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To those who played the ME: Andromeda trial: are you buying the full game?


Im surprised so many people are still willing to buy it early after what I have seen. This isn't some "normal" amount of bugs or animation issues. This thing reeks of disaster. Like the dev team got seriously screwed over on time and wasn't allowed to fix this shit.


I mean wow man. This stuff is far to blatant to even miss or not notice. EVERYONE who plays is going to notice this stuff, and in large volumes. Typically a game would get ripped apart for this. The series must be damn good, because people seem to still be giving them a chance despite all of this.
I really dug the visuals and the Ryder family seems to introduce some interesting nuances. After hitting the cut off of the trial I would have been ready to buy it and keep playing right there.
Now though a few days later and hearing a few inputs from podcast and general voice I'm passing. At least until it's cheaper but with Persona and the other recent releases it doesn't fill any space for me.

Rebel FM had a great angle when talking about this game and the direction the devs prob came from when planning out this game. They tried to keep some mainstays of the series like planet scanning but it doesn't fit into the game at all for all the other things the game tries to do.

The main point that swayed me was that the game doesn't get its groove until you acquire a lot of missions and go to a planet and can do mult missions back to back in an area. That's tells me that I have no time for this rn.


Not saying you're wrong, but this is a complaint I haven't read often on this game. Not feeling the combat?

Nope. Something's just feel off. Probably a mix of the cover system where you sometimes are in cover and sometimes not and having shoulder swap on the right stick. It just feels off. For the combat it feels like an average third person shooter. Nothing feels like they have weight to them, especially using the biotic powers. Way more satisfying in the previous games to toss someone in the air and unload into them.
Yeah I'm still buying it. I loved the Trilogy and even though my excitement for this isn't that high because of lots of the issues, I'll buy it to see if the immersion is good. Plus I got the Deluxe Edition at a discount that is too good to skip at the moment.

Plus Amazon already charged me hehehe...
Yes. I'm not a hypocryt who doesn't want to play a good game with good story because of some facial animations
Please tell me more about how people are hypocrites because of this. I'm dying to know.
Im surprised so many people are still willing to buy it early after what I have seen. This isn't some "normal" amount of bugs or animation issues. This thing reeks of disaster. Like the dev team got seriously screwed over on time and wasn't allowed to fix this shit.

I mean wow man. This stuff is far to blatant to even miss or not notice. EVERYONE who plays is going to notice this stuff, and in large volumes. Typically a game would get ripped apart for this. The series must be damn good, because people seem to still be giving them a chance despite all of this.

I played all ten hours and was not bothered by the small amount of animation bugs I encountered. Did you play the trial? It's pretty damn fun.


Nope. Something's just feel off. Probably a mix of the cover system where you sometimes are in cover and sometimes not and having shoulder swap on the right stick. It just feels off. For the combat it feels like an average third person shooter. Nothing feels like they have weight to them, especially using the biotic powers. Way more satisfying in the previous games to toss someone in the air and unload into them.
You're far from alone in this boat but I actually liked the gameplay in 2 (which is one of my all times) and 3 but this is just as bland as water to me, sadly.


Im surprised so many people are still willing to buy it early after what I have seen. This isn't some "normal" amount of bugs or animation issues. This thing reeks of disaster. Like the dev team got seriously screwed over on time and wasn't allowed to fix this shit.


I mean wow man. This stuff is far to blatant to even miss or not notice. EVERYONE who plays is going to notice this stuff, and in large volumes. Typically a game would get ripped apart for this. The series must be damn good, because people seem to still be giving them a chance despite all of this.

I agree, even as someone really invested in the series and played the trial this game is flatout not good. The review thread is going to be pretty ugly.


Im surprised so many people are still willing to buy it early after what I have seen. This isn't some "normal" amount of bugs or animation issues. This thing reeks of disaster. Like the dev team got seriously screwed over on time and wasn't allowed to fix this shit.


I mean wow man. This stuff is far to blatant to even miss or not notice. EVERYONE who plays is going to notice this stuff, and in large volumes. Typically a game would get ripped apart for this. The series must be damn good, because people seem to still be giving them a chance despite all of this.

Most people don't care about things like that. We can debate whether they should or not, sure. But this is a game being advertised all over TV that's going to sell a good amount. And even within the NeoGAF bubble, I don't think that many care.


Absolutely!!! A little jank and a few crappy animations are far from enough to spoil what otherwise appears to be an incredible game!

I'm certainly disappointed in some of the animation and bugs but I think people are blowing it WAY OUT OF PROPORTION!!!

It is VERY SAD that many will not give this game a chance just because people cutting a 10 hour experience into 25 seconds of bad animation and misrepresenting how prevelant it is.

The facial animations fall short of most big budget games, but they are not agregiously bad most of the time. The eyes seem to be the biggest issue to me.

But the rest of the game seems incredible, more than worth putting up with a little roughness around the edges.

Hope they fix the issues but even if they don't I expect this to be my favorite game of the year (and I own Breath of the Wild).


You're far from alone in this boat but I actually liked the gameplay in 2 (which is one of my all times) and 3 but this is just as bland as water to me, sadly.

That's where I am. ME2 is one of my favorite games last gen, and I really enjoyed playing through ME3, but the magic is missing in this one.


I was on the fence before the trail
Now I won't buy it until there has been some serious rework on character interaction and expression.

I just can't care about lifeless NPC actors
There have been too many games that eclips this.

Looks fantastic visually, but it's riddled with technical issues.


Probably in 3 to 6 months when I can get it for $30

There's definitely some good stuff there, but I'm really disappointed with the story and dialogue, and I have enough to play right now as it is.
Going to wait for patches. Gameplay feels off. I think they should have postponed the release until everything was good and tight. Game is kind of a mess right now


Neo Member
Absolutely yes. I am sitting here being sad about burning through my 10 hours of trial time already, I want more and I want it now.


Im surprised so many people are still willing to buy it early after what I have seen. This isn't some "normal" amount of bugs or animation issues. This thing reeks of disaster. Like the dev team got seriously screwed over on time and wasn't allowed to fix this shit.


I mean wow man. This stuff is far to blatant to even miss or not notice. EVERYONE who plays is going to notice this stuff, and in large volumes. Typically a game would get ripped apart for this. The series must be damn good, because people seem to still be giving them a chance despite all of this.

I played all 10 hours and the bugs I did have were minor enough to ignore. It really wasn't that big of a deal for me.


I had this thing pre ordered forever. I'm going deep regardless of the result.

Going blackout on reviews til I see the credits roll.


I'm leaning towards yes but I feel like it'll depend on whether there's a third gay male LI (because the two that we know about don't really appeal to me) and whether I like him or not. If there isn't, I'll probably still get it but maybe not at launch since I'd possibly want to wait and see if they fix the character creator and some of the animation stuff. But I'd probably be too impatient to wait for that if there is an LI I'm into (Yes, yes, I know that many people think it's silly to place so much importance on that aspect of the games but I do :p.) and the animations honestly haven't bothered me that much.


Probably.. theres no sci-fi open world game that comes close to Mass Effect. Animations were always terrible in ME games.
I really dug the visuals and the Ryder family seems to introduce some interesting nuances. After hitting the cut off of the trial I would have been ready to buy it and keep playing right there.
Now though a few days later and hearing a few inputs from podcast and general voice I'm passing. At least until it's cheaper but with Persona and the other recent releases it doesn't fill any space for me.

Rebel FM had a great angle when talking about this game and the direction the devs prob came from when planning out this game. They tried to keep some mainstays of the series like planet scanning but it doesn't fit into the game at all for all the other things the game tries to do.

The main point that swayed me was that the game doesn't get its groove until you acquire a lot of missions and go to a planet and can do mult missions back to back in an area. That's tells me that I have no time for this rn.
I never scanned anything in previous ME games...


Waiting for patches. It's not the janky animations that bother me, but the finicky cover implementation, the atrocious UI, and the all-round grindy/slow scanning/mining/crafting.


Definitely. I really like it. While some details are underwhelming it gets me more excited than any other big series that was brough to this gem from last. It's better than Fallout 4, better as a new take from a new developer than Halo 4 and seems to have its own ideas more than Gears of War 4.
It might not be the best game ever but I'm excited to play a lot more.


Tried it, nah. Way too janky, sterile and uninspired. Feels like a b-rate SyFy channel ripoff of Mass Effect. Made by a different developer too, so it's easy to ignore as "this isn't mass effect".


Im pretty sure to get it, but the damn amount of great games comming out is stupid. I need my wallet recover for a bit...
Yes. It's good. I play games, I don't care if the facial animation is a little janky. Hell Dark Souls doesn't even animate the faces lol. The gameplay is the best in the series.
Yes, planning to buy on console for MP with friends, and on PC for the best SP experience. Played trial on both platforms accordingly as well and enjoyed both immensely.
Definitely. Really enjoyed the trial. Was a bit meh on the prologue but once you hit the Nexus it really feels like Mass Effect again. Liking the characters and the story seems like it could be interesting if perhaps nothing mind blowing.

There's more than enough great stuff here for a few janky animations to put me off.


Yes day one . Game ran great on my pc and I enjoyed what I played . Day one drivers should boost performance even further .


I had reservations about getting it before all this face frenzy but now I am decided that I won't get it. Not ruling out ever getting it but with a wealth of other great games out at the moment I'm not in a rush.


Yep buying it. I'm in to explore a new (janky) galaxy. Wish the character models and animations were better but it isn't a dealbreaker for me.
I never scanned anything in previous ME games...
If you want other points I'd suggest listening to the last episode. They bring up good points

The scanning while can be skipped counts towards your overall percentage completion. Each scan provides no conetext to the planet and is proceeded by a 30 second animation of going to another planet to hit one button and see that there is nothing there. It makes the world seem extremely small. And is extremely tedious and time wasting.

Also the game still makes you scan in another way. When on a planet driving you come across an ore deposit that you send a probe. This is still the ME 2 scanning but on foot.

There are more aspects I think that parallel mechanics they tried to keep from the trilogy but it doesn't work.
I went into this being like "if the story sucks there will always be the multiplayer"

But now I feel like the multiplayer does not "feel as good" as the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and will probably get it for the single player just out of boredom.


Absolutely. Waited for the trial to see how it would run on my pc mostly, but this is some Mass Effect ass Mass Effect.

If you want other points I'd suggest listening to the last episode. They bring up good points

The scanning while can be skipped counts towards your overall percentage completion. Each scan provides no conetext to the planet and is proceeded by a 30 second animation of going to another planet to hit one button and see that there is nothing there. It makes the world seem extremely small. And is extremely tedious and time wasting.

Also the game still makes you scan in another way. When on a planet driving you come across an ore deposit that you send a probe. This is still the ME 2 scanning but on foot.

There are more aspects I think that parallel mechanics they tried to keep from the trilogy but it doesn't work.

It's not ME2 scanning at all. ME2 scanning was a side minigame you had to participate in (strike 1) that involved a VERY VERY slow moving cursor and was purely tedious. (Strike 2).

That's why people hated it.

The fact that you can get resources while exploring in andromeda (doing something you're already doing, +1) and just have to glance at the little meters that pop up for a second and hit R to drop a probe and then keep on rolling (fast and unintrusive, +2) makes it essentially night and day different, even if the LOOK of what you're doing is vaguely reminiscent of ME2 scanning.


Yup. I enjoyed what I played, if the game has some goofy jank to it I'm alright with that. The game outside the conversations is pretty well-made, imo.
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