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Albert Penello downplays XBO/PS4 difference in Tomb Raider; "we just shipped"

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I own an Xbone and this is just embarrassing. MS really needs to fix (aka replace) most of their PR team, cause it has been a hot mess since Xbone's reveal.


The Amiga Brotherhood
PS4 Theater:

XB1 Theater:

The XB1 theater's seats should be way further back.

Or, Xbox One Theatre:



He's pretty good at what he does, I'll give him that. A mild concession with an undercurrent of 'wait and see'.

He isn't though, it's complete bollocks. What he should have done was talk about the long generation and marathon not sprint etc. maybe talk about Ryse. As for the other titles - do not talk about gem at all. Specific downplaying just make shine come across as scrabbling in the dirt for something to grab hold of. It isn't necessary


I don't understand why all these PR mouthpieces keep addressing performance differences. There is nothing to add on the subject, if you go by hardware alone PS4 > Xbone, period.

Penello should talk about the Xbone and about the system's games and strengths. Downplaying graphical differences just makes him look bad. What is next, will he tell people that Xbone games are pretty much the same as a high-end PC?

It is not just Penello, there are a bunch of others just like him. Take Adam Sessler, who seems to do nothing but MS PR instead of reviewing games.

Yes there is a difference between 1080p and 720p, same with 30fps and 60fps. Most of the world probably doesn't care, but hardcore gamers certainly do. PR guys should focus on talking to "most of the world" and telling them what they believe is great about their product.
What makes you think the final XB1 textures will be the same as the PC textures on show? It's like the PC version will have multiple Texture settings.

Don't forget all of the missing effects, lower resolution and different AA solution though either, If we're judging from PC->XB1 BF4 of course. It seems silly to compare Titanfall PC to BF4 XB1

Sure. We don't know what is included and what isn't included one way or the other though until the real game comes out. I prefer to not be cynical.

And A to B comparison between two different games on different engines with different goals and all is silly which is why I said that the visual style of Titanfall lends itself better to the visuals due to having more immediate details on the buildings, characters, etc.

Does Titanfall have jets and tons of online players, destructible buildings, and so on? No but it does have cooler looking assets which is why it looks better to me.


extra source of jiggaflops
Oops. Penello is not the person behind the movie analogy. It's Greenberg! I listened further and the movie guy says Albert while referring to the other person speaking.


y'all should be ashamed
Oops. Penello is not the person behind the movie analogy. It's Greenberg! I listened further and the movie guy says Albert while referring to the other person speaking.

Are you sure? Because after that quote someone else speaks and I thought that was Greenburg.


extra source of jiggaflops
Are you sure? Because after that quote someone else speaks and I thought that was Greenburg.
Nope. Not sure. I'm listening to the start now and I think you're right after all.

Edit: Yeah you're correct and I'm incorrect. I jumped straight from when Aaron was definitely speaking (intro) to 58:00 and it's not the same voice so it's Penello after all.

Too many twists now for viviks86.


Albert Pinocchio said:
It's like ... we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies and has the most screens, and then, somebody has figured out that there is also another movie theater that has less screens but, like, if you look at this one movie sometimes it looks better on their screen and in our movie theater ... sometimes our movies look better.

Then he analogizes people recalling past statements as being like "laughing at people who thought the Earth was flat". Yep, you were one of those people, Al', and you got called out on it.

Just stop.
I gave Penello the benefit of the doubt when he showed up last summer/fall. He couldn't shut up though, and he kept on talking shit about how this power difference didn't really exist. Then the consoles came out, and he was wrong about pretty much everything. Then he disappeared like a punk.

I have no interest in this dude's fantastical bullshit anymore.


MS is having a really rough time this gen. From DRM, to the damage control PR, to lesser specs resulting in poorer quality games, to the damage control PR, to price, the damage control PR, to units sitting on store shelves. Mattrick flat out insulting the consumer was addressed, nelson seems to have been wrangled in, Spencer is cool, but they still have this guy running around reminding people why there was so much angst exhibited to the new xbox.

You can't damage control this stuff. Grin and take it like a man. The proof is out there via consumer's experiences, developers/insiders are laughing at these comments like what penello just made, which again are just insulting the consumer. You mean to tell us resolution and framerate means nothing? But last gen MS told me they mean the world and I should buy the 360 ports!

The only thing saving MS right now is that ninty is having a massive disaster on it's hands, taking a lot of the focus off of MS.


MS is having a really rough time this gen. From DRM, to the damage control PR, to lesser specs resulting in poorer quality games, to the damage control PR, to price, the damage control PR, to units sitting on store shelves. Mattrick flat out insulting the consumer was addressed, nelson seems to have been wrangled in, Spencer is cool, but they still have this guy running around reminding people why there was so much angst exhibited to the new xbox.

You can't damage control this stuff. Grin and take it like a man. The proof is out there via consumer's experiences, developers/insiders are laughing at these comments like what penello just made, which again are just insulting the consumer. You mean to tell us resolution and framerate means nothing? But last gen MS told me they mean the world and I should buy the 360 ports!

The only thing saving MS right now is that ninty is having a massive disaster on it's hands, taking a lot of the focus off of MS.



Does Penello not realize that by continually downplaying this, he's just bringing MORE attention to the hardware power disparity between the two consoles?

To the many, many people in this thread posting some form of "Well, what do you expect him to say?" you really can't think of ANYTHING else he could say?

Here's one suggestion: Talk about how Xbone owners have already seen greatly increased graphic fidelity compared to the 360s they owned previously. MS decided to focus on multi-tasking and services rather than purely pushing more pixels and framerates, so the benefit is that you're going to have access to things like Snap and better voice commands. Whatever you talk about, stop making references to the PS4 and drawing comparisons strictly about graphics, because that just renews the conversation and is a battle that cannot be won.

I mean how ridiculous would it be for me to argue that my laptop nvidia 555m is going to produce better graphics than some guy's desktop Titan GPU (not saying the disparity between the Xbone and PS4 GPUs is this big)? If I'm going to argue anything I'm going to argue that the benefit of my laptop is its portability.


Worst PR I've seen in years.

Are there really people who believe this BS? Besides that Timdog guy and people with similar cognitive disorders I mean.


I doubt that and I think we can stick to the verifiable shit he said to have laughs.

I believe it was Eurozone when looking at launch countries for the 360.

He was adamant the XB1 was launching in more countries than the 360 because he had eurozone down as one country. He self tagged it afterwards with #geographyfail.


this is the correction:(click through to follow the conversation)


I stand corrected. I'll make sure the internal teams are aware of this too.


Saying "We want to make a more PC like architecture so devs can get their games on our platform easier" is not the same as "We want to re-create the PC model and have multiple SKU's that developers have to program and test for different hardware configurations and limit their potential buyers by which slice they target." Making things easier on developers was the goal this gen, not making things more complicated like you're suggesting.

At this point we are getting dangerously close to consoles having little/ no distinction between themselves and PCs. When we finally do hit that point I wonder what will give. Long gone are the days of no load times at all and networked consoles can only truly be viewed as the gift and the curse. Non-networked consoles pretty much forced devs to iron out as many wrinkles as humanly possible before shipping, which was great for us gamers. That also meant that once the game was out, that's pretty much all you are going to get for that game. No expansion packs, extra maps or what have you past the point of everything you unlocked from the retail release. Then comes the other end of the spectrum.

As a networked console, devs could now ship "Serviceable" builds of their titles with patch fixes pending. I can totally understand someone who primarily gamed on consoles beforehand would consider it unacceptable for games these days shipping in somewhat broken fashion compared to what they are used to getting. Then again, they also get the opportunity to experience expansions (DLC) and what not that,, when implemented properly, can extend the life of your game.

When we finally do hit that point I wonder what will give.


Note for Penello: To the people who care enough to talk about framerate differences in the first place, saying a performance gap isn't as big as people are making it out to be isn't going to be received well. At best, it makes those people think you're less informed than they are, and at worst it sounds deceptive and condescending. Even if you think those people are off-base.

Lemmie put on my "Communication Hat" for a second. I love playing devil's advocate, so bare with me. Taken as a whole, I don't think the original exchange was too bad, but it was an easy target. I think something like this might have been taken better.

"I had some time with it, and it looked beautiful and played smoother than any previous console release. Our goal has been making a platform that's easy to work with for developers and that we can offer the best selection of experiences for. We've had a good launch with that goal in mind, and we're working hard to deliver on that for both devs and buyers alike moving forward. This game looks and plays great, and if people enjoyed it as much as they did in previous releases, the Xbox One version stands beautifully in that light."

If they ask for further comments about the competitive state of the platform in light of this?

"Our experience has been that the components of a system only go so far, and things like support and user experience are what consumers demand just as loudly when it comes down to it. Our goal with the Xbox One was to make something with more of a selling point than an incremental advantage in tech specs, even if it means we can't boast on every point as a result.

We're early in the new generation, so everyone's still building their library. It makes sense that there'll be more of a focus on individual releases now than at any point moving forward. We've had to change quickly to ensure our customers are happy with us, and that willingness to adapt is part of the culture we want to thrive behind the scenes for the Xbox brand. Without the voices of our fans and critics, we couldn't have had the launch we did. If a game's actually been compromised somehow because of a decision we've made, then that's something we want to address. If that's the word some would use for an across-the-board enhanced version of an already great game, then I'll have to disagree.

It's too easy to get caught up in a stick-measuring contest in this industry, and that's something we've been guilty of in the past and recently. We've been a distraction from the platform and our buyers' interests."


MS is having a really rough time this gen. From DRM, to the damage control PR, to lesser specs resulting in poorer quality games, to the damage control PR, to price, the damage control PR, to units sitting on store shelves. Mattrick flat out insulting the consumer was addressed, nelson seems to have been wrangled in, Spencer is cool, but they still have this guy running around reminding people why there was so much angst exhibited to the new xbox.

You can't damage control this stuff. Grin and take it like a man. The proof is out there via consumer's experiences, developers/insiders are laughing at these comments like what penello just made, which again are just insulting the consumer. You mean to tell us resolution and framerate means nothing? But last gen MS told me they mean the world and I should buy the 360 ports!

The only thing saving MS right now is that ninty is having a massive disaster on it's hands, taking a lot of the focus off of MS.
I think you vastly overestimate the general populace interest in these sound bites. This is more discussion board fodder than anything else.


More than a member.
I'm only going off leaked footage but BF4 looks like a next gen game and the alpha footage of Titanfall looked comfortably like something from last gen. I have to admit though a big reason I don't like it may have to do with the borderland aesthetic (which I really dislike) and the HUD.
SP Yeah. Mp bf4 is average imho. Not speaking about titan didnt see yet on hq


A car analogy would work much better I think. They always do.

"Sometimes the other guy's car can drive a little bit faster. On the other hand ours has a really sweet spoiler in the back, and the fire decals make it the best looking car on the road. End of story."
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