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Tried to watch Interstellar and bd drive died


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Oh ok, so you're actually just talking about scientific bases, yeh I guess you're right then.

But as a movie, which is what Interstellar is, then I doubt it'll be talked about in years to come.

I really won't.

Both the science, and the underlying message, will both be important in years to come.

In fact, at some point in the future, when the world is in dire straits because of an asteroid, or over population, or disease, or whatever the extinction event for this planet is, and we look back at how we wouldn't put money towards things like NASA because we were too worried about our own lives, politics, celebrity gossip, etc. People will look back on this film and say things like "Now more relevant than ever before" and "Almost Prophetic"...

The trailer monologue drives this home perfectly.


We’ve always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments, these moments when we dared to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known, we count these moments as our highest achievements, but we lost all that. And perhaps we’ve just forgotten that we are still pioneers, and we’ve barely begun, and that our greatest accomplishments can not be behind us, because our destiny lies above us.


no it wouldn't

the general bullshit surrounding matt Damon and everything after he enters the black hole make the movie really fucking bad

If you're a nitpicker then fictional movies are often hard to digest - And games doubly so.

I'm glad I'm over that period in my life. Now I try to float down the river, holes and flasws are ok as long as everything else is well made..


Both the science, and the underlying message, will both be important in years to come.

In fact, at some point in the future, when the world is in dire straits because of an asteroid, or over population, or disease, or whatever the extinction event for this planet is, and we look back at how we wouldn't put money towards things like NASA because we were too worried about our own lives, politics, celebrity gossip, etc. People will look back on this film and say things like "Now more relevant than ever before" and "Almost Prophetic"...

The trailer monologue drives this home perfectly.


I'm sure the last thing on peoples minds if we ever face a situation in which the humanity is coming to an end is a movie from hundreds, maybe even thousands of years ago, just because "oh the irony, they were right all that time ago!"
you made an entirely new thread about this before even trying a reboot?



Was getting caught part of your plan?

Personally loved the movie btw mainly for the technical stuff behind it all and even with the third act shark jump. That said, it's one of the few films where i can't necessarily blame anyone who didn't like it. Really boils down to a matter of personal suspension of disbelief


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I'm sure the last thing on peoples minds if we ever face a situation in which the humanity is coming to an end is a movie from hundreds, maybe even thousands of years ago, just because "oh the irony, they were right all that time ago!"

If we get through the situation. Yes. Or in earlier stages, IE if the world does not fall apart all at once. You saw that with many films during the second gulf war.

Also, birthrates the way they are, we are going to be in trouble much sooner than hundred of years from now. Much less thousands.


Not shocked people didn't like the movie, not everyone likes everything, but personally loved it and think it is among the best sci-fi films ever. Brilliant concepts, some really sound science, and amazing visuals and soundtrack to boot. Not to mention really great performances. Some people just get so hung up on dumb things in films.


If we get through the situation. Yes. Or in earlier stages, IE if the world does not fall apart all at once. You saw that with many films during the second gulf war.

Also, birthrates the way they are, we are going to be in trouble much sooner than hundred of years from now. Much less thousands.

Well if it's within our lifetime I'll hold you to that, I'll see you back here when shit gets real and we can chat about the importance of a boring sci fi film from decades ago and how we should have paid attention.

Really though, back to my original point, as a movie (which Interstellar is, not a documentary or a scientific record) It won't be talked about in years to come.
So you're seriously suggesting that without the movie Interstellar, some scientific advancement/discoveries wouldn't have been made. Right.

No. I'm not saying that. You are.

I'm explaining a natural cause and effect - the movie was made, and discoveries occurred because of the movie existing in this specific point and time.

Think about the logic you're using. "If Ben Franklin hadn't flown a kite, we still would have discovered electricity!"

Yes, we would have. But he did it. And Interstellar did too.
Ha yeh, maybe I'm a bit hopeful. What makes you think 50 years though?

50 is a bit short [ie - pessimistic], but with the current rate of global warming & overpopulation, it's a pretty commonly predicted window for when all the shit is going to hit all of the fans.

[unless we do something drastic, which we won't - cause humanz].


No. I'm not saying that. You are.

I'm explaining a natural cause and effect - the movie was made, and discoveries occurred because of the movie existing in this specific point and time.

Think about the logic you're using. "If Ben Franklin hadn't flown a kite, we still would have discovered electricity!"

Yes, we would have. But he did it. And Interstellar did too.

Yeh I guess you're right.

But still my original point, which I've reiterated multiple times is, as a movie, no one will be talking about it in the future as it wasn't all that great, as a movie. As something else, scientific reference or a insight into our potential future, I guess.
Jito said:
So you're seriously suggesting that without the movie Interstellar, some scientific advancement/discoveries wouldn't have been made. Right.

this is pretty commonly accepted as [nearly] fact these days.

science fiction suggests possibilities, science figures them out.

whether the relationship is as direct as that is highly contentious, but you can't say that the smartphone wasn't [at least] inspired by the tricorder, or that 3D printing wasn't inspired by the replicator [etc].

Jito said:
But still my original point, which I've reiterated multiple times is, as a movie, no one will be talking about it in the future as it wasn't all that great, as a movie. As something else, scientific reference or a insight into our potential future, I guess.

well, now we're talking about subjection.

subjectively, i think interstellar was a phenomenal movie, perhaps one of my lifetime favourites [i'm only 30, mind you].

many famous astronomers have gone on record to support the soundness of the scientific theories it explores, and for that reason alone - i think it's an achievement which won't be forgotten.

it sets up a very real / looming scenario [global warming based extinction event, albeit in a tenuously explained / fantastical manner], and explores some nut job theories as to how we might survive.

a bit of science, a bit of magic, & a bit of hollywood all mixed together - just the right concoction to inspire lazy sods like myself in the real world.
Yeh I guess you're right.

But still my original point, which I've reiterated multiple times is, as a movie, no one will be talking about it in the future as it wasn't all that great, as a movie. As something else, scientific reference or a insight into our potential future, I guess.

You're probably right. Thousands of films are made and forgotten each year.

But culture is fickle - who knows what will be appreciated in the future? It's tough to know that with any certainty.

But - if I had to guess, my money is on a film that carries some scientific relevance, is attached to a notable director, and features several major screen stars in the heights of their careers.

Plus, if I raise my children right, they will watch every film where Michael Caine weeps. It's mandatory for future generations.


For a majority of the movie it's really high quality and well done. There's just a few crucial moments that I felt were handled like complete ass that jettisoned me out of my 'immersion' and actually made me mad.

I think that's why I have such a strong negative reaction, is because it DID have so much promise and DID do a lot right

Yea, just a lot of moments that made me say "seriously?"

Physics affects everything. Ultimately we are a bunch of atoms configured in a way which is defined by the laws of physics in our universe. Everything we are, everything we feel is part of that. We are nothing but a bunch of atoms, full of chemical and electrical reactions.

The question of love and feelings towards others does stand absurd as the question initially sounds.


well, now we're talking about subjection.

subjectively, i think interstellar was a phenomenal movie, perhaps one of my lifetime favourites [i'm only 30, mind you].

many famous astronomers have gone on record to support the soundness of the scientific theories it explores, and for that reason alone - i think it's an achievement which won't be forgotten.

it sets up a very real / looming scenario [global warming based extinction event, albeit in a tenuously explained / fantastical manner], and explores some nut job theories as to how we might survive.

a bit of science, a bit of magic, & a bit of hollywood all mixed together - just the right concoction to inspire lazy sods like myself in the real world.

All I saw in the film was a great soundtrack, awesome cinematography and great special effects. Beyond that the plot and characters all started out great but both deteriorated as the film went on. Matt Damon was cringe worthy, so was Anne Hathaway, where the fuck did Casey Affleck hide for the whole film, that whole plot was so underdeveloped? That fight scene was like two friends having a play fight and joking whilst fighting.

And then the bookshelf shit, sigh.

Yall are assholes. Too much spoilers here.

General assumption that a thread about something you've not seen, will spoil the thing you've not seen. Apply it to thread browsing in the future for a better browsing experience.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Both the science, and the underlying message, will both be important in years to come.
The underlying message that we're so fucked that only a deus ex machina can save us?


It's a highly successful, highly acclaimed Nolan movie. Of course people will be talking about it.

Dark Knight Rises was apparently both of those yet no one ever says good things about it any more, it had a good initial reception then people thought about the details after seeing and realised it was pretty pants.


Dark Knight Rises was apparently both of those yet no one ever says good things about it any more, it had a good initial reception then people thought about the details after seeing and realised it was pretty pants.
I feel a similar way regarding Inception. Fun the first time around, but then such a slog on repeat viewings.

But I'll say this. The idea of love as a quantifiable force could have worked...but Nolan just cannot pull that off, due to him lacking the basic understanding of human emotion. The amount of exposition, particularly in the final scene, didn't help matters either when you're being told what's going on, instead of letting the visuals do the talking instead. And that's the problem all these comparisons to Kubrick.

One of the reasons why 2001 is so well regarded is that it didn't try to give an explanation for everything. Stargate sequence and Star Child, they're things that happen and allow to let the audience to make up their own interpretation based on what they see and perceive. Which is why I can't help but groan at those folks who say that 2001 wasn't all that well received back in the day and compare that to Interstellar with the suggestion that like 2001, people will look back on Nolan's movie with more positive eyes than what we have today, as they completely ignore (or at least don't understand) Interstellar's own failings and why we have been so harsh on it. It assumes that the audience are complete idiots by constantly bludgeoning exposition where it didn't need any, not to mention telling the audience what's around them, his inability to convey emotion in a movie that is supposedly built around the idea of love (stuff like the forced "love transcends other forces" is one of those examples), and do I need to mention that stupid scene where Matt Damon goes all Sunshine? Because if you seriously think that people are going to look back at this movie in the same way we did A Space Odyssey, you're out of your mind. Hell, this isn't even in the league of (the more appropriate comparison) Contact. Sigh. If it wasn't for the fact that Nolan directed this instead of Spielberg, we wouldn't be doing stuff like this.

Well...this has gone very off topic in relation to gaming.
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