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Twitch streaming coming to Xbox One March 11

On Demand

Oh they do, the viewer count is what they seeking.
It will eventually get more streamers. It unlikely will be only Twitch and Ustream forever.

Also. Xbox studio make this official Twitch app. Free project for Twitch.

I'm not understanding you. Get more streamers? Sony is not adding any other streaming app.


Man, they could at least make sure they don't straight up lie on the press release.


Just focus on the archiving instead or something.


From the video



I would say its running pre march patch.

On Demand

I wonder how they'll handle the broadcaster accessing the dash or sensitive info. The PS4 has that "please stand by" window with the rotating shapes, and blurs out popups.

I wonder if MS is going to make it where you can view yourself full screen. Seeing how the playroom is so popular on PS4.


Hope so. The rumor of the party system not being fixed has me paranoid.

Microsoft came out really hard with the whole "big update" to fix the party system and stuff, i doubt they would not have it fixed before the launch of titanfall. Mind you they have delayed patches before :( the last patch springs to mind
Man, you really won't rest until you get that screenshot feature. Will you?

I really won't. It's a small feature and one that most people probably won't use, but with Horizon 2 hopefully not too far off, I really want that feature in place as soon as possible.


You can already "jump" into people's games on the PS4. It can't do party chat with stream viewers.

I always thought that was a privacy decision. I'd be fine with them implementing party chat though.

And yeah, you can join a person's game via their stream, misinformation in OP.

Good that Xbone is finally getting this, that mockup seems to have the Twitch and camera info take up a lot of space, compared to what I remember on PS4. Having the comments on the bottom of the screen makes more sense since you already have black bars. Eliminate the bars and put the text down there, shrink the camera a little so you have more playable real estate.

On Demand



So Twitch doesn't like that Sony is trying to improve their system by providing more services to use? Haha. Sorry, iceatcs, you're looking too much into it.

Twitch has been very successful on PS4-


Ustream, or any other streaming service haven't, and won't, affect that.

Sorry, i misunderstood your point.
Yes, Twitch is happy with PS4 streamers and i don't think they are affected for more streaming options.
It's good to have options.


Junior Member
So Twitch doesn't like that Sony is trying to improve their system by providing more services to use? Haha. Sorry, iceatcs, you're looking too much into it.

Twitch has been very successful on PS4-


Ustream, or any other streaming service haven't, and won't, affect that.

You said Twitch don't give a shit about Sony and Ustream, then why is that Twitch sudden support for PS4 streaming service after Sony and Ustream partnership?

Twitch want all the viewers as many as possible but unfortunately for them on PS4 because there is alternate streamers that Twitch don't want it happen. Twitch of course more happy with MS plan than Sony plan.

On Demand

You said Twitch don't give a shit about Sony and Ustream, then why is that Twitch sudden support for PS4 streaming service after Sony and Ustream partnership?

No. I said Twitch doesn't care that Sony uses Ustream. They're getting paid either way.

I'm sure Twitch support isn't because of Ustream. These deals are planned way before we even hear about them.

Twitch want all the viewers as many as possible but unfortunately for them on PS4 because there is alternate streamers that Twitch don't want it happen. Twitch of course more happy with MS plan than Sony plan.

Like i posted above-


That happened even with Ustream as another option. Twitch is more popular than Ustream. Ustream being on PS4 doesn't affect Twitch use at all.

I'd say Twitch is happy with both companies. Now it will become even more popular than it already is.

On Demand

Good news! Streaming interface looks nice!

Much better than the PS4's. Which i expected to happen. I don't get why Sony still doesn't understand software yet. Wouldn't it be better to have the interface look something like the Twitch website? MS gets it.
I think just being able to log in and see your favorites and to have chat while watching a stream is my favorite part of this. Hopefully getting the patch, the twitch update and Titanfall all on the same day won't wreak havoc.
I personally don't care for the party joining feature. I'll have to see it functional before I consider using it, but yea. This won't end well, methinks.


I wonder how they'll handle the broadcaster accessing the dash or sensitive info. The PS4 has that "please stand by" window with the rotating shapes, and blurs out popups.

I'm interested to see how stuff like this is handled as well.

I don't like how the PS4 throws a large black (censor) bar over game invite/friend request notifications for example, it should just not display those notifications on the stream at all. Hopefully they come up with a more elegant solution to this kind of thing.


Feature parity is nice. I hope ps4 also has some type of big firmware update coming soon now that its done launching in pretty much all the big regions. They've been a little stagnant on that front.


Can a group of friends connect to a Twitch stream and start discussing the game their viewing (party chat) ? I'd probably do this alot if I'm deciding what game to get with my group of friends.


Much better than the PS4's. Which i expected to happen. I don't get why Sony still doesn't understand software yet. Wouldn't it be better to have the interface look something like the Twitch website? MS gets it.

Yeah, PS4's functionality is great but some parts of its interface are pretty ugly.
Looks cool. Looks like twitch which is kind of the point. Not really feeling the Live with playstation UI

Hopefully this puts a fire under some ass and Sony gets off its ass and starts adding stuff and Twitch gets cracking on a dedicated Twitch viewer. (have they ever even said that would be coming?)

On Demand

Looks cool. Looks like twitch which is kind of the point. Not really feeling the Live with playstation UI

Hopefully this puts a fire under some ass and Sony gets off its ass and starts adding stuff and Twitch gets cracking on a dedicated Twitch viewer. (have they ever even said that would be coming?)

You're talking about a Twitch app? I never heard anything about one coming to PS4. It needs one badly. Being able to only watch PS4 streams doesn't make any sense.

Don't look forward to Sony adding anything to improve Twitch. They're not good at these things. The level of integration and features that the XB1 Twitch has is something the PS4 is probably never going to match.


I do like the interface better, I really do not like the grey bars on ps4, and all that wasted space...

at least here, its all in one column and seems to match well.


The comments on that youtube page about sony ponyism? What sort of made up trolling device is this? Do these people not see how ridiculous they sound themselves?

The twitch app does look way better. Ps4 version needs Kappa faces bad


Looks excellent! :)

I hope it will have Constant Bitrate (CBR) support not only Variable bitrate (VBR) like the PS4 has. Variable bitrate (VBR) affects the stream quality.
The comments on that youtube page about sony ponyism? What sort of made up trolling device is this? Do these people not see how ridiculous they sound themselves?

The twitch app does look way better. Ps4 version needs Kappa faces bad

Yea it took me a few seconds to realize that it was supposed to be an insult. It doesn't even make any sense.
I do like the interface better, I really do not like the grey bars on ps4, and all that wasted space...

at least here, its all in one column and seems to match well.

Yeah, I don't like to play with the grey bar either. When I do stream I usually have it on fullscreen with the comments and stuff pulled up on my phone or ipad.


Microsoft is getting cocky again. :)

Xbox One Twitch livestreaming dated - less "limiting" than PS4 app, says MS

To whisk the hood off the elephant in this (chat)room, the PS4's Twitch app has supported livestreaming since launch. It doesn't allow you to join the broadcaster's party, however. "That's a very certain type of experience," Xbox vice president of marketing and strategy Yusuf Mehdi observed of Sony's offering. "For us, we thought that was too limiting for what our fans would want. Our fans really want the full next-gen service, so that's why we decided to take our time, do it right and have it come out in this fashion."

"This will open up the social aspect of Xbox One in a new way," he added. "The community of Twitch is huge, and this allows us to type into that, and frankly do something that's never been done before on consoles. You'll be able to broadcast to any device and consume anyone's broadcast from any device. It's a console experience unique to the Xbox One."


We asked about how the system will handle broadcasters trying to troll viewers with Kinect voice commands. “We’re working on echo-cancellation and use the mic array to focus voice commands on the user in front of the console versus from the speakers,” Gibson explained. “Our system should absolutely filter that stuff out. Is it theoretically possible to do? We’re working hard to make it so it’s not. That’s one of the things we’re eager to during final tweaking during the beta starting this week.”

So they went all out by bringing a feature PS4 has had since launch?

Judges? BUZZZZ!!!!!

Nice try. they went all out by listening to thier customers, making strides for party chat and other UI issues prior to the launch of a very party oriented game. In addition they added and improved upon a feature that the PS4 has had since launch. lol.


From the article on news.xbox.com, "You can even earn Media Achievements just by ....... checking out any of the Xbox One games you haven't seen before."

If Twitch don't have an achievement called "Have you seen Titanfall?", then that's a disappointment and a missed opportunity.
Yea, but I want to interact with my viewers, and having my phone next to me, not only drains the battery fast, but then i have to look away from the game constantly.

Its just not ideal.

It would be the same on Xbox One. You either see the chat or go full screen on both platforms, no?
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