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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Sorry if anyone here already did a comparison but the game is just too damn good to not to do one.

Alien: Nostromo:

Alien Isolation: Sevestapol:

Alien: Dining Hall of Nostromo

Alien Isolation: Dining Hall of Torres

Alien: Nostromo Medical Station

Alien Isolation: Torres Medical Station

Alien: Hypersleep Chamber

Alien Isolation: Hypersleep Chamber

Alien: Nostromo Bridge

Alien Isolation: Torres Bridge

I know some are not the best comparison shots but the game is just amazingly detai,
led + I saw the movie on TV a few days ago so every location of the movie is still fresh in mind. Absolutely stunning.

+ one more awesome shot

Should have done the DLC comparison, matches up to the film perfectly.


Probably a stupid question, but how do you keep the
flame thrower out? I noticed on some of the streams that people were using it to threaten the alien without actually using it. Mine is equipped, but it's always hidden unless I pull the trigger.
It's like the opposite of the damn flare you can't put away in the beginning.


Probably a stupid question, but how do you keep the
flame thrower out? I noticed on some of the streams that people were using it to threaten the alien without actually using it. Mine is equipped, but it's always hidden unless I pull the trigger.
It's like the opposite of the damn flare you can't put away in the beginning.

Just aim it dude.


Haha I just threw a noise maker next to a couple of people. The alien immediately came out of the ceiling and started killing one of them. The other guy ran towards me and hid behind the box in front of me.

The alien didn't know where he was, until I banged my wrench against the wall. It ran towards the noise and found the other guy first! It completely ignored me.

Dat douchebag move :p


That doesn't sound too bad, as long as I have the option to roam around I don't mind if it's under distress. I was a bit worried all the exploration was going to be front-loaded in the game.

Just to add there is stuff to find if you explore too - from additional resources to collectibles to logs. Finding them feels pretty precious in this game vs following a dot on a map without any duress in most other games or just blundering about until you find stuff.

In Alien Isolation in my experience you explore carefully and are thankful when you both find something and survive the attempt.


Not sure if it's been answered but can you make multiple save files? A friend wants to try it out.

Ok regarding this, I just had an idea. If I upload my save data to the online storage and then turn off automatic uploads, can I take the PS4 to a friend's house, load Mission 1 and just play from the beginning without worrying about deleting my saves seeing as it's in the online storage and I could just download and overwrite when I get home? I could also use a USB.


Ok regarding this, I just had an idea. If I upload my save data to the online storage and then turn off automatic uploads, can I take the PS4 to a friend's house, load Mission 1 and just play from the beginning without worrying about deleting my saves seeing as it's in the online storage and I could just download and overwrite when I get home? I could also use a USB.

Wouldn't it be easier just to take a minute and add a new account on the machine for him? My kid adds new accounts for his friends all the time for this purpose and it only takes a few minutes (not counting time spent hunting for a profile image they like which you can make real short picking a default).
]blacky[;133749269 said:
Bought this now (PC).

What difficulty should I choose? I heard that the game is really hard?

Im a giant wuss, so i keep fluctuating between normal and easy. Only because i just do not enjoy encounters with the androids and want to get them over with.
Holy hell the end of the tenth mission was unbelievably intense. I don't remember the last time a game got my heart pounding like that. Had to stop afterwards. Deep breaths now.


Ran into a glitch last night where Android eyeballs were attached to my hand. When I'd save my game, they were attached to the keycard thing, and I was fighting an android and had eyeballs on my gun and wrench.

It was strange.


Finally completed Mission 6,after about 15 tries goddamnit lol....game is great again ;)

Don't you guys think(Mission 6 end spoiler)

That after you walk in the room and the fire breaks out damaging the Alien in the cutscene and all that there should be an auto save after that,I mean jesus,I actually died after that because I never saw the ladder the first time and had to restart the part before the explosion over...

Oh well,it is what it is,last time I complain about the save system lol...
I keep forgetting a) I have noisemakers and b) I have a motion tracker.

Although beastie makes so much goddamn noise tromping around on his own two that I don't really need the motion tracker. Not to say I want him to be QUIETER, either.

This game is fucking addictive, too. Like, I'll play for 2 hours, stop due to a combination of stress/frustration. Walk away for five minutes, watch some Gilmore Girls or whatever... and then like 10 minutes after hearing Rory & Lorelai talk at 300mph, I'm like "I GOTTA GET BACK ON THAT STATION."

(Gilmore Girls is a great show, by the way, can't believe I missed it on first run)

Love it when that 20th Century Fox fanfare starts up everytime.
Holy hell the end of the tenth mission was unbelievably intense. I don't remember the last time a game got my heart pounding like that. Had to stop afterwards. Deep breaths now.

Yeah, I liked that part too. Though I had some light motion sickness when it was spinning. I guess I was truly immersed in the game.


Wouldn't it be easier just to take a minute and add a new account on the machine for him? My kid adds new accounts for his friends all the time for this purpose and it only takes a few minutes (not counting time spent hunting for a profile image they like which you can make real short picking a default).

Yeah I guess that's true. Fuck it, I'll just do that.


What's the trick to avoiding detection while hiding in a locker or crate? Bastard alien keeps pulling me out and eating my face

I assume you're tapping the locker accidentally when moving around. Also, the alien learns your patterns, and seems to realize you're likely hiding in the lockers. Find a new hiding spot. Finally, just before it opens the door, you get a quick button prompt for LT you can press to hold your breath.


I assume you're tapping the locker accidentally when moving around. Also, the alien learns your patterns, and seems to realize you're likely hiding in the lockers. Find a new hiding spot. Finally, just before it opens the door, you get a quick button prompt for LT you can press to hold your breath.

You can hold your breath, you'll lose health but not die

Lean back from the locker and press the button to hold your breath (aim button).

Gotcha! Thanks guys


Finally made it through mission 10. Intense.
It's incredibly satisfying to hit him in the face with the flame thrower.


Those androids are pretty glitchy (what Irony). I heard the music que up and decided to hide in a locker, I hid for a good 2 minutes with music still going, checked the tracker and nothing was on it. The instant I get out an Android grabs me, I empty 11 bullets into its head and it didn't go down, instead it stood there away from me and stared at a wall.

I made it to the Seegsun Communications room but the crappy part is I'm completely out of Revolver ammo. But I have an EMP Mine, 1 flashbang, and 2 noise makers. Not to mention plenty of Flares and Medkits.


Those androids are pretty glitchy (what Irony). I heard the music que up and decided to hide in a locker, I hid for a good 2 minutes with music still going, checked the tracker and nothing was on it. The instant I get out an Android grabs me, I empty 11 bullets into its head and it didn't go down, instead it stood there away from me and stared at a wall.

I made it to the Seegsun Communications room but the crappy part is I'm completely out of Revolver ammo. But I have an EMP Mine, 1 flashbang, and 2 noise makers. Not to mention plenty of Flares and Medkits.

Oh just wait until you see what happens next...

The Cowboy

1st Alien death, was sneaking around
the medical centre
all stealthy, under tables, in storage lockers, got all the way to the door and unlocked it and soon as it opened i got eaten: nearly jumped out of my chair - lol.

I love this game.


Finally got the flamethower. Hopefully I won't have to use it.

I tried not to, but I think there are some scripted appearances where you are pretty much forced into blasting him. Just use it sparingly or it takes more and more fuel to get him to leave.


Guys go for hard, you can always switch back to normal. And don't give up at the very first encounter with human enemies

Well I was planning to play on hard. I just figured that like with a bunch of stealth games, the difficulty doesn't actually change much as long as you're not getting seen anyway.


I felt so powerful once I had the flamethrower lol. I decided to sprint and right away I heard that asshole running after me so I turn around and blasted him. The second time he spotted me, I blasted him again. The third time I burned him all he did was step back a little. I kept shooting and nothing. Then he says "fuck yo flamethrower" and runs at me so I shit bricks and throw a molotov at him, causing him to jump up a vent. It was so intense yet so awesome. I love this game.


I love the fact that if you aim the flame thrower at him after he's been hit with it in the past he will pause and think about whether he really wants to get fried again. The AI is impressive.
Too bad he always decides to go for it, but if he ran it would be too easy.
I love the fact that if you aim the flame thrower at him after he's been hit with it in the past he will pause and think about whether he really wants to get fried again. The AI is impressive.
Too bad he always decides to go for it, but if he ran it would be too easy.
I was hoping there'd be something like if I walked at him with it up he'd maybe flee, or if I backed up he'd charge. Nope, charges every time. It can buy you a couple seconds if you aim, run a little, and then aim again though.
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