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Albert Penello downplays XBO/PS4 difference in Tomb Raider; "we just shipped"

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Man, this guy can really bullshit. Gotta hand it to him.

I wish microsoft would stop lying about this stuff now. Everyone knows the truth. They cry about how the hate needs to stop, well just stop lying and treating us like idiots. You give people reasons to hate your company. Just shut up and focus on funding great games and im sure the negative reaction would turn around.

For sure. I love "there is a resolution thing going on". Makes it sound so casual, like a groovy new trend.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
"we just shipped"


They need to give it up.
I really like Forza 5 and I don't think it's ugly by any means but it's definitely not amazing. Titanfall though is pretty terrible looking(I know I know placeholder textures and whatnot - you guys might be surprised)

I saw Titanfall at Pax Prime and I thought it was the nicest looking game on the show floor. It suits my visual tastes though. Sitting right beside Battlefield 4 the difference was obvious, a futuristic industrial building is always more visually interesting than an office block.


"I know what is going behind the scenes and I have access to more information about some of this thing than a lot of people" is the new "We wrote DirectX".


But he insisted he isn't PR:

Probably just another lie though...

Yep. He blatantly lied.

He said "I don't work in PR."

There are no excuses. "What is he supposed to do, he was asked a question?" has been brought up many time in this thread. He came to NeoGAF and posted this same kind of misinformation with appeals to authority without anyone asking for it. He sought to muddy the waters pre-launch.

He asked for those calling him out to apologize after launch proves that his statements were correct. Now he's just moving the goalposts and retreating from accountability on this forum. He straight-up lied to this community for a good 6 weeks leading into launch. His job which some actually bought wasn't part of his duties, was to change the message for Xbox.

He came here with a purpose and the things he has said have turned out to be blatant lies. He can't hide behind shifting job titles and bullshit appeals to authority. He should be held accountable for the statements he makes on here and elsewhere that were made to sell a product.
I really like Forza 5 and I don't think it's ugly by any means but it's definitely not amazing. Titanfall though is pretty terrible looking(I know I know placeholder textures and whatnot - you guys might be surprised)

Damn man, with those standards I don't know how you can tolerate playing on anything but a high-powered PC.


Most of those territories would look horribly grim in terms of sales for the Xbone

Of course they would; they always have. I am strictly talking about NPD numbers for December here. It shows an advantage in sales for Xbox One in the 3 game titles I always look at; COD, Battlefield and Madden in the US.


Your going to be disappointed.

We'll see. So far that's how things have been with the majority of multiplats (1080p and the same frame rate on both consoles).

I think sports games are a safe bet for remaining 1080p/60 FPS on both consoles but I like sports games. I know that many here on GAF don't though.


Of course they would; they always have. I am strictly talking about NPD numbers for December here. It shows an advantage in sales for Xbox One in the 3 game titles I always look at; COD, Battlefield and Madden in the US.

So you're just cherry picking the numbers you use. If you look global, PS4 games sold a lot more. You admitted that when Xbone launches in those countries it won't change much. So why not count global numbers?


extra source of jiggaflops
Wasn't that just total game sales including 1st party but individual 3rd party titles were higher on PS4?
Some individual third party games were higher on Xbone (shooters) and some were higher on PS4 (sports, action adventure, racing)

Madden sold better on PS4 than Xbone according to the NPD leaks. (LTD, not December)


People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. They CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their HW skills, do you really think they don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way they’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony. And ANYONE who has seen both systems running could say there are great looking games on both systems. If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious.

I read this in a thread here on gaf yesterday.

Timothy lottes FXAA creator,
"The real reason to get excited about a PS4 is what Sony as a company does with the OS and system libraries as a platform, and what this enables 1st party studios to do, when they make PS4-only games. If PS4 has a real-time OS, with a libGCM style low level access to the GPU, then the PS4 1st party games will be years ahead of the PC simply because it opens up what is possible on the GPU. Note this won't happen right away on launch, but once developers tool up for the platform, this will be the case. As a PC guy who knows hardware to the metal, I spend most of my days in frustration knowing damn well what I could do with the hardware, but what I cannot do because Microsoft and IHVs wont provide low-level GPU access in PC APIs. One simple example, drawcalls on PC have easily 10x to 100x the overhead of a console with a libGCM style API...."



Source? How does 32MB of ESRAM make up for a full 8GB of faster RAM? It doesn't, it won't.

And source for your claim that Sony will not upclock post launch?

Source that Sony will not upclock post launch is that it makes zero sense and is frankly a laughable suggestion. They would have worse yields and no developer could take advantage of the extra speed because they have already sold 4.2 million PS4s which have to run the games as well. MS was able to upclock because they hadn't begun full production.

The memory thing, I already said PS4 solution will always be better. But making optimal use of esram is not straight forward and given more time developers will figure out how to do it better.
I pretty much feel the same way. I would prefer for Xbox One multipats to be 1080p (since my TV is 1080p) with the same frame rate as the PS4 versions. I don't care much about added visual details.

And again, that's what I think will be the case for most multiplats this current gen. -- 1080p at the same frame rate on both consoles but with the PS4 having more detail. Heck, that's pretty much the case for the majority of multipats now anyway.
Sorry man, but this isn't going to happen.


Whether he is officially PR or not crucial. The crucial point is that his position dictates what he must say about MS and their product.

This means we shouldn't call him a horrible person for not being 100% truthful, but it also means we shouldn't take a single word out of his mouth at face value.

He pretended and allowed others to believe that he wasn't "on-script" and that he was coming here in good faith.

He volunteered the information he did with the clear purpose of changing the conversation and to perform as a PR agent for Microsoft.

Albert pretended to be someone like Jaffe that posts here regardless of needing to sell a game or not. He wasn't. He was only here to sell the Xbox One.


It would really benefit him if he didn't say anything at all. Or if he just stopped at saying inoffensive, inarguable things like "Both systems will have games that look good" or whatever.

By throwing in weak explanations and writing off real differences in performance/visuals where the XB1 is lacking it just takes away any validity to the rest of what he's saying.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Well, time for another round of "here's why the ps4 is more powerful than the xbone and why Penello is a liar".

I don't get Microsoft's PR, I don't.


We'll see. So far that's how things have been with the majority of multiplats (1080p and the same frame rate on both consoles).

I think sports games are a safe bet for remaining 1080p/60 FPS on both consoles but I like sports games. I know that many here on GAF don't though.
Sports and eventually CoD when they figure things out. More ambitious AAA games whether open world or trying to push graphics it will be interesting to see.
People in here saying that casuals don't care.
PS4 has the price advantage plus the continuing positive word of mouth.

I don't know as much about the word of mouth as I think it's positive for XB1 as well, but absolutely the price is and will continue to be the biggest issue with casuals. Until MS gets to price parity they should continue to be worried about falling behind even in the US.


lulz stop lying you industry sneak fuck. Never buying ANYTHIN Xbox related anymore. Kiss my ass MS.

( sorry to say cause I loved XBOX and X360 ).
I know more than you. Here are two straight blatant lies. Also, we just shipped and this 900p game is the bestest ever. Have you seen Titanfall?
You can't be serious BGamer. That's ridiculous. How would that have any bearing on which system Skyrim sells better on when the install base is reaching the same?
They invested the $100-200 they saved in 2005/6 and grew it to thousands. This is why the attach rate remained higher throughout the gen. Simple economics--do you even trade, bro? :p
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