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What do you think of the people who use the pejorative "SJW?"


Do you think that simply expressing empathy for the plights of women or minorities is irrational? Because that's the baseline to be considered an SJW.

I've done it once but it was mainly about a certain lady who had an event happen at Vidcon, I disagreed with it happening.

Other than that I don't really care, everyone should be equal and we should help those around us become equal... But as I say not at the expense of other things being looked down upon.

I live in the UK so a lot of what you see on the internet, that "SJW's" argue against doesn't necessarily exist here so I suppose I find it harder to click with it.

How does this make sense.

How do you imagine equality is attained if not at the expense of inequality.

I would rather have different types of media available than not have them available because it upsets somebody.

Of course I don't mean stuff like this, and this video is a great satire and expression that society is still out to get this minority and there are people that treat you like this...

... Because it's racist, however I think it can also be used as a decent way of educating people and removing it completely from history would go against that.


I would rather have different types of media available than not have them available because it upsets somebody.

So you're the type of person that thinks that people even discussing whether or not media has representation/portrayal problems is the equivalent of taking media away?
I know two people who are strongly liberal that have used the term to refer to the over-the-top cliché caricature of the type of person associated with "SJW" in the same way that maybe 20 years ago someone would refer to something as "hippie."

They may have abhorrent views, but I haven't seen them manifested. I know they're both strongly anti-Trump and I haven't heard them minimize issues of sexism or racism. I can't remember the specific context in which they used the term, but it wasn't used as a diss to someone who was trying to bring social reform or anything.

So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So you're the type of person that thinks that people even discussing whether or not media has representation/portrayal problems is the equivalent of taking media away?

I re-edited my above post if it helps.

"even discussing" goes against what I said in the last post I made in that I believe everyone should have an opinion.

And media does indeed have representation problems but that media should not be taken away, it should be used as a form of showing how not to do it.

I've written essays on black representation within music, which I suppose is rich coming from a white British guy but It's an important time within music and modern music wouldn't exist without the horrible things that they went/go through, and as crap as it was it's an interesting period to discuss because of that.


In 2017 it means 'someone who cares about the struggles of minorities that I am willfully ignorant of and they should shut up so I feel comfortable.'

Pretty much only irredeemable bastards use this term these days.


There are many layers of terrible to unpack, but one of my least favorite tactics of theirs is to act like feminists are angrier than they actually are in certain situations.


This is not a thing that happened. Anita was fairly calm while calling Sargon a garbage person. And I called it. Right when I heard that Anita had called him garbage, I knew that some disingenuous prick was going to paint her as being a rageaholic SJW when she's not at all. And she knows it and makes fun of it:


If you actually go back and look at the message that triggered (hur hur) the Tracer butt pose fiasco, it was a very friendly message from a concerned parent. Blizzard's response was likewise cordial. Oh, excuse me, what actually happened is that a terrorist SJW threatened the multi-billion company until the pose was changed.

Anti-SJWs love talking about hysterical SJWs while also listening to men who get in front of a camera and "rage" about things:


Somehow it's the SJWs who are against the games industry and not those who sign a petition telling Nintendo how garbage their latest Metroid is and that it should be cancelled. https://www.change.org/p/nintendo-petition-for-cancelation-of-metroid-prime-federation-force

I legitimately think that the worst of the Pepe 4channers are genuine sociopaths.


If someone can unironically use SJW as a pejorative, it says a helluva lot more about them than whoever the fuck it is they're talking about.
The term doesn't mean anything anymore, anybody with even slightly liberal or left-leaning viewpoint is labelled 'SJW' these days. If I see somebody unironically using it I'm probably just gonna think they're an idiot, and probably dog-whistling to boot.


I re-edited my above post if it helps.

"even discussing" goes against what I said in the last post I made in that I believe everyone should have an opinion.

And media does indeed have representation problems but that media should not be taken away, it should be used as a form of showing how not to do it.

I've written essays on black representation within music, which I suppose is rich coming from a white British guy but It's an important time within music and modern music wouldn't exist without the horrible things that they went/go through, and as crap as it was it's an interesting period to discuss because of that.

This is a kind of "who are you talking to" stance. Rarely is taking away media that has already been made discussed or even thought of. If a company decides that they will change how they make their media in the future because of feedback, that's just how it is. If they don't, they don't and they'll continue to receive feedback. If they want to change media they've created based on feedback, that is also a choice.

There's nothing complicated here and I fail to see how this relates to the term "SJW".


Junior Member
I am annoyed because SJW used to be a useful phase. It was used in social justice circles to describe the kind of person who only shows up to throw down with someone whose social justice is proven to have once been imperfect. Someone who don't do any of the work, but lives for the receipts on 10 year old usenet posts. Someone who doesn't seem to care about anything other than having excuses to dox people.

But now it just means that you aren't a Nazi, which makes it way less useful.


If I hear it from someone, 3 possibilities come to mind:

1. Still in school with a developing brain who has mentally replaced previous popular slang terms such as "faggot" with "cuck" and "sjw".

2. Older longtime Republican who wants to feel "cool" and "hip" with the kids.

3. They just started paying attention to politics in 2015/16 and spend lots of time on YouTube.


It depends on the context where SJW is being used.

But sure, generally "SJW" is used to disregard the opinion of someone. In that regard, SJW is not all that different from terms like "Man-splaining" or "White-splaining" etc.

People enjoy putting others in boxes so that it's easy to dismiss their opinion.
I'm assuming by "things" he/she means "things commonly accepted by society as goals worthy of attainment." That is the obvious read, anyway.

How is that the obvious read though

And it appears to not be what he meant, anyway. Speaking of which

I would rather have different types of media available than not have them available because it upsets somebody.

I'm unsure why you immediately went to censorship here. Is it because you're a content creator yourself?

Why would bigots/sexists/homophobes/generally insecure young men calling people "SJWs" lead to you being worried about people banning/removing questionable media from view?

generally "SJW" is used to disregard the opinion of someone. In that regard, SJW is not all that different from terms like "Man-splaining" or "White-splaining" etc.

Both sides!

we got both sides here!


This is a kind of "who are you talking to" stance. Rarely is taking away media that has already been made discussed or even thought of. If a company decides that they will change how they make their media in the future because of feedback, that's just how it is. If they don't, they don't and they'll continue to receive feedback.

There's nothing complicated here and I fail to see how this relates to the term "SJW".

Then that's good, we've proven I'm not anti-SJW which I never once said I was.

And I can agree it is a "who are you talking to" and you could argue that because I specialise in a certain area my opinion on it is pretty biased, and I have spent a lot of time discussing how different forms of media impact and shape cultures and there is enough proof it does.

I think taking away certain forms of media can help raise how people are viewed all-around such as removing the Sambo cartoons and books and other racist media was beneficial alongside blues and jazz in giving black people more of a voice within America.

But I also think they should never be deleted, in fact they should be seen as racist and ignorant as it's beneficial for future generations to see the mistakes of the past.

The whole point of the post was to allow people to form their own opinion, to see if then how I display my opinion could be seen as "anti-SJW" since it could be taken as fairly on the edge and I was interested in learning what others thought.


How is that the obvious read though

And it appears to not be what he meant, anyway. Speaking of which

I'm unsure why you immediately went to censorship here. Is it because you're a content creator yourself?

Why would bigots/sexists/homophobes/generally insecure young men calling people "SJWs" lead to you being worried about people banning/removing questionable media from view?

Both sides!

we got both sides here!

Are you really all that surprised? It's fucking LosDaddie.

Love you guys too 😘
Then that's good, we've proven I'm not anti-SJW which I never once said I was.

No, but you opened by questioning whether or not you were.

But again - nobody's really talking about "taking away certain forms of media" really. I think that's where the confusion is coming in. Thread's about the reaction to people using the term "SJW" as an unironic insult, and you're sorta low-key suggesting that people who do use it as such should be protected.

Like, nobody's advocating that garbage people be silenced here, or that racist cultural artifacts be hidden away like the Ark of the Covenant, either. So your entire stance seems to be coming from a completely different place that isn't really germane to the discussion.

You wanna talk about the historical preservation of ugly cultural remnants as a learning tool.

Everyone else is talking about how broflake shitheads projecting like a drive-in theater on anything that wheels into view are only exposing their shitty insecurities when they use that term as an earnest insult.


My friend told me that some dude at her job called her a SJW when she told him she used to do social work and actual community organizing. She didn't know what it meant at the time and genuinely thought it was a good thing. Come to find out later that the dude holds some serious misogynistic beliefs. Suffice to say people who use this term in whether online or in real life unironically are instantly dismissed


My friend told me that some dude at her job called her a SJW when she told him she used to do social work and actual community organizing. She didn't know what it meant at the time and genuinely thought it was a good thing. Come to find out later that the dude holds some serious misogynistic beliefs. Suffice to say people who use this term in whether online or in real life unironically are instantly dismissed

C'mon ! She LITERALLY did social work ! She is like social justice general !

How can someone say SJW badly for someone like that ?


I don't like when people call other people SJW because it is used as an insult. I also don't like when people use MRA as an insult either. Both words are just cheap labels. I say that as a feminist myself.
Love you guys too 😘

Oh I don't give a fuck about you bro, you're just another Trump supporter here to spread as much disinformation as possible and shut down conversations critical of said shitbag by spreading false doubt. You also tend to have this anti-liberal slant with pretty much any post of yours in OT. You also have the tendency to post just enough that you can partially share your opinion, but not open yourself up to dogpiling without it making you look like the victim.

It's fucking tired.
At the end of the day, people using the term pejoratively are saying more about themselves, as in: "I am a selfish cunt who lacks empathy for other human beings."

One suggestion for younger users here: try not to get so invested in what other people think about you, especially these types of people. They are usually pieces of shit who aren't worth your time. But if one of these shitbags does go after you, please stand the fuck up for yourself. That's one thing that pains me about many liberals these days: their inability or unwillingness to stand up for themselves, talk shit, or go on the counter attack after being attacked.

You can't let yourself get walked on in a brawl. You need to come out swinging.


Junior Member
I've been self identifying as one unironically. You'd be surprised at how many people that pisses off. It's definitely an easy word to reclaim.
lol, not too surprised.

I mean, I get what you're attempting to do. I just think it's a lost cause.

But if you wanna take that road, I can only wish you luck.


C'mon ! She LITERALLY did social work ! She is like social justice general !

How can someone say SJW badly for someone like that ?
I know that's apart of the reason why she thought he meant well when he said that but clearly was not the case. Did is a fucking nutcase beyond that


Oh I don't give a fuck about you bro, you're just another Trump supporter here to spread as much disinformation as possible and shut down conversations critical of said shitbag by spreading false doubt. You also tend to have this anti-liberal slant with pretty much any post of yours in OT. You also have the tendency to post just enough that you can partially share your opinion, but not open yourself up to dogpiling without it making you look like the victim.

It's fucking tired.

Don't hold back now, friend.
Tell me how you really feel. 😂
All I feel is complete and total embarrassment for the person using it. Seriously, these people look so damn lame when they write this term. Even worse are the people who actually say it in person. Seriously, nothing makes me cringe harder than the people who actually vocally say it out loud and actually mean it. Ethan and Hila from H3H3productions are generally witty and entertaining people. However, anytime one 9of them says "Social Justice Warrior" seriously in a video, I can't help but zone out. I'm no longer processing what they're actually saying, instead, I'm thinking "Man, these people sound really fucking stupid right now, the fact that they are unaware of that is HIGHLY concerning

Instead of zoning out you should unsubscribe

I dont have the capacity to tolerate those types of people and thankfully theres no chances people in my close friends/family group are theose types of people


No, but you opened by questioning whether or not you were.

But again - nobody's really talking about "taking away certain forms of media" really. I think that's where the confusion is coming in. Thread's about the reaction to people using the term "SJW" as an unironic insult, and you're sorta low-key suggesting that people who do use it as such should be protected.

Like, nobody's advocating that garbage people be silenced here, or that racist cultural artifacts be hidden away like the Ark of the Covenant, either. So your entire stance seems to be coming from a completely different place that isn't really germane to the discussion.

You wanna talk about the historical preservation of ugly cultural remnants as a learning tool.

Everyone else is talking about how broflake shitheads projecting like a drive-in theater on anything that wheels into view are only exposing their shitty insecurities when they use that term as an earnest insult.

Fair enough.

I attempted to guise what I wanted to describe in a way I believed was relevant but obviously I failed in doing so.

Regardless of that I felt a decent discussion was had despite it being off topic! I'd rather not bring up what I actually mean't as it causes shit storms.

I've never heard of the term broflake before, it's a good'un.


I would like to think that it describes like Sarna Joshi or that lady who went off on the Uber driver about cultural appropriation or some shit.
Since being co-opted by alt-righters and their ilk online, doesn't really mean much now. Anybody who disagrees with them is a SJW now.
It is an indicator that quickly identifies arseholes who don't deserve attention. It was really embarrassing to see people use that term in the Anita Sarkeesian thread a few days ago. Yuck.
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