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1 Month Later, Halo: MCC is still broken


Unconfirmed Member
I still have achievements that say "Done... unlocking" from day 1

my favourite bug was I couldn't the main menu to load. the main menu.

shocking game. I definitely won't be buying anything else they put out.


Yeah this is absolutely unacceptable. I'm a huge Halo fan and had the MCC preloaded for weeks. It was so disappointing how buggy it was. I gave it a few weeks and tried to give 343i some time to sort it out. But about a week ago I got a refund, and bought CoD AW. It was the best decision I could have made. Great campaign, graphics and multiplayer. I know the multiplayer is debatable but I'm having a much better time with it than MCC. Above all else, the game is actually COMPLETE. I definitely won't be preordering Halo 5.


Also overlooked is the fact that h2a is unplayable if you have less than 1.5Mbps upload. Sorry I live in rural America and don't have the luxury of choice in ISP. That's an absurdly high requirement imo. I feel like we should have been warned about this.


MCC kinda came and went because of this. Not good at all for Microsoft.

Ya halo has more power than socom but look at that scenario. Confrontation was actually pretty smooth gameplay but you couldn't connect, got kicked, dropped connection, etc. Killed the franchise along with the follow-up shit game.
They better be careful, the online crowd has a pretty small window of interest


Ya halo has more power than socom but look at that scenario. Confrontation was actually pretty smooth gameplay but you couldn't connect, got kicked, dropped connection, etc. Killed the franchise along with the follow-up shit game.
They better be careful, the online crowd has a pretty small window of interest

If Halo 5 is a good game they will be fine.

We need to hear about our compensation soon though. Get some people excited/back.
If it's broken then what have I spent all my time playing for the past month?

Seriously. It has its problems with lengthy wait times in MM and the odd crash but broken implies it doesn't work and it does just not very well sometimes.
If it's broken then what have I spent all my time playing for the past month?

Seriously. It has its problems with lengthy wait times in MM and the odd crash but broken implies it doesn't work and it does just not very well sometimes.

You seem to have a very binary view of what broken can define.
The game works fairly well for me. It's buggy and it does need a lot of work still, but it's more than playable. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones.



My guess is that Microsoft wanted their holiday console bundles ready by a certain manufacturing date, and they considered it non-negotiable. Hence all their customers paying the price so they can hit their quarterly numbers and have a Halo game for the most important shopping season.


Unconfirmed Member
I know this feeling. =(

Bugs the ever living shit out of me as an achievement whore.

mine are from doing the first two missions in Halo CE so none of the end game ones unlock either

completely fucked my campaign progress so I stopped playing that as well

leng jai

To put things into perspective, this was an even worse purchase for me than Destiny. Never thought I'd be saying that after how disappointing Destiny was.
Man, what is with this generation? Games on all platforms seem to only be beta tested once sold to the public. That early X1 ad ("Beta tested in the future.") was eerily accurate.


I gave up two weeks after launch. Decided to play Sunset Overdrive instead which was a good decision because that game is way better than any Halo since Halo CE.

Then I was given a Wii U for my Birthday and now the only person using the Xbox One is my girlfriend to watch media apps. Don't intend to even turn the Xbox One back on to play any games again until middle of next year (once I've played the multitude of amazing Nintendo games that I've missed on Wii U so far...)
I think this is an interesting video that discusses the issues and why pre-ordering is a bad move: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCC499Gf4DY&feature=youtu.be
well this is a fantastic video. I watched it all and enjoyed it all.

I've played no more than 4 rounds of MCC multiplayer in almost a month and I have no plans to put it back in my console until I know it fucking works as advertised. If I could get a refund I would. I'd rather have Dragon Age.

Fuck 343i and MS for this bullshit.


When it works it's still better than anything else out there which makes it even more frustrating.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Its vastly improved for me and I'm one who literally couldn't play a single match made game for the first 2 weeks. I've only played CE Legendary SP and so far no glitches.

Played a level or 2 from the others and same thing.

But the way that game released is inexcusable. Halo 5 will be fine. Games that 343 have direct involvement in are ok. Halo 4 being the only one. It's when 343 outsource that problems arise.
To be honest, I'm still gonna cut them some slack. Dealing with four entirely huge games both sp and mp is just an incredibly big task.

I was willing to cut them some slack when the game first came out. No dedicated Halo 1 playlist because the netcode is unfinished? Okay. No ranks for anything but the H2A playlist because your ranking system is broken? Fine. But the game launched as an unplayable trainwreck, and nearly one month later it's finally become semi-functional.

I did not buy a $400 console and pay $60 to beta test a game (and that's being generous, because every beta I've ever played has been more functional than the MCC). I won't be happy unless heads roll and MS bribes the fuck out of everybody who wasted money on this junk.


Bought an Xbone for this damn game and have already returned it. I'm enjoying my time with FH2 and KI, but will probably be taking advantage of BBY's extended return time for Xmas shopping.

What a crappy experience.


I thought it was getting so much better. Reddit and here have been talking huge improvements. Was there a shift from early this morning's positive feelings? The newest patch has only been out since last night.
I bought a xbox one for it, well check out my gamer tag ManThatYouFear too see how much time i have put in..

So upset with this game and machine.

I was mostly doing Forge, but even that isn't without its problems. Way too many framerate drops in Halo 2 Anniversary.

Haven't turned it on in a few weeks
I was really lambasting them before for screwing up but having played on it again this week it is actually sorted. Haven't had any issues at all.

The only thing they need to get tighten up slightly is the uneven teams especially in ranked and add a ranked skirmish playlist as I am sick of:

Team Slayer BR
Team Slayer BR
Team slayer BR

That is the main reason I am not playing it coupled with the fact that most people I get teamed up with on any other playlist are rubbish so I can only play H2A where at least skill is somewhat balanced on both teams.


How is 2 player co-op?

My wife is buying it for us to play through (starting Xmas).

I hope it is fixed by then...so she (and I) can enjoy it.


How did this get such good reviews?

Because it's what these 3rd party advertising sites do, especially in the case of big title games from a massive corp that throws money around like crazy. I'm really not sure why people are shocked at this, we should be well used to this by now. This almost got me to buy a XB1, but when all of my friends playing it had game crushing issues with SP and MP I passed. And it's still busted to this day.

Now the real question is, have these so called review sites ran big, noticeable articles on these game crushing issues, or have they let it pass on by as well? Have they readjusted their scores to reflect the product quality?

The reviewers can't even use the cop out which is "can't fully test online until launch lol", because SP had it's issues as well here.

Just another chapter to the book of embarrassment that is "gaming journalism". I thought it would have stopped by now how bent over gamers got the last year or two, but these sites just don't care and just want that money.


I have this kept away for Christmas. I hope they fix this shit in time for then because this is unacceptable. If I'm trying to play Halo on Christmas day and it isn't letting me, that's gonna suck.


he's Virgin Tight™
Bought a XB1 for this.

So, so disappointed. I am really considering getting rid of it since its useless at this point and future prospects are bleak to say the least.


Neo Member
The newest patch is a significant improvement in my experience, single biggest one so far.

I'd say it's 90% successful with matchmaking (for me), up from 0% to 30% to 50% via last few big patches.

I seriously doubt people with stable internet connections, open nat, and properly updated game aren't able to find ANY games... but obviously some of you still have that. It's a shame as H2A is a blast and reliving Halo CE/Halo2/Halo3 battles is amazing.

Also, BTB is mostly fixed. 8 v 8 and finding games regularly again.


mine are from doing the first two missions in Halo CE so none of the end game ones unlock either

completely fucked my campaign progress so I stopped playing that as well
Fuck that, dude. As a campaign nut that would be the end of me. Either that or I would start re-familiarizing myself with Forge again.
Have you seen the AC:Victory thread?

Now much at all :p


But Unity isn't unplayable, though.

Or at least I had zero issues on the game for the One. I've been pretty divorced from the conversation with Ubisoft and AC for a looong time, though.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Because it's what these 3rd party advertising sites do, especially in the case of big title games from a massive corp that throws money around like crazy. I'm really not sure why people are shocked at this, we should be well used to this by now. This almost got me to buy a XB1, but when all of my friends playing it had game crushing issues with SP and MP I passed. And it's still busted to this day.

Now the real question is, have these so called review sites ran big, noticeable articles on these game crushing issues, or have they let it pass on by as well? Have they readjusted their scores to reflect the product quality?

The reviewers can't even use the cop out which is "can't fully test online until launch lol", because SP had it's issues as well here.

Just another chapter to the book of embarrassment that is "gaming journalism". I thought it would have stopped by now how bent over gamers got the last year or two, but these sites just don't care and just want that money.

From an SP perspective the reviewers could have experience no glitches like myself. Obviously that not possible for MP.

They probably allowed the quality of their SP experience blind them to the MP issues. In all fairness to Ryan McCaffrey, he has mentioned its brokenness on the IGN podcast numerous times. He just isn't adjusting his score.
I thought it was getting so much better. Reddit and here have been talking huge improvements. Was there a shift from early this morning's positive feelings? The newest patch has only been out since last night.

I played 8 consecutive games without a problem last night waiting no more then a minute or two for players.

Check my gt Taco wallace12

It's way way better for me. I haven't had any problems with single player other then a few sound glitchs and getting force kicked out to install a patch one time and losing my legendary progress at the end of Assault on the Control Room. But that's not even a Halo MCC problem.

I feel like I'm playing a different game then everyone here that says it's broken. The game I'm playing definitely isn't broken.


Fuck that, dude. As a campaign nut that would be the end of me. Either that or I would start re-familiarizing myself with Forge again.

But Unity isn't unplayable, though.

Or at least I had zero issues on the game for the One. I've been pretty divorced from the conversation with Ubisoft and AC for a looong time, though.

Same. I just read some GAFers who are pretty involved with it say that it amused them that "all was pretty much forgiven" in that ACVic thread.

Don't know for sure, but with a franchise like Halo with as much riding on it as it does, it'll be fair game when it releases. If it's good, combined with HCS, it'll take off.

If not... weeellll... Who knows what to do at that point. New developer would bring some buzz or something.

Bought a XB1 for this.

So, so disappointed. I am really considering getting rid of it since its useless at this point and future prospects are bleak to say the least.
Now that I straight up disagree with. Shinobi said he thinks next year might be one of the best years for Xbox ever.


It will be interesting to see how much they fix and what state 343 think is good enough to leave the game in. Playlists, single player included. If there not seeing much return from sales in a few months and Halo 5 is ramping up with good feedback, do 343 just think, lets cut it loose, focus on the future, they've got that collection which works for the most part, job done. Gamers have short memories when the next hot stuff comes around.


The newest patch is a significant improvement in my experience, single biggest one so far.

I'd say it's 90% successful with matchmaking (for me), up from 0% to 30% to 50% via last few big patches.

I seriously doubt people with stable internet connections, open nat, and properly updated game aren't able to find ANY games... but obviously some of you still have that. It's a shame as H2A is a blast and reliving Halo CE/Halo2/Halo3 battles is amazing.

Also, BTB is mostly fixed. 8 v 8 and finding games regularly again.

Yesterday's patch was probably the biggest leap forward yet.

It will be interesting to see how much they fix and what state 343 think is good enough to leave the game in. Playlists, single player included. If there not seeing much return from sales in a few months and Halo 5 is ramping up with good feedback, do 343 just think, lets cut it loose, focus on the future, they've got that collection which works for the most part, job done. Gamers have short memories when the next hot stuff comes around.

I honestly think if 343 leaves MCC in any kind of unfinished state to move on to Halo 5, people will remember it and not forgive them for it.

A lot of people bought freaking consoles for this game. MCC and 343 could be permanently ingrained in them as an expensive piece of buyers remorse.


The issue is not within Microsoft Jacob. I hope you understand. It's not that we are pointing fingers but, the issue is within EA, so I suggest that you contact EA for any dispute.

Getting a refund is easy you said.
There's no problems getting a refund you said.
okay they meant 343 industries but i still laughed


That sucks. I'm glad I returned my copy honestly. After being super excited for it to come out and then getting a game that was downright unplayable was very disappointing and left a horrible experience with microsoft especially when I tried to get a refund. Microsoft customer service was no help and just straight up rude and lied through their teeth. If it wasn't for my friends having this system as well and destiny being there to take up the slack the console itself would have been sold on ebay (for profit since I got the sunset bundle). 11 years of loyal customer relation just down the drain.

Learned my lesson though. I will never buy their games on day1 ever again. Heck probably won't buy one probably for the first month or so now. What a shit show this was. Ugh.
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