, my point was just that, as good as the game is, it's not "drop-$250-on-a- Vita-and-$50-on-a-memory-card-and-$40-on-a-game" good. Having said that, the length of the game was not my only criticism.

The combat is pretty bland, and as much as I enjoyed the experience, I have no desire whatsoever to return to it just to pick up more collectibles, which I think is kind of the most baseline, menial way at trying to create replayability in a game. Maybe branching paths or more player agency in terms of the way the campaign played out could have really given it that replayability that I look for in a game.

I'm not trying to hate on the game. I really enjoyed it and it will probably be in my top 10 games this year, but I'm just saying it's not perfect either.


It's sad because (and please don't take this to be port begging) I bet the game would do amazing on 3DS or PC. For some reason the Vita has just failed to catch.

I'm part of the problem, I could only get this or Zelda on release day and I picked Zelda.
Jesus christ the port beggars do not understand how impossible this game is on any other platform. The game would have to be changed radically enough that it basically wouldn't be the same game anymore.

There are puzzles with two finger rear touch input that still need analog character control, enemies that need to be touched on screen, usage of both cameras, and more. THIS GAME CANNOT WORK ANYWHERE ELSE.

I really hope the digital sales were much better. I for one bought digitally since it was cheaper. But I might just double dip at GS next week if it is only $20. I love this game and it needs all the support we can give it.
Hey guys, I believe tearaway is a fantastic looking game and everyone seems to enjoy it. In picking it up on Sunday when gamestop unleashes it.

Allow me to go slightly off topic tho:

In preparation for the game and many others I bought a 32gb mc for my vita on cyber Monday. I have a few games on my 8gb I want to transfer over (I suppose I can download gravity rush over from my dl list)

But I was wondering about save data. I've been plus from the beginning so I believe they're uploaded to ze clouuuuuud , but how can I know for sure

I also have valkyria chronicles 2 on my vita by downloading the PSP version to my ps3 and using the transfer system. Will I have to do that again?

Will I have to put my save files to my ps3 and then transfer it to my PS vita when I put my new card in?

Sorry for the off topic and if you'd rather DM me some responses id be most appreciative. Thanks guys!


GAF's Ed McMahon
Huh. That's the first time I've ever heard somebody say the game was in any way an improvement over the Wii version, other than being portable. From everything I've seen, read, and heard, the new version hacks up the story for something completely uninspired along with its uninspired anime art style, has performance issues all over the place.

I'll be interested to hear your take if you give it a shot. I loved the original.

You forgot the tiny text. It's fucking terrible, easily the worst part about the Vita version, along with bad performance. I have it and didn't bother playing more than 10minutes.


I bought this game sight unseen on release day for $40 -- I spent about ten minutes with it and when the internal Vita camera showed me....I couldn't help but smile. To me, this game would not work on a PS3 or a PS4, yet no one wants to buy a Vita. :(

After I finish ALBW (which won't be that much longer), I know I'll spend more time with Tearaway.


I am not even remotely sure HOW you would port it. It would require PS Camera, right? You could probably change the way you open presents with your fingers and change that to a regular button. But I am not sure how you replace the integral back touch elements or the creativity elements, drawing with the touchpad on PS4 probably won't feel as good either.

You might be able to barely do it, but I think people might then be surprised it was praised to the level it was... a lot of the charm would evaporate I think.

Nah, I agree it probably wouldn't get ported to PS4, and if it did it would likely not be as good. I don't think it would be particularly popular if it relied on the camera for any amount of time either.

Speaking of!

How IS New Little King Story? I am really curious, I liked the Wii game, my finger keeps hovering over the purchase button...

Bought it on sale. It was pikmin-ish, and quirky. Normally I can look past flaws in games, but I found New Little King's Story dreadfully mild. Though if you've played the previous entry then you might find it more interesting.


I actually want to play this. I just don't want to buy a Vita at this point in time to play one game. I'm sure the Vita has a handful of other great games but most aren't interesting to me.


Yeah I'm the problem on this one.

I bought Zelda and Ys Celceta that same week and passed on this title. I will buy it for 20 bucks when it hits the sale... even if I don't ever play it and literally just keep it in my collection.

Shame this didn't sell better. Media Molecule deservers better than this.

Evo X

Sucks. This game is amazing.

And we wonder why more developers don't take risks.

Such a shame that great unique new IPs get brushed aside while recycled shit like sports and generic fps sells millions year after year...


Damn shame. Easily the best game on vita and one of the best releases this year. Guess it isn't much a surprise given the platform.

OP, magnificent write up! Couldn't have come close to articulating my thoughts & feelings that well. I don't know what it was about the game's ending, but it nearly brought me to tears.


I bought when it was $30 on Best Buy and I still didn't played yet. Depressing the state of the vita, but Sony made a right choice in the end supporting the PS4.


I'm loving this game. I actually take my Vita with me to get some sessions in with it. When my niece and nephew see the Vita the first thing they ask is to play the game with me so they can be the fingers lol.


lol wow the Vita is toxic. Sony's better off cancelling any Vita projects they have (if any?) and moving them to PS4. Nothing can sell on this thing.

All of their 1st party studios are working on PS4 games now (TY, Sony Bend Syphon Filter PS4 pls!?). The Vita is still getting 2nd/3rd party and indie support so that's fine.


One of those 14k might be mine. I asked for Tearaway and Zelda ALBW for Christmas and will only get one. I will buy the game I don't get. So hyped to play this game.The reveal at Gamescom blew me away. Super sad about the numbers.



Not everyone votes either. Not that it adds to sales enormously.

This is from the South African store, but I think that ratings number may be including all countries that fall under EU PSN

Media molecule really created something magical. Tearaway is fantastic experience that certainly needed to be promoted more heavily by Sony. The unfortunate release date didn't do this game any favours either. Like a few others here, I'm curious about the worldwide sales of this game.


The PS4 doesn't have a mic? A camera? A touchpad? Motion controls?

You don't know much about the PS4, do you?

You don't know much about Tearaway, do you?

If you have already finished the game and you think it can be released in the PS4 wihout being a gimped version that lacks half of the reasons that make this game as good as it is, I'd be sad.

Because I don't think we'll get something like this game in quite a while.

Tearaway really only sold 14k? I'll pick it up when I can motivate myself to pick up a game on my Vita. I just don't play the thing.

An honest question: Was there any marketing money behind this game at all? I haven't seen a commercial for it, or any other PSV game. Hell, I haven't seen any commercials or marketing dollars behind the Vita in general. So outside of gaming website frequenters (low) who own and buy software regularly for the Vita (even lower), I'm not sure how much buzz Sony invested in creating.

I think it's a question for Sony. Where is the paid advertising? Where are the backgrounds taken over on IGN and Gamespot like Microsoft does with the One?

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If you make a game and no one advertises it in places where the masses will see and anticipate it, does anyone know it exists?


Is it wrong I didn't even know if this was on PS3 or Vita, and had it mixed up with Puppeteer?

TBH, with these smaller platformers, they need to make them cross-platform, across all Sony systems. I'd buy both the above if they were £10-£15 on PS4.


My literal love letter to Tearaway on EGM.

Breaks my god-damned heart that it sold so low. Plenty of great games don't do gangbusters, but this little Vita title really deserved to do better. It was an absolutely horrible time to release it, but I don't know how much better it would have done at another point.

I wish people loved the Vita like I do. :(
Is it wrong I didn't even know if this was on PS3 or Vita, and had it mixed up with Puppeteer?

TBH, with these smaller platformers, they need to make them cross-platform, across all Sony systems. I'd buy both the above if they were £10-£15 on PS4.

Tearaway is designed to use the camera/touchpad of the Vita. It really wouldn't on any other platform.



Tearaway really only sold 14k? I'll pick it up when I can motivate myself to pick up a game on my Vita. I just don't play the thing.

An honest question: Was there any marketing money behind this game at all? I haven't seen a commercial for it, or any other PSV game. Hell, I haven't seen any commercials or marketing dollars behind the Vita in general. So outside of gaming website frequenters (low) who own and buy software regularly for the Vita (even lower), I'm not sure how much buzz Sony invested in creating.

I think it's a question for Sony. Where is the paid advertising? Where are the backgrounds taken over on IGN and Gamespot like Microsoft does with the One?

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If you make a game and no one advertises it in places where the masses will see and anticipate it, does anyone know it exists?
SCEA hasn't done shit for Vita in a long time.

SCEE and SCEJ are the only ones really doing anything to advertise the Vita... and support it with *new* content.


First mistake from SCEA is that there isn't a bundle. Come on, it is one of their biggest releases for the Vita and they don't have a bundle? The Walking Dead is pulling good numbers for a late port because it is bundled. It even did better than Tearaway this month.
Tearaway probably sells good in Europe because it is bundled and priced very well on its one (€29.99 retail, €24.99 digital). The Vita isn't doing well in other regions but the SCEA numbers are beyond abysmal. I can't understand why the situation is so bad over there. I guess SCEA really messed it up since the PSP, which is also doing much better in Europe.


This truly makes me angry. If an INCREDIBLE, ORIGINAL, UNIQUE game can't sell on Vita, there is no hope left. The system is dead. It will never come back to life. It's one of my favorite systems ever. I have over 80 games and I have truly lost all hope.
Niche title on a niche handheld that released against some of the stiffest competition of the year, nobody should be surprised. It was sent to die


This truly makes me angry. If an INCREDIBLE, ORIGINAL, UNIQUE game can't sell on Vita, there is no hope left. The system is dead. It will never come back to life. It's one of my favorite systems ever. I have over 80 games and I have truly lost all hope.

Are you insane? Incredible, original, unique games fail all the time on successful hardware.

That's no indication of Vita having no life left. Ridiculous.
SCEA hasn't done shit for Vita in a long time.

SCEE and SCEJ are the only ones really doing anything to advertise the Vita... and support it with *new* content.

An unfortunate reality. And perhaps a big blow to any hopes that the platform will get this kind of AAA software made for it over the next couple of years. If a game garnering this much critical acclaim can't reach respectable numbers, how does a developer justify making a Vita game?

As opposed to releasing on 3DS or iOS?


Are you insane? Incredible, original, unique games fail all the time on successful hardware.

That's no indication of Vita having no life left. Ridiculous.

Isn't that what people said the was the main thing Vita was missing, and the reason it has been selling horribly?
This truly makes me angry. If an INCREDIBLE, ORIGINAL, UNIQUE game can't sell on Vita, there is no hope left. The system is dead. It will never come back to life. It's one of my favorite systems ever. I have over 80 games and I have truly lost all hope.

FFX-2 HD will at least triple the sales of Tearaway. Where's your Vitabros god now?

Isn't that what people said the was the main thing Vita was missing, and the reason it has been selling horribly?

yea, that's what the people who don't own the system have been saying.


They should have cross-platformed this. Especially with PS4, whose owners are starving for new contents and the controller actually has similar scratching mechanism as Vita.


Seeing this along with SM3DW's sales makes me wonder if the market's just done with these kinds of games right now. If that's true, I'll be done with mainstream gaming. Killing people all the time gets kinda boring.


FFX-2 HD will at least triple the sales of Tearaway. Where's your Vitabros god now?

Yeah, but come on, even if it sells 40k, that is still sad. I just hate that this system is in a market that largely doesn't exist anymore. I love the Vita, but people looking to play portable games on premium hardware are unfortunately settling with their smartphones/tablets. It's such a shame.
Seeing this along with SM3DW's sales makes me wonder if the market's just done with these kinds of games right now. If that's true, I'll be done with mainstream gaming. Killing people all the time gets kinda boring.
Unfortunately that's the case for a lot games even years ago. Okami or Beyond Good & Evil.
Hey Amir0x

I'm glad someone decided to come forth and put so much praise out there for a game that needs the support. I've been working on a blog dedicated to the PSVita (just to sort of get the word out on the system and some of it's games) it's a rough system to be so excited about. The lack of console sales and compelling software announcements really does become discouraging, but what can you do. The game is amazing and deserves better.

I recently blogged about this game and strongly urged everyone to at least give it ago. It's saddening that on this very forum, a thread about sales, and the disappointment of having rehashed yearly titles dominate the top ten, can share the same space as another one with consumers pledging to try a good game out when it becomes free. I don't expect everyone to just throw money around, we all have other responsibilities. I just hope someone else can see the connection. Support good games.

To be fair though the most discouraging part of all this is the lack of help from Sony. If nothing else be it commercials, in store marketing, or any type of promotion for the game itself, the fact that they couldn't even put together a god damn hardware bundle for the holidays to help with sales is really pathetic. Last year there was a bundle for COD, Assassin's Creed, and Madden. This year they didn't do anything at all. The only bundles to be found was whatever Amazon had put together. It didn't even have to be a Tearaway bundle, but fuck, they didn't do anything.

I even skimmed through the TRU "Big Toy" book which basically serves as a "circle what you want" guide for kids to show their parents, and it's not even in the damn thing.
How are people even expected to know this game came out, or that the Vita is still a thing?

To the point good on you for your post. I wish I could say you've convinced another person to buy Tearaway, but I jumped in day one. You have however convinced me to buy a WiiU.
Theres a ton of great game play experiences to be had out there, and I think we as gamers, who clamor for something new and different, owe it to the developers who answer the call.
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