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The Witcher 3 has been delayed to May 19, 2015.


I really don't care about any delays and for whatever rationale. I'll wait for the game to come out and look to the reviews and opinions of the early purchasers. Then I'll work out if it is meeting my expectations and whether to consider getting it.

There is so little point going through this downgrade nonsense with scattered images rather than waiting for the finalised game


I agree with those who say its for the best since feb-march was way too crowded.

Now with Feb/March games evenly spread out and with TW3 in May and Batman in June, I don't feel like I'm going to suffocate...


I'm really worried about the state of the final product. Yes, they are taking more time, but if the game is really in such a bad state maybe it's not enough. So... I guess I won't be pre-ordering, even though I will definetly buy the game at some point.
Sounds good. Feb-March was way too crowded.

"Development hell" is TLG and FFXV. Can't just throw that term around every time a game gets pushed back a couple months.

Its so far been delayed a total of 7 months from its original planned launch date in October.

That is massive development issues.


Cyberpunk 2077 delayed to 2019.

Don't really get the "Sony must be happy" sentiment. Witcher is a niche European RPG, it wasn't going to make a dent in The Order's audience.
Niche European RPG that won "most anticipated" prizes everywhere, from neogaf to Game Awards.
Witcher being the only open world RPG on the horizon makes it this gen's Oblivion.
Guys, the more time they have, the more time they have to downgrade it even further! oh noes!!!

Ehh, just an extra month more, not a lot in the big picture.


Nice, enough time for people to forget about the downgrade.


The game is just sitting there in my library, looks like it's going to be like that for longer.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Omg lol no!!! I guess it's good for dev time, but still slightly disappointed. I might just have to pick up Battlefield or Evolve. 2015 is so barren in the first half.


Junior Member


Three month delay is not for minor issues.

The average game development cycle is around 4 years, that is 48 months.

3 months would equate to less than 5% of the entire development cycle, so I would argue that amount of time is for minor issues and polish.

In this case, when a developer is trying to ship a final product, they aren't going to make massive sweeping changes to the code. Just make enough commits to fix the errors that are there, then ship the project, clean up later.


Why I'm glad about this move.

Feb's got The Order 1886, March is Bloodborne + FF Type 0 and the May for Witcher 3. Nothing in April atm (though probably something will show up).

Biggest (only?) thing in April right now is Mortal Kombat X/


Neo Member
Well looks like The Order for me in February, Bloodborne in March, April MKX, and May Witcher 3. I atleast appreciate that they're all spread out. Far Cry 4 and Dragon Age will definitely keep me till February. It won't be like Elder Scrolls: Oblivion where it took me 4 years to finally have enough time to finish it all.


I'd rather they have another year if they need it (seriously)- I'd rather wait a year than not have a top quality game. My backlog is cah-ray-zee. And we've got Path of Eternity coming out and Wasteland 2, Dragon Age, and Original Sin barely in the rear view mirror. Not like we're in a rpg drought.


Of course not. I appreciate they take their time. I just find it funny that they promise stuff they can't keep most of the time.

PR being PR. It does seem like, anecdotally, that delays are more common this gen than last. Trying to stay positive however :)
Cyberpunk 2077 delayed to 2019.

Don't really get the "Sony must be happy" sentiment. Witcher is a niche European RPG, it wasn't going to make a dent in The Order's audience.

May 2020 for Cyberpunk imo

My bet is that Neogaf contains probably the only people who would be interested in both Witcher 3 and The Order anyway
This is a good thing. I'm glad they take pride in their work and want to release the best game possible. There are tons of games to play right now, anyway. It's for the best.


The average game development cycle is around 4 years, that is 48 months.

3 months would equate to less than 5% of the entire development cycle, so I would argue that amount of time is for minor issues and polish.

In this case, when a developer is trying to ship a final product, they aren't going to make massive sweeping changes to the code. Just make enough commits to fix the errors that are there, then ship the project, clean up later.

This is also second delay so it is practically 5+ months if we count that. I am not saying that it is a bad thing to delay game but obviously something is wrong with game.


Would you rather them release an unpolished game?

I think for some people, it would help if CDPR would learn to shut up.

That being said, delaying the game is almost never a bad thing for the final product. And May is not a bad month to launch a AAA game, as WatchDogs has shown.
I was literally minutes away of starting my second playthrough of 2 so I can get my save ready by February. At least I don't have to worry about rushing through it I guess.
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