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ARMS Global Testpunch Thread: Let's see if this has LEGS


Spent a large part of the weekend playing demo and training mode (and Marvel 3 at one point, for some reason... Wolverine/Nova/Vergil is kind of funny and I don't actually need to learn combos).

Some oberservations:


I too am inclined to think she's the best in the game (that we've gotten to play with). Her special ability is so nice that, while I haven't set it up in a real match yet, you can dash into an opponent's face and charge and then stop whatever they attempt to do to you (you go in, see what they react to your dash in with, then dodge and punish).

Her air mobility is really nice too since you essentially get a sequence like jump-air dash-fall-full charge -air dash, so you can fall and then randomize the direction you go in twice, assuming you don't full air charge after the first jump.

But yeah, lot of success this weekend with her and Mechanica (that armor is indeed useful since people can't have elementals 100% of the time... but then, I never see people set up charges whenever I get knocked down, which is pretty essential if you're playing a character that actually needs to charge).

Cancelling dash with guard

Incredibly practical. Whenever someone got super stocked, I began to move around using this option (dashing while holding the guard input down) and it was reliable enough to make punches/throws whiff and then block the inevitable super cancel. I actually got to a point where I blocked someone's super while having a super and life lead on my end and they just stopped moving and gave up >_>

In the last 2 sessions I played, I think I only got hit by like two or three supers in 1v1, but mostly because I tried to challenge someone's super cancel with my own (still really not sure what factors into whether or not you win in a super mash war... for now, I just assume speed > durability).

(so, essentially... it's kind of a blowup if you can't do this consistently with motion controls lol)


Don't really like the mode lol

I initially thought I could stun people and hold them in place, but then I realized that you only get knockdowns from air hits with elementals and what ends up happening is that everyone is always in the air and I get penalized for tagging people.

But then, I think you kinda have to switch your gameplay up in this mode and punish landing recovery, which I admittedly wasn't doing since I'd already conditioned myself to punish bad air dashes.

Skill shot

Kinda blah too. I think the optimal strat was to line yourself up with the most targets and get a combo that lead into hitting someone on the other side. Most people seem to not realize that you can't actually camp at the far side and expect to hit any targets in the middle.

Defensive game?

Having played enough, I don't necessarily buy this now. I was playing so well after a point that I began punishing people for just moving in the wrong direction lol

In particular, there was a Spring Man in my room in one session whose soul I owned and, during our last game against each other in 1v1, he began to turtle up and just dash around in an attempt to get me to whiff something... but it didn't matter because I read his movement hard enough to just hit or throw him out of the recovery of wherever it was that he was moving.

Due to how recovery works, you can blow people up if all they like to do is just mash the dash or jump button, so randomizing your movement into recovery is gonna be pretty important in the game, I think.

Also, if all you do is walk around, your susceptible to dash-in throw (unless you have really really good reactions... people will say that all you have to do is just punch if you see the dash in or the point blank throw, but it's not like people can anti-air jump-ins 100% of the time :v). You kinda have to throw something out at some point to keep someone out of the space in which you can't react to things. Like, you can back dash, I guess, which is a pretty safe option, but the corner is miserable in this game just like it is in any other fighter lol

You can definitely pressure people that don't like to punch first in this game as long as your yomi is good enough.

Online connection

Seems... okay-ish? I'm not high level enough to really discern what's going on in this area, but it became suspect at one point after I would get in on a defensive Twintelle player and my throw would actually go through their character model. So it's either lag or neutral jump has some invincibility frames I'm not too sure about at this point because I haven't played enough.


All in all, it was pretty fun. I'll probably be mashing ranked a lot when the game comes out and I'm hoping the game takes off enough to have weekly locals in my area >_>

I figured. Honestly, that is the reason I won't buy the game

You can't really discern whether or not someone is on traditional or motion controls because of how the joycons work unless you're actually watching them play IRL (well, you sort of can: see if they ever punch and curve in different directions late into the punch animations, but we're not at a point where we can conclude that this isn't possible on traditional controls since someone actually found out how to wide throw using traditional lol). If you hold the joycons together, you actually get access to traditional controls.
do we know who's doing the OT for the game yet? it'd be helpful to have the discord server in email tags in the OP
Dandy Crocodile's got it. Trust it's gonna be good. :3
With Twintelle I'm not sure, we'd need to see more of her, strangely no one was playing her in my lobby, I guess she's not that great after all? I'd say she's tier 2.


I do want to mess with Spring Man's parry though. But for now, Twintelle and Master Mummy are my jam. #teamthicc


I think together will be really something.

I love the "that hit me out of nowhere" factor of these kinds of gloves. A straight punch often just misses, but a slap or a bird is like, "what the fuck? that hit me?" Over and over

That's why I like them so much lol

When fighting someone of equal skill, I get more exited than with any game before this.

"Finally, a challenge."



True tier list
High five!
You think? I only lost against one Spring Man so far and that was a really close call with both of us on the floor, lol

I think he deflected some of my punches too and was quite agile, could keep up with my extremely fast Ribbon Girl...

With Min Min though, I never had any issues, I had a very high winrate against her, the Megawatt Arm was pretty annoying though. I also perfected the 2nd in my lobby in the last test punch and he or she used her:
I don't know, personally none of the fighters did much for me except these two. I usually choose the speedier characters in fighting games but this time Ninjara was all sorts of whack, his teleportation mechanic threw me off and I couldn't get a good grasp on him. The rest.. meh. Master Mummy was a pain, mechanic was too slow, Helix is the worse, Twintelle is actually pretty good!.. But not as good as the other two, and Ribbon Girl is also very good but I didn't get a lot of playtime with her.

I can't wait to battle it out with you and see who's got the best moves!
I think together will be really something.

I love the "that hit me out of nowhere" factor of these kinds of gloves. A straight punch often just misses, but a slap or a bird is like, "what the fuck? that hit me?" Over and over

I agree but I think as time goes on people will be more vigilant and realize they can easily be dodged by moving forward and/or back.

As for both of them together I don't know how viable that would be since the two elements don't seem to complement each other. Fire knocks people down instantly and wind throws people away instantly, you can't particularly 1-2 like that


I missed the last two rounds, but it's nice to see everyone more pumped than ever.

Someone mentioned how exhilarating it is fighting someone who really pushes you in this game. It's been said of other fighting games, but I think it's especially apt here: It feels like a ballet. Like there's a certain gracefulness to weaving past incoming punches while they do the same. It's intoxicating.

As far as new IPs go, this is one of the easiest Day One purchases, like, ever.

Best part is, it releases the day right after E3, so we'll segue straight off a deluge of game news and right into a great new game! Not a bad way to cap off a week of news on Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, etc.
I'm not sure about her, we'll see once the game launches I guess. Her ability to hover in mid air, slow time and attack with charged ARMS from above truly is nice but her mobility is still kinda low when compared to Ribbon Girl for example.

In terms of mobility Ribbon girl is way faster.

Twintelle's has a good extra dash and charge, however her mobility is slower.
How does the Sprigman deflect work?

If you stop holdind L or R after charging, you spawn a circle around you that lasts a bit and blocks incoming attacks. I believe that's how it works

Spent a large part of the weekend playing demo and training mode (and Marvel 3 at one point, for some reason… Wolverine/Nova/Vergil is kind of funny and I don’t actually need to learn combos).

Some oberservations:


I too am inclined to think she’s the best in the game (that we’ve gotten to play with). Her special ability is so nice that, while I haven’t set it up in a real match yet, you can dash into an opponent’s face and charge and then stop whatever they attempt to do to you (you go in, see what they react to your dash in with, then dodge and punish).

Her air mobility is really nice too since you essentially get a sequence like jump-air dash-fall-full charge -air dash, so you can fall and then randomize the direction you go in twice, assuming you don’t full air charge after the first jump.

But yeah, lot of success this weekend with her and Mechanica (that armor is indeed useful since people can’t have elementals 100% of the time… but then, I never see people set up charges whenever I get knocked down, which is pretty essential if you’re playing a character that actually needs to charge).

Cancelling dash with guard

Incredibly practical. Whenever someone got super stocked, I began to move around using this option (dashing while holding the guard input down) and it was reliable enough to make punches/throws whiff and then block the inevitable super cancel. I actually got to a point where I blocked someone’s super while having a super and life lead on my end and they just stopped moving and gave up >_>

In the last 2 sessions I played, I think I only got hit by like two or three supers in 1v1, but mostly because I tried to challenge someone’s super cancel with my own (still really not sure what factors into whether or not you win in a super mash war… for now, I just assume speed > durability).

(so, essentially... it's kind of a blowup if you can't do this consistently with motion controls lol)


Don’t really like the mode lol

I initially thought I could stun people and hold them in place, but then I realized that you only get knockdowns from air hits with elementals and what ends up happening is that everyone is always in the air and I get penalized for tagging people.

But then, I think you kinda have to switch your gameplay up in this mode and punish landing recovery, which I admittedly wasn’t doing since I’d already conditioned myself to punish bad air dashes.

Skill shot

Kinda blah too. I think the optimal strat was to line yourself up with the most targets and get a combo that lead into hitting someone on the other side. Most people seem to not realize that you can’t actually camp at the far side and expect to hit any targets in the middle.

Defensive game?

Having played enough, I don’t necessarily buy this now. I was playing so well after a point that I began punishing people for just moving in the wrong direction lol

In particular, there was a Spring Man in my room in one session whose soul I owned and, during our last game against each other in 1v1, he began to turtle up and just dash around in an attempt to get me to whiff something… but it didn’t matter because I read his movement hard enough to just hit or throw him out of the recovery of wherever it was that he was moving.

Due to how recovery works, you can blow people up if all they like to do is just mash the dash or jump button, so randomizing your movement into recovery is gonna be pretty important in the game, I think.

Also, if all you do is walk around, your susceptible to dash-in throw (unless you have really really good reactions… people will say that all you have to do is just punch if you see the dash in or the point blank throw, but it’s not like people can anti-air jump-ins 100% of the time :v). You kinda have to throw something out at some point to keep someone out of the space in which you can’t react to things. Like, you can back dash, I guess, which is a pretty safe option, but the corner is miserable in this game just like it is in any other fighter lol

You can definitely pressure people that don’t like to punch first in this game as long as your yomi is good enough.

Online connection

Seems… okay-ish? I’m not high level enough to really discern what’s going on in this area, but it became suspect at one point after I would get in on a defensive Twintelle player and my throw would actually go through their character model. So it’s either lag or neutral jump has some invincibility frames I’m not too sure about at this point because I haven’t played enough.


All in all, it was pretty fun. I’ll probably be mashing ranked a lot when the game comes out and I’m hoping the game takes off enough to have weekly locals in my area >_>

You can't really discern whether or not someone is on traditional or motion controls because of how the joycons work unless you're actually watching them play IRL (well, you sort of can: see if they ever punch and curve in different directions late into the punch animations, but we're not at a point where we can conclude that this isn't possible on traditional controls since someone actually found out how to wide throw using traditional lol). If you hold the joycons together, you actually get access to traditional controls.

Little comment you might find interesting. During Hoops my opponent and I both had medium arms and activated our supers at around the same time at a respectable distance, we both wailed on each other but everything canceled out. I'm inclined to believe that the weight hierarchy still takes affects when it's super against super.


I agree but I think as time goes on people will be more vigilant and realize they can easily be dodged by moving forward and/or back.

As for both of them together I don't know how viable that would be since the two elements don't seem to complement each other. Fire knocks people down instantly and wind throws people away instantly, you can't particularly 1-2 like that

I'm not really worried about them working together. More maximizing my chances for a hit. It's nice when you get a one too, but its also great when they dodge one side and not other.

Particularly where say I have been going to the left a lot and hit them with a curve to the right.

In my experience with Ribbon girl last time and Twintelle this time, people have lil meltdowns trying to handle getting hit out of now where all the time.

I really really love Twintelles which time delay, not even that it slows down punches, but you are hanging there so long, people can't help but go for it, then you nope out of there and wham wham.

But most importantly with Twintelle, I am always throwing charged punches, its ridicules, when its a thunderbird, there have been some matches where people have been getting stunned every hit. Its a big factor why I wont a lot of Hedlok fights, I was stunning him like a beast, helps keeps you alive and out of attack. Really slows down the pace of matches too


...hate me...
I'm a fairly low-average player. I rake maybe 70-80 coins in an hour.

And yet, it's still exciting when I get paired to the lobby leaders that are tracking to hit 100 coins.

Had this match when I said to myself at first "why even bother" but after chaining up a few punches and grabs, being more active to dodge, and, most importantly, dodging a rush, while landing my own rush, I came sooooooo close to beat him, was within one punch. In my mind he was going "N-NANI?!". But my health was about the same, and I got punched first. Heartbreaking, but fun. Just makes me want to play more and get good.


Little comment you might find interesting. During Hoops my opponent and I both had medium arms and activated our supers at around the same time at a respectable distance, we both wailed on each other but everything canceled out. I'm inclined to believe that the weight hierarchy still takes affects when it's super against super.

I'm really looking forward to finding out what exactly the property of supers are lol

Like, now that I think about it, I haven't actually bothered to check if you can guard while in rush state, which actually might be the best option in a situation where both people have supers and you want to make that one random throw you whiffed safe.

Sent an invite to both of you.

Is there gonna be a compiled list so that I can just add things in bulk ;_;
I think I added everyone? If not, I shared it a few pages back but here it is again:


Had a blast. I'll see you all in 12 days, can't wait!
I'm not really worried about them working together. More maximizing my chances for a hit. It's nice when you get a one too, but its also great when they dodge one side and not other.

Particularly where say I have been going to the left a lot and hit them with a curve to the right.

In my experience with Ribbon girl last time and Twintelle this time, people have lil meltdowns trying to handle getting hit out of now where all the time.

I really really love Twintelles which time delay, not even that it slows down punches, but you are hanging there so long, people can't help but go for it, then you nope out of there and wham wham.

But most importantly with Twintelle, I am always throwing charged punches, its ridicules, when its a thunderbird, there have been some matches where people have been getting stunned every hit. Its a big factor why I wont a lot of Hedlok fights, I was stunning him like a beast, helps keeps you alive and out of attack. Really slows down the pace of matches too

I ageee with you completely. In fact I'm thinking of using two "before the fact" ARMS in the full game that are electric, like the Thunderbird and Seekie for example (the only two before the fact electric ARMS TBH) but I believe something to take account is travel time. Punches that go straight tend to be extremely quick, and the fact that they're going in a relatively straight line means they're traveling the shortest distance necessary to land a hit. It's a bit uncommon for me but there have been instances when I've been hit before my curved arm is able to land on the opponent due to the longer flight path.


I don't think any 2D(or 2.5D) fighter can bring it across quite as well as a full 3D one like ARMS though. ARMS is also very different, you don't have to think about button combinations to do your special attacks, to do your special attack you simply have to punch and fill up that rush meter and then hit a button and off you go. However the timing is still crucial of course.

I play a bunch of fighting games and it's my opinion that the sweet science of dancing with your opponent evokes the same feeling in either style of game. I think arms just helps you feel it easier.


Here's the compiled list from the last few pages, sorry if I missed a few, I will continue updating the list.
Sent some of you a friend request.

If anyone wants to add me, here's my friend code: SW 1367-3473-4222.

Added everyone I saw, here's mine


Add everyone in the thing.

Pls add me ;_;


I think I added everyone? If not, I shared it a few pages back but here it is again:


Had a blast. I'll see you all in 12 days, can't wait!

My FC:


My arms are ready (on June 16th).

My friend-code: SW-2726-0019-7995

Just sent friend requests to a bunch of you guys, nickname is JJShadow

Feel free to add me as well


my FC:SW-7627-6435-6010

I think i already have you on my list but i will take a second look anyway anyone is free to add me here is mine:

Switch friend code: SW-3394-8146-2614 (username = 13ruce)

Edit: will add a bunch of the codes posted here too.

I sent out a couple friend requests. My Switch name is haotshy.

Here's my FC if anybody else wants to add me:


I had a match against Hedlok with a Ninjara that did nothing but go for grabs. A few matches later I was teamed up with him Vs Hedlok again and he kept doing the same thing. I "accidentally" punched him in the back with charged Sparkies a few times.

...I can be very petty. :p

Can't wait for launch! I'll be there day 1

We should start adding each other


I just added you, here's my FC if anyone's interested:

SW - 5721 -8081 -7043
Would the Naruto storm games or Dragon ball games count as 2.5D or 3D? I've never been able to get into fighting games in general, and I have a feeling it might be due to the large amount of combos amor overall controls and different techniques necessary to take into account (usually done very quickly) that my brain just short circuits.


Would the Naruto storm games or Dragon ball games count as 2.5D or 3D? I've never been able to get into fighting games in general, and I have a feeling it might be due to the large amount of combos amor overall controls and different techniques necessary to take into account (usually done very quickly) that my brain just short circuits.

It's not the moves and combos. It's that traditional fighting games are more abstract. In arms, he moves and the concepts (spacing) are much easier to understand.


I ageee with you completely. In fact I'm thinking of using two "before the fact" ARMS in the full game that are electric, like the Thunderbird and Seekie for example (the only two before the fact electric ARMS TBH) but I believe something to take account is travel time. Punches that go straight tend to be extremely quick, and the fact that they're going in a relatively straight line means they're traveling the shortest distance necessary to land a hit. It's a bit uncommon for me but there have been instances when I've been hit before my curved arm is able to land on the opponent due to the longer flight path.

The travel time can indeed be a problem and causes some bad situations. But Twintelle's bait and switch maneuvers address that nicely.

This game is going to be nuts when we all have access to all the ARMS for each character. People are going to come up with some real hellish combinations.


I play a bunch of fighting games and it's my opinion that the sweet science of dancing with your opponent evokes the same feeling in either style of game. I think arms just helps you feel it easier.

You're probably right, fighting games lack the accessibility though(unless it's smash brothers I guess) and never really interested me once I've grown out(and too old) of learning combinations to input.

In terms of mobility Ribbon girl is way faster.

Twintelle's has a good extra dash and charge, however her mobility is slower.

What people underestimate is the fact, that you can easily dodge almost every super of your enemy with ribbon girl by jumping, dashing, jumping, dashing(backwards is also nice, it's funny to see the opponents run towards you while their rush fades away because they are out of reach). The best would way to disarm a rush attack is to jump, dodge and then grab, this is really fun with her.
I'm not sure about her, we'll see once the game launches I guess. Her ability to hover in mid air, slow time and attack with charged ARMS from above truly is nice but her mobility is still kinda low when compared to Ribbon Girl for example.
Her stall and the extra dash afterwards in any direction with good distance is just as good because the guessing game is just as powerful as Ribbon Girl's.
It's also actually super easy to evade supers with Twintelle, I would just charge, be it sky or land, and even with their supers they still were slow enough to easily dodge. After dodging I'd either dodge again or slow time again and repeat until it either ran out or I could land a hit
I missed the last two rounds, but it's nice to see everyone more pumped than ever.

Someone mentioned how exhilarating it is fighting someone who really pushes you in this game. It's been said of other fighting games, but I think it's especially apt here: It feels like a ballet. Like there's a certain gracefulness to weaving past incoming punches while they do the same. It's intoxicating.

As far as new IPs go, this is one of the easiest Day One purchases, like, ever.

Best part is, it releases the day right after E3, so we'll segue straight off a deluge of game news and right into a great new game! Not a bad way to cap off a week of news on Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, etc.

I always wondered why more games weren't released right at the tail end of e3, seems like a ripe time indeed.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I personally have a hard time getting the movement control to be precise because my character will generally end up punching haha. I think if they're able to provide us with a hybrid control scheme where movement is mapped to joystick and everything else stays the same with motion control, that would be appreciated for dumb people like me haha.


Game feels pretty tight, and while I haven't put enough time into it to hold my own against the more adept players I still had a blast being trounced by them.

It's on my radar, but I'm a little concerned about content. I'm not sure if the online play will sustain me for that long.
Game feels pretty tight, and while I haven't put enough time into it to hold my own against the more adept players I still had a blast being trounced by them.

It's on my radar, but I'm a little concerned about content. I'm not sure if the online play will sustain me for that long.

I feel like it will be like Splatoon. Iffy/alright/above average at launch (depending on your view) but a completely different beast as time goes on and near the end of its life cycle.
I wrote exactly how the game changes. It's not as useful, hiding it behind a button press and it's utility behind a button combination is a lot different than looking down. I've explained all this and more in my post above.

I realize this is entirely off-topic by this point, but I personally feel looking down is far from natural. I can't do anything else while I'm looking at the map; to me, it really is no different than pulling up an overlay on the screen. But to each their own. (I also don't remember the super jump controls being nearly as cumbersome as you're describing during the test fire, but meh).


Kinda crazy that we're getting ARMS and splatoon 2 within the space of a month and their paid online is not ready

Glad I don't have to pay for it, but they sure need some heavy online games next year if they plan to make me pay for it then.
So guys, make your bets, what do you guess will be the MC for ARMS?

I'll go with >85.

I will go with 80-85 only because some reviewers may dock it down since there is a lack of deep story mode which I would find unfair because its the first entry.

Some will probably compare it to Injustice 2 which would also be unfair since the former got a huge budget.
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