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2015 Microsoft E3 Conference

How many shirts will Phil Spencer wear?

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Sky Chief

One of the best E3 conferences I have seen in some time. A little too much CG and some games and franchises that don't interest me but lots of games and some really cool announcements like the new controller and BC while almost no BS. Phil has really turned Xbox around and I'm glad someone who is a gamer and understands gamers is now in charge.


As a PlayStation guy, I found this conference to be pretty decent. No real surprises as far as new games go, but a decent pace that only really faltered for me during the Fallout stuff since I saw 90% of that the night before. Recore was the only game I'm really interested in right from the start, but it was a cg trailer which usually means it's ages away and there's no indication as to how it will play. Gears looked fun, but Halo kind of looked boring. For a guy that never got into these franchises during their 360 days, I'm fully aware that I may be missing something key that made these presentations worthwhile to fans, but for right now they aren't blowing me away as I thought they would.

Hololens presented way better than I thought it would on stage. Not all that interested in it until I start to see virtual Warhammer, though. Then I'm sold.

I really disliked this VGX level "world exclusive" crap. And the amount of times they felt it necessary to tell me something was exclusive kind of went over the line.

An above average conference that continues to keep me intrigued about the system's future, but still hasn't convinced me to jump in. I'll wait for Gamescom as this was honestly just the beginning salvo of the conference season.


I think it was great that the really showed Gears. They just could give us and cgi trailer and be done with it. Now they showed gameplay a long time for release and thats not good also? Hats of to them for just doing that. Imo it looked great and dark like GoW 1.


Ryan McCaffrey from IGN gave the conference an 'A'. Seems like a nice guy, but holy shit does he come across as a biased fanboy with some of the things he says.
The entirety of the MS conference could have been replaced by a live mic in Phil Spencer's toilet on taco night and Ryan would have given it a B+. The guy is a total tool.


When the biggest news is backwards compatibility for the old Xbox 360, you know you have had a bad conference.

I did expect more, after the way Spencer had been hyping the event and 'more games than ever'. I guess what he meant was now you can play more games on XB1: Xbox 360 games. But come on. Who seriously plays on their 360 if they have a current gen console?

We don't have to now. Now we can play the great library of 360 games on our Xbox One.

At least I hope.


Looking forward to the exclusive game announcement later today. (4pm PT, right?)

edit: Ah no... I'm dumb. He said exclusive XBox One User Experience. Sorry folks
Gigantic: 3/10. The visuals looked great, but then when it obviously became yet another same-old MOBA, and the fact that it's launching on Windows 10's App Store (which if it's anything like Windows 8's App Store is just going to be filled with f2p junk) is not inspiring. Hope it turns out well.

Overall a really good post - but I don't understand why the store you download from impacts the enjoyment of the game. Your wording implies that if it were on steam it'd score higher than 3/10?


I only got to read a summary but it seemed like a good show. Did they announce fable as f2p on PC as well as Xbox or just the latter?

When the biggest news is backwards compatibility for the old Xbox 360, you know you have had a bad conference.

I did expect more, after the way Spencer had been hyping the event and 'more games than ever'. I guess what he meant was now you can play more games on XB1: Xbox 360 games. But come on. Who seriously plays on their 360 if they have a current gen console?
Lots of people. You've never gone back and played on an old system?


I must to say 360 BC it's a punch in the balls to psnow. Good job MS. I bet what you want psnow will be another 'Home' for Sony.
Not really impressed to be honest.

Good showing but not great imo.

Forza 6 looks amazing and will be amazing for sure, this to me is the game of the show !

The new controller is cool and all that but it needs to be a standard to be taken seriously, if it's not bundled etc. It will be just another peripheral among others. For PC users, it looks like the best controller all around.

BC is cool, if i can play my arcade games on my Xbox One then this amazing but i need to see what's on the list of compatible games.

The rest was pretty boring and nothing to make me exited. I thought i'd be blown away by Gears remaster or Gears 4 but i thought they were the most boring showings ever. I mean this is Gears 4 and all they showed was that very boring gameplay segment where we couldn't see anything and gameplay looked like something we saw last gen a million times.

Hololens while cool in concept, i'm not sure the demo on stage was totally real and was probably staged.

Rare are kinda dead. The pirate game really isn't for me.

Indies look cool, especially "Cuphead".

All in all, good but not great. I expected better from Gears and Rare but felt a bit dissappointed.


Who: Hosted by me and Graeme Boyd, Xbox Live’s Acey Bongos. Includes guest stars and industry elites, including Head of Xbox Phil Spencer and guests from 343 Industries, Turn 10 Studios, Crystal Dynamics, and others. We’ve got an exciting lineup of co-hosts on tap this year, including Blair Herter, Tiffany Smith, iJustine, Andy “Bravo” Dudynsky, Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez, and Smosh Games’ David “Lasercorn” Moss, Joshua “The Jovenshire” Ovenshire and Amra “Flitz” Ricketts.

What: A one hour show featuring breaking news, exclusive announcements, trailer reveals, game demos, and interviews with game creators. We’ll also be taking a look at the upcoming film “Terminator: Genisys”, and will debut a brand-new clip from the movie during one of our episodes.

When: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 7p ET/4p PT – 8p ET/5p PT.

Where: The show will be streamed live on Xbox One, Xbox.com both on your desktop and mobile, and Xbox 360. Each show will also have interactive experiences created just for fans watching live on Xbox One. Make sure to download the free XLEi app on your Xbox One or XLE on your Xbox 360 in advance.

For our PC gaming fans already getting excited for the upcoming release of Windows 10 on July 29, we recently announced that we’ll be co-sponsoring the PC Gaming Show on June 16 from 5-8 p.m PDT. Head of Xbox Phil Spencer and key members of the team will be showing off some great gaming experiences for Windows 10 (and maybe even a surprise), so be sure to catch the livestream of the show on the official PC Gaming Show site or on Twitch.

Lots of people seem to be disappointed by some of the showings at MS but can't have it all I guess.


- Recore looks very interesting and I am curious to see more, kudos for new IP.
- Forza 6 looks good as fuck.
- TR looked great.
- Rare Collection is nice and good to see the creative talent being used on new IP.
- Halo MP looks good, really good.
- BC is big, obviously the selection is small now but this is a massive feat and glad to see the dedication of them getting games from PowerPC to x86, kudos.


- GeoW4 reveal - meh, sure it will be a great game but was not a great reveal.
- CGI - not bad to have but maybe a tad bit too much?
- EA announcement? Could of passed.
- Controller announcement, looks cool and I am sure feels great. Could of been announced outside of the show I feel. Took precise time.

Those are things that I saw, sure I missed some stuff. I feel that things like ReCore and some other stuff should of been kept for gamescon with some gameplay (Again these have big potential) but should of def kept ScaleBound in there.

Overall - Good show, not their best and certainly far from their worst. Moving in the right direction.

They are gonna get murdered by sony...believe...jk jk!!

Pinkish Phoenix

Neo Member
Anyone know a website that will let me watch or download the press conference? I missed MS conference and I will be missing Sony's because I have work. I've searched around but everyone seems to only stream live.
So many posts about "still not convince to buy a Xbox One". It means the conference didn't deliver its purpose.

Phil, you have to work much harder...
I must to say 360 BC it's a punch in the balls to psnow. Good job MS. I bet what you want psnow will be another home for Sony.

Before you get too hyperbolic, let's wait and see if the list of supported games gets much bigger than the dozen or so they have right now.

So many posts about "still not convince to buy a Xbox One". It means the conference didn't deliver its purpose.

Phil, you have to work much harder...

Well some people are never going to be convinced to buy one, let's face it. Same for WiiU and PS4.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I like your presentation, so allow me to shamelessly steal it.

Best moments
* Sea of Thieves (A pirate first-person adventure game with amazing graphics, count me in even if it's a MMO)

We clearly weren't watching the same conference.


Neo Member
I give it a 5/10. It did nothing to make me want a Xbox.

I only got to read a summary but it seemed like a good show. Did they announce fable as f2p on PC as well as Xbox or just the latter?

Both, but they already announced that last year IIRC.
I thought the conference was great.

Halo 5, which I had only moderate interest in, looked pretty good, although the plot looks dumb.

BC announcement was an unexpected megaton.

The new controller looks cool, and I'm not even sure it will require developer support as the firmware or Xbox One OS could let you remap the buttons regardless of how the game is programmed.

Fallout 4 mods idea is great.

The games shown were ok to good, Gears looked more like a survival horror thing, which I thought was a welcome change. Forza looked great.

They've already said they were holding back game announcements for GDC. So, I'm not really disappointed about the lack of unexpected game announcements.

Overall, my biggest complaint is that they packed the beginning with all the big announcements. They should have held the megatons for the end. The ending was anti-climactic. But, overall, I'd say a B+ conference from Microsoft. Maybe even an A-. ...they didn't screw up anything, they didn't mention CoD or Kinect or TV. And they did drop a few megatons. good stuff to me.

I'll finally get to replay Lost Odyssey!! (looks like BC will be taken a little more seriously this time around...at least, that was the vibe I got.)


So many posts about "still not convince to buy a Xbox One". It means the conference didn't deliver its purpose.

Phil, you have to work much harder...

Depends on people's expectations and if they were just trolling the Xbox threads.

A fairly diverse line-up but I am still a little disappointed that more is put back for Gamescom.
Honestly, I start to think Phil Spencer is not a good visionary. He needs to work harder to get Japanese developers/publishers on board. No need to be exclusive, just need to have the titles available on Xbox One as well.
Overall I thought the conference was well paced and just about everything they showed seemed OK. Nothing was egregious, anyway, except the bad Gears 4 demo.

Definitely agree with this. Even if all the content wasn't the most exciting, it was never terrible. Microsoft at least knows how to work through their conferences well... well at least the past few. 2009-2012 conference was god-awful.

Sony conferences tend have bad pacing. They almost always, without fail, have dead-boring sections of their conference.


BC is a nice nod to gamers, but I question its real world impact. I think gamers are more interested in new games rather than old.

ReCore has me interested. The concept seemed pretty straightfoward in the trailer. It was CG, so there's a lot of unanswered questions as to real gameplay.

RoTR looks like of a more polished version of the last one, which is fine by me.

Not interested in Halo. But it looks like what's expected out of Halo. My brother will love it.

Gears looked like more gears. I was hoping for a few more verbs in Gears. The showcase only highlighted more of the same to me ultimately. Its early though.

The indie games looked great. Everybody's indies usually look great. Cuphead is a beautiful looking game.

Hololens is cool tech. I just don't see what it offers for gamers outside Minecraft. Doesn't look like it'll be for games specifically. Where is the 3rd party support. They seem to be hedging their bets with VR on PC...and not really interested in trying to be a real player in that arena. That's fine, maybe even smart on their part...but it kind of feels like a bit of slight of hand when selling to consumers.

Sea of Thieves didn't really grab me. Neither does Fable Legends.

I think the Rare collection is another great nod to gamers and nostalgia. I question whether alot of those games hold up, and whether people stick with them after the first 10 or so minutes. But then, its $30. You can't complain about that.

Fallout 4 mod stuff is a nice get.

Altogether is was paced nicely. I just don't find it that impactful. Knowing all those big names were there, I'd have thought it'd be a bigger punch. But alot of the games seemed kind of flat. 6/10. Of course E3 is just one look at the library. There are other games for gamescom that were purposely held out of this...so collectively, I'm hoping it all comes together. The collective is what matters anyway


Neo Member
I give it an 8/10. Most of that is because of the BC move. Gears knocked it down from a 8.5/9.

On another note, no Joe Montana football game?
A consistent performance from Microsoft. Like last year, it was a strong string of games - both CG content and gameplay. More focused on indies & exclusives this year - which could be seen as either a benefit or deficit.
+ Halo 5 looks real real purdy
+ Inafune + Metroid Prime team + Robot Dog
+ Native BC is mammoth. A bitchslap to PS Now that should force their hand on price.
+ Cool indies abound
+ Rare Replay is a really competent backage
- Sea of Theives looks.. okay.
- Fallout 4 mods are cool, but the implementation is going to be a clusterfuck.
- Literally couldn't even see Gears 4. But I got RE4 vibes.
- Not a ton of real announcements.

Overall - B. Consistent, exciting. Good enough.


listen to the mad man
Overall a really good post - but I don't understand why the store you download from impacts the enjoyment of the game. Your wording implies that if it were on steam it'd score higher than 3/10?

It's a signal on two levels.

1) If someone announces a game and says they're selling through BigFish Games, you have a strong signal that it's going to be an F2P Hidden Object game. The Windows 8 app store has essentially no actual games on it, almost all real bad mobile ports or mobile-like titles. So my prior belief going into the W10 app store is that that's Microsoft's approach, which causes me to infer something about the game. If that's incorrect then my perception will correct over time.

2) It lowers my trust because Microsoft just finished abandoning their previous failed PC games initiative. The result of abandoning it is that some games will break, others are no longer available, and others had a very painful patching/port process. So, again, my prior belief going forward is that MS is not going to be good sticking at supporting things running through their own PC platforms. Windows 10 is different than GFWL, of course, but I think it is reasonable to carry baggage from that forward.

If the game was announced for Steam, I'd infer something positive both about what kind of game it was going to be, and about whether I expect it will continue to work going forward.


As a PS4 only owner, I think it was a solid conference. Sure it lacked big exclusives, but it was all about games and we saw a lot of attractive ones.

I say 7.5/10.


Really good conference for me, I did not expect the things to be most excited about not to be games but instead BC, new controller. The blockbusters were the expected ones, but gave me enough to continue to get hyped for them and saw some indies that I'm now interested in. Look forward to how the rest of e3 plays out.

Seems to me if you were on board with MS already it was a good show, if you aren't then it was meh, doubt it won over any hearts and minds (still seeing a lot of 'this looks good, but I'll never buy xbox' comments around).
People complain that Nintendo never brings anything new to the table each E3 ... Yet people are rating MSFTS conference 8+ when all their games are franchise sequels.. Games we knew about well before they showed CG trailers and 2016 launch dates..

I think they thought BC would be a bigger mic drop than it really was.
It was a solid C+

Gears and Halo look so boring I can't even believe it.
They both seem to completely lack any of the things that made the previous games special.

Backward compatibility is HUGE!! They could have just announced that and I would have been impressed.

At the end of the thing there just continue to be very few games on this console that I really want to play
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