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UK:TF's first week sales on XB1 is more than the double amount TF2 sold on PS4&XB1

I suppose EA didn't expect such a positive response with BF1, more likely they were unsure about the seeing and had Titanfall 2 as back up plan. Given how good BF1 is doing, they probably don't mind Titanfall 2 doing bad.
The Titanfall 2 blunder will eat up a huge amount of BF1's profit. It was an expensive AAA game to produce after all. There is a reason why EA stocks were downgraded.
I truly hope we get some light on this release strategy. It's baffling. I hope the numbers eventually do well enough to make financial success. Having played all the fall FPS, TiF2 is a class above them all. True GOTY material.
The most frustrating thing about this is all these COD fanboys don't realise that Titanfall is the best COD game out there.

Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare pretty much copied the entire wallrunning and boost jumping features from Titanfall... and they're hated because of it. It's why people are willing to pay 80 goddamn dollars for Modern Warfare Remastered, the fans want boots on the ground again.


its amazing. I have no doubt it will sell from positive word of mouth.

I cant think of a better online mp experience on console.


This game is so good that I've bought it on PC and PS4. It is the best FPS campaign released so far this year. The MP could've been aggressively targeted towards COD players since it's arguably the best COD released in years.

But, yeah, nice job EA!


I have next to no time for yet another shooter after I already have BF1, but i'm tempted to get this just for support. I'm one of the few who was turned off by the beta the first night and loved the shit out of it the second week.


Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare pretty much copied the entire wallrunning and boost jumping features from Titanfall... and they're hated because of it. It's why people are willing to pay 80 goddamn dollars for Modern Warfare Remastered, the fans want boots on the ground again.

But they did it kind of badly, well i havent played IW but blops feels clunky by comparison.


Watch Dogs 2 will not fail. So many people seem to be thinking that, but I think there is no chance of this happening. The first game sold >10 million copies, and I would wager that WD2 will sell at least as much.
This very topic is a good reminder of how the sale of a new IP which was overhyped many years ago doesn't necessarily mean the sequels will do as well or better, even if the sequel is critically as well (or better) received.

Bear in mind that 'fail' is relative, so if the game performs poorly in relation to the first one and to Ubi's expectation, then it's somewhat a 'fail' even if the game ultimately ends up being profitable.

Oh and don't count on WD2 to sell as many units as the first one. I'd comfortably bet on that.
Save this game, Sony. Bundle it with the Pro.

The saddest thing is everyone will flock to COD IW, when this is the COD game they really want. They just don't know it.

This has to be a deliberate play by EA for some reason. Releasing right between the two largest fps games in the world? It was always going to suffer, great reviews or not.

Regardless, EA has failed Respawn here. Hopefully they can take themselves and their IP to a less-shite publisher.


Press - MP1st.com
Stuff like this annoys me, why does it matter if there is 1000 or 100000 players online, as long as you can get a game. I presume you're not so fickle as to only play popular games.

Yep, stuff like me annoy me as well. And erm, I think most people are sheep when it comes to gaming. GAF people are usually more informed than your average gamer but you wouldn't know it based on, "huur ddurr glad it's tanking so I can buy it for $5!!11" comments that are so commonplace.

Not sure if it's just because I work in games media, but I NEVER want any studio to close down. These people are the same ones that usually go, "Oh, X studio closed down, so bad! I was going to buy their X game to support it" or some other thing that happens when a studio closes down.

Doubt Respawn is going to close down, but you know what I mean. :)

The most frustrating thing about this is all these COD fanboys don't realise that Titanfall is the best COD game out there.

Yep. This is what CoD would have become if Respawn didn't leave Activision.

How do people feel bad for respawn?

They made a dope game, no doubt. its really good. But its pretty clear from the fact that they have no presence inside EA access that they are operating "on their own" setting their own release dates and marketing.

They sandwiched the game in a terrible spot for no good reason. They sent their own game to die basically.

Because it's a great game and could very well be the best shooter out of the big three released this year? This coming from me, a self professed Battlefield fanboy. Don't get me wrong, I'll still BF1 a fuckton of time, but TF2 is getting some love from me as well. I mean, awesome SP and MP, and friggin' free DLC. Man, I need to support that since that's the direction I want ALL MP games to take.

Those who didn't like the beta, the changes made should alleviate some of the concerns, chief among which is how we get Titans. There's a meter for it, and you can get one regardless of how well you play. You just get it faster if you go after objectives.

TF2's MP might be the first MP game where I admit I'm not super good at, but enjoy anyway. I mean, I drive a friggin' mech that shoots missiles and shit! How can that NOT be fun? xD

Hari Seldon

There was a 0% chance I was going to buy this game even if it released in July. I hated the first game and from all accounts this is even more COD-like.


While I don't think a holiday discounting strategy is wholly inappropriate for the title, that's a pretty poor debut for even building that kind of momentum off of.


What are we looking at for legs on this game? I was planning on picking this up with the target deal but now i'm not so sure. If i remember right the TF1 ran out of steam pretty quickly.
Seeing the amount of people with this mentality is disappointing. Even though the first one had its population fall off, unless you were playing on PC you would have no issue finding games in just about every playlist. Not buying a game because you don't think people will be playing it is just contributing to the problem.
Save this game, Sony. Bundle it with the Pro.

The saddest thing is everyone will flock to COD IW, when this is the COD game they really want. They just don't know it.

This has to be a deliberate play by EA for some reason. Releasing right between the two largest fps games in the world? It was always going to suffer, great reviews or not.

i dont think its deliberate at all. i think respawn is entirely independent of EA. They are doing anything with EA access after all. I think they are just telling EA when they want to release it.
How do people feel bad for respawn?

They made a dope game, no doubt. its really good. But its pretty clear from the fact that they have no presence inside EA access that they are operating "on their own" setting their own release dates and marketing.

They sandwiched the game in a terrible spot for no good reason. They sent their own game to die basically.

How do you know it was Respawns idea to release it now? EA most likely pushed them to get it out by this Fall for the holidays.


Seeing the amount of people with this mentality is disappointing. Even though the first one had its population fall off, unless you were playing on PC you would have no issue finding games in just about every playlist. Not buying a game because you don't think people will be playing it is just contributing to the problem.

FFS, if everyone with that mentality bought the game it wouldn't be an issue.


How do people feel bad for respawn?

They made a dope game, no doubt. its really good. But its pretty clear from the fact that they have no presence inside EA access that they are operating "on their own" setting their own release dates and marketing.

They sandwiched the game in a terrible spot for no good reason. They sent their own game to die basically.
Isn't it more likely a case of them signing on with EA because they were a newly formed studio that needed a budget and marketing presence that a giant like EA could easily provide. I doubt they expected EA to castrate them by putting their first multiplatform game between the two biggest FPS games in the industry.
Isn't it more likely a case of them signing on with EA because they were a newly formed studio that needed a budget and marketing presence that a giant like EA could easily provide. I doubt they expected EA to castrate them by putting their first multiplatform game between the two biggest FPS games in the industry.

But why would EA do it? To me it makes more sense that respawn locked the date than a publisher with years of experience and who also likes to make money would send a budding franchise out to die


This is actually sad. I am reading/hearing only positive things about the game.
Similar to what happened to ROTTR. These publishers... my god.

Edit: But wait, wasn't this game released like 2 days ago? Are we comparing 1 or 2 days vs. full week of sales?


It's a common story in business for shops to open up next to each other. An independent owner of a coffee shop in New York once was terrified that a star bucks was opening next door. His business flourished after the Starbucks opening...

Perhaps this was advise given by a business stragergist that doesn't understand that this doesn't work with games. I think battlefield vs cod is fine. I even think it helped sales because it gives free marketing due to the conversation people have about pitting those franchises against each other. But, throwing titanfall in that mix was asking for trouble, it was never part of that conversation leading up to its release.

I have battlefield one and titanfall, I had to rip myself from battlefield and it kind of hurt. Was worth it for the single player campaign, absolutely stunning. If it ran unconstested like doom I'm sure it would of done a lot better. Also, EA access, the early access exclusion is a mistake that they can rectify with a timed demo. They need to do it now.


I'd be in the dick
This is so depressing. Worse than I expected. Was really hoping that the reviews would help sales.

Game is incredible. I don't want the series to die.
This very topic is a good reminder of how the sale of a new IP which was overhyped many years ago doesn't necessarily mean the sequels will do as well or better, even if the sequel is critically as well (or better) received.

Bear in mind that 'fail' is relative, so if the game performs poorly in relation to the first one and to Ubi's expectation, then it's somewhat a 'fail' even if the game ultimately ends up being profitable.

Oh and don't count on WD2 to sell as many units as the first one. I'd comfortably bet on that.

Of course you are right, and perhaps I should temper my expectations for WD2 as a result (I have no vested interest, as I am not fond of WD1 and I don't plan on buying the sequel), however I am 100% sure that WD2's marketing will absolutely eclipse that of Titanfall 2.


Awful number, fully admit I was wrong. I thought at worse it would do slightly better than Mafia 3.

Could it be that EA Access starting to have an impact on sales?, I am fairly interested in the game, but not enough to warrant getting it full price, especially when it'll come to EAA in the future.

It was removed from EA access a few months ago. So no discount or free 10 hour demo.


So it did worse than when it was exclusive? Holy shit..

Im thinking the release window and marketing are the biggest culprit here.
The second one looked bad, and terrible in comparison to the first.

Anecdotal, which I know is about mostly useless, but I played Titanfall daily with a group of about ten people for 3-4 months after the release. Titanfall is my favorite game released on X1 so far.

But I had no desire to buy the second one. None of my friends got it. The game looked like a terrible sequel in almost every aspect.

Not to mention that it doesn't even have a trial on EA Access, which is a joke. How does EA expect to change the viewpoint of many that the game had a terrible tech test and looked bad if they won't let anybody check it out beforehand?
See I don't understand why when people bring up TiF2 they need to put down cod, TiF2 will never be in the same realm as cod in sales so just leave it. People are stating this as if it's a fact, differently people like different things.

Whoever scheduled the release date shouldn't have put it between 3 big shooters(MWR included) end of story. It really comes off as if it was meant to sabotage cod TiF2 sales be damned, and this is what you get for doing such a thing if that was the main goal.

I played a bit of the first game and enjoyed it but after playing the tech test, this went into a maybe down the line.


The game is fantastic.

It honestly feels as fresh to me as Modern Warfare did, in terms of game changing multiplayer experiences on consoles. Not that it's an enormous departure or sea change, but it's just.. insanely fun. It's the sort of multiplayer game I'll be playing, even if only dipping in and out of, for as long as the servers are live or until the third game, whichever occurs first.

The single player campaign has insanely positive word of mouth too. I'm massively intrigued by that and intend on playing as soon as I can pull myself away from the multi.

Personally between the first game and its sequel, this series is bordering on classic status for me. Especially where this gen is concerned. I'm not one of these who flaps about player bases because frankly I arrived late to the party with TF1 and still never had issues finding games of Attrition, but I hope this series sells enough to keep Respawn in business and ideally on this franchise.


Stuff like this annoys me, why does it matter if there is 1000 or 100000 players online, as long as you can get a game. I presume you're not so fickle as to only play popular games.
Because 0 players is reached way faster if your base at release is 1000.

Come on, it's not rocket science...


Reasons for this sales flop:

- Tech test was bad (bad word of mouth)
- No EA Access Trial (no chance to get some good word of mouth since the game supposedly had improved from the tech test)
- Insanely poorly timed launch date (between BF1 and CoD)
- Marketing overshadowed by BF1 (EA's real baby)

I'll pick it up on a bargain (>50% off) early next year.


Not to mention that it doesn't even have a trial on EA Access, which is a joke. How does EA expect to change the viewpoint of many that the game had a terrible tech test and looked bad if they won't let anybody check it out beforehand?

Not up to EA. That's Respawns doing. But I agree it's bullshit, Respawn needs to grow the fuck up and be apart of EA Access, not use it just to gain some players down the line with the vault.

EA needs to put EA Access in any contract for games they publish just like Origin. Don't wanna be apart of EA Access? Well then, find another publisher.


Sandwiched in between Battlefield 1 and COD for some reason. Beta didn't blow a lot of people away. No EA Access.

Reviews have been great, but there's been some very poor marketing decisions.


"PS4 is going to save TF2"
"When this comes to PS4 it will sell buck loads "
"The sequel NEEDS to be on PS4"

PS4 saved it, saved it for the trash can! Ahahahaahahaahaha! Choo Choo motherfuckers!

Seriously, what can you do? Even if EA and Respawn had launched TF2 a different date in the future, I don't believe it would have change TF2 chances that much. Great game left in the dust, for shame EA & Co.
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