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Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - PlayStation 4 = ~60fps, Xbox One = ~30fps

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Humor, coping mechanism of the weak willed. There are no jokes, only crystal clear pictures at 4k resolution.

Choose the PC, prepare yourself for true ascension.

I suppose even the fact that you had to ask the question says enough about the level of communication between different players

I do dabble in it from time to time, but have to admit I'm still too ghetto for 4k....


Well, you say "we can have it all" in regards to 1080/60 and standard controller/hardware. But looking at the 8 retail PS4 games I bought, half of them don't run at 60 and one of them (BF4) isn't 1080. So that couldn't be what you meant, hence me being confused. I think it's just too early and I'm not putting it together.

Meant we are getting there - shame not all the launch games made it - but it shows its possible - Tomb raider dev is not exactly naughty dog ....

Not even bought BF4 yet, seems like they are still in development LOL. Skipped NFS they seemed to target effects rather than frame rate.

What I am saying is that going forward if devs have enough time its what we should be getting in 2014


Works both ways, you have PS4 fans in this thread calling PCs obsolete and saying that the console is superior to PCs because of the price and things like that. Not that I really disagree with that mind you, I like my PS4 and I think it's a great machine. I still love my PC and all the advantages it brings too.l

in a purely "bang for your buck" comparison, then yes the PS4 could be considered superior...you're not going to build a complete PC for $400 that plays the game better than a PS4 thats for sure...

i dont think any levelheaded person is suggesting high end PC's are obsolete in comparison to the PS4...but at the $400 price point?...

I just find it funny how some people would like to be left alone in their consoles threads arguing like if they were in a vacuum and there was nothing else around them.

as i think it should be in gaming...the PC/Consoles truly dont belong being discussed in the same comparisons...

- I think its fine to show how the game CAN look on a high end PC (like the way DF includes the PC in their comparisons now)...though i wonder sometimes why the PC version was not included last gen...and still have a slightly paranoid inkling that its there to help downplay the advantages of the PS4 over the Xbone...

- There is so much variety and with no cost ceiling in the PC realm that it makes the comparisons pretty foolish...we are talking about ~$400 consoles...the discussion becomes irrelevant very quickly...especially considering cost and the fact that what, 10% of "gamers" own PC's more powerful than consoles??

- would be like Motortrend doing a comparison between the Honda Accord and a Toyota Camry...and then throwing in an S550 and saying "look what i can do with $95k!" its a completely irrelevant discussion...


extra source of jiggaflops
Fair enough.

Most of the time PC players don't just wade in and say things. Other times when a ridiculous statement such as ps4 making gaming pcs obselete is made, it deserves ridicule for the stupidity of the comment.
And it got that in spades, I think.

Your comment about how tablets beat the PS4 spec does not give credence to the Technical Fellow position you might want to represent.


Fair enough.

Most of the time PC players don't just wade in and say things. Other times when a ridiculous statement such as ps4 making gaming pcs obselete is made, it deserves ridicule for the stupidity of the comment.

Oh agree, some prefer kb / mouse, and they have zero interest in playing a console. Others have it the other way.

Either way, we as gamers deserve better running games on whatever box and control scheme
Fair enough.

Most of the time PC players don't just wade in and say things.
Other times when a ridiculous statement such as ps4 making gaming pcs obselete is made, it deserves ridicule for the stupidity of the comment.

Actually, that's been happening a lot, most recently with Tomb Raider because it's being labeled the "definitive edition", and it's only coming to next gen consoles. Go back and look at any of the threads surrounding the game and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Fair enough.

Most of the time PC players don't just wade in and say things. Other times when a ridiculous statement such as ps4 making gaming pcs obselete is made, it deserves ridicule for the stupidity of the comment.

Lol, such nonsense. Every single community has people wade in and say dumb shit. Every one. Even the Neo Geo Pocket Color Crew!

Also NO DON'T LOCK the thread yet mods, we're almost at 60! :p
My brain is too slow to comprehend the difference between 60fps and 30fps and I can only afford a 720p TV.
It's a no brainer that I'm getting the Xbox One version.


Fair enough.

Most of the time PC players don't just wade in and say things. Other times when a ridiculous statement such as ps4 making gaming pcs obselete is made, it deserves ridicule for the stupidity of the comment.

As does your lie about tablet specs. I'm so out of touch with tablets that don't run iOS, I actually went to google this mythical gaming tablet. You lied :(


What the fuck happened in here?

A few hours ago it was a civilized console war thread.....

Go team "60fps on average, give or take a few frames"
I think a lot of modern PC gamers were console gamers who switched. They still want to be a part of console wars as they still have that mentaity, so they try and bring their PC platform into every console discussion now.
Yeah i think that's what it is. Which is a bit absurd, because to the vast majority of console gamers PC as a gaming platform is completely irrelevant. It would almost be better if we gave the PC crowd a separate forum, because they seem to ruin threads these days.


I have this game on PC, played the game with almost everything max out, I'm getting it day one on ps4, looks impressive to me, loved the game and after playing AC4 on ps4 I have to say that a rock solid 30 frames didn't bother me at all so it's good news it has a higher framerate


The fact that this industry (and its enthusiastic press) apologizes and encourages to buy a clearly inferior machine which does not deliver it's proposed value is sad, deppressing and astounding.


And it got that in spades, I think.

Your comment about how tablets beat the PS4 spec does not give credence to the Technical Fellow position you might want to represent.

I didn't say tablets beat the ps4. I said it's specs (CPU) is based off of something that was used in that sector. Which it is so dunno why dudes catch feelings whenever it is brought up.

I get it. PS4 players are hyped up. Over TR of all things. I have a XB1 and a PS4 as well, but it was a terrible comment and so i spoke on it.

Anyway it's done and over long live 60fps


Did this thread just lock then unlock? Are the mods just waiting for it to his page 60 for the lols?

It sure has gone off the rails from the OP I guess.


What the fuck happened in here?

People got angry, on all sides of the fence.

PS4 gamers ''We have the bestest version''
Xbone gamers ''that's cool, it will be good anyway''
PC gamers ''mwhahaahaa, we have the bestest version, my Titan can run better''
PS4 gamers ''having the best possible version does not matter''
Xbone gamers ''but you just said.......''

I know this simplifies it massively, but this is why we have such irritation in the thread.


Three guys are drinking in a bar when a drunk man comes in, staggers up to them, and points at the guy in the middle, shouting, "Xbox One version of Tomb Raider is better because it is 30fps!"

Everyone expects a fight, but the guy ignores him, so the drunken man wanders off and bellies up to the bar at the far end.

Ten minutes later, the drunk comes back, points at the same guy, and says, "30fps is a much better cinematic expirience"

Again the guy refuses to take the bait, and the drunk goes back to the far end of the bar.

Ten minutes later, he comes back and announces, "Tomb Raider on Xbox one has the best voice control of all console versions"

Finally the guy interrupts. "Go home, Major Nelson, you're drunk!"
I'm going to go in an area with very little geometry and look at a wall and then downwards. I will do this for 10 hours and then I will start playing the game.

That way my average frame rate will be 59fps on PS4.

Thats how i used to play levels in certain games that my pc couldn't handle, hold sprint and look at the ground!

you guys are brutal.

I honestly can't see that being the case. It's literally making one version of the game play much better than the other and seriously pissing off Microsoft.

MS really has no leverage to do anything about it this gen, they're squandered any marketshare they gained in Yurop, gone down to second place in one fell swoop in the US and will continue to be even more irrelevant in other markets.

A dev can easily ignore them since sales will be more on the superior platform and market leader.
2. The ps4 version was obviously held back ( parity) because the graphics are identical.

Hopefully this is not out of context then as it illustrates what my disagreement is with you - the quoted is not an objectively true statement as some people value higher framerate over more graphical shinies. Framerate is a component of how a game's graphics are perceived. Now I know you can choose a narrower definition that separates graphics and performance, but I think that is disingenuous in this discussion.


extra source of jiggaflops
I didn't say tablets beat the ps4. I said it's specs (CPU) is based off of something that was used in that sector. Which it is so dunno why dudes catch feelings whenever it is brought up.
You did not say tablets beat the PS4. You said the PS4 is at tablet specs. My mistake.

You did not say based off of, and I just checked you post you didn't go back yet and edit it to say "based off of."

Do you think your post is accurate and so much less inflammatory than the retarded post you replied to?


Gold Member
Sucks if these threads always end up like this and locked. Mainly because I need them when buying 3rd party games. I avoided Bethesda games on PS3 and Square games on XBox because of these kind of threads.

PC is my double dip on awesome games machine, usually because mods are fucking awesome.


The fact that this industry (and its enthusiastic press) apologizes and encourages to buy a clearly inferior machine which does not deliver it's proposed value is sad, deppressing and astounding.

It's an interesting industry I'll say that.

It's why i enjoyed watching joel Mchale on vgx back in December. He questioned half the shit we considered normal.


Three guys are drinking in a bar when a drunk man comes in, staggers up to them, and points at the guy in the middle, shouting, "Xbox One version of Tomb Raider is better because it is 30fps!"

Everyone expects a fight, but the guy ignores him, so the drunken man wanders off and bellies up to the bar at the far end.

Ten minutes later, the drunk comes back, points at the same guy, and says, "30fps is a much better cinematic expirience"

Again the guy refuses to take the bait, and the drunk goes back to the far end of the bar.

Ten minutes later, he comes back and announces, "Tomb Raider on Xbox one has the best voice control of all console versions"

Finally the guy interrupts. "Go home, Major Nelson, you're drunk!"



[X] PS gloating
[X] MS apologists
[X] PC snobs
[X] Media bias called out
[X] Custom GIFS
[X] blahblahblah? blahblahblah.
[X] multiple, poorly made check lists
[ ] conspiracy theories
[ ] WiiU port begging
[ ] CBOAT post, 20+ pages added
[ ] Obama blamed
[ ] Original post turns out to be wrong, 30+ pages added



I can't think of any other industry that does this sort of thing.

That doesn't make this industry any less bad.

This game is so bizarre. I'm not a big PC gamer, but it's obvious to me even that the definitive edition of this game has been out on the PC for a while now. That one of the "next-gen" consoles will still be performing at a last-gen frame rate is pretty sad.


Meant we are getting there - shame not all the launch games made it - but it shows its possible - Tomb raider dev is not exactly naughty dog ....

Not even bought BF4 yet, seems like they are still in development LOL. Skipped NFS they seemed to target effects rather than frame rate.

What I am saying is that going forward if devs have enough time its what we should be getting in 2014

I think as usual it depends on how devs design their games. Naughty Dog can either design for 60 and take the sacrifices that comes with it or they can design for 30 and add extra effects. The good thing about multiplatform development is that devs may shoot for baseline visual parity with Xbox leaving PS4 with a better framerate by default, which is sweet for us with a PS4.
My original point was to rebuff those saying that the PS4 doesn't play at a steady 60fps all the time as if that is a knock against it. Even a Titan has a min fps of lower than 60 especially with tressfx on. Granted the console versions are using a less demanding version of tressfx but all I was trying to say is that considering the hardware the performance is pretty impressive. Obviously a decent gaming PC will run laps around it. I have both so I don't really have a stake in it.

Fair enough. I certainly agree that there are probably no reasonably priced PC builds capable of maintaining 60fps at all times with TressFX, so the PS4 getting anywhere close would be exciting to see.


So am I right in thinking we haven't even had it confirmed what frame rate the XB1 version is?

Imagine all of this discussion and it turns out it's 60 after all.


I didn't say tablets beat the ps4. I said it's specs (CPU) is based off of something that was used in that sector. Which it is so dunno why dudes catch feelings whenever it is brought up.

dudes "catch feelings" when the "tablet" comment is made because its complete NONSENSE...
"Yeah makes sense I guess." - Was my initial reaction with a big sidedish of who gives a crap. But BOY was I wrong.
Looking at this hilarious thread and some of the responses is a real eyeopener.

Dear NeoGaf, some of your users have officially gone insane or have the mindset of 9-year olds. pleasestop.gif


The usual PC vs consoles dispute is useless and old.
It all comes down to the fact that if you have the money you can build a very powerful system which is much more powerful than consoles.
But it's also true that a good part of that power (and money) goes wasted running unoptimized and slow code. This is where consoles have the advantage.
Tomb Raider doesn't run on a 7870 in a PC as well as it runs on the PS4.
In the future thanks to optimizations PS4 will be able to run games than current PC tops cards will struggle to run. This has happened every gen.
Think about the games which run on PS3 and what you can run on PC with a GF7 family card.
I imagine the power disparity will be the norm this gen. Whether it is resolutions or frame rates, unless there is something wonky going on, PS4 will be the winner in third party technicalities. I suspect PS4 first party is going to show a huge advantage over MS first party as well.

The question is: Will these threads become the norm? As entertaining as they are, surely the tech difference isn't going to be news for the next 5 or 6 years.


I'd be in the dick
These are the exciting things i am patiently wait to see on these new consoles...it's something that PC's are not truly doing yet for gaming and consoles will be the first to "truly" introduce this. I expect to see HUGE improvements at this point as well. Many developers are also really excited about utilizing this technology in these consoles. I guess that is why i am so excited for PS4 even though i am a pretty loyal PC gamer...I am very open to all new graphics technology because it is something I've always loved about gaming. I really feel Cerny and Team knocked out a homerun with PS4 architecture. And Xbox One has this as well so thats good for the X1 gamers too! but i am more excited to see the PS4 harness this tech because of its powerful hardware.

From what I've read, PS4 seems like it's set to take advantage of those things more efficiently than XBO due to the added compute functionality and RAM structure. Add the power gap into that and the difference in games may get even wider.
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