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Albert Penello downplays XBO/PS4 difference in Tomb Raider; "we just shipped"

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Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Of course they would; they always have. I am strictly talking about NPD numbers for December here. It shows an advantage in sales for Xbox One in the 3 game titles I always look at; COD, Battlefield and Madden in the US.

The 360 was the majority console for the UK last gen, so not always.


So you're just cherry picking the numbers you use. If you look global, PS4 games sold a lot more. You admitted that when Xbone launches in those countries it won't change much. So why not count global numbers?

How is using NPD numbers cherrypicking? Where is the global count that you speak of for COD, BF, and Madden?


... I think it's a pretty ok answer to be honest. He somewhat acknowledges that the PS4 is superior on the hardware side (which should be obvious for everyone who can read and interpret hardware specs) but at the same time points out that the Xbox One is pretty capable as well and features Ryse, which is (at least from my "old-gen" perspective) the prettiest game around (for now that is).

What do people expect? Him saying the Xbox One is crap and that everyone should sell it/burn it? Yes, the PS4 has better hardware. We know it, Microsoft know it.



"Also, no PR here. I don’t work in PR. Not trolling for any, either. This is on my personal time."

I have my doubts he was forced to write this while having a gun pointing at his head. He voluntarily did this because he thought appearing as one of us (lol) would make us more susceptible to his messages. A person with higher moral standards wouldn't do something like this. So questioning his personal integrity seems ok to me...

This is where I stand. I wouldn't go as far as to question his morals, but I don't buy the whole, "he was just doing his job" argument," when he was openly denying and disagreeing with those making that statement at the time. That was his out. He wouldn't even agree to putting his statements through that lens. He wanted to be "just one of the guys."
I saw Titanfall at Pax Prime and I thought it was the nicest looking game on the show floor. It suits my visual tastes though. Sitting right beside Battlefield 4 the difference was obvious, a futuristic industrial building is always more visually interesting than an office block.

I'm only going off leaked footage but BF4 looks like a next gen game and the alpha footage of Titanfall looked comfortably like something from last gen. I have to admit though a big reason I don't like it may have to do with the borderland aesthetic (which I really dislike) and the HUD.
Sure, "behind the scenes" XBO is running every game at 4k/120fps with Avatar like visuals. it's just that MS feels so bad for Sony and Nintendo that they mandate all games to underperform to cheer them up a little bit.

PR guys are the best.

Come on, MS, sales are great in the US/UK so far, third party support is good and you did a 180 on the whole anti-consumer thing. Yes, XBO games look and run worse compared to PS4 games and Sony is likely going to have the edge sales-wise worldwide for multiple reasons, but it's not the end of the world. Focus on the positives. Comments like this one just make you look worse.

Now, let's see if the GIFs in this thread deliver.


y'all should be ashamed
You guys should listen to the podcast. There's a great analogy there by Albert. :D

edit: by great I mean bwahaha

Albert Penello continuing the graphics debate said:
It's like, we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies, and has the most screens, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another movie theater that has less screens but if you look at this one movie, like, sometimes it looks better on their screen. And in our movie theater, sometimes some of our movies look better.

You know what, I think the games on PS4 look fantastic, I play them, I enjoy them...it's a great thing for this industry that they have success...at the end of the day, if I have to pick one box, I'm gonna pick ours. I work here, so I root for the home team.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
My point is that he knows the casuals who play COD, sports titles isn't going to care about what he says. Why he is even testing the core gamers and sites like ours though, I have no answer for that.
Because even on sites like this, there are plenty of perfectly credulous platform fans that are more than ready to spread the talking points and say things like, "what else is he going to say?" in defense of misguided PR like this.


How is using NPD numbers cherrypicking? Where is the global count that you speak of for COD, BF, and Madden?

Ignorance is bliss. We get numbers sporadically for EU and other countries. Even in the UK (Microsoft territory) those games sold a lot better on the PS4, the rest of the EU things were even more skewed. Try not to resort to America = World, just because we don't have a global specific count the way you do with NPD. We have enough data that it's more than just an educated guess.


extra source of jiggaflops
How is using NPD numbers cherrypicking? Where is the global count that you speak of for COD, BF, and Madden?
Just to put some perspective in the numbers we have. (NPD LTD)

Call of Duty: Ghosts Xbone >800k <850K
Call of Duty: Ghosts PS4 >800K

Battlefield 4 Xbone >550K <650K
Battlefield 4 PS4 >550K <600K

Madden NFL 25 PS4 >350K <400K
Madden NFL 25 Xbone >350K <400K

Ghost, BF4 higher on Xbone
Madden higher on PS4

Unfortunately we don't have the data more granular than that.


I'm only going off leaked footage but BF4 looks like a next gen game and the alpha footage of Titanfall looked comfortably like something from last gen. I have to admit though a big reason I don't like it may have to do with the borderland aesthetic (which I really dislike) and the HUD.

I had the alpha. Titanfall looks good, not last gen but isn't going to blow your mind except in the area of awesomeness - truthfully it appears they prioritized fluidity and motion/mechanics over everything else and leaned heavily on the art department to overcome engine limitations/resolution limitations on visual.

Still alpha so hard to say. My wife said it looks better than BF4 to her. Different things though really in terms of scope and function.


Did he have a head injury?

He's trying to spin it in Microsoft's favor and he doesn't know how because Xbox One cannot overcome the significant power advantage PS4 has. That's why MS employees need to just shut the hell up about the power difference.
I had the alpha. Titanfall looks good, not last gen but isn't going to blow your mind except in the area of awesomeness - truthfully it appears they prioritized fluidity and motion/mechanics over everything else and leaned heavily on the art department to overcome engine limitations/resolution limitations on visual.

Still alpha so hard to say. My wife said it looks better than BF4 to her. Different things though really in terms of scope and function.

Playing it will of course be the only way to properly judge but BF4 is quite jaw dropping at times.


Ignorance is bliss. We get numbers sporadically for EU and other countries. Even in the UK (Microsoft territory) those games sold a lot better on the PS4, the rest of the EU things were even more skewed. Try not to resort to America = World, just because we don't have a global specific count the way you do with NPD. We have enough data that it's more than just an educated guess.

UK is now MS territory because of a slight advantage last gen? It has always been Sonyland, and will be back that way again, I would think. I never resorted to US = world, I showed US numbers that favor One sales of the big selling games(COD, BF, Madden).
UK is now MS territory because of a slight advantage last gen? It has always been Sonyland, and will be back that way again, I would think. I never resorted to US = world, I showed US numbers that favor One sales of the big selling games(COD, BF, Madden).

As many from the UK have noted, it's always been "cheaper console land"

Listened to the podcast, nothing wrong with what Penello or Aaron said.

Are head injuries contagious?


nothing better than a good laugh in the office on a friday.. thanks Albert!


This GIf literally caused me pain as one of my teeth had been removed recently. I want to laugh so hard.


Playing it will of course be the only way to properly judge but BF4 is quite jaw dropping at times.

There is no doubt, to me at least, that BF4 is a more jaw dropping game. The alpha for Titanfall showed me one area that BF4 couldn't touch it; fun, smooth gameplay. This is coming from a huge BF fan.


"I still think Ryse is still the best looking game on any platform."

It looks great, but we will never know how good it would look on the PS4. It's not that the Xbox One is more powerful, its the powerful and mature cryengine from crytek that makes it a good looking game.


So why has the Xbox one got a higher attach rate than the PS4?

In the case of this, it's probably due to the exclusives. Again though -- these consoles are brand new and the people buying both right now are mainly really big gamers.

And what you said is only true for the U.S. correct?


How is using NPD numbers cherrypicking? Where is the global count that you speak of for COD, BF, and Madden?

I don't have global sales numbers for software (that are accurate or are allowed on GAF anyway). I wouldn't think Madden would sell well globally, though. Was talking more about focusing on NPD's ignores the rest of the world, which is where Sony has sold a significant amount of PS4's where presumably the most popular games in the US would have sold well there as well (except for Madden).

Are there reliable software sales numbers for UK, Germany, France, Spain, etc?
There is no doubt, to me at least, that BF4 is a more jaw dropping game. The alpha for Titanfall showed me one area that BF4 couldn't touch it; fun, smooth gameplay. This is coming from a huge BF fan.

Can't wait to play it as BF4 is melting my mind with its awesomeness

This guy is starting to make me think he needs a PET scan
You guys should listen to the podcast. There's a great analogy there by Albert. :D

edit: by great I mean bwahaha

You know what, I think the games on PS4 look fantastic, I play them, I enjoy them...it's a great thing for this industry that they have success...at the end of the day, if I have to pick one box, I'm gonna pick ours. I work here, so I root for the home team.

Lol, it kinda sounds like he's saying he'd only pick the Xbone because he works there.
Here's a free PR reply that is honest, downplays the issue, and doesn't insult a person's intelligence:

"Mr. Penello, how do you respond do the technical differences between the versions of the new Tomb Raider game."

- Well, I think you've got a situation here where people are drawing conclusions that aren't necessarily supported by the evidence. In this particular scenario it looks like the PS4 version of the game runs at a higher framerate than the XB1 version of the game. As to why that is, I couldn't tell you; you'd have to ask the developers who are familiar with the development of the game. I don't think it's a reasonable conclusion to draw that multi-platform titles are always going to perform better on the PS4 because of one game.

That being said, Sony has put together a hell of a machine. So have we. The machines are very close in technical capabilities, certainly close enough that you'll never see a situation where a specific game "can't" be done on one console or the other. What differentiates us is our focus on the operating system and the input, right? The XB1 OS is miles and miles ahead of the PS4 OS. That's my opinion. On top of that, we've got an amazing interface with the Kinect that simply can't be done on the PS4. That's where we think the XB1 is going to truly set itself apart this generation.
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