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Adam Sessler & Albert Penello on the Xbox One (Interview)

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I'm saying maybe the ESRAM and the design around it is working better for the whole system in actual game design than we (or maybe they) thought it would ... I never said it was more powerful than PS4, and Albert only said that is a lot closer than the numbers people are using as their metric.
Albert doesn't know about the software and dev tools that the PS4 uses. What we do know is that developers with both consoles say that the PS4 has more mature dev tools, though this was a few months ago. We also know that it's easier to get the most out of the PS4, thanks to Mark Cerny. In one of his presentations he talked about having eDRAM with the PS4 which would give a higher bandwidth but devs said they didn't want 'exotica'.
And, in the end, games on our system looked the same or better.



how do you come to that conclusion?

Albert Penello said Xbox games won't look any worse than PS4 and if it's PS4 version is the better one then Albert Penello is lying. And Albert Penello doesn't lie and he has the best engineers, the ones that created DirectX...

Obviously I'm trolling
No one tried to make PS3 games look shitty. They tried to get both to look the same and failed so they had to remove some stuff ect resolution effects stuff like that. No one tried to make one look worst than other.


Hence why I think number 2 is the likely culprit although I suppose it;s more complicated with the more powerful GPU existing in the xbox 360

But I think the severe differences were caused mostly due to the cell architecture being difficult to optimize


extra source of jiggaflops
I understand perfectly. It installs in the back, you play while it installs.

How about you just let me play it off the fucking disc from the get go and not worry about installing it ever?
Because, as Albert says in the video, a harddisk is faster than a blu-ray in these new consoles.
How would you know what the competition was doing during the R&D cycle? Its not like you could have built your box after Sony confirmed their specs. Give me a break Albert. Can we stop with the double talk - one minute we hear that Xbone is not going to try and compete in its specs, now you are saying, there is no way that Microsoft would allow Sony to have a 30%+ power advantage. You guys have done so many 180s that you are dizzy and confused.

They are not contradictory statements. Ms might not know all the details of Ps4 architecture, and vice versa. But they now their constraints (be it release date, die size, wattage) and probably a good call on what their performance target was.

Unless there's a breakthrough in architecture design or something if two different teams are working with the same constraints at the same time they are probably achieve similar performance. Even if they heavily modify their chips to suit their needs, assuming their goals and constraints was similar, they will end up with similar performance.

A perfect example of that would be the last generation. They both had similar goals, and went with completely different design approaches (Ms focusing on the gpu and sony on the gpu), and since the build constraints haven't changed during that time frame (like node sizes and power consumption targets) even with a year apart they might require completely different programming approaches and have sometimes also different bottlenecks and still performed pretty much the same in the greater scheme of things.


If i remember the T.O.S right he is allowed to make threads as long as it is not for advertising his own game .product or system.

yep right here:

So if Albert wants to make a thread about.say oculus rift .that is perfectly fine .

however if he made a thread to advertise the X1 the thread would be closed and he would likely receive a ban.

anyway. this is OT .
Very interesting.He's doing more than just answering some questions.
Doesn't defending your product in a way count as advertising or self-promotion?


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
This is true. Killzone is nice too, but so is Battlefield and COD. Ryse (single player) is visually the only title I've seen that screams next gen.

I though Infamous Second Son was something special until I checked out videos of past Infamous games and it pretty much the same game play theme.

Pretty sure he was just trolling.

What is this nonsense?

Killzone is nice but so is CoD? Downplay much?

CoD basically looks like a current gen game with some slight upgrades and 1080p.

I already purchased my Xbox One in full along with Forza 5 and taking a hopeful wait and see approach with Ryse SP. But this is just nonsense.


I was very specific. Put a multiplat like NFS side by side on final hardware and there will be differences. It might be different anti aliasing methods. It might be different shadowing methods. They might both look arguably as good as the other.

But there will be visible differences. They will drop frames in different places (if they drop). Unless your game isn't pushing either system, the amount of effort you would have to put into making both versions look identical would be massively wasted over making each version look as good as it can on that particular console.

There is no way you achieve complete parity in a AAA title. There is no sane reason to even try.

Close enough most people don't care? Sure. No visible differences? Utter nonsense.

Interesting you bring up NFS Rivals because Marcuss said one version looks better then the other and the better looking version should be on parity to the pc version ( all versions locked at 30fps).

We all know going by the numbers that he means the PS4.

I think because we haven't seen mulit plat on both systems yet to compare that its hard to say how much the difference is going to be.

The important question is the average gamer going to notice? I know GAF will be able to tell the version with MORE sparks.


Very interesting.He's doing more than just answering some questions.
Doesn't defending your product in a way count as advertising or self-promotion?

Tread lightly. Calling for a ban is ban-worthy in itself, but calling for a ban of someone like Albert will get you sodium-infused responses. :p


So, is it because he joined the forum after he started working at Microsoft the thing you are trying to point out?

Last post on this. Can't believe you are being so obtuse.

Did you join this forum blasting your credentials and position and name?

If you did that then you are absolutely representing your firm. You can bet your bottom dollar that MS is aware he is here, they send astroturfers here for godsake. He can't say a bad word about his product, at all, if he wants to keep his job.


Because, as Albert says in the video, a harddisk is faster than a blu-ray in these new consoles.

I guess its a "believe it when I see it scenario" then...

They said that installing games to the HDD on Xbox 360 was supposedly so much faster, yet, its barley an improvement.

Im just saying if I have to stick a disc in, wait for it to get to 50% before I can start playing.. then Id much rather have it the way we do now.

And besides that, im sure ill have to have the disc in the tray for it to start anyways.. so any "instantaneous" switching will be hindered by the fact that I have to get up and put the disc in across the room.


Good interview. I'm glad microsoft revised their stance early on -didn't have a choice, anyway- and i'm expecting great things from the Xbox One...

Killzone GIFs in an Xbox One interview...hmmm...


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I understand perfectly. It installs in the back, you play while it installs.

How about you just let me play it off the fucking disc from the get go and not worry about installing it ever?

You realize this works with downloading the game too? Like the PS4?

And PS3 and xbox360 do this as well. Its nothing new.

You can't play while installing. You sit there and watch a bar fill up.


extra source of jiggaflops
I guess its a "believe it when I see it scenario" then...

They said that installing games to the HDD on Xbox 360 was supposedly so much faster, yet, its barley an improvement.
I disagree with that. I think it's quite an improvement.

For loading times and some games had textures be fetched a bit faster. The majority of games weren't developed with the installed game in mind. There were a few games with an optional HD install pack where it was very obvious to anyone.

And besides that, im sure ill have to have the disc in the tray for it to start anyways.. so any "instantaneous" switching will be hindered by the fact that I have to get up and put the disc in across the room.
You can always buy it digital. And some games are only available digital, which means the instant switching works for those.
Good interview. I'm glad microsoft revised their stance early on -didn't have a choice, anyway- and i'm expecting great things from the Xbox One...

Killzone GIFs in an Xbox One interview...hmmm...
Well we should know by now that consoles and console threads aren't in a vacuum, they're competing pretty heavily. "Gifs and games vs" posts might play into that.
Interesting you bring up NFS Rivals because Marcuss said one version looks better then the other and the better looking version should be on parity to the pc version ( all versions locked at 30fps).

We all know going by the numbers that he means the PS4.

I think because we haven't seen mulit plat on both systems yet to compare that its hard to say how much the difference is going to be.

The important question is the average gamer going to notice? I know GAF will be able to tell the version with MORE sparks.
I'm not saying how much the difference is. That's going to be almost impossible to put into terms. I'm also saying I don't think the difference is going to be so great that Xbone owners will be unimpressed by the graphics they see in their versions.

I'm just trying to highlight that it's nonsense for Albert to say that people aren't seeing any differences.

Because they will as soon as they can readily compare multiplats.

As someone who will own both platforms eventually, I will care which version is even a teeny tiny bit better. As it was last gen. As it was the gen before it.

If MS show me something else that blows my mind (Quantum Break is the only thing that did that for me on Xbox side), maybe I'll reconsider. But Resogun is at launch, and it's the most next gen thing I've seen so far.
You like a post that enforces your hopes and dreams that the system/brand/product of your choice is seemingly being "confirmed" as sneakily superior; and touted by a guy that works for the manufacturer of said product of choice, has to say?

You surprise me.

Hopes and dreams? Sneakily superior? Product of choice? Whatever. I've already spent my money on both a PS4 and Xbox One. What you're seeing is me enthusiastically enjoying the sound of competition. I enjoy wildcards and the underdogs. I would absolutely love the Xbox One turning out to pack more wallop than many thought possible, and why wouldn't I be excited to see that? I'm going to own the system, and I want my money's worth. On the PS4 front, and with sony's first party operation, it's quite obvious we're dealing with a monster, and so I look forward to every bit of awesome being squeezed out of that system in the coming years also.

I don't need to take a side when I already own both lol. If I happen to seem more excited about the Xbox One side of things right now, it's because the titles over there interest me more at the moment, and I can't wait for the next Halo and Quantum Break.


God, I hope you continue posting, because I sure do love reading it. I have a funny feeling the bolded will be especially true. The thing is, even if the guy works for Microsoft, it isn't impossible that with what he might know secretly about the full details of the platform architecture, and from what he has heard or seen regarding some of the work going on, particularly at the programming and Directx api level, that he has a genuine and, perhaps more informed, view and belief of what will be possible on the Xbox One, irrespective of what will surely be amazing things shown on the PS4.

The point is, just because the PS4 has a well documented on paper advantage that looks pretty sizeable, doesn't mean that Microsoft has to act like they're at a disadvantage. That's a key point, because it seems some really get annoyed or aggravated at the thought that Microsoft won't publicly state that they somehow won't be able to measure up because of what we've seen on paper, and I've maintained for the longest that no matter what the specs look like on the two systems, Microsoft can still very much push the Xbox One as a console that's second to none in power and capability. The raw numbers have never led me to believe that Microsoft has to, or would even consider, somehow shrinking from a discussion regarding hardware performance capability. And they don't have to, because the Xbox One hardware will do incredible things. That isn't somehow restricted to the PS4
There seems to be a trend of people saying the PS4 is only powerful "on paper". What makes you think PS4 won't be just as/if not more efficient than the Xbox One?
That bandaid sure worked out quite well for the Xbox 360 with EDRAM. It isn't difficult to see that current generation developers, who clearly have extensive experience with EDRAM on the Xbox 360, may be uniquely in position to hit the ground running with the more versatile ESRAM on the Xbox One. It might be more complex, but after coming from the Xbox 360, embedded memory on a Microsoft console is a thing that's very well known, and Microsoft will have more than likely provided developers with the right information and perfect set of tools to best take advantage of it.

It wasn't a bandaid on the 360. They had high bandwidth GDDR3 then, which the PS3 also had (along with high bandwidth XDR).


he seems to be hinting at some kind of game changer/yet to be disclosed component hidden within the Xbone hardware.
otherwise i can't see how you could spin the known numbers in MS's favor.
i mean, if both were normal PC gaming Rigs, nobody would seriously expect equal or better 3D performance out of a 1.31Tf ddr3 machine over the 1.84Tf GDDR5 one.

so yeah, it's either late secret sauce/TRANS-AM Mode incoming or just PR spin.


You realize this works with downloading the game too? Like the PS4?

You can't play while installing. You sit there and watch a bar fill up.

Im not saying PS4 will have this issue fixed, im just saying its not much of feature to be bragging about. Id like to hear about something that wows me, not this same company line they keep farting out.

And yes, I understand that on PS3 or certain 360 games you have to watch the bar fill up before playing. My whole point is that id like the OPTION to have it read off the disc considering Ill have to have the disc in the tray for it to run anyway.
Installing games? Yes. Playing the game before it's finished downloaded/installed? No.

edit: the gifs are here ... time to FINALLY bail thread.

EmptySpace remembers the last of us being playable as it was being downloaded, though it needed more than 50% download completion.


There seems to be a trend of people saying the PS4 is only powerful "on paper". What makes you think PS4 won't be just as/if not more efficient than the Xbox One?

The PS4 has the more efficient architecture and is likely to have better GPU utiliisation and versatility. SenjutsuSage has been in meltdown for months.


There seems to be a trend of people saying the PS4 is only powerful "on paper". What makes you think PS4 won't be just as/if not more efficient than the Xbox One?


Please, defend the PS4 as well like you're "equally" supposed to. :)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Im not saying PS4 will have this issue fixed, im just saying its not much of feature to be bragging about. Id like to hear about something that wows me, not this same company line they keep farting out.

And yes, I understand that on PS3 or certain 360 games you have to watch the bar fill up before playing. My whole point is that id like the OPTION to have it read off the disc considering Ill have to have the disc in the tray for it to run anyway.

I get what you're saying as it can be a drag sitting there having the game install, but I think it's a good feature as the benefits already showed on current gen consoles. It was most evident to me in fighters, so when I would be online on 360 I could tell while it was loading a match if I was fighting an opponent who didn't install as it took noticeably longer.

Looking at something like dead rising 3 which has the entire world open with no loading is going to be constantly streaming everything, so not having to read the disc even being an option surely impacts how they create the game itself.


You can always buy it digital. And some games are only available digital, which means the instant switching works for those.

Great point.

Even though I would be mandated to download + install the game, it would deliver instant switching without the use of a disc.

A feature they would get my attention on was something that Sessler menitoned. Releasing games earlier on digital platforms prior to their retail release.

This is something that Nintendo has started doing and it has my full support. Wind Waker coming out a whole 2 weeks before it hits shelves is not only impressive, but a brilliant strategy.
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