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Andrew House: PS4 sold through 2.1 million units worldwide as of 12/1, 700K in EU/AU


A lot of people seem to be hoping or assuming that MS will just roll along as they have been and let Sony have a win.Going by the terrible E3 reveal, it's not impossible, but they've made a lot of changes leading up to launch, I'd be surprised if they weren't willing to make more if Sony start to take a big lead in the new year.

At this point I can't see what they can do to up their appeal more, Titanfall can be found on other systems with higher install bases, Kinect as a gaming app I rate on the same level as the Wii U's gamepad in terms of casual appeal and with multiplatform PS4 is going to be the lower point of entry, even if MS price cuts to parity, there can still be word of mouth that the PS4 runs games "better" and it catches on like the 360 did.

There's going to have to be some incredibly insane exclusives in the cooker, or that controller preference sells consoles.


Yeah, just saw that. Still, you're completely forgetting about LA, Asia, MEA, Pacific regions.

NA 40M
Japan 1.6M

Let's round it up to 50M. That leaves 30 for the whole EMEA region (minus the UK), Latin America, the rest of Asia, AU/NZ, India.
I wouldn't expect the 360 to be anywhere close to 20M in EU (including the UK), from various figures (e.g 13.7M in 2011).

So the UK represents a big share of the whole EU territory. Likely around 50% (for the 360).

Look at it another way. With a 30mn unit deficit in US and UK, PS3 outsold the 360 handily world wide given all of the issues it had and continues to have. Microsoft truly is the emperor with no clothes.


Amazing. They must be very proud.
In the end it is not a very difficult choice for customers. You have a superior product with lower price than its competitor.


700000 in EU and Au and uk got 250000 ? They really wanted to win in uk lol

Well, it's without a doubt their top priority in EU and for good reasons. Other countries are quite safe for them, because the XB1 won't launch there for another couple of months, and most countries where it's been released are traditionally heavily biased towards Sony consoles.
Is there any issue with it? Xbox One outsold X360 during launch is a fact. What is wrong with best console launch ever in Xbox history?
There's nothing wrong with it.

But people consider it to be spin because they push the record-breaking aspect of it and put on the quiet voice for the Xbox history part.

Spin can lead to further issues due to poor journalism, quite a few mainstream media outlets ran headlines that completely omitted the Xbox history part of the record sales figures and so you had people on here and elsewhere believing it'd broken the actual record.

And in short that is what get's their goat.

Endo Punk

Mindshare is a powerful thing. Beat for beat Sony really hit it out of the park so this outcome isn't that surprising. The great thing about advertising your system as a gaming machine first is that it will actually cause people to buy games and Sony will see healthy first and third party sales much better than that of the PS3, which was sold as a media machine, an affect that still lingers and hurts PS3 software sales in comparison to competition to this day.


8Gbit DDR3 seems out of the question since it is more than double the cost per chip (they are stacked dice from what I understand), but 8Gbit DDR4 (monolithic dice) makes sense, which is why I figure late 2015 for it to become price competitive. MS will just have to customise and limit the chips to match their current specification.

Except that would require of them to change memory controller, which is inside norhtbridge, which is inside APU. Making changes inside APU is a very risky business. I dont know of any console that had changes inside its main chip ahitecture after it was released.

X360 simplified its motherboard by moving several chips onto one chip socket, but every chip remained the same. Bringing of X360 CPU and GPU closer toghether messed up communication timings between them, so MS added throttling between them so that perfect compatibility can be retained.


Some data backing the much higher market share for the 360 in the UK compared to the rest of europe:

1) UK










It's a bit disappointing that they "only" managed 700k in Europe (and then just .45m outside the UK), but they are still tremendous.

It does show that Sony are very serious about taking back the US and UK markets by shipping them the largest amounts... and while that's not so great for Europeans wanting one where demand will be great there too, it might just mean that it'll give Sony the momentum and upper hand against MS this gen, where they fell back so much last time.

Looks like their estimates of a million units this month will be well on track. Wonder how many MS plan to ship in the same period. Demand should stay steady over the holiday period, though by the looks of it, there's still a few on store shelves unsold in a few places.


On a side note: Not only does Japan get their consoles late but the newer software/hardware seems to be struggling everywhere: Vita, Mario, Final Fantasy, Wii U, etc. What a crazy era we live in where Japan has become a second/third tier country

Blame smartphones & the 3DS


Neo Member
It's a bit disappointing that they "only" managed 700k in Europe (and then just .45m outside the UK), but they are still tremendous.

"Dissapointing"? What numbers did you expect? It's not like there are ps4s on the shelves, having manufactured > 2 million before the release is not bad imho. The demand was higher though, but waiting 2 more months with the release was not a viable option either


I don't think Sony managed to ship more than 700K units in the EU... since basically every store right now says "if you pre-ordered between August and September/October, except the PS4 in December. Else, early 2014." They are going to sell more units in Europe... the fact that it's sold out everywhere supports that statement.

"Dissapointing"? What numbers did you expect? It's not like there are ps4s on the shelves, having manufactured > 2 million before the release is not bad imho. The demand was higher though, but waiting 2 more months with the release was not a viable option either

I just thought they'd have gotten 1 million out there too, that's what I was hoping and after the US launch a good number too, so 700k is on the low side of where I was hoping. As I said though they are still tremendous numbers, I just hoped for more lol.
I just thought they'd have gotten 1 million out there too, that's what I was hoping and after the US launch a good number too, so 700k is on the low side of where I was hoping. As I said though they are still tremendous numbers, I just hoped for more lol.

Just goes to show that they decided to ship most of the units to the US launch, and picked UK to be their #1 target in Europe. I too was hoping for more, but it seems supply can't keep up with demand.


Redmond's Baby
Hungary and few other Tier2 EU countries are also Dec 13

And Slavic/Balkan brotherhood on Jan 29

Also almost all allocation in Austria and Italy till January is going to people with open preorders. Friend of mine is getting his on 15th, but he preordered in September. Demand is just insane.


Junior Member
Holy shit, only 700K to EU/AU.
Wow that's mean US market took the wide margin. Look like Sony got the US market.


Think about the ps+ revenue Sony is pulling in now. Hopefully that finances network/os improvements and funding studios for games.

If 1.5 million of those owners bought a $50 sub > 75,000,000 million in revenue.


Think about the ps+ revenue Sony is pulling in now. Hopefully that finances network/os improvements and funding studios for games.

If 1.5 million of those owners bought a $50 sub > 75,000,000 million in revenue.

Indeed. As shitty as it is charging for online, Sony will be very pleased with the money they get from it, even if long term it's only 50% of owners. Right now though that's going to be a higher percentage just because of the type of people buying these things at launch.
What the hell does "sell through" mean ? I had never heard of it until two weeks ago.
Sell in = sold to retail = shipments.
Sell through = sold at retail to consumers.

Also, essentially, unless otherwise specified like in this case companies are reporting sold to retail.


What the hell does "sell through" mean ? I had never heard of it until two weeks ago.
It's what you call it when you squeeze out a particularly violent fart, but then accidentally a little bit of poo slips out afterwards.

Edit: Wait, that's 'follow through'. The guys above explained what 'sell through' means.


Beyond actually building a very impressive box Sony's biggest win has been in its marketing. Let's be honest, there's nothing on the either box that makes it a must own yet. The difference is that Sony has somehow made the ps4 a really nice and durable hype bubble that Major Nelson and Co can only dream about. Their marketing has been beyond the traditional channels and includes Twitter, forums, favorable media and a lot of viral stuff that's nearly been Apple like in its execution. In contrast Microsoft appears to have thrown money at the very same sub par TV and Web ads that they thought would make the Surface an iPad killer. Sony have run a cutting edge marketing effort while Microsoft have run something more suited to 2003. Beyond adding value to the Xbox One, Microsoft really need to start getting their message across better.

From my own perspective I just think its awesome that you can directly speak to many of the guys leading the PS4 and they will talk to you like a human being, answering questions, and responding to issues as best they can.

It may all just be PR/Marketing tactics, but those are the kind of PR policies I can accept. I generally like when Boyes, or Yoshida do interviews as they dont come off as pompus clowns telling us what we should, or should not like.
What the hell does "sell through" mean ? I had never heard of it until two weeks ago.

Business terminology to differentiate between B2B or B2C for consumer products.

Sell-through means that the product is sold to the end consumer.
Sell-in/shipped means that the product is sold to business/retail outlets.


Yeah console gaming is dead obviously.

Congrats to Sony they did all the right things since the February announcement.


What the hell does "sell through" mean ? I had never heard of it until two weeks ago.

It supposedly means "sold" to consumers. Though you could "sell through" to retailers, so its kinda a gray area to be honest. Sony said for the USA it was to consumers. After watching the crazy videos I have no doubt that these were also sold through to constomers as well. Considering how many people I saw that did NOT get a PS4 in those videos, I'm sure the demand is crazy high... seemd like 1/10 or less actually got the systems in those cases.
Wonder how many MS plan to ship in the same period. Demand should stay steady over the holiday period, though by the looks of it, there's still a few on store shelves unsold in a few places.

The question is, How many XBone's can MS produce given their yield issues. Perhaps they've worked out most of the kinks in their manufacturing and can produce as many as needed.
It supposedly means "sold" to consumers. Though you could "sell through" to retailers, so its kinda a gray area to be honest.
No, it's not. It's specific terminology. If these companies use it they mean sold to consumers. If it's used and is not referring to sold to consumers then it's a lie.
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