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WipEout Omega Collection releasing on June 6

What some of these games came with only 8 tracks and people were happy!?

Looking forward to the full collection. 26 tracks is reasonable.

Wipeout HD and Fury were digital only releases and didn't cost anywhere near to 60 bucks.
And Wipeout never was about sheer mass of content. It was about mastering the gameplay.


What some of these games came with only 8 tracks and people were happy!?

Looking forward to the full collection. 26 tracks is reasonable.

Ridge Racer 1 had like 1 track with 2 variations and I played it for weeks.

Quantity =/= quality. Most racers I've played who had dozens of tracks usually had lots of forgettable garbage or copy paste between them. I'd take 8 completely unique tracks over it any day. Especially if they're crafted like the ones in Wipeout.


Ridge Racer 1 had like 1 track with 2 variations and I played it for weeks.

For me personally I'd get bored pretty quickly with such little content. Expectations have increased massively in 2017 though when the average game offers 40+ hours entertainment.

I feel the same way about barebones fighting games as opposed to those that are feature/content rich. Never really believed that mastering "gameplay" has to come at the expense of giving players vast and varied content. The best games of most genres usually have both.


For me personally I'd get bored pretty quickly with such little content. Expectations have increased massively in 2017 though when the average game offers 40+ hours entertainment.

I feel the same way about barebones fighting games as opposed to those that are feature/content rich. Never really believed that mastering "gameplay" has to come at the expense of giving players vast and varied content. The best games of most genres usually have both.

A game like Wipeout is fun to play for an evening now and then. For me it doesn't need to become a grind that offers over 40 hours. Its an arcade game at heart, though developed for consoles. You can easily get those amount of hours if the netcode is good and multiplayer stays alive.

As for fighters, yeah, SFV and SCV were gimped in terms of single player content. But its not like Wipeout doesn't have anything to offer besides racing. It has lots of unique modes you won't find in other racing games in fact, such as Zone or elimination. The campaign of 2048 was fun as well.


Custom music it is
Right there with ya. Hopefully there's some older tracks too, just got Wip3out SE working on my Vita and the soundtrack is beyond god-tier. Xpander and PvD's Avenue are the shit while AG racing.

I can confirm that the dynamic theme, visually, is excellent.
My only nitpick being I would've preferred they just use the HD fury title music.

On an aside, we had started developing our own (just for fun because I'm insane and I love wipeout) that no one is gonna get to use (except me). In the process I even came up with a way to do reflection effects on the metal vehicle components. We are leaving the door open if XDEV would like to see something awesome ;) .

Ah damn, shame they didn't use yours! Hopefully the music in that video I've seen floating around isn't in the theme and is just background from something else. Because it was hideous.

Ugh, isn't it just? If we had that as the dynamic theme, I'd be in heaven.

Why isn't wipE'out"2097 in this though?

It is the best one still imo, I wonder if it is due to a rights or music license issue.

I'd say possibly rights, but more likely to do with The Designers Republic than music.

In regards to the above... if The Prodigy track in question is not Firestarter (instrumental) I will be greatly disappointed.
They're releasing some new songs this year. Given how far off Fat of the Land was when Firestarter debuted in 2097, I'd say it'll be a new track making an appearance in Omega.

However, I wouldn't complain if this made an appearance.

Time to polish up my Spotify playlist I made for playing this.
Ooh, share! I'm going to start work on one too, I kind of miss UK big beat.
Right there with ya. Hopefully there's some older tracks too, just got Wip3out SE working on my Vita and the soundtrack is beyond god-tier. Xpander and PvD's Avenue are the shit while AG racing.

Now Shaneus, I need you to listen to me very carefully. I need you to recount, in specific and clear detail, just how the hell you managed to get WipEout 3 SE on your Vita.


Not sure but this got me wondering does this include the Wipeout HD Fury DLC pack

8 in wipeout HD + 8 in Fury (4 only in zone mode) + 10 in 2048

So, it should have all the tracks of HD, Fury, and 2048. Good to know.

It's also good to hear a confirmation for all three career modes being there, since that wasn't clarified before, IIRC.

I don't see anything about an art book on Amazon, though I don't see an art book mentioned on the PSN page (U.S.) either.

Digital art book is included in the EU PSN store.
The tracking on PSVR isnt as good as the vive/oculus right? That would be the only reason I can see for it not being a good fit considering that Redout is available for Vive and Oculus and has no such problems
Anyone who thinks this would have issues in follow-cam is mistaken. I've played F-Zero GX via Dolphin streamed to my GearVR and I was fine. Will some people get sick? Of course, but those same people likely can't handle Driveclub VR, regardless if its a regular car or super-fast hyper car. PSVR also has recently improved its tracking significantly, but you don't need to track detailed movement (leaning) for this game. You can defer to only using the HMD tracking for direction of camera and keep it locked behind the hovercraft. Some basic VR smoothing and Q&A to avoid glitching the camera through areas and you're good too go (not free, but not super hard to implement - I talk from experience here).

I've also played WipeOut PS2 in first-person mode with the camera locked to Oculus and it was perfectly fine. Couldn't control it all that well, but soon as I went back to follow mode it was awesome. The thought of ZONE MODE in VR is too much. It must become reality!
£30 and physical? Definitely going to get this then. Finally 2048 with 60fps. Wouldn't mind replaying HD and Fury again. At least this time I can pay for it.
Best thing to come from the horrendous PSN blackout


Now Shaneus, I need you to listen to me very carefully. I need you to recount, in specific and clear detail, just how the hell you managed to get WipEout 3 SE on your Vita.
Check here. Just hope that your Vita hasn't been updated for a while, it won't run on anything newer than 3.60. After that, installed Retroarch and was good to go :)
I have 2097 on there, too! Basically all Wipeout and Lumines titles available on PSP, PS1 and Vita




0:29 → https://youtu.be/C65gPYUVgC0?t=29


That's all I wanted to see :D 2048 in HD & 60 FPS

Btw is this true? Haven't found any source for this, but if there is a steelbook, oh god... take all my money
The only downside is that now we have to bring forward the deadline for the GAF Custom Soundtrack but oh well, there's still plenty of time anyway
I want to be excited about this but this is like... the 4th time I'll be buying this content?

HD Fury
2048 DLC
And now this.

I mean, I'll definitely get it down the line because WipEout is WipEout and it's one of my favourite series ever, but I hope this leads to something new.

Weirdly enough I've been playing 2048 again lately trying to get the online campaign finished. Nearly there...


How different is this version from the PS3 games?

Because I loved the HD/Fury on PS3 and would consider buying a PS4 just for this collection.



That's all I wanted to see :D 2048 in HD & 60 FPS

Btw is this true? Haven't found any source for this, but if there is a steelbook, oh god... take all my money


The only downside is that now we have to bring forward the deadline for the GAF Custom Soundtrack but oh well, there's still plenty of time anyway

yep, it's true – https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/games/wipeout-omega-collection-ps4/

edit: those static themes look amazing


edit2: about digital artbook, pre-order bonuses, etc.

Digital pre-order
If you prefer to stay in the digital domain, visit PlayStation Store to pre-order WipEout Omega Collection for the following:

- Dynamic Theme, which turns your PS4 home screen into a gravity defying WipEout Omega Collection demonstration, complete with a close up look at three ships.
- By buying the digital edition version of WipEout Omega Collection, you'll also get exclusive avatars, a Van Uber ship and a digital artbook.

Retail pre-order
Head over to your local shop to pre-order WipEout Omega Collection from 30 March, and you'll get the following extras:

- Steelbook edition of WipEout Omega Collection.
- Downloadable PS4 themes featuring four WipEout teams: Feisar, Quirex, Auricom and AG-Sys.


Hmm, the U.S. version of that page doesn't have that section about pre-ordering. Strange that the UK page makes it sound like the ship is a PSN exclusive.

Also, I've never heard of these studios. Are they Sony-owned?



Clever Beans was founded by Martin Turton and Andrew Newton; two veterans of developers such as Sony, THQ, Juice Games, Treyarch/Activision, and Warthog. Between them they helped to build games like WipeOut Pure, Juiced, Juiced 2, Juiced:Eliminator, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, Red Faction: Battlegrounds, Spiderman 3, Driv3r, and many more.

Our first game When Vikings Attack! (PS3/PS Vita) was followed by a further pack of fun levels for that game, called When Vikings Relax! We have also worked behind the scenes on various unannounced projects.


EPOS Game Studios (stands for 'Entertainment Products of Sweden') is an independent video game developer founded by Swedish Digital Illusions co-founders Staffan Langin and Olof Gustafsson in the summer of 2005.

EPOS Game Studios was founded in 2005 as an independent video game developer with a desire to develop for multiple platforms. Its initial game, an online shooter called Crash Commando for the PlayStation 3's PlayStation Network, was released on December 18, 2008 and received critical success. In 2016, the studio collaborated with Sony Interactive Entertainment on Hustle Kings VR for the PlayStation 4.


This year keeps on giving. I won't be getting it till later, I'm just starting the vita version but jelly about the 1080/60fps.


Strap on your hooker ...
Cover needs more Assegai. Qirex is my second favorite, though.

I'm guessing 3D compatability has been scrapped... sigh.
If it gets a steelbook case that is true to its stylistic roots - i.e. inspired by the golden age of TDR design - ugh, man. I better not even think about it.

Driveclub's steelbook has all others beaten so far. This one, this one can take it.


Shit, I want all the themes, both static and dynamic. I suppose there's no way to get both without preordering both physical and digital :/

If it gets a steelbook case that is true to its stylistic roots - i.e. inspired by the golden age of TDR design - ugh, man. I better not even think about it.

Driveclub's steelbook has all others beaten so far. This one, this one can take it.
It would have to be true to it's roots. If not, then it won't come close to the DC steelbook (still have mine sealed).


Unconfirmed Member
What some of these games came with only 8 tracks and people were happy!?

Looking forward to the full collection. 26 tracks is reasonable.

HD was $20, and Fury was $10. 12 tracks plus 4 zone-only tracks plus reverse variants for half the price of a full retail game isn't too bad.

I'd really like Omega Collection to get an expansion of its own with some new content (whether it's more remastered tracks from the PSP games or brand-new content) but I can't see it happening with the original developer being defunct.

Also definitely going physical, sucks missing out on the bonus ship but I refuse to buy digital on console if physical is an option. Hope Best Buy has active before my $5 cert expires.


They might have because of music licencing but I'm sure the new music will be great too, most Wipeout soundtracks are normally good.
Yeah I was being a bit grumpy this morning, I think Sony will deliver, I just hope the original tracks are all still there too, that would be great
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