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Are there any childfree people here?


The GF and I are proudly child free, it's medically unsafe for her (and even before that she claimed no interest, that just sealed the deal) and I've never wanted them, it works out great. All this money and free time in our mid-30's is WONDERFUL.
what is up with some people considering a personal decision that harms no one as not having children as a "selfish choice"? What?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Edit: lol... the number of salty comments from people with kids in here.

I see people saying that that having a child is the most selfish thing a person can do, or how you should adopt. There are only 400,000 kids in the foster care system in the US and the current rate of 4 million births is barely enough to sustain the population. Plenty of couples who can't conceive struggle to find a child to adopt. Adoption is a dead end in the grand scheme of things.

Some people want kids, some don't - any grandiose ideas about saving the planet etc on either side is ridiculous.


What the other guy meant he feels sad for you is shit like this.

You won't have someone there for you when you get to that stage.

So a perfectly acceptable reason to have kids is so they will have to put their lives on hold to take care of me? And child-free people are the selfish ones?


Junior Member
It's a big decision
I have two kids myself at a pretty young age (i'm 27)
I love my kids and it's super rewarding.

Two is plenty for us though.


This post only works if the poster you're quoting said both those things.

So how exactly do you think "You won't have someone there for you when you get to that stage" should be interpreted when we're discussing the declining health and mobility of my in-laws?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Most people making that choice would admit it's a selfish choice. There's nothing wrong with that.
Well its one of those weird things where you are doing selfless things but for selfish reasons. Like working at a homeless shelter because it makes you feel good and fulfilled to help people.


Neither my wife or I want kids. There are reasons, such as lack of any familial support (I have no immediate family, and her family is unreliable), that would make it difficult to raise a child and maintain our careers, but ultimately I just value having free time and disposable income more than I would value the intangibles having a child might bring to my life in exchange for both of those things.


There are only 400,000 kids in the foster care system in the US and the current rate of 4 million births is barely enough to sustain the population. .

- 400,000 is a LOT of kids; how is that an "only" number? Not to mention the rest of the world.
- What you said about sustaining the population just isn't true. There are roughly 11,000 more births than deaths every single day in the US, let alone the fact our immigration rate is higher than our emigration rate.

I do agree with your general point; but your stats are way off and/or strange.



I could go either way before. But we don't plan to have kids now. Life gets harder for each generation and I feel guilty bringing a kid to this world.


I'm more concerned with whether I'm even able to date someone. Like, on a day to day basis. Forget about having children.

I don't really want them either. Young kids irritate me. All that stress. Plus I don't ever want to marry, so that basically makes it impossible.


I can picture it in my mind:

The unambitious unemployed slob Shredderi wakes up one morning to find a young girl on his door. She claims to be Shredderi's daughter and then Shredderi remembers that one drunken one night stand from his college days and puts the pieces together. It will be a hilarious yet touching rollercoaster of emotions.

In your local theater this summer.
So how exactly do you think "You won't have someone there for you when you get to that stage" should be interpreted when we're discussing the declining health and mobility of my in-laws?

Did he say child free people were selfish or are you inferring that?

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Surprise, people are different. I don't think these people want your pity.

Exactly. It's the opposite: I pity those who have them. I see what it gains you. Sure, I have no doubt there are times when you beam at little Timmy as he takes his first tentative steps across from the ottoman to the couch.

However, I more often than not see how much you wish you had your free time back, how little Timmy's hijinks and/or shenanigans have cost you endless amounts of money and free time, and I have to conclude that I made the right decision.

I do not, in any way shape or form, regret not foisting another mouth to feed upon this world.


Nope, I'm almost 35, and don't want children. Just don't care for much them, I don't entertain the thought of having them, and can't see how they would 'enrich' my life. Never cared much for my younger siblings either, until they got older (I'm 10 years older than them).


Junior Member
Exactly. It's the opposite: I pity those who have them. I see what it gains you. Sure, I have no doubt there are times when you beam at little Timmy as he takes his first tentative steps across from the ottoman to the couch.

However, I more often than not see how much you wish you had your free time back, how little Timmy's hijinks and/or shenanigans have cost you endless amounts of money and free time, and I have to conclude that I made the right decision.

I do not, in any way shape or form, regret not foisting another mouth to feed upon this world.

$$ and free time don't mean shit compared to love you feel for your own child.
Besides you don't have to give up all your free time, my kids play videogames with me.
Exactly. It's the opposite: I pity those who have them. I see what it gains you. Sure, I have no doubt there are times when you beam at little Timmy as he takes his first tentative steps across from the ottoman to the couch.

However, I more often than not see how much you wish you had your free time back, how little Timmy's hijinks and/or shenanigans have cost you endless amounts of money and free time, and I have to conclude that I made the right decision.

I do not, in any way shape or form, regret not foisting another mouth to feed upon this world.

You say 'exactly' as if your agreeing with his point of 'don't judge people with a different opinion', but then in the same sentence go on to do exactly that.
No, nobody ever knows. What these people do is incredibly callous, and in my experience, it is said in a genuinely condescending way. It's a complete disregard for someone's life choices that only seems to be socially acceptable when it comes to this particular choice. Intentions do not matter here, your experiences do not matter. People push gay conversion therapy because they legitimately believe heterosexuality is superior because of their experience.

There are plenty of people out there who shouldn't have kids. Just flat out, no way, bad idea. They might know it, or they might not. These are otherwise well-adjusted, financially stable, loving, mature adult couples. Maybe for some people it's the sparkly magic pixie dust that ties their life together and gives them true purpose, and maybe for others it's the catalyst that sends things off the track and ruins the lives of both the parents and the child.

My takeaway point is that parenthood should absolutely be respected and admired for those who choose it. It should not however, be deified, pushed as a fix-it button for life, or a subject which anyone, anywhere is ever patronized for.

Edit: For the record the hostility here is not directed at you, just the idea being seen as ok. It can do actual damage.

that's fair.

i wasn't trying to tell you "you're wrong" so much as "you might be colouring your hearing" sometimes.

only saying that because i know that's often how i work myself.

but as i said before, completely empathize, i've gotten that shit my whole life and always felt the same way about it at the time.

The workforce problem can be (& should be) solved with immigration.

And no, developing nations do far less to destroy the planet than us westerners. The average European causes much more harm to the planet with their living habits (eating tons of meat, driving cars, consuming electronics like they are candy etc.) than a vast majority of people in developing nations who live relatively modest lives. A lot of the pollution in developing countries is caused by them trying to satisfy our needs (producing electronics, clothes, environmentally harmful foods etc.). We basically outsource our shit to developing countries.

great points, thanks for that thoughtful response.

totally agree and regret my wording on pretty much that whole post now.

Ploid 3.0

I don't have the patience for them. I never was a kids person, and I see no reason to get them. Some people only seem to want them because it's a thing you do, they feel pressured by family, and they are probably bored (I say some not all, don't kill me. I know people take kids seriously so I'm explaining this here). In this age, we have a lot to do to keep us busy, entertained, and we don't need to raise people to take care of the farm.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
- 400,000 is a LOT of kids; how is that an "only" number? Not to mention the rest of the world.
- What you said about sustaining the population just isn't true. There are roughly 11,000 more births than deaths every single day in the US, let alone the fact our immigration rate is higher than our emigration rate.

I do agree with your general point; but your stats are way off and/or strange.


I'm not saying that the population is decreasing in the US but the rate of increase is slowing. If people stopped having babies and chose to adopt, one month later all the children would be adopted, and the countries population would start to decrease immediately.
I'm always intrigued by these sort of threads because it's such a polarising topic.
Let me get this out of the way up front 32/M/ 1 kid (7 months) hoping for more.
It's strange to me the discussion is always about kids, like having children only lasts till their 13. I await watching my son's entire life play out, not just the next few years while he's loud and stinky.

I know for a fact I have less free time now, some days it borders on none, but that's what I signed up for. I don't miss it because I had the chance to travel the world and do everything i wanted to do before embarking on this adventure.

I don't begrudge those who say they don't want kids (my vindictive lizard brain wants to say 'good I don't want you in the world my son will inherit', but I rise above that and say whatever makes you happy).

The journey with kids, as limited as mine has been is incomparable. This is frustrating to hear I know, but it is. I know people have said they like having their time or disposable income, I liked having that stuff to. But I love my baby far more than I love myself or anything from my life before he arrived.

So do what you feel is best for you. Some people make either choice for the wrong reasons.
Understand that the person you are talking to on the other side has a life you can't understand, because it is a life changing event either way.

Astral Dog

Couple things to this line of thinking. What the fuck are you even working for really?

Second, of course your parents want grandkids.. too bad their kid loathes them for doing what they did.
What the hell, it hurts when your parents say you are a stupid dog and are going to end like your worthless uncle or lonely for just saying im not sure if its the right moment.

Or even start to label you as selfish :'/
I don't begrudge those who say they don't want kids (my vindictive lizard brain wants to say 'good I don't want you in the world my son will inherit'
Oh dear 🙁
31 / M / Engaged

My fiancee and I intend on having a couple of ankle-biters. But after seeing the hell that some of our friends and coworkers can go through, I completely understand why someone would forego the little "miracles".


formerly nacire
40 year old married guy without children checking in.

Our college friends often give us shit about not having children as they have all decided to, while neither set of our parents had ever made any comments about our decision to be child free. We cherish our time and independence and have nieces and nephews and the children of our friends to fill any need for children.

Bonus story, my wife and I met while working with elementary school children.


I don't plan on ever having kids because of the enormous financial responsibility on top of the fact that I don't think I'd be a good dad.

That said, I dunno if that makes me "childfree." Seems like a very personal decision and not something I'd want to make an actual part of my identity, especially with some of the online communities revolving around it being pretty nasty toward people who do decide to have kids. It's sort of like how I just prefer to call myself non-religious instead of this or that type of atheist. (I still am one, I just don't feel the need to be very specific about it.)
I don't want children for the following reasons:

1. I see how difficult it was on my parents having three somewhat dysfunctional kids.
2. Bad genes (depression, anxiety, OCD, addiction)
3. I generally dislike kids
4. I think the world is moving in very interesting directions; some good, some bad, but all very complicated. I believe it will be a tough environment for growth.
5. I want my life to be simple; with simple meaning and simple focus. Admittedly this is selfish.


Never new I wanted one until I actually had one. She is just too precious. Life without her would not be as fun.

Agree, but I don't look down on ppl who don't want kids either. It's all a personal choice. I Have a 4yr old boy and everyday is a new adventure :)

Plus I get the added bonus of reliving my childhood with him and his toys/cartoons lol. He is huge into transformers atm :)

(I'm 36 and wife is 34 btw)
I went 9 years married and child free, all the while trying, all the while dealing with an increasingly upset wife, all the while secretly happy that I was firing mostly blanks. Then we could afford IVF and I no longer had any excuse. I have an almost-2 year old boy now. He's the greatest person I've ever known. If a huge tiger appeared through a portal and raced towards my son, I would try to kill it with my bare hands. Without fear.

I'm still young, so I'm not going to write off children yet - but I will say that my life is heading in a direction where I most likely won't have children.

It will heavily depend on my spouse. If he wants to adopt, then I'll be happy to start a little family and settle down in a more traditional sense. However, if he doesn't want kids, then I'm cool with it just being the two of us. No kids means more money for video games.


38, turning 39 next month. Not even sure I can have children, but that's never been a problem for me as I've always been single and had the attitude of "I don't want to foist my issues onto another person". I don't think I'd trust myself with kids anyway, much as I love them.

Being the "fun uncle" to my sister's kids is the greatest fun in the world and I'm happy enough with that.

Ron Mexico

I don't begrudge those who say they don't want kids (my vindictive lizard brain wants to say 'good I don't want you in the world my son will inherit', but I rise above that and say whatever makes you happy).

You know, I've never been banned here. Half of the comments I have at the ready would make for a first.

The level of arrogance here is astounding. Aspire for your child to rise above the drivel his parent spews.
I already feel I don't have time to get everything done that I want to. Adding a kid into the equation down the road would only make that harder. Parents in my family tend to lose their grips on what's going on in the world and get really invested in their children. While this is a beautiful thing, the thought of falling behind like them or losing all of my free time to put into a child scares me.

This, compounded by the fact that I am not the biggest fan of young children just makes me veer away from the desire to have them.

I will say that I'm sure the societal norm to have kids, and people's expectations of me to have them, saying things like "When you have kids..." only works to intensify my feelings of not wanting them.

It is a selfish decision, but at the same time it is my life, and frankly people who don't respect that decision get no respect from me. Just glad I'm not a woman. It's way worse for them. Probably why it's seems more difficult to find a woman who doesn't want them *shrug*


My wife and I are undecided. She wants to finish college and get a good paying job, and I like saving money (we want to get a house). We adopted my family's dog, and he's the only "child" we want right now.

Dude Abides

Absolutely nothing wrong with having kids. Absolutely nothing wrong with not having kids. I question the personal security and self esteem of those who feel the need to put down other people's family choices.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
My wife and I. Her being type 1 diabetic already makes it tricky, but neither of us are really kid peoe anyways. We both have nephews we love playing with, but you can give them back when they get cranky.

We also already have two cat kids.


Childfree checking in here. Just turned 40 last month, been married 14 years. My wife and I have absolutely no desire for children. If someone wants to be a parent, that's their decision. It's just not for us.

People are amazed when I tell them how old I am. I had a lady a few weeks ago at the furniture store think that I was in my mid-twenties. She asked how I stayed looking so young, and I said "I don't have kids" and she was like "Oh, that'll do it."
I'm loath to attach labels like "childfree" to myself, but I don't want kids. I could list a lot of reasons, but they aren't important.

Oh dear 🙁
Had the same thought when I read that. Seems like such a mean thing to say, especially since we'll probably still be around when the kid's born...


Never wanted kids, and now physical never will be able to do to a hysterectomy.

I've always felt uncomfortable around them, even as a kid myself. Combination of anxiety and I shitty upbringing I suppose.

I'd like to point out, I don't hate kids. I just feel very uncomfortable around them for long periods. I like my nieces, nephews and friend kids just fine (well, most of them lol).

Even if I want kids, because of my anxiety, I don't feel I would have been a stable parent. Glad I have a husband who didn't want any either. Parents and grandparent were non stop, when you going to have kids. Since the surgery, thankfully, those questions evaporated.
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