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2015 Microsoft E3 Conference

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People complain that Nintendo never brings anything new to the table each E3 ... Yet people are rating MSFTS conference 8+ when all their games are franchise sequels.. Games we knew about well before they showed CG trailers and 2016 launch dates..

I think they thought BC would be a bigger mic drop than it really was.

BC was massive, as far as I was concerned, until I found out it's just a tiny list of games that are supported (with others promised to be added in the future. However, I remember the same promise being made for the 360's compatibility with the OG Xbox, and that didn't go so well).

Now it's just meh.
BC was massive, as far as I was concerned, until I found out it's just a tiny list of games that are supported (with others promised to be added in the future. However, I remember the same promise being made for the 360's compatibility with the OG Xbox, and that didn't go so well).

Now it's just meh.

Wait what? I thought they said the full catalog.
How did I miss that.

Conference drops to a



For me it was a disappointing showing, specially after all the hyping that was doing the rounds. No Banjo Kazzoie is a huge letdown for me (the new Rare IP is not my cup o' tea)... the backward compatibility was one of the highlights and Cup Head continues to impress (and remains one of the sole reasons for me to consider purchasing an XBO), Halo 5 and Gears 4 both underwhelmed.
I really don't see why BC is such a huge deal. I almost never used it in previous generations.

Agreed .. I dont really think there are many X1 owner who were waiting for BC to ditch their 360 and consolidate to one box. BC just to me personally isnt that big of a deal.. What concerned me most was how underwhelming Gears was.


Rock solid show for me. With much more to come at Gamescom. MS doing good things.

This. It was great show. I was reading the thread whilst doing the dinner and was expecting a terrible show... Sometimes you just have to shake your head at what gets posted on here.

Feel free to shake your heads at my post now


In the predictions thread, someone reported that Major Nelson told fans present at a meeting that there would be one "true holy shit" moment.

I'm not even sure if that was an accurate report, but I'll take it as being such since I didn't see anyone say otherwise in the thread. So what's the feeling regarding what this moment was?

Personally I reckon the BC thing, that's got to be it, right?

Feel free to shake your heads at my post now

Will a shrug suffice?
BC was massive, as far as I was concerned, until I found out it's just a tiny list of games that are supported (with others promised to be added in the future. However, I remember the same promise being made for the 360's compatibility with the OG Xbox, and that didn't go so well).

Now it's just meh.
Damn so it's like the 360? That's a bummer. Hopefully they don't abandoned it this time.
This. It was great show. I was reading the thread whilst doing the dinner and was expecting a terrible show... Sometimes you just have to shake your head at what gets posted on here.

Feel free to shake your heads at my post now

So you cannot fathom people are different and don't see things the same as you because?


Yeah, there's a list floating around somewhere. It's like a dozen games with future support "promised."

Finding that out dropped my grade from 7.5 to 6.5. Disappointing to say the least.

I felt the same way, except reading gaf at work. I went from excited to wanting to wait and see. Whitelisting games hasn't worked out all that well in the past. Real backwards compatibility I'd still adore.


Overall impression I got and get from reading posts here is it was a pretty good conference but very safe... Alot of preaching to the converted, not sure how many new customers that conference will instantly gain... fallout 4 mods was the only real surprise Tbh


Super hyped for Inafunes game, great job getting him to make a game.

Also heck yes to Rare collection, and also Backward compatibility;
-Now gimme Tales of Vesparia and Blue Dragon

And if MODS are exclusive to Xbone version of FallOut 4 then no point in getting PS4 version. I look forward to all of the crazy mods to come!
Good show, nothing too ground breaking game wisw, but a good line up none the less.

I'm really hyped for Gamescom though, give me dat Scalebound sexyness.

Also, Rare's new logo is the sexiest thing I've ever seen.


The good things from the conference was Sea of Thieves and the controller. BC was very interesting. I'm seeing how that plays out because it looks a little limited so far. There wasn't much Big new content other than Recore which was a CG trailer (finding out Inafune is behind it also decreased my interest a little but still looking forward due to MP3 people behind it), Most of the actual gameplay from Gears, TR and Halo didn't do enough and felt underwhelming.

It was an alright showing. 7/10.

I expected far better especially since MS has announced too many games too early and felt like there wasn't much difference between this event and the previous.
Based on games:

Halo 5- 6/10 ; not wowed, but it's Halo
Forza 6 - 6/10 ; Trailer is generic and lost to me, Ford car coming down on a platform is cool
Recore - 7/10 ; best thing about the conference, looks like a promising exclusive title
Gears 4 - 5/10 ; a gameplay showing, but can't see shit
Tomb Raider - 4/10 ; I have little love for this franchise and this E3 showing has made that even more clear to me

Overall 6/10.


Recore, Sea of Thieves, Halo 5, RotTR, Ashen, Cuphead, and backwards compatibility made it a great conference for me.

I am disappointed that new Banjo and Battletoads were not there. Was also hoping to see new IPs from Lionhead, Twisted Pixel, and Press Play, as well as more game demos for HoloLens that weren't Minecraft.


I think the success (or failure) of Microsoft's press conference relies on two things.

1. Is Final Fantasy VII remake real?
2. Is Final Fantasy VII remake exclusive to PS4?

If the answer to 2 is "yes", there's not much argument you can make in MS's favor for today.

Otherwise, it was a great show.
Backwards compatibility is certainly nice, but I own a 360 and nothing they showed (outside Cuphead) makes me remotely interested in a BONE. Rare collection is nice, but I already own the Rare games I enjoy. Hype deflated, wallet safe.

I'd give the conference a D+.

For contrast, I'd give the Bethesda conference a very solid B.


I think the success (or failure) of Microsoft's press conference relies on two things.

1. Is Final Fantasy VII remake real?
2. Is Final Fantasy VII remake exclusive to PS4?

If the answer to 2 is "yes", there's not much argument you can make in MS's favor for today.

Otherwise, it was a great show.

There's no way FF7 will be a Sony exclusive, those days are over.


Yeah, there's a list floating around somewhere. It's like a dozen games with future support "promised."

Finding that out dropped my grade from 7.5 to 6.5. Disappointing to say the least.


Dude, they even said over 100 titles are coming in the holidays. Chill.


Hololens demo was completely fake and it's smoke and mirrors / milo / star wars kinect again. MS should really stop faking things, it really leaves a bad taste. If Hololens worked like that then yeah it would be awesome. Except it doesn't at all.

I can't accept that, so my 7,5 is now a 6/10. That part was really bad. Stop lying MS. Keep the rest about games, that was fine.


This. It was great show. I was reading the thread whilst doing the dinner and was expecting a terrible show... Sometimes you just have to shake your head at what gets posted on here.

Feel free to shake your heads at my post now

When you add this show to Quantum Break, Crackdown and all the new stuff coming it's hard not to be impressed.



+Halo 5
+Tomb Raider


+everything else

It was just ok. Not bad, not great, just ok.

If they have an amazing Halo 5 bundle I may jump in this fall. If not I may wait for a redesign.
Hololens demo was completely fake and it's smoke and mirrors / milo / star wars kinect again. MS should really stop faking things, it really leaves a bad taste. If Hololens worked like that then yeah it would be awesome. Except it doesn't at all.

I can't accept that, so my 7,5 is now a 6/10. That part was really bad. Stop lying MS. Keep the rest about games, that was fine.

You know that Hololens has been tested at different events for months by the media, yeah?
6/10 and I feel I'm being kind. I'm a pretty massive Xbox fan since the original Xbox but this left me extremely underwhelmed. It started off with a bang with Halo 5 and the backwards compatibility bomb but outside of maybe Recore and some interesting looking indie titles there just wasn't much here to get excited about. Tomb Raider looked competent? Visually impressive but just more of the same. Gears 4 I was excited about until I saw the footage which was a disappointing and unimpressive look at the game. Hope the final product's more exciting. To get to the point here MS failed to deliver any sufficient wow moments. No true megatons or any indication whatsoever that they have the energy, drive or power to turn the tide against Sony. Call of Duty's silent absence was also worrying and ominous. They needed some hard exclusives. Something truly head turning to take the focus away from Sony. E3 is now Sony's to take now.

Even with a bias towards Xbox I'm pretty confident Sony's going to annihilate them 2013 style later tonight. Strong rumours of The Last Guardian, FF7 Remake and even something Shenmue related. If even just one of those turns out to be true Sony's will have won. All eyes on Sony later now. Far more hyped and excited about their conference.

Hoping Sony have some announcements to wow me because MS completely failed to do so.

EDIT: Just one more thing. Rare's resurgence was also a complete disappointment. I was excited when Rare Replay was announced but that excitement evaporated quite rapidly when it dawned on me their only other announcement was the pirate game when we all expected and hoped for Battletoads/Banjo Threeie. Rumours before the conference was that we'd be getting both and the actuality was that we received neither. Felt pretty let down when Rare's segment turned out to be so disappointing. I was hyped for their appearance the most.


You know that Hololens has been tested at different events for months by the media, yeah?

The FOV is nothing like shown here, you only see a small area, nothing like a whole room and not with all those colors.

Basically, it's MS bullshiting again. How much fun did you have with Milo ?
that was a solid conference I thought... to many scripted events in the gameplay reveals though.

Some Highlights:
-The Rare collection for 30$ coming out in 6 weeks(!!!)
-The new Rare game looks like it has some amazing potential IMO
-Halo Warzone looks amazing.
-Those indie games on display looked really nice
-The Early access on xb1 sounds pretty fantastic

the bad:
-Like I said the gameplay reveals of Halo 5, GoW, and Tomb Raider felt like massive scripted events.
-No BK3, Battletoads, or Joe Montana Football =(


Gigantic: 3/10. The visuals looked great, but then when it obviously became yet another same-old MOBA, and the fact that it's launching on Windows 10's App Store (which if it's anything like Windows 8's App Store is just going to be filled with f2p junk) is not inspiring. Hope it turns out well.

From what I understand those who've tried the PC alpha/beta really liked it.
The gameplay is supposed to be really tight(?). Personally I'm looking forward to the beta.


I think the success (or failure) of Microsoft's press conference relies on two things.

1. Is Final Fantasy VII remake real?
2. Is Final Fantasy VII remake exclusive to PS4?

If the answer to 2 is "yes", there's not much argument you can make in MS's favor for today.

Otherwise, it was a great show.

It was a great show for me. FF VII exclusive to PS4 doesn't change that.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That backwards compatibility idea has the possibility of backfiring, if so many forum members who were actually watching the show got confused about how it actually works.

I'll have to watch the other stuff to comment on it.

Miles X

+ Recore - Loved the look of this, can't wait to see more.
+ Fallout 4 - Mods, fantastic.

~ Halo 5 - Looked good, I find it harder and harder to get excited for Halo these days tho
~ Forza 6 - Again, looked good, but not a Forza fan
~ Gears - Also looked good, not a fan
~ Fable Legends - I want to like this and have the intention of buying, but would prefer Fable 4 so much more.
~ Rare Collection - Looks good for fans, I don't play older games tho.
~ Sea of Thieves - Looked asthetically beautiful, but gameplay and everything else looked boring as hell, want to keep an open mind tho.
~ BC 360 - Doesn't affect me really, good on MS tho.

- No classic Rare IP
- Nowhere near enough new IP OR exclusive reveals
- Time wasted on Dark Souls and Rainbow Siege

5/10. It was a solid conference, nothing real wrong with it. Just very disappointing. Most of it was already announced and they didn't have ANY big news IMO.


After all the yammering about "biggest reveal of games in xbox history" and "so many games to reveal that we have to spread it out over E3 and gamescon" it was a total disappointment. Biggest reveal was (limited) BC.
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