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American hunter illegally killed Cecil the Lion

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You'd think that the collar would have some sort of alarm if the Lion left an area.

Would you? Real time GPS tracking (and then reporting it) is pretty battery-intensive. You going to strap a car battery on the lion? Or go in an tranq it every couple days so you can swap the battery out?


he's being punished by e-lynching without a proper trial or waiting for more proof.

What are you talking about? His spokesman already said he isn't denying shooting the lion. Unless you're claiming that the lion wasn't Cecil or that Cecil wasn't a protected lion, then what exactly are you defending?


This guy can absolutely fuck right off. Blacklist his passport, make him donate monthly to the locals in Zimbabwe, etc.


I agree with legitimate big game hunting, but this right here is some high grade fuckery. Everyone involved needs to be put in jail. It's not hard to big game hunt legally you assholes.
no, but the evidence here is damning, and this situation mirrors something hes already done, its his MO.

why are the luring the lion out of the protected zone and smashing the GPS collar for something they supposedly (according to him) allowed to hunt?

in my honest opinion, the two cases are nowhere close to be similar. The lion was too high profile, it makes no sense to do what they did. Not denying that they did it, but i'd rather wait before passing judgement. I will discuss anything anytime, given the proper proof. And I won't have any problem passing judgement when the proof is solid. In my (made up) opinion, he might have been fooled with fake permits by the other guys. I can wait to see how it unfolds before wishing him death like in this thread or laughing at people saying he should kill himself and turn into a cat scratcher.

But heeey, that's me, the unpopular opinion guy.

What are you talking about? His spokesman already said he isn't denying shooting the lion. Unless you're claiming that the lion wasn't Cecil or that Cecil wasn't a protected lion, then what exactly are you defending?

Oh lol i'm not denying he shot the lion. Do we know if he was there in every part of the process including the luring and the attempt of destruction of the collar? He keeps saying he had permits. he might be lying, he might not. Using a previous example isn't solid enough to pass judgement or enjoying his social assassination. Again, that's just me. Yesterday I saw the TED talk about "one bad tweet" and I might be giving it more thought than necessary


This man most probably deserves it. But I still don't like internet hate mobs. And innocent until proven guilty is still a thing.



People like this assflaw do not hide their wanna be alpha sides.
If you were around him you know what he did, you knew of his "passion" for these excursions.
There is such a thing as guilt by association.
People make choices constantly through their lives, and ignoring or turning a blind eye to someone like this and choosing to work for them is such a time.



Seriously though, this guy is an asshole and he should get jail time.
At the very least revoke this guy's passport.

Now I'm curious. Under what circumstances can the United States revoke a citizen's passport?
in my honest opinion, the two cases are nowhere close to be similar. The lion was too high profile, it makes no sense to do what they did. Not denying that they did it, but i'd rather wait before passing judgement. I will discuss anything anytime, given the proper proof. And I won't have any problem passing judgement when the proof is solid. In my (made up) opinion, he might have been fooled with fake permits by the other guys. I can wait to see how it unfolds before wishing him death like in this thread or laughing at people saying he should kill himself and turn into a cat scratcher.

But heeey, that's me, the unpopular opinion guy.

no i totally see where you are coming from, i do. i can see how someone inexperienced would easily be tricked by people too.

But this guy IS experienced. theres no way he was just sold a bad bill of goods. He knew the people to see to hunt a lion illegally, at least how the evidence is stacking up.

Im obviously by no means some poaching expert, i have SOME (little) knowledge of hunting practices, but i know you cant just show up in Zimbabwe and start asking the locals "hey which way is lions?!" and then after getting it thought "HMM WHATS THIS COLLAR BETTER BREAK IT". they also specifically lured the lion off protected grounds, again, something someone with his experience would know is just not something you do.

the guy is an experienced big game hunter. he either knew he was being set up and didnt care, or wasnt set up at all and planned to illegally hunt a lion, IMO.


People like this assflaw do not hide their wanna be alpha sides.
If you were around him you know what he did, you knew of his "passion" for these excursions.
There is such a thing as guilt by association.
People make choices constantly through their lives, and ignoring or turning a blind eye to someone like this and choosing to work for them is such a time.

You'd quit your job if your boss was a hunter? Where the hell would you work in Minnesota?


Has there been a study done that shows the more money you make the less empathy you have?

There are so many stories of rich people being assholes all over the planet.
Yup. Hopefully Entrement's google-fu is good.

Those poor cubs. :( Adult males kill kids that aren't theirs.

and they would be equally fucked if he rightfully gets prison time. That will never happen so internet vengeance is the next best thing.
(lynch mobs are a problem of course.... though the nature of posing with your face next to the dead animal helps a lot to avoid targeting innocents :p )

One would assume that another dentist could take over anyway.


What a PoS that dentist is, same as that woman who killed the giraffe.

He deserves any comeuppance that befalls him.


accuracy much?

if you enjoy killing, you're a psychopath as far as I'm concerned.

It's not only that, Most hunters just enjoy the thrill of the kill even if it was just for a turkey or something, I don't agree with that at all, but I can semi-understand where they're coming from.

What I can't understand at ALL, and I hope even the people playing devil's advocate here agree with, is that shooting an animal with a crossbow, and then having it remain injured for 40 hours while you stalk it is psychopath status.

Also, removing the collar doesn't seem fishy to anyone? Come on now. Did he just go take a piss and then his guides removed it while he wasn't watching?
I hope he goes to prison. Most likely he will get a slap on a wrist and fine. I doubt he will be extradited.

Off topic - I do not get the obsession of hunting animals. Look I am so hot for killing a defenseless animal with a weapon. I hope they force people to fight animals bare fists going forward to even the playing field.
accuracy much?

if you enjoy killing, you're a psychopath as far as I'm concerned.

So by that definition our ancestors were all mentally insane for surviving.

You can't just throw away millions of years of evolution. There are ways to enjoy hunting that's sustainable and humane with respect for the life you take.

Obviously this is not one of those ways.

I hope you don't eat any meat too btw


It's weird that most headlines I've seen are referring to the lion by name. Was this some kind of famous lion? Did anyone know its name before today?


In a court of law, which this is not.

It's a good principle outside of court as well. There's been plenty of cases of the internet hate machine going off on somebody that turned out to be innocent or going after the 'wrong' person in a case of mistaken identity. Mobs are ugly things guys.


He did it because he knew he could. He went to Africa to take advantage of the fact that something like this could be done with no moral compass and abiding to laws. He went to a country with $$ and got what he wanted. If he is due a comeuppance they it will come. Otherwise than that this is not new.

Edit: Oh wow that came off wrong. Just implying that hunters seem to take advantage of the paper thin legal system regarding poaching. It's a problem.



Cheerleader hunter: http://www.ryot.org/meet-19-year-old-cheerleader-known-killing-animals-africa/740561
no i totally see where you are coming from, i do. i can see how someone inexperienced would easily be tricked by people too.

But this guy IS experienced. theres no way he was just sold a bad bill of goods. He knew the people to see to hunt a lion illegally, at least how the evidence is stacking up.

Im obviously by no means some poaching expert, i have SOME (little) knowledge of hunting practices, but i know you cant just show up in Zimbabwe and start asking the locals "hey which way is lions?!" and then after getting it thought "HMM WHATS THIS COLLAR BETTER BREAK IT". they also specifically lured the lion off protected grounds, again, something someone with his experience would know is just not something you do.

the guy is an experienced big game hunter. he either knew he was being set up and didnt care, or wasnt set up at all and planned to illegally hunt a lion, IMO.

That does indeed tilt the balance to the guilty side, which is my stance too, and I can't say your argument isn't solid. Now this is discussing. You gave a coherent speech of why such a hunter wouldn't goof like that.

I still say it's possible because I don't know exactly the circumstances and he might have been led to believe it was correct based on previous interactions with hunting grounds. But I accept your argument and it is probably the truth, based on the fact he lied before about his hunting plus all the things you said.

I still don't know if he was present at the luring itself, so might have been set up because the guys wanted a quick buck. I don't know.


accuracy much?

if you enjoy killing, you're a psychopath as far as I'm concerned.

As far as you are concerned, which is someone who doesn't know what he is talking about. Your diagnose is meaningless and you simply want to use psychopath as a bad word. To put it simply, whether one hunts animals for sport or not does not reflect their relationships with other humans (i.e., society). To you calling someone a psychopath is just another way of saying "FUCK YOU!!!" because they made you mad.

How is it that this is highly illegal yet he's been doing it for years now with no ramifications?

I mean at least like, revoke his fucking passport or something.

he's american. The usa never extradites american citizens to other countries.
apparently it's even ok to multiple stab and dismember your own friend. just make sure you don't do it in the united states but in a foreign country.

fuck that guy btw
poachers are the scum of earth. I hope he goes bankrupt and ends on the street, eating trash I'm throwing away.
So by that definition our ancestors were all mentally insane for surviving.

You can't just throw away millions of years of evolution. There are ways to enjoy hunting that's sustainable and humane with respect for the life you take.

Obviously this is not one of those ways.

I hope you don't eat any meat too btw
Our ancestors wouldn't have survived for too long if they only took the heads and skins of their pray and left the meat in a bloody heap where they killed it.


He did it because he knew he could. He went to Africa to take advantage of the fact that something like this could be done with no moral compass and abiding to laws. He went to a country with $$ and got what he wanted. If he is due a comeuppance they it will come. Otherwise than that this is not new.

Can you kill African lions in places other than Africa?
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