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Adam Sessler & Albert Penello on the Xbox One (Interview)

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Interesting you bring up NFS Rivals because Marcuss said one version looks better then the other and the better looking version should be on parity to the pc version ( all versions locked at 30fps).

We all know going by the numbers that he means the PS4.

I think because we haven't seen mulit plat on both systems yet to compare that its hard to say how much the difference is going to be.

The important question is the average gamer going to notice? I know GAF will be able to tell the version with MORE sparks.
First gen multi-plats, the difference will be negligible, but as the gen progresses, and more is asked of the hardware, that's when you'll see systems chocking.


I get a ton of hate for saying this – but it’s been the same EVERY generation. Sony claims more power, they did it with Cell, they did it with Emotion Engine, and they are doing it again. And, in the end, games on our system looked the same or better.

I’m not saying they haven’t built a good system – I’m merely saying that anyone who wants to die on their sword over this 30%+ power advantage are going to be fighting an uphill battle over the next 10 years…

Yeah...except you guys are practically using the same CPU this time.


Microsoft's director of product planning Albert Penello says the firm expected controversy over its original always-online Xbox One pitch, but was surprised by "how negative" the reaction was.

"So was I surprised that people had a reaction to it? No. I mean, we knew it was going to be a controversial decision. Was I surprised how negative the reaction was going to be? Yes," said Penello.

Lol. How delusional.
I like Albert when he tries to be informative, but frankly his post did come off as very fanboyish. At least this thread has been very entertaining since then.
So why did every multiplat not look the exact same on PS3 compared to Xbox 360?

What motivation did they have to make the 360 version look better?

1. Devs aren't lazy and X360 is more powerful
2. X360 was easier to develop for
3. MS was paying for better multiplats [tinfoil hat theory]

PS4 is more powerful and seemingly has better dev tools at this point so we'll see

1. Not saying developers are lazy, they are certainly cost conscious though.
the 360 was easier to develop for, so it usually became the lead platform.
selling more units and software in NA than PS3 helped too.
Why break your ass wrangling with Sony's 7 SPEs to make the PS3 version of your game look as good as Sony's first parties are motivated to do?

2. Yes. but should be relatively even this time around.

3. Third party software is even MORE important to MS this gen.
I'd say they were VERY invested in doing whatever they can to not place a distant second to Sony in hardware sales.
Time will tell if their first parties will make a next gen equivalent to Halo.
I've seen TitanFall, so have MS, then they bought it exclusively for (probably) a year.


I get what you're saying as it can be a drag sitting there having the game install, but I think it's a good feature as the benefits already showed on current gen consoles. It was most evident to me in fighters, so when I would be online on 360 I could tell while it was loading a match if I was fighting an opponent who didn't install as it took noticeably longer.

Looking at something like dead rising 3 which has the entire world open with no loading is going to be constantly streaming everything, so not having to read the disc even being an option surely impacts how they create the game itself.

I agree.

Its obvious having a game run from HDD is better. I just hate that they act like its some godsend of a feature. Its getting that information that isnt installed from the disc, or a cloud (more than likely, the disc).

So if thats the case, just let me install it when I want rather than have me open a game on midnight launch and be stalled with a loading bar at all.
Majority here gave aimed for Albert's neck since he started his consistent updates. Dont be mad when he comes back at you.

He got a little...my dad can beat up your dad. But you deserved it.

If we all keep pissing in each others cereal, there will be nothing to eat. Need to take a step back and chill.
I agree.

Its obvious having a game run from HDD is better. I just hate that they act like its some godsend of a feature. Its getting that information that isnt installed from the disc, or a cloud (more than likely, the disc).

So if thats the case, just let me install it when I want rather than have me open a game on midnight launch and be stalled with a loading bar at all.

game has to be built a different way if it were to stream from disc rather than from hdd.

it is not an option gurrry can just check and uncheck in the settings menu. it does not work that way.


Yeah...except you guys are practically using the same CPU this time.
As an engineer you would think he would be more informed. He also keeps touting the power difference as "only 30%" while its more like 40% and that's in terms of GPU power alone. Again, as an engineer you would think he could at least acknowledge that the competitor has the edge without us having to read between the lines.
As an engineer you would think he would be more informed. He also keeps touting the power difference as "only 30%" while its more like 40% and that's in terms of GPU power alone. Again, as an engineer you would think he could at least acknowledge that the competitor has the edge without us having to read between the lines.

I dont think he would be allowed to do that...
1. Not saying developers are lazy, they are certainly cost conscious though.
the 360 was easier to develop for, so it usually became the lead platform.
selling more units and software in NA than PS3 helped too.
Why break your ass wrangling with Sony's 7 SPEs to make the PS3 version of your game look as good as Sony's first parties are motivated to do?

2. Yes. but should be relatively even this time around.

3. Third party software is even MORE important to MS this gen.
I'd say they were VERY invested in doing whatever they can to not place a distant second to Sony in hardware sales.
Time will tell if their first parties will make a next gen equivalent to Halo.
I've seen TitanFall, so have MS, then they bought it exclusively for (probably) a year.

Honestly I meant that your theory [X1 and PS4 multiplats looking the same] could be accurate but that if it happens it will likely be due to devs not using all of PS4's power even power that's easy to get at [additional GPU power, maybe improved memory bandwidth]

For now we don't know but I imagine some 3rd party devs will use the additional horsepower

We'll just have to wait and see

Majority here gave aimed for Albert's neck since he started his consistent updates. Dont be mad when he comes back at you.

He got a little...my dad can beat up your dad. But you deserved it.

If we all keep pissing in each others cereal, there will be nothing to eat. Need to take a step back and chill.

Man I always love your take on this sort of thing

but seriously don't mess with my Dad

He'll BEAT you up!!


Majority here gave aimed for Albert's neck since he started his consistent updates. Dont be mad when he comes back at you.

He got a little...my dad can beat up your dad. But you deserved it.

If we all keep pissing in each others cereal, there will be nothing to eat. Need to take a step back and chill.
I look forward to that. There's some serious flaws with this arguments.
Ridiculous how?

Because the Xbone and PS4 have essentially the same architecture. There are no believable "balance" advantages that the bone has over the PS4 in terms of hardware. If anything the PS4 is more balanced.

The more accurate analogy is a WRX vs STI. Except in this oddball world, the STI is actually cheaper.

Is it this one?


Or this one?

The differences between next-gen and other generations has been explained many times.

Are you so dense as to equate the two?

Also, lol at both systems having good looking games being some sort of evidence to suggest that the two systems are equal.
Jesus Christ, you don't have to insult the man.
Not sure if serious.

The analogy is actually very good.

Not really, the consoles are way too similar to quote a Porsche vs. a corvette. It's more like two Porsche's, one has a way bigger engine but the other one has a turbo charger. Sometimes the turbo can compensate for less horsepower, but not always.
As an engineer you would think he would be more informed. He also keeps touting the power difference as "only 30%" while its more like 40% and that's in terms of GPU power alone. Again, as an engineer you would think he could at least acknowledge that the competitor has the edge without us having to read between the lines.
Alberts not a engineer though. I think that he's staying within his pay grade more than anything.


They are not contradictory statements. Ms might not know all the details of Ps4 architecture, and vice versa. But they now their constraints (be it release date, die size, wattage) and probably a good call on what their performance target was.

Unless there's a breakthrough in architecture design or something if two different teams are working with the same constraints at the same time they are probably achieve similar performance. Even if they heavily modify their chips to suit their needs, assuming their goals and constraints was similar, they will end up with similar performance.

A perfect example of that would be the last generation. They both had similar goals, and went with completely different design approaches (Ms focusing on the gpu and sony on the gpu), and since the build constraints haven't changed during that time frame (like node sizes and power consumption targets) even with a year apart they might require completely different programming approaches and have sometimes also different bottlenecks and still performed pretty much the same in the greater scheme of things.

Who says that they were working with the same constraints. - Or even knew, for that matter, the constraints of their competitors. Sony could have said, fuck it, and committed to loose $500 on each system sold to be able to use higher end components in their box. Do you honestly think that Microsoft would have followed them off the cliff just to maintain parity? Albert's statement was ludicrous. It's clearly another 180. MS have changed their message likely due to the fact that having a less powerful system at a higher price point didn't resonate so well.

I am fine with the visuals that xbone outputs by the way. I think that there are some great looking launch titles. I could care less about the graphics struggle next gen between PS4 and xbone. I am just getting tired of the recent arrogance and double talk that have been coming from the Microsoft camp recently.


1. Not saying developers are lazy, they are certainly cost conscious though.
the 360 was easier to develop for, so it usually became the lead platform.
selling more units and software in NA than PS3 helped too.
Why break your ass wrangling with Sony's 7 SPEs to make the PS3 version of your game look as good as Sony's first parties are motivated to do?

2. Yes. but should be relatively even this time around.

3. Third party software is even MORE important to MS this gen.
I'd say they were VERY invested in doing whatever they can to not place a distant second to Sony in hardware sales.
Time will tell if their first parties will make a next gen equivalent to Halo.
I've seen TitanFall, so have MS, then they bought it exclusively for (probably) a year.
No one ever plans for that, it just happens. Microsoft has yet to convince gamers to choose the Xbox One over the PS4 considering the difference in power and price, both in PS4s advantage.I don't see Kinect as an advantage, as no matter how well it works, I don't see myself using it. I can live without it.


Majority here gave aimed for Albert's neck since he started his consistent updates. Dont be mad when he comes back at you.

He got a little...my dad can beat up your dad. But you deserved it.

If we all keep pissing in each others cereal, there will be nothing to eat. Need to take a step back and chill.

Great point. Gamers, and many people in general, can be notorious for slinging shit but become outraged when the target has the nerve to fight back. Albert had a great interview with Sessler, he was humble and admitted to MS' mistakes while confidently demonstrating the good bits of the Xbox One.


Majority here gave aimed for Albert's neck since he started his consistent updates. Dont be mad when he comes back at you.

He got a little...my dad can beat up your dad. But you deserved it.

If we all keep pissing in each others cereal, there will be nothing to eat. Need to take a step back and chill.

Except when Albert comes here, he is doing his job.

He is trying to influence how people view Xbox One. He is talking a lot of shit without any kind of proof.

He's trying to curb the idea that PS4 is more powerful. He wants to disprove that notion, but has no proof to back it up other than, trust me.

Major Nelson, Albert and the unnamed Microsoft Dev started posting more frequently on here and on other places to change the tone of conversations about Microsoft. Instant access to PR control techniques.

If you look at things that Major Nelson says like "we passed cert long ago" like Albert posted on the same day as Major Nelson, you would see that they are on message. They are about disseminating information slowly and in a controlled manner.

The Ars Technica interview with Albert talking about how Sony is being let off the hook because they don't show their hardware in the box was very recent. I imagine his recent aggressive posts are part of the messaging plan in the coming weeks.
As an engineer you would think he would be more informed. He also keeps touting the power difference as "only 30%" while its more like 40% and that's in terms of GPU power alone. Again, as an engineer you would think he could at least acknowledge that the competitor has the edge without us having to read between the lines.

I'd be surprised if you could find anyone who would willingly say a competitor's product is better than their employer's in a public environment under their real name.


extra source of jiggaflops
Microsoft has yet to convince gamers to choose the Xbox One over the PS4 considering the difference in power and price, both in PS4s advantage.I don't see Kinect as an advantage, as no matter how well it works, I don't see myself using it. I can live without it.
That just means they haven't convinced you.

They have convinced some with Ryse. Some with Forza. Some with Dead Rising 3. A lot of people with Titanfall. Some even with Kinect, which you don't see as an advantage.

Don't generalize such subjective things. Unless you mean based on pre-order figures they haven't convinced the majority to pick the Xbone over the PS4 in large numbers.


Except when Albert comes here, he is doing his job.

He is trying to influence how people view Xbox One. He is talking a lot of shit without any kind of proof.

He's trying to curb the idea that PS4 is more powerful. He wants to diffuse that notion, but has no proof to back it up other than, trust me.

Major Nelson, Albert and the unnamed Microsoft Dev started posting more frequently on here and on other places to change the tone of conversations about Microsoft. Instant access to PR control techniques.

If you look at things that Major Nelson says like "we passed cert long ago" like Albert posted on the same day as Major Nelson, you would see that they are on message. They are about disseminating information slowly and in a controlled manner.

The Ars Technica interview with Albert talking about how Sony is being let off the hook because they don't show their hardware in the box was very recent. I imagine his recent aggressive posts are part of the messaging plan in the coming weeks.

Winner winner chicken dinner.
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