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2015 Microsoft E3 Conference

How many shirts will Phil Spencer wear?

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This. It was great show. I was reading the thread whilst doing the dinner and was expecting a terrible show... Sometimes you just have to shake your head at what gets posted on here.

Feel free to shake your heads at my post now
I said it before, but I really feel like the show is great if you are already into Xbox and MS's franchises in general. If you are looking from an outside perspective, it was kinda weak, but most of all, it was genuinely boring at points, that's not good at an E3 conference, because hype is the name of the game.

Definitely will be some exaggeration on both parts, but lukewarm is not somewhere you want to be when it comes to building hype. B/C is being hyped right now, (Silly IMO when you see how many ppl will actually use it) that should just be a nice feature, not what some are calling the best parts of the show.

For me, the best part was Indy titles, like Cuphead, and Forza.
I think the fact that Microsoft showed off a majority of games we get to play this year and they have games for the future lined up for spring that are being shown at gamescom it's looking great for Xbox
I thought it was pretty impressive, better than the last few years, maybe because a lot of the games shown were my type of games - I love TR,FM,H5,Gears etc so most of it was right up my street.

Looking forward to seeing what Sony has lined up too


So many pre-rendered trailers with nothing of gameplay purely to generate hype. Again.

All in all, it was a good showing, but not a "wow" moment to be had. Felt very "by the numbers". When the biggest takeaway of the whole event is a backwards compatibility announcement and the mere acknowledgement that Rare can still make non-Kinect games, something is wrong.

OK, I spoke too soon, Halo 5 multiplayer looks like it could be pretty damn cool.

The Hololens demo and VR talking points made me cringe.

So did the obnoxious Ford product placement and letting Peter Moore spend as much time as they did by promoting EA Access. I don't need to watch Microsoft give other corporations a handjob yet again.

Recore will probably be awesome, but a CG trailer and playing up Armature's connection to Metroid Prime or Comcept's invoivement doesn't tell me anything. We don't even know the fucking GENRE this game falls into at the end of all that. My hype deflated shortly after I realized that they told me nothing about the actual game itself.

There was definitely a reduction in the talking from presenters overall, but if you're going to do that, let the games speak for themselves. Most of those trailers didn't have anything to say about the actual games, though, so I'm not walking away from this feeling anything for the majority of what was shown.

I have a feeling that this isn't going to be a good E3.


. When the biggest takeaway of the whole event is a backwards compatibility announcement, something is wrong.


Especially when it's nearly 2 years into a consoles life.

The only time backwards compatibility makes sense for me is at a console launch when it's generally a games drought.

I can see the logic behind the decision, they want to sell more Xbox Ones, and this is more aimed at existing 360 owners more than existing Xbox one owners.

Will it make a big difference? I don't think so.


solid conference 8/10

it went like this

good good good wow good good good good ok good good good.

It needed another wow moment at the end to make it excellent.


Stop living in the past and let Rare make what they want to make. If it's not Banjo, then it's not Banjo. A new IP is preferable.

Yeah, I think the pirate game looks cool. Why do people only want old IP coming back. Isn't there usually complaining when there aren't new IP? Then they do it, and there's still complaining. Is MS Nintendo now?


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Recore looked interesting....but that was it....Microsoft is really going after a 'certain' type of gamer....def not for me at all.


Announcing 360 backwards compatibility at their conference along with an early access type program and native mod support. All unexpected and all really awesome to see.

Also props for not talking about any exclusive dlc.

Halo 5 was a big WTF moment for me. Who the hell was asking for squad commands in Halo? proof positive 343 have no idea what fans want out of the series imho

Was surprised to see actual gameplay for Gears 4. But Gears was also odd in how much it deviated from past entries. Am I the only one who got serious Uncharted vibes from the Gears 4 reveal? Was that Nolan North's voice I heard? I mean I don't get it if you're going to make games that objectively and drastically deviate from the very things that define their own franchise why not just make a new IP? Makes no sense.

Rare's pirate game looks cool and has some potential.Interested to see how that plays out. The Rare Collection was an awesome announcement. Fantastic deal. Albeit I'm interested to know if these games will be playing in their original glory or if they retouched/uprezed them.

For me, Cuphead and the new indie game Ashen stole their show for me. Both look absolutely fantastic. I've wanted Cuphead since the moment I saw it and it looks like it is turning out really really well and Ashen just blew me away although I got the impression that the trailer was entirely CG and not representative of gameplay. If it is then holy shit that game looks incredible. Looking forward to learning more about it.

Overall, really solid conference but not quite as good as Bethesda was. Still too much meaningless CG. I'd give Bethtesda the nod for best conference so far

3.43 Master Chiefs out 5


Especially when it's nearly 2 years into a consoles life.

The only time backwards compatibility makes sense for me is at a console launch when it's generally a games drought.

I can see the logic behind the decision, they want to sell more Xbox Ones, and this is more aimed at existing 360 owners more than existing Xbox one owners.

Will it make a big difference? I don't think so.

What about those Xbox One owner with Xbox Live Gold who receives Xbox 360 games through Games With Gold? Being able to play those games could be important for them.
It's adding value to their platform and Xbox 360 got a lot of games.
It was a mediocre show saved by Gears 4. I love the new direction away from tps brofest to Naughty Dog style action adventure. They nailed the atmospehere imo. For now, its the coolest thing I've seen all show. Halo 5 looked slightly underwhelming and backwards compatibility is useless this far into the generation. Overall I'd give it a solid C+ (vs A for Bethesda, D for EA and C- for Ubisoft).


Microsoft didn't learn much from last year with all the CG trailers here. lol

The gameplay demos weren't that exciting either, but I guess that is the nature of vertical slices. Rare Replay and backwards compatibility were my favorite parts of the show. Sea of Thieves and Recore look interesting.
Pretty decent show. Not bad Microsoft, not bad.

"pretty decent" is the little sister of "bad", you know?

That said, I give it a 6/10, but just because of Gears 4. I think it looks awesome. But I cannot say that MS delivered any surprises, even B/C isn't that big of a deal if you look at it closely.


Just caught up. Really good conference! Although the huge swarm of applause and cheers for 360 backwards compatibility was ridiculous. The things we take for granted.

As usual, the blockbusters like Halo 5, Gears 4, and The Division did nothing for me. And I question why even bother with those Dark Souls 3 and Ion non-teasers or even show Fallout 4 which looks butt ugly especially when they showed Will Smith from Wild Wild West.

But Gigantic at least looks lively, Tomb Raider was exciting, HoloLens was superb, X-Box Games Preview quietly sounds great, and I've already fallen in love with Cuphead, Sea of Thieves, and ReCore.
It seems like Xbox One to PC Streaming is working well




I thought it was a really good conference, the best one microsoft has done in recent memory. BC was an amazing announcement that I'm surprised didn't leak before hand given the amount of people/companies involved. Almost made me want to pick up an xbone.

They said flat-out that they were holding things back. I'll wait until the convention is over and people go hands on with hololens minecraft before passing final judgement.


I really enjoyed this conference. Halo 5 looked fantastic. The Recore game looked very very intriguing. Original IP, exclusive, female protagonist, sci-fi story about AI, with Infanune and Metroid Prime veterans directing? AMAZING.

Rare had a surprisingly great presence, with a 10000-Gamerscore retro collection and a brand new original IP.

Loving the new indie games coming. XB1 library getting amazing (with multiplats, exclusives, plus indies).

I still think Microsoft needs to mend bridges and get rid of the parity clause asap though. That conference proved we have incredibly talented indie devs signed up for XB1, but where's Super Meat Boy? Binding of Isaac? The Witness? Transistor? Bastion?

Those devs made staple-games on 360 and I dont see them ever making another Microsoft game for a long time if someone does not do something on the dev relations squad over at MS.

The most exciting part was BC with 360 games. Two points really hit home how great this new feature will be:

1) You are going to see devs pack in 360 versions of games for free. You are already seeing this with Rainbow Six and Fallout 3.

2) Most importantly, these 360 games will take advantage of the XB1 OS... You can take screenshots, record video, and broadcast 360 games. Very nice.


Where was Crackdown?

Or was that rumored not to be shown?

It was confirmed by Phil Spencer not to be shown.

We’ve decided to save some of our most eagerly-awaited future titles for gamescom in August. Rest assured that titles like Crackdown, Quantum Break and Scalebound will be front and center at gamescom along with new game reveals for both Xbox One and Windows 10.

Xbox Wire


A good point is that they made it perfectly clear what type of an exclusive games are. Especially when Phill Spencer said it, sounded like he was done reading whiny posts on the internet about exclusivity.

Great show overall, now to find time to watch the Sony conference.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I just remembered the Joe Montana Football rumors....
Backwards compatibility is such a huge feature, especially for the many Xbox Live Arcade games, that would never get a "remastered" treatment. Great to see that such a huge generation of games doesn't just disappear!


My cousins are gonna get Xbox Ones for the BC. Now I'm gonna get one for my nephew who already has a collection of 360 games. This is huge!


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
My cousins are gonna get Xbox Ones for the BC. Now I'm gonna get one for my nephew who already has a collection of 360 games. This is huge!

They probably going to put this on the box. They have to right? To market the hell out of it.


Son of a bitch! Screw you MS. I figured you gave up this gen, specs were sub par, games where meh. I went and bought a PS4 this gen figuring you gave up. Was planning on going hard core Sony and giving up Live and then you pull this @#$%! You fricken killed it, backward compatability, GEARs, anything from Bethesda, Halo, Forza, Windows 10, Live...

My wife will be pissed...
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