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The Division: 9.5M reg users, 20% season pass attach, top new IP ever, 91% ret vs. 4w

soloed the whole game, & can't say enough good things about it. never saw it coming, &, man, did it ever hook me - even more than dark souls 3, surprisingly :) ...

edit: loved new york collapse, as well...



keep your strippers out of my American football
No idea why it's so successful, the game has pretty graphics but everything else looked so boring and repetitive.

The game itself is fun. The gunplay, the sounds, the graphics, etc. are all top-notch. The endgame is a disaster, but that doesn't change that the leveling up was alot of fun, for me atleast.
...and I guess you are kind of salty that a title you don't like performs exceptionally well. That end game was given greenlight because by the numbers it seems to be doing very, very well.

Not salty at all. Enjoyed the game with some friends for the campaign portion of the game. Its no coincidence that 0 out of...18? I think 0 out of 18 friends that had the game still plays it. What they call an end game is laughable. Just calling it like i see it. There are good end games and bad. When 100% of my friends list drops a game at the same time that tells me something.


Mario Kart is the one I thought of, too. I think it's debatable. Building off the back of an established IP (Tom Clancy, Mario) would make me call it a spin-off, but I guess a spin-off can become its own thing, despite overt callbacks to its source material. Like I said, debatable.

Are Sid Meier's Pirates! and Sid Meier's Civilization two different IPs? Are Clive Barker's Undying and Clive Barker's Jericho two different IPs?


I'm so depressed by that kind of decisions.

All of the campaign material was at least good. Then level 30 came and everything became a grind, just to be able to manage AI too strong for your current level.

And being able to cope with players in the darkzone. PVP looks like nowhere skill based, just a matter of how much of your time are you ready to throw away to do the same things over and over and over again.

It's sad to see that those kind of design decision are welcomed by the playerbase, makes me feel so out of place.

Yup, game was great until 30 then collapsed into complete trash. Everything about the DZ shows Ubi put zero thought into it before release, relying solely on the premise alone to make it compelling. Massive seems wildly over their heads now. Loved the game when it came out, but haven't wanted to even launch it in more than a month.


The average playtime per day is 3 hours.. that seems ridiculously high for just about any game.

and also a 91% retention rate. About a month ago I would play every night for hours and my friendlists always had like 7-10 people playing at peak times.

Now I play a few times per week for maybe an hour or 2 and my friends list is an absolute ghost town. And I know by reading the Division subreddit that this is incredibly common.


Not salty at all. Enjoyed the game with some friends for the campaign portion of the game. Its no coincidence that 0 out of...18? I think 0 out of 18 friends that had the game still plays it. What they call an end game is laughable. Just calling it like i see it. There are good end games and bad. When 100% of my friends list drops a game at the same time that tells me something.
It probably means that you and your friends don't seem to be in the audience that stays within the game (so a minority). As someone working with games (and with more than enough numbers) it didn't take long to learn that personal anecdotes are pretty worthless, especially when were talking about NeoGAF. People don't like to believe some numbers, because they can't relate with them, but investor call numbers are a good indicator of the reality, even if they are always set to paint a prettier picture than reality (which you will eventually learn to cut through).
I enjoyed the division. Just waiting for the dlc now. I'm not going to grind any game like I did with destiny ever again. Much more enjoyable to play several games.


Glad to see Siege still doing well. Each seasonal patch is basically a game refresh. Sure, some of it is playing catchup, but the vast majority is based on player feedback, balancing, and new shit.

3.0 patch is fantastic so far.

This is the REAL news. Division success was a given. RS Siege is a total, and very much welcome, surprise.


They wrote it in all caps, giant bold text on their investor slide, so I think they were trying to brag about it.

Mind, also pouring in microtransactions is a great idea, or even just using them. There's a lot of ways to win at digital.

Really? It would seem saying that your new content will only be experienced by 20 per cent of your player base isn't that great.

I think that keeping your fanbase playing more content while giving them ways to spend money on extra stuff is better than, in a way, monetising just 20 per cent of said player base.


Glad to see Siege still doing well. Each seasonal patch is basically a game refresh. Sure, some of it is playing catchup, but the vast majority is based on player feedback, balancing, and new shit.

3.0 patch is fantastic so far.

Yeah, it's fantastic Siege is doing well. Surprised to see Primal did great numbers. I love the FC franchise, but that game is mediocre as fuck.

The Chef

Played the beta and loved it. Missed out on the launch and original hype.
Now I'm consumed with DS3 with an unopened Uncharted 4 sitting on the shelf with Overwatch at the end of the month.
Im thinking I missed my game window for this unfortunately.


The Division had so much potential and they ruined it. Sure, they're addressing things, but not the main issues such as dark zone balance (despite the new tiers, it will be exploited again, because history of this game shows it will happen, and full squads mixed in with solo or two player parties), and the best weapons coming from the DZ outside of lucky-lucky drops. We'll see how the loot system changes in the patch, but I have no faith in it.

I just have in general no faith in this studio, got burnt pretty bad. They have to do a lot to regain mine, as well as other's trust. Until they fix it, I have UC4 (zomg) to hold me over until BF 1.


The game itself is fun. The gunplay, the sounds, the graphics, etc. are all top-notch. The endgame is a disaster, but that doesn't change that the leveling up was alot of fun, for me atleast.

Yup, got through the last mission and haven't been back since. Still got 30 hours out of it, so I'm happy.


No they havent.
Yes, they have. Read the patch notes.
New exploits and glitches pop up with every update they put up.
This is correct, but most of the exploits have gotten fixed. They still have a problem with Mobile Cover but they have acknowledged the issue and are working on a fix. Sometimes stuff needs a client side patch, which can take longer to push through.
IMO the game is worse then ever right now especially after the whole gear score debacle.
Your opinion of the current state of the game is kind of irrelevant considering the fact that you yourself stated to only have a couple hours logged in after 1.1 released. Also, not sure what you mean by "gear score debacle"? GS was introduced to prevent low level players from matching into Incursions they weren't properly geared for, and being matched into DZ against higher level players. The community might have been confused with what GS actually meant and why it was implemented but I wouldn't consider that a debacle.
Just stepping into the community board will tell you this game is FAR from being fixed.
I'm in the community board every day, and while there are some people that are unhappy (what game doesn't have this?), and might have some balancing issues (again, what game doesn't?) its not at all indicative of how "FAR" it is from being fixed. You should know since you play Destiny, games like these only get better with time and nobody can deny Massive has been pretty active at listening and working on this game. I'm pretty excited about the upcoming 1.2 update and future dlc.
95% of my friends list has stopped playing this game because UBI doesn't know wtf to do with their own game.
Alot of my friends stop playing as well, but not necessarily because Ubi/Massive doesnt know what they're doing. This game just isn't for everybody. There's alot grinding, RNG, and min/maxing that is involved that just doesn't appeal to some players. The same could've been said about Bungie or Diablo in its first couple months. Massive seems to have better tools in place to update the game quicker so hopefully it doesn't take as long as it took Destiny. Im really hoping they add structured PVP and some kind of Multigroup activity. We'll see
1.2 patch will most likely fix things but it will also bring ore exploits and glitches.
They have specifically stated they dont want a repeat of what happened with 1.1, so they're currently play testing stuff to try and prevent exploits and bugs from happening. It'd obviously be small sample size as opposed to it being out in the wild, but hopefully they can get it right from the start this time.
I had over 4 days logged into the game before 1.1 but since then I probably have an hour or two at most.
What's your GS? Have you been able to complete the Incursion yet? Maybe you can run it with my group one of these days.[/quote]
Really hoping UBI figures this game out because I purchased the game digitally along with season pass because I LOVED the beta but so far its been a pretty big waste of money.
Thankfully, I've had the same amount of fun I had in the beta, if not more. Not sure why it changed for you, other than standard video game fatigue or your friends jumping on to other games.

Personally, I just started taking a break to play U4, But I'll still be jumping in for weekly Incursion reward (doing one tonight, actually) and checking out the loot for sale.
The anger on the Division in its playerbase is quite something. See the user reviews on Steam; http://store.steampowered.com/app/365590/#app_reviews_hash

Is this new? I've not seen such an amount of people changing their opinion of an existing review to a negative one due to anger over patches! Reviews are beginning to make less and less sense. Not that reviewing MMOs at launch made any sense at all, given that they constantly change.

It's wild to see Rainbow Six Siege kicking all this ass. So many people are talking about it. It looks really cool! I'd thought it would be dying by now, but it seems to just go from strength strength!

Ghost Recon Wildlands doesn't have pvp, so I dont think it will be a threat to either Division or Rainbow Six!

And as for For Honor, I am really bumped that it is only 4 vs 4. I wanted 64 vs 64 like Mount and Blade:(


I feel so out of touch in terms of identifying with what's "popular" these days. These online shooter types aren't for me, but damn that's a lot of season pass owners.


I only play The maybe once a week now and this is from playing almost daily and spending two hours in the DZ. I gave up because of the loot drop and getting nothing in return. If I'm killing the Named Bosses in DZ06 I better be getting good loot and not shit from it.


It doesn't surprise me at all that this game has really impressive sales numbers. It's actually a great game for casual players.

I have been playing this game regularly since mid-March, and the game is always full of activity (daily missions, DZ, etc.). While the game's various flaws have generated a lot of criticism among hardcore players who are willing/able to put in 400+ hours in a cover-based shooter/RPG, this game offers a lot to casual players who just want to spend a few hours gaming now and then. You can run around NYC with a few friends and do missions and go in the DZ to battle for better gear.

While I would like to see a better end game and less grind for hardcore players, I have to compliment Massive on creating a game that a lot of people enjoy playing.
Yes, they have. Read the patch notes.
This is correct, but most of the exploits have gotten fixed. They still have a problem with Mobile Cover but they have acknowledged the issue and are working on a fix. Sometimes stuff needs a client side patch, which can take longer to push through.

Your opinion of the current state of the game is kind of irrelevant considering the fact that you yourself stated to only have a couple hours logged in after 1.1 released. Also, not sure what you mean by "gear score debacle"? GS was introduced to prevent low level players from matching into Incursions they weren't properly geared for, and being matched into DZ against higher level players. The community might have been confused with what GS actually meant and why it was implemented but I wouldn't consider that a debacle.

I'm in the community board every day, and while there are some people that are unhappy (what game doesn't have this?), and might have some balancing issues (again, what game doesn't?) its not at all indicative of how "FAR" it is from being fixed. You should know since you play Destiny, games like these only get better with time and nobody can deny Massive has been pretty active at listening and working on this game. I'm pretty excited about the upcoming 1.2 update and future dlc.

Alot of my friends stop playing as well, but not necessarily because Ubi/Massive doesnt know what they're doing. This game just isn't for everybody. There's alot grinding, RNG, and min/maxing that is involved that just doesn't appeal to some players. The same could've been said about Bungie or Diablo in its first couple months. Massive seems to have better tools in place to update the game quicker so hopefully it doesn't take as long as it took Destiny. Im really hoping they add structured PVP and some kind of Multigroup activity. We'll seeThey have specifically stated they dont want a repeat of what happened with 1.1, so they're currently play testing stuff to try and prevent exploits and bugs from happening. It'd obviously be small sample size as opposed to it being out in the wild, but hopefully they can get it right from the start this time.

What's your GS? Have you been able to complete the Incursion yet? Maybe you can run it with my group one of these days.
Thankfully, I've had the same amount of fun I had in the beta, if not more. Not sure why it changed for you, other than standard video game fatigue or your friends jumping on to other games.

Personally, I just started taking a break to play U4, But I'll still be jumping in for weekly Incursion reward (doing one tonight, actually) and checking out the loot for sale.[/QUOTE]

I really do hope you're right and they fix the game in 1.2 because I was really addicted before 1.1

Despite its failures I think the game has amazing immersion, graphics and the TPS gameplay is pretty good. I also really enjoy the different build you can use. I would also love for them to add a dedicated PvP mode but keep the DZ intact.

I think what really turned me off about the game was the exploits and glitches. It felt like a broken game to me.


Sad to say I blind bought the season pass after how fun the beta was. If I only knew what a turd the final endgame would be.

Same here, bought the season pass after having loads of fun in the beta.

Stopped caring at level 18 and haven't been back since, doubt I ever will.


They really need to get off their ass and make all the mission playable in Challenge mode. If you don't feel like venturing into the DZ, you end up playing the same god damn 4 CM's over and over and over and over...while there are tons of other fun missions wasted because reasons...
The anger on the Division in its playerbase is quite something. See the user reviews on Steam; http://store.steampowered.com/app/365590/#app_reviews_hash

Is this new? I've not seen such an amount of people changing their opinion of an existing review to a negative one due to anger over patches! Reviews are beginning to make less and less sense. Not that reviewing MMOs at launch made any sense at all, given that they constantly change.

Hey, that's my review at the top.

But it's true though, they made the game worse with the recent patch. More bugs, more exploits, and more grinding. Instead of giving us more options to gear up, they gave us more chores grind and made everything harder to come by. I've spent a good 120+ hours in the game to judge it accordingly.
I've been playing console FPSers since CoD4 and Siege is the best and most refreshing FPS I've played since MW2. I'm really glad that its done well due to word of mouth, despite Ubisoft not giving it the attention it deserves in terms of marketing.

Using COD4 as a measuring stick for how long you have been gaming makes me feel ancient.

The Division is the first game I'll sell back to MS when they implement digital sell back. Going back to my previous stance of no more Ubisoft that i had post watchdogs.
Glad to hear Siege seems to be doing okay; still my favorite shooter this gen and I'm utterly addicted. The Division, despite its obvious AAA status I could tell from the beta's wouldn't be lasting long. Seriously, I doubt the actual reality is less impressive than they're leading these investors to believe. I've not a single friend who still plays it yet multiple who are just as hooked on Siege as day 1.
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