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Am I in the forever friend zone?

You're in the friend category!
You're in the friend box!
You're in the friend area!
You're in the friend region!
You're in the friend sector!
You're in the friend neighborhood!
You're in the friend realm!
You're in the friend turf!
You're in the friend vicinity!
You're in the friend district!
You're in the friend division!
You're in the friend level!
You're in the friend league!
You're in the friend grouping!
You're in the friend rank!
You're in the friend chapter!
You're in the friend corner!
You're in the friend cubbyhole!
You're in the friend department!
You're in the friend cell!
You're in the friend genus!
You're in the friend faction!
You're in the friend family!


No OP you're in the


dude is nearing the outer limits and shit

if they wear similar outfits, I'm calling child services.

fuck i want a friend to coordinate matching outfits with me

i mean i've never asked to coordinate outfits, but it would be nice for someone to be like "hey sianos let's look hella cute"

i think this is the real hedgehog's dilemma


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Oh god I reread the OP and realized it isn't like a coworker. He met her at basically a job expo and is bending over backwards to help this person he just met establish a career.

That's omega level simp to begin with, and then you added on the 'I love you', hanging out 5 times a week as her crutch, and handholding.
Oh god I reread the OP and realized it isn't like a coworker. He met her at basically a job expo and is bending over backwards to help this person he just met establish a career.

Yes - OP, I'm sorry we're being less supportive, but please take our advice. For your sake, and hers.

Two Words

You're in the friend category!
You're in the friend box!
You're in the friend area!
You're in the friend region!
You're in the friend sector!
You're in the friend neighborhood!
You're in the friend realm!
You're in the friend turf!
You're in the friend vicinity!
You're in the friend district!
You're in the friend division!
You're in the friend level!
You're in the friend league!
You're in the friend grouping!
You're in the friend rank!
You're in the friend chapter!
You're in the friend corner!
You're in the friend cubbyhole!



GAF, I'm writing from this girl's kitchen. I'm washing her dishes for her while she and her new fiancé are at the movies.

Have I been friendzoned?

Hmmm this is a toughie but it seems like what you need to do is up your hand holding game. How would you describe your grip? If its subpar then I've go just the Harvard study for you
I think the tone from nearly everyone over the last few pages was pointlessly mean, yeah. It's just a petty dogpile.

We should definitely be a little nicer to a man who thinks he's entitled to fuck a woman because he helped her fill out a resume.
Is this "its not my fault for being a jerk" in code? OP bailed on the thread already.

He'll be back, he's just on the phone to her giving her a career advice and seeing as it's Friday night go to the movies and get something to eat. He'll pay of course becuse that's what friends do and seeing as she's not started her career probably not got much money.

Two Words

We came to help, OP says he doesnt want our help so now we roast. Such is the way of the jungle.

We could always keep helping him relentlessly, holding his hand through this tough time, in a hope that one day he will come around and notice that our advice was correct.


fuck i want a friend to coordinate matching outfits with me

i mean i've never asked to coordinate outfits, but it would be nice for someone to be like "hey sianos let's look hella cute"

i think this is the real hedgehog's dilemma
I'm just now realizing that your avatar is Pokemon cards.


We could always keep helping him relentlessly, holding his hand through this tough time, in a hope that one day he will come around and notice that our advice was correct.
DAMN :lol

Yes. He does. I don't think the dogpile helps though.
All threads like this end in dog piles. OP knew what he was getting himself into.

If you don't want a dog pile, post in Dating OT and skip the new thread.
If you don't want a dog pile, post in Dating OT and skip the new thread.

Should be written in the GAF bible, if you don't want to get roasted, become the target of an epic thread and have your situation repeatedly referenced for years afterwards DO NOT make a stand alone relationship topic on GAF. Use Dating Age OT where you'll you'll get experienced mature responses and good advice.


You've said dogpile repeatedly for the last 2 pages. You're really just soapboxing yourself off the back of the OPs situation.

A dogpile is what's happening right now. Constructive advice stopped being given many pages ago. Do you think a straight up internet roast is going to make it more or less likely for OP to follow the advice given?

Maybe he was ignorant of the dating OT.


Elden Member
You are filling time for her until she finds the person she is interested in being with, at which point you'll find your time with her basically over as she'll devote it all to someone she wants a relationship with. Your just a means to get to a goal and fill time/not be lonely right now for her.

I'd highly suggest you look elsewhere for a relationship.
Real talk though. I feel like OP needs his friends to step up and grill him for this. I know of this was me Id hear it non stop from all my friends. Were only doing this because we care and know this won't work out in the end.
So OP dont take all what we say to heart but realise we are just being honest and youve done fucked up and need to break this off.
A dogpile is what's happening right now. Constructive advice stopped being given many pages ago. Do you think a straight up internet roast is going to make it more or less likely for OP to follow the advice given?

Your soapboxing again and I knew "I've said my piece" never is with guys like you.
A dogpile is what's happening right now. Constructive advice stopped being given many pages ago. Do you think a straight up internet roast is going to make it more or less likely for OP to follow the advice given?

Maybe he was ignorant of the dating OT.

Yes, but, i mean, we've covered all the advice we can given the information hes provided.
Yes. He does. I don't think the dogpile helps though. I've said my piece however, carry on.

The thing is the dogpile would stop if the OP showed a bit of self-reflection. A person has to be a genuine asshole to keep going after someone acknowledges responsibility.

It's not that the OP 'deserves' it, but it playing out this way is super predictable, and not just in a GAF way, but more like a human nature way.
I think the tone from nearly everyone over the last few pages was pointlessly mean, yeah. It's just a petty dogpile.

Eh. You keep using dogpile but I don't see that at all. Most people are giving him essentially the same advice:

If you still have romantic feelings, get out.

If you are over her, why do you care about being "friend zoned"?

Some are a bit cheekier about it but it's the same advice.

A dogpile is what's happening right now. Constructive advice stopped being given many pages ago.

OP made it clear he has no interest in constructive advice so we are all just conversing amongst ourselves.


If she was interested in a relationship you'd be in one right now.

Look elsewhere. You aren't what she's looking for, but you will be for someone you meet.
In case anyone wanted a recap of WaterAstro's contradictory opinions about this friendship. I bolded the important bits.
I met a woman in a career related event, and I started helping her with getting her career going. She already turned me down saying that she doesn't want a relationship until she has her career going, but I'm still helping her and being really good friends.

I might have set myself back by asking her to be in a relationship with me because she wondered, afterwards, why I am still helping her a lot. I told her that I would be happy for her if she found someone else as a boyfriend, and I'm not lying about it. I do feel like I put myself in the friend zone position.

However, we go out together a damn lot, about 3-5 times a week, sometimes to help her, but not strictly about that because she enjoys being with me and talking with me. I'm her best friend, and she's super comfortable with me. We even say "I love you" in a platonic friendship sense, and we even hold hands A LOT when we sit down and chat, but not down the street that would show we're in a relationship. She's super concerned about my feelings and everything that might make me feel depressed too.

Does it sound like I'm forever friend zoned? We've been together for 3 months, and it's only getting stronger, it feels like. I like to dwell on the possibility that she wants to be with me when we get her career going, but I needed to see what others think.

lol you guys

I'm not a selfish dude. You guys sound like you'd kill any friendship with a lady if you don't get pussy.

I'm going to help her out as much as I can regardless of the outcome.

"Moving on" doesn't mean cutting her out of your life, it means moving on mentally/emotionally.

I actually already did some time after she turned me down because I needed to focus on helping her. Just that it gone to the point where I'm wondering if she could be interested in me because we're at a much closer point than we were when she turned me down.

lol is that it? You guys take that word and think it means I'm strung on her.

I'm not following the advice about leaving the situation.

I will follow the advice about asking her again, but not right away because I'm personally not interested in the relationship too. My wording is making everyone misunderstand that I'm strung on her hoping for something more where I'm just observing that her behavior seems more personal than a friend should be.

Just a thought appeared in my head, and relationship GAF thread is funny sometimes, so I decided to post.

There's other women... plenty of women...

Time heals all wounds.

You'll meet another woman.

What wound? lol

But if you wait too long you may actually end up in a friend zone.

Alright, well, gotta find the right time in one of the many "dates" we have every week. lol

Career prep, resume, interview questions, networking.

You know what would be even more funny since everyone laughed at that "I'll be happy for you if you find a boyfriend." I'll get into a relationship discussion with her and say something like, "I don't think we'll ever be in a relationship" and see how she reacts. XD lol

I'm only into Kawakami-types.

No, don't do that either. LOL You're still putting her on a pedestal as if she's above you and you're trying to win her over by being the bestest of friends. Your best bet is just act like you're not into her like that.

LOL yeah well that's kinda what I'm doing now.

Well, we are friends, and it would be weird to say "Is she in the forever friend zone." so yeah

She turned me down, after a while, I refocused myself into just helping her. Maybe there is no zone now. I have no idea.

Is that so. Then I was friend zoned, but now I'm not since I don't want a relationship.

I can find woman like her if I wanted to. I just met her coincidentally, and things seem to work out.

lol like I said, I'm not a dick who leaves a woman to fend for herself if she doesn't open her legs for me.

She's not a damsel in distress that needs rescuing.

She actually needs a lot of help, but I'll just let gaf keep assuming.

But that's how GAF works.

I just posted to hear some thoughts. It's been as fun as it is looking in the relationship gaf thread.

Ask yourself this:

Based on what you have read here, if the girl the OP is talking about, met some other guy (who she liked romantically AND essentially took over helping her with her career search), would the OP still be there as a "friend"?

Yes, except I'd tell her to cut out the hand holding and going out with me too much.

WaterAstro is only interested in GAF's advice about asking her out again. After being rejected, WaterAstro believes the connection has grown stronger and he's closer than ever. he thinks she treats him more than a friend, she's getting quite personal since the rejection, he feels. He has said "I love you" to her and they hold hands in a "platonic" way and is thinking of telling her "I don't think we'll ever be in a relationship" to see how she reacts. If the girl gets into a relationship and divulges stuff to him, he'll spend less time with her, which makes crystal clear that WaterAstro isn't there just as a true friend. So it's quite clear that if the girl finally said after 5 million years that she wants to be more than friends with WaterAstro, he'd most likely accept rather than stick to his only-friendship/not-looking-for-a-relationship-right-now mentality that he thinks he has going (only fooling himself).

The whole career thing where WaterAstro thinks he's super important to her to get further in her career is just odd, as if she couldn't make it without him at all.

WaterAstro says he could find a woman like her, no problem, but so far hasn't shown any evidence of this yet. From the information given, there is no indication given that WaterAstro has tried dating other women at all since this infatuation.

Also, Chumley keeps on treating WaterAstro as a damsel in distress that needs saving against the big meanie dogpile.
Hey guys, there's this girl who I'm obsessed with. She's a grown woman, but she doesn't have a best friend from high school, college, work, family, etc., it's me, a guy who she met three months ago at a job fair. My primary hobby during the week is constantly helping this woman to get her career going. I clearly think about her all the time and I'd give my left foot to be in a relationship with her. I fear that my sickeningly spineless behavior - we actually hold hands (not on the street though, that would be impure) and say "I love you" to each other - has frozen me out of ever having a relationship with this woman. I mean, she already said she's not interested, but I think about the possibility of her changing her mind all the time, and I incessantly fantasize that my cringing servitude will convince her to see the light.

Wait, if you all thought I really cared about this, LOL. Damn, what a bunch of rubes y'all are. It's crazy that you think I'm actually into this girl lmao...jokes on you if you misinterpreted my OP that badly smdh...anyway, no time for this, got to go back to helping this girl get her career going bbl

That about sum it up?

A dogpile is what's happening right now. Constructive advice stopped being given many pages ago. Do you think a straight up internet roast is going to make it more or less likely for OP to follow the advice given?

Maybe he was ignorant of the dating OT.

Lots of people told him what was up in a constructive way. He became defensive and dismissive and isn't interested in hearing it. I think I understand the spirit of your replies here, because it kind of sucks to see somebody get ripped up. But in this case...man, the kid deserves it. He hasn't shown an ounce of self-reflection here. When you backpedal this hard and act like everybody else is crazy for very correctly understanding your awful and pathetic OP, you're going to be justly roasted. I understand wanting to keep things cool but this isn't the guy/thread to do it with, imo.


With a pointless repeat of what you've already been saying.

You implied I'm just seeking attention or something and I clarified my position. I don't think a dogpile is warranted in this instance, but if you do, that's fine. I realize I'm the only one with this opinion here but I didn't get the sense OP feels like he deserves sex with this girl, he just seems like he needs a good sit down. Others clearly interpret his posts differently, maybe I'm giving benefit of the doubt where none is due. I also think his dismissive responses was a kneejerk reaction to some cheeky advice, not necessarily genuine.
Maybe OP is a modern day Henry Higgins and has a bet with a friend that he can get her a career and now has grown accustomed to her face.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I told her that I would be happy for her if she found someone else as a boyfriend, and I'm not lying about it.

Game Over.

You may as well have chopped off your dick and balls in front of her.
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