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Albert Penello downplays XBO/PS4 difference in Tomb Raider; "we just shipped"

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Is anyone really surprised? I wish the Xbox community would press him to do a technical paper. His credibility doesn't exist at this point.


“Look, I had a lot of time to think about this and I believe in what I said. I believe that the differences between the boxes [PS4 and Xbox One] is not all that great and I know what is going behind the scenes and I have access to more information about some of this thing than a lot of people.


Since every comment seems to create a s**tstorm, here goes.

Go back and read what I said – not other people’s *interpretation* of what I said.

I was getting a lot of tweets asking about the issue of resolution. I’ve seen the game, then I saw the PS4 footage, and I simply suggested that people wait for footage on both platforms to debate.

I’ve said this exact same thing on this forum several times. But nobody reads the posts, people then just start to assume things or read into things, or then call into question my honesty. Let’s put this to bed.

Here’s a fact that will blow your mind.

The guy that runs 3rd party relations for Xbox is one of my best friends. And we have to play this information game all the time. He has the utmost respect for the confidentiality of partner details. So I did call him and ask him, and he told me very directly “You don’t need to know”

End of conversation. End of speculation.

Nobody at MS will comment on this. Most people don’t know. This is Activision’s product, and it’s completely up to them on how/when they want to show this product, why they choose to roll-out their game in a certain way, and what platforms they choose to show on.

There is no point in lying about anything. If I did know, I would have just said “I can’t say”. You all would have gotten the same answer.

So please, let’s be careful on the “lying” and “obfuscation” memes around here. Read what I post. I ignore 99% of the insults here because they are clearly a result of people not actually reading.

That said, keep up the .gifs. Those I love.

so what exactly do you know?

you had no clue about XB1 specs as you were corrected here in GAF and went back and asked your senior technical and then again were still WRONG.

So you have no idea about your own hardware, you have no idea about 3rd party development on it. So What the hell Do you know?

Enlighten us please on your info that no ones know. Even the developers who made game on your console
I saw Titanfall at Pax Prime and I thought it was the nicest looking game on the show floor. It suits my visual tastes though. Sitting right beside Battlefield 4 the difference was obvious, a futuristic industrial building is always more visually interesting than an office block.
Bruh, that was a PC game being played using 360 controllers. It wasn't Xbox One.


extra source of jiggaflops
I can confirm that Penello says exactly this:

"It's like, we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies, and has the most screens, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another movie theater that has less screens but if you look at this one movie, like, sometimes it looks better on their screen. And in our movie theater, sometimes some of our movies look better.

You know what, I think the games on PS4 look fantastic, I play them, I enjoy them...it's a great thing for this industry that they have success...at the end of the day, if I have to pick one box, I'm gonna pick ours. I work here, so I root for the home team."

A little bit before that he also says "We are committed to having the platform with the best looking games"
Too bad they weren't committed to that before they finalized the silicon, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.
As many from the UK have noted, it's always been "cheaper console land"

Are head injuries contagious?

Have you listened to the entire podcast? If its his opinion the XB1 is better than the PS4 because he's an employee of MS, cool. Should we expect different?

The best thing that was said was MS and Sony took different bets in regard to which system will be better long term. As of today, looks like PS4 took a better bet, but that can change.


You guys should listen to the podcast. There's a great analogy there by Albert. :D

edit: by great I mean bwahaha

Priceless. I hope these pr guys earn quite some money to say something like that with a straight face, it takes some skill. :)


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
This guy is one of many reasons I will not buy an Xbox One. Anyone who treats potential customers like idiots if they don't like the Kool-aid he's serving should not be talking to the public.
Here's a free PR reply that is honest, downplays the issue, and doesn't insult a person's intelligence:

"Mr. Penello, how do you respond do the technical differences between the versions of the new Tomb Raider game."

- Well, I think you've got a situation here where people are drawing conclusions that aren't necessarily supported by the evidence. In this particular scenario it looks like the PS4 version of the game runs at a higher framerate than the XB1 version of the game. As to why that is, I couldn't tell you; you'd have to ask the developers who are familiar with the development of the game. I don't think it's a reasonable conclusion to draw that multi-platform titles are always going to perform better on the PS4 because of one game.

That being said, Sony has put together a hell of a machine. So have we. The machines are very close in technical capabilities, certainly close enough that you'll never see a situation where a specific game "can't" be done on one console or the other. What differentiates us is our focus on the operating system and the input, right? The XB1 OS is miles and miles ahead of the PS4 OS. That's my opinion. On top of that, we've got an amazing interface with the Kinect that simply can't be done on the PS4. That's where we think the XB1 is going to truly set itself apart this generation.

Yeah, but you gotta have an exit for later. Not commenting on the issue would do better.


Is anyone really surprised? I wish the Xbox community would press him to do a technical paper. His credibility doesn't exist at this point.

Boom! wb :) How long was that?

MS PR is basically Sony PR at this point, for all the right reasons.
Have you listened to the entire podcast? If its his opinion the XB1 is better than the PS4 because he's an employee of MS, cool. Should we expect different?

The best thing that was said was MS and Sony took different bets in regard to which system will be better long term. As of today, looks like PS4 took a better bet, but that can change.

So ignoring the outright lies then? Yup nothing wrong there.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
In the case of this, it's probably due to the exclusives. Again though -- these consoles are brand new and the people buying both right now are mainly really big gamers.

And what you said is only true for the U.S. correct?

Please think ... more.

The PS4 has multiple F2P games which are not tracked by NPD. It is also up to three games free via PS+. So maybe, just maybe some PS4 owners are playing other games not tracked by NPD?
You guys should listen to the podcast. There's a great analogy there by Albert. :D

edit: by great I mean bwahaha
I think slapping my dick with a hammer might feel better than my brain trying to comprehend what the fuck mental gymnast bullshit he just pulled.

Still thought it was the nicest game on the show floor, PC or not. Shows what the full res textures look like.

Doesn't mean anything if the Xbox One can't run it. And nah, it didn't look that good.

One hell of a game though.


y'all should be ashamed
PS4 Theater:


XB1 Theater:

The XB1 theater's seats should be way further back.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I can confirm that he says exactly this:

"It's like, we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies, and has the most screens, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another movie theater that has less screens but if you look at this one movie, like, sometimes it looks better on their screen. And in our movie theater, sometimes some of our movies look better.

You know what, I think the games on PS4 look fantastic, I play them, I enjoy them...it's a great thing for this industry that they have success...at the end of the day, if I have to pick one box, I'm gonna pick ours. I work here, so I root for the home team."

A little bit before that he also says "We are committed to having the platform with the best looking games"
Too bad they weren't committed to that before they finalized the silicon, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.
No Alberto. It still is going to a more expensive theater to see the same content in worse conditions. And in the other shop you can still play your content outside of the theater, wherever you are. *Hugs Vita and Sony's vision.


I think it does, but you have to qualify it with the fact that KZ has these huge environments, whereas Ryse does not. But why should that matter, we have multiplats for comparison.

Killzone also runs at a higher resolution and framerate. To me, Killzone is much more impressive than Ryse's blurry controlled small environments.
Hold on. Didn't Albert have this huge argument on gaf about how he didn't know what was going on behind the scenes? I remember because I was a part of that argument and he called me a conspiracy theorist! A lot of gaffers also were on the defensive defending him. Now all of a sudden he knows things we don't?

And Ryse is the best looking? Maybe cause it's running at 900/30


Still thought it was the nicest game on the show floor, PC or not. Shows what the full res textures look like.

What makes you think the final XB1 textures will be the same as the PC textures on show? It's like the PC version will have multiple Texture settings.

Don't forget all of the missing effects, lower resolution and different AA solution though either, If we're judging from PC->XB1 BF4 of course. It seems silly to compare Titanfall PC to BF4 XB1

"Well it's not like a bigger theater matters anyway right? It's about the movies themselves. The Xbox One theater also looks more cozy."

"the XB1 theatre has better voice commands and achievements."


I can confirm that he says exactly this:

"It's like, we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies, and has the most screens, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another movie theater that has less screens but if you look at this one movie, like, sometimes it looks better on their screen. And in our movie theater, sometimes some of our movies look better.

You know what, I think the games on PS4 look fantastic, I play them, I enjoy them...it's a great thing for this industry that they have success...at the end of the day, if I have to pick one box, I'm gonna pick ours. I work here, so I root for the home team."

A little bit before that he also says "We are committed to having the platform with the best looking games"
Too bad they weren't committed to that before they finalized the silicon, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

What is this I don't even… What are the 'screens' here? Features?


I'd be in the dick
Is anyone really surprised? I wish the Xbox community would press him to do a technical paper. His credibility doesn't exist at this point.
His technical fellow would just feed him more BS that we can easily disprove and will continue to tell us we don't understand.


Please think ... more.

The PS4 has multiple F2P games which are not tracked by NPD. It is also up to three games free via PS+. So maybe, just maybe some PS4 owners are playing other games not tracked by NPD?


It's seems as if you are saying that to me as if I think the PS4 won't have more game sales over time when I actually do -- again, mainly due to the cheaper price of the console.


You guys should listen to the podcast. There's a great analogy there by Albert. :D

edit: by great I mean bwahaha

I think I figured it out, theatre = console, screens = games, movies = graphics

It's like, we're the console that has all the blockbuster graphics, and has the most games, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another console that has less games but if you look at this one graphic, like, sometimes it looks better on their game. And in our console, sometimes some of our graphics look better.
Have you listened to the entire podcast? If its his opinion the XB1 is better than the PS4 because he's an employee of MS, cool. Should we expect different?

I don't expect him to say "I prefer the PS4", obviously he would never do that! Everyone fully expects him to say the XB1 is better / he prefers XB1.

What people don't expect is for him to give the reason "cos they pay me"!


extra source of jiggaflops
I think when he says that sometimes movies look better on their screens he is talking about the games looking better on the Xbone.

He must really love that sharpening filter at 720p to say that.


I think when he says that sometimes movies look better on their screens he is talking about the games looking better on the Xbone.

He must really love that sharpening filter at 720p to say that.

Ryse on Xbox One is the best looking version of Ryse, buddy!

I hope these clowns just make sure the next Xbox doesn't get bitch-slapped by PS5, specs-wise.
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