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ARMS Global Testpunch Thread: Let's see if this has LEGS


Infinity War Part 2 spoilers!


This game looks so great, the colors and style are out of this world.

This was my fav I think. Has it all, dat booty, dat pained springman face.


It can't be over, I need this in my life.

My preorder money was rightfully placed in Nintendo's capable hands like 5 months ago. Zero regrets.
Well, that does it. Time to wipe the sweat off my Joy-Cons and go through a period of withdrawal.

So, now the testpunch is finally over,who's gonna buy it?

Eleven sessions in the demo say yes.

Even speaking as someone who was hoping to put more time into MK8D and Puyo Puyo Tetris, it's clear that Arms will be my first-call online multiplayer game at least until Splatoon comes out. That's assuming it doesn't leave my arms completely sore, of course. At launch I intend to put in a lot of time in single-player first and make sure I can clear Grand Prix up to level 4 with every character before I take any of them into Ranked.

It's also the first title on the Switch to make me think I should pick up another pair of Joy-Cons later in the year, just to teach the game to guests.

I was originally in the "give me motion punching with stick movement" camp from the Switch preview events all the way to the early Testpunch sessions last week, but a few hours of practice with the motion controls against evenly matched opponents goes a very long way. Going into this game, I found the movement incredibly sluggish. Now that I'm dashing, jumping, and dodging everywhere, matching the pace of my foes, the whole experience is precise and crisp. I never find myself blaming the controls; poor tactical decisions are all on me. That's the way it should be, although I understand if motion-averse players don't have the patience to get there.


That was a great way to end it all, had some good matches and fun with Spring Man again.
Will see E3 whether to buy it or not but definitely big loads of fun and most likely buying it. Played 11 hours so I guess that speaks for itself. (I'm not a fighting game fan in general)
If they keep supporting the game with free updates for more characters and arms it's going to be a very good time.



This game looks so great, the colors and style are out of this world.

This was my fav I think. Has it all, dat booty, dat pained springman face.

lol, hands on her hips while she whoops some ass

I love twintelle, she's an elegant badass


Unconfirmed Member
Haven't been able to find a game that my boyfriend and I could agree to play split screen on together.

Until now.

Will finally be sending my left joycon back to Nintendo and picking up the yellow set plus the game on the 16th.


Can't wait for launch! I'll be there day 1

We should start adding each other


I think i already have you on my list but i will take a second look anyway anyone is free to add me here is mine:

Switch friend code: SW-3394-8146-2614 (username = 13ruce)

Edit: will add a bunch of the codes posted here too.


Ah man, lost to one level 6 headlok who was at a tiny sliver of health, but me and the two on my teams also managed to beat a level 7 and 2 level 6. Can't wait to try 1v1ing him.



This game looks so great, the colors and style are out of this world.

This was my fav I think. Has it all, dat booty, dat pained springman face.

lol, hands on her hips while she whoops some ass

I love twintelle, she's an elegant badass

Yup, Twintelle's great. She was already my favorite character, so it would've been really awkward if I sucked when playing as her lmao


Only got to play the 13:00 round today and yesterday but I had fun and I did better in today rounds, though I did get a few people disconnecting when I was close to victory.

But yeah, I can't wait to play this game come release date.

Random: I just realized Twintelle's got some muscle in her actual arms.

So Fit!

That was the first thing I notices when she first got announced which why she kept reminding me of the Pokémon Machamp.
So would the seekie just be an objectively better Thunderbird because of the homing?

Meanwhile how would you guys rank the electric gloves between the sparky, megawatt, revolver, guardians, Thunderbird and seekie?

Since I think I'll just solely use electricity for the most part,

Posting for new page
So what's the verdict? Everyone really enjoying the game?

It's not for me. Can't say I even came close to having fun. My 8 year old won't shut up about it so I will be buying it for her. I do think it is fantastic that Nintendo took a chance with a new IP and it will seemingly do well; that's where I will leave my sentiment.


A few players from the past few testpunches gave me friend requests, anyone else make any friends in the squared circle? Amongst the punches, were any arms stretched out to form a handshake? Can love and friendship bloom on the battlefield?


Finally tested it yesterday. Was actually blown away because I was expecting very little and came away wanting to play more. This is also after the Splatoon one which I came away even less then impressed after playing it.

Arms gameplay is solid, online was silky smooth and the game modes switched up nicely. Each fighter has depth and the combos look like they could be very awesome.

I preferred normal controller versus punching with motion, but only had an hour so just picked the easiest method of choice.

It's different enough from a SF/Tekken and is also casual enough anyone could play. Going to see how it's reviewed and get a deeper dive on everything in the game first (backlogs never end) but I could honestly see myself playing this .


A few players from the past few testpunches gave me friend requests, anyone else make any friends in the squared circle? Amongst the punches, were any arms stretched out to form a handshake? Can love and friendship bloom on the battlefield?

Yeah, I got quite a few lol. Eager to see how the community develops.


Screw Twintelle, #TeamRibbonGirl


Black and red Ribbon Girl is cool tho

So would the seekie just be an objectively better Thunderbird because of the homing?

Meanwhile how would you guys rank the electric gloves between the sparky, megawatt, revolver, guardians, Thunderbird and seekie?

Since I think I'll just solely use electricity for the most part,

Posting for new page

I don't think I ever used the Seekie. All I know is that I'm not really a fan of stuff like Sparky. I prefer stuff like Thunderbird due to how it curves.


...hate me...
Yeah I also got 1 friend request.

Some of the rivalries throughout these testpunches were so fun.


I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
In one 2v2 I had all 3 players were using Min Min and in the clusterfuck I couldn't tell who my teammate was. It perfectly encapsulated why I hate multiman matches.


Eh, I don't see the appeal. It's nothing but a prettier Wii Bowling.

Finally gave Hedlok lvl 5 a good whooping. Team was on point with charged hits and no throws (accidents aside).


Not gonna lie, there was a pair of players giving me trouble in this teshpunch and so when I was paired up with them against Hedlok, I hit them a few times as payback

we lost.

hao chi

I sent out a couple friend requests. My Switch name is haotshy.

Here's my FC if anybody else wants to add me:


Not gonna lie, there was a pair of players giving me trouble in this teshpunch and so when I was paired up with them against Hedlok, I hit them a few times as payback.

I had a match against Hedlok with a Ninjara that did nothing but go for grabs. A few matches later I was teamed up with him Vs Hedlok again and he kept doing the same thing. I "accidentally" punched him in the back with charged Sparkies a few times.

...I can be very petty. :p


Speaking of Hedlok, I fought my first lvl 7 Hedlok today! We mopped the floor with his ass. It was me as Mechanica, Ninjara, and some other dude. Other dude got knocked out when Hedlok was about at half health, then Ninjara and I started going back and forth on Hedlok. Dude didn't stand a chance.
once again. Ribbon girl gives me the most trouble and losses. Can jump and dodge things so easily and so hard to hit
Mechanica helix and ninjara players were easily dealt with.
Lost one Min Min mirror match but won the other 2 or 3
Had a fun close match with a mummy player

quite a few perfects all the matches too

Still. lost two hedlok matches and won one other with the final punch
2 vs 2 is still my least favorite. being stuck together with a fairly poor player is quite a pain

ended it at 99 points ugh... so close...

sad to see it end


I put my motion control impression in that thread about this being a hardcore motion game. I was just wondering if it would work but it exceeded my expectations.


Gold Member
Movement with analog stick and punches with motion would feel much better, for sure. Not like it wouldn't work holding the Joycon like that, I don't even get the point of this "thumbs up" grip.

Black and red Ribbon Girl is cool tho

I don't think I ever used the Seekie. All I know is that I'm not really a fan of stuff like Sparky. I prefer stuff like Thunderbird due to how it curves.

The Seekie is Mechanica's Homie with electricity instead of explosions


A few players from the past few testpunches gave me friend requests, anyone else make any friends in the squared circle? Amongst the punches, were any arms stretched out to form a handshake? Can love and friendship bloom on the battlefield?

Not for you dude.



once again. Ribbon girl gives me the most trouble and losses. Can jump and dodge things so easily and so hard to hit
Mechanica helix and ninjara players were easily dealt with.

Then you haven't met a good Ninjara player yet. This Zan I've played was a beast, lost the first 1v1 in a timeout and then won the second 1v1 against him in a timeout too... Kept evading everything I threw at him and was quite clever with the grabs, hadn't I changed my tactic mid game I would have lost the rematch too...
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