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ARMS Global Testpunch Thread: Let's see if this has LEGS


Not sure if this guy is a reliable source *cough*, but he has detailed info on Byte and Barq.


Most of this seems consistent with what I've been able to glean watching what bits of footage I could about the duo...except for the bit about being able to shorthop on Barq. I can't recall off the top of my head that ever being visibly demonstrated. Would a shorthop just be the normal bounce, and you get the high jump....what, by pressing jump again during the springing animation? That particular detail is not mentioned in his ingame notes anywhere.

Anecdotally, I'm sorry to say that last weekend I shared my jokey Flowchart Ninjara image on twitter, and someone this weekend actually commented back talking about how he used it and did much better this weekend as a result.
...What have I done?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I suck at beating Ninja boy....but not as much as I suck playing him! I figured out some tricks with some arms, but other characters I was completely fucked unless they didn't know what they were doing.

Goo boy is unstoppable at Hoops is another observation.


I could eventually counter most Ninjara grabs but I never figured out how to counter an airgrab. I'd try to dash out but somehow it still catches me, same if I jump up


I do wonder if people realize that Ninjara's air teleport is just an air dash >_>

(like, you can hit him when he reappears and he cannot actually vary when he appears, from what I can understand)

His actual gimmick is easy mode counter move on the ground, which no one does anyway since they like jumping and then random air dash lol

(or because they don't block either :v)


I could eventually counter most Ninjara grabs but I never figured out how to counter an airgrab. I'd try to dash out but somehow it still catches me, same if I jump up

Single punch. Or you can just do a grab as well and it'll cancel out. If you're Min Min you can do a backdash. Sometimes it seems like you successfully dodged but it still catches you, that's due to lag.


Single punch. Or you can just do a grab as well and it'll cancel out. If you're Min Min you can do a backdash. Sometimes it seems like you successfully dodged but it still catches you, that's due to lag.
I feel like I was trying to punch through it but I'd go under and the grab would still get me

Then again my memory might just be bad


I do wonder if people realize that Ninjara's air teleport is just an air dash >_>

(like, you can hit him when he reappears and he cannot actually vary when he appears, from what I can understand)

His actual gimmick is easy mode counter move on the ground, which no one does anyway since they like jumping and then random air dash lol

(or because they don't block either :v)

That's what I did during the testpunch, I was using Twintelle, kept rushing in against a Ninjara.

He'd jump in the air and do a dash, I jump in the air towards him and wait till he reappears and throw my punch that it hits him.

He must have been overwhelmed since his tactic to just evade then throw an attack wasn't working.


Like, when Ninjara air teleports, I think he has only four options: left, right, forward, backwards.

But you know that people are only using two of those options, so you can narrow down your read to left or right air dash and hit them consistently.

I think this is why I was so mindfucked when a Ninjara simply jumped and then pushed a button lol


Did we ever find out how Mechanica controls her suit? Does she have joysticks inside of it, or does she use her headset somehow to control it with speech commands or brainwaves or something? Suddenly this bothers me and I can't sleep wondering about it, lol.


Did we ever find out how Mechanica controls her suit? Does she have joysticks inside of it, or does she use her headset somehow to control it with speech commands or brainwaves or something? Suddenly this bothers me and I can't sleep wondering about it, lol.

I assumed she controlled with her hands.


Ya know, people make jokes about Twintelle, but technically Mechanica's the biggest "cheater" using that mech suit of hers lol
I assumed she controlled with her hands.


Ya know, people make jokes about Twintelle, but technically Mechanica's the biggest "cheater" using that mech suit of hers lol

I will give her a break since she's a incredible genius who created a suit from a garage at the age of 15.


I'm not going to ask you to compile videos of your guaranteed counter punches (not counting supers), but to the untrained eyes I don't see it. And do those only happen with two punches out or just one punch as well? If it's the former, and that it's easy to guarantee counter hits, then people would naturally just gravitate towards using only one punch until it's safe to use two, wouldn't they?

But again, we're going down this path where it ends up being whether I trust what you say, and it's hard to just rely completely on what a single person says. So I'm just going to see how it plays out when the game releases.

There's a set amount of recovery after you use a single punch and before you can do anything other than punch with the other Arm (which you can do immediately). Just to toss out random numbers I'll say this is 30 frames. If I catch you doing that 30-frame recovery it's a guaranteed hit.

When you have both Arms out the recovery of the first Arm is the same (30 frames), but your movement is significantly lessened with both Arms out. So while you can still move after 30 frames, you only get a sort of half dash that makes it difficult to avoid an incoming attack.

If you attack me first all I have to do is connect a punch within that 30 frames and you can't avoid it. If you have both Arms out I have that 30 frames, plus the fact that your movement is impaired after the initial 30 frames.

(again, the 30 frames isn't correct, just a simple example)

I mean, can't that be said about any fighting game?

The incentive to attack is you gain meter for Rush. Footsies and spacing as time ticks down, but someone has to land a hit so it's not just a draw...

In any fighting game the objective is to deplete your opponent's health meter. If I'm playing Tekken I'm going to try to mix you with with high, mid or low attacks, or a throw. I can also use frame advantage to force you on the defensive or eat an attack.

Arms doesn't have any of that. If I don't attack you in Arms all you can do is try to get close to me so I potentially can't react to a throw. My concern is that the best players will be able to react to that throw at close range. When that happens, you have no way to inflict damage if my defense is good and I don't attack first.

Sorry to put you in the middle of this donkey, I just think your gameplay speaks for itself.
and a clip of Twintelle.

The divergence is in playstyle, obviously. Since you're on a pro controller, you rush down and close the distance so you don't have to curve. donkey uses the distance, especially with MM to get wins.

Just means you commenting on the viability of curving is suspect.

Okay, so I watched some of these matches and I'm not seeing how he gets an advantage or opens up the opponent just by curving. Not trying to call out donkey or anything, but he left himself open a lot. The opponent didn't capitalize on it, but there were plenty of times he could've taken damage if he was up against a better player.

You may not see it in my match videos, but what I'm constantly doing is trying to punish everything and do my best to keep myself safe. I'm only a week in so that doesn't happen 100% of the time, but I'm at a point now when I know when someone is open to an attack or when I leave myself open to an attack. It doesn't look like donkey has that down yet. Again, I mean no offense by that.

anyone doing good in battles have tips to share?

I'm a beginner and what I tried recently I was getting whooped by more experienced people. Seems like slow moving fists are useless against more experienced players.


At least based on my own impressions I feel like the early meta's going to gravitate this way. Electricity just seems way too useful in guaranteeing follow-up damage in basically every mode of the game outside of V-ball, and putting that on characters that can move and evade the most puts you in the best situation to punish opponents' errors. Like others have said, I wonder how someone like Master Mummy will fare once he's not the only fighter that can pack a Megaton, since otherwise most any character could play his "block and bait attacks" style of game...but also speed around the field and evade attacks if they wanted to. The healing provides a bit of added urgency on your opponent, but if you already have the life-lead, the onus is going to be on them anyway. Armor's nice, but also better served on Mechanica, who has better mobility on top of better arm-charging options.

Maybe there's something to it that we just haven't found yet and it'll be more apparent once a larger base gets their hands on the final product, but I'm not sure how an element like "stun" would ever be preferable when you could have electricity or ice instead. Secondary to them, I could maybe see explosion for its extra hitbox catching some folks off-guard, or blind...but that only being available on the Blorb so far kind of limits how many people would realistically use it.

My current go-to setup with Twintelle is Sparky for the quick shock stun, then Megaton for the big damage follow up. I never attack with Megaton first. If I need more movement I'll swap out Sparky for Thunderbird. If I'm still having trouble catching a highly mobile character I'll switch out the Thunderbird and instead go with the Popper or Cracker because they have a wide hit box.

I believe people will pick the character they mesh with the most in terms of movement options, but the Arms selection is the real character selection of this game. I don't really have any incentive to pick a character other than Twintelle. If I have a matchup issue it's an Arms issue, not a character concern.

I've actually bodied a Ninjara with Mummy lol

A lot of the matchups, as mentioned earlier, are probably going to center around arms loadouts as opposed to one character vs. another.

I don't really know why people think it's hard to break up defense (I've actually played some people enough that they started to turtle up, like in my Spring Man story earlier, but it didn't matter since I always caught them even though all they were pushing was the dash and jump buttons). There's actually a lot of recovery from various movement options, which means it's always possible to tag people consistently if your reads and arms steering is good enough.

Also, getting knocked down once is actually enough time for someone to move into the range where it becomes hard to react to a punch/throw mixup. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm always trying to get in dat ass in this game since there's only like maybe 5 or 6 things people can do on wakeup (neutral getup, wakeup jump, wakeup dash, guard (actually may be the best option that no one does lol), super) and it can get pretty devastating if I keep guessing correctly (which you can since people unknowingly form patterns in their movement after a point).

Saying that you can't get it on someone in this game is like saying that you'll never get in on Robert in KOF XIV just because he has a fireball and a DP >_>

No one can be that consistent on defense, especially in a game like this that has a ton of mobility and attack arcs lol

Like, I've gotten hit by YOLO throw from max distance (two times in a row, even) because the person I was playing was good enough to actually steer that shit.

As someone who at least exposes himself to enough FGCs, I don't think the fundamentals involved in this game are inherently less interesting just because you don't have to bend over backwards to set something up or execute combos.

I mean, casuals actually think that VF5 needs a PhD to play, so how reliable can opinions from people be :v

I don't mean to call you out, but instead of looking at how you're playing you should be looking at how your opponents are playing. To know whether or not your strategy is valid you need to play someone who's capable of getting around it.

First off, how are you knocking me down? Let's say I messed up. That's on me not being as good. Let's say you closed in on me and I got thrown (this will happen). Now I'm looking for your throw and I'm ready to counter it on wakeup if that's what you do. If you do anything else I can just block.

How many people did you see intentionally interrupting throws with a single punch? That's the kind of stuff you'll see high level players using.

I do wonder if people realize that Ninjara's air teleport is just an air dash >_>

(like, you can hit him when he reappears and he cannot actually vary when he appears, from what I can understand)

His actual gimmick is easy mode counter move on the ground, which no one does anyway since they like jumping and then random air dash lol

(or because they don't block either :v)

This is 100% correct. All air movements have more recovery than ground movements. If you exhaust all of your aerial options you are completely open to an attack until you hit the ground. Unfortunately, this kind of means people likely won't jump as much at higher levels of play, further limiting your offensive options.
Man, this game has been a roller coaster for me. I went from barely paying attention to it, to having a ton of fun during the first test and pre-ordering, to probably cancelling that preorder.

I played the 11am test today and got my ass completely handed to me. In a majority of matches I played I only landed one or two punches. In the first test I was winning a majority of the time. And I have no clue what went wrong. It was super frustrating, I had no idea how I was supposed to improve. I'd block a throw, throw a punch and have my opponent recover fast enough to block it. I'd throw a punch, it wouldn't reach my opponent and they'd counterattack before I could recover. I couldn't get the hang of punch, very often a punch would come out at a wide angle, or wouldn't react to my inputs as I expected and I had no idea why. I'd throw a punch anticipating a dodge and guess their movement correctly, but my punch would still miss, often seemingly by a hair.

Really fun game but I don't want to spend hours practicing to get the point I won't get destroyed online.


Junior Member
Man, this game has been a roller coaster for me. I went from barely paying attention to it, to having a ton of fun during the first test and pre-ordering, to probably cancelling that preorder.

I played the 11am test today and got my ass completely handed to me. In a majority of matches I played I only landed one or two punches. In the first test I was winning a majority of the time. And I have no clue what went wrong. It was super frustrating, I had no idea how I was supposed to improve. I'd block a throw, throw a punch and have my opponent recover fast enough to block it. I'd throw a punch, it wouldn't reach my opponent and they'd counterattack before I could recover. I couldn't get the hang of punch, very often a punch would come out at a wide angle, or wouldn't react to my inputs as I expected and I had no idea why. I'd throw a punch anticipating a dodge and guess their movement correctly, but my punch would still miss, often seemingly by a hair.

Really fun game but I don't want to spend hours practicing to get the point I won't get destroyed online.
That's par the course for fighting games. You can't expect to instantly be good in a few minutes. You need to put the time in to practice.


I have more matches I can upload against other press and Nintendo Treehouse employees, but it's 90% just me beating people up. Not much competition in that group of players.

I guess you had it easy in the Testpunch too then? I've seen some other press people play on youtube but they didn't seem to play very well, almost never used charge shots. sometimes flailed around and let themselves wide open and lost because of that even during the testpunch against players that didn't have the game early it seems. I fear they haven't really grasped much of the game yet.

I'm curious to see some matches of those Pros @ E³ though.

All air movements have more recovery than ground movements. If you exhaust all of your aerial options you are completely open to an attack until you hit the ground. Unfortunately, this kind of means people likely won't jump as much at higher levels of play, further limiting your offensive options.

So, what do you think of Ribbon Girls ability to air jump + air dodge at least twice without touching the ground? I felt like it was stronger than what Ninjara is offering.


I guess you had it easy in the Testpunch too then? I've seen some other press people play on youtube but they didn't seem to play very well, almost never used charge shots. sometimes flailed around and let themselves wide open and lost because of that even during the testpunch against players that didn't have the game early it seems. I fear they haven't really grasped much of the game yet.

I'm curious to see some matches of those Pros @ E³ though.

I was only home for the Testpunch last Friday. For whatever reason it put me in a room full of Japanese players, which was my first taste of lag, but I ended with 93 points and only one loss in a 1v1 match (due to the lag). Beyond that one match, even with the lag I didn't have any issues winning 1v1 matches and carried my team through the 2v2 matches.

Press are notoriously bad at fighting games. Every single press tournament I've attended for a fighting game I won without any trouble at all. I even won a VF5 (arcade) tournament at Sega's office without having ANY experience in VF prior to that.

I assume all of the people invited to the E3 tournament have the game. I know D1 (one of the commentators) was playing last week. I got a few games in with him. Kayane has only been posting about Tekken, so I'm guessing she's not playing, but who knows. I'm curious if they'll have to play with motion controls or if they can use whatever control option they want.

I tried to get in on that invitational, but press doesn't have the highest priority for obvious reasons.

EDIT: Concerning Ribbon Girl's aerial movement, I just wait for her to punch and get close to the ground. As long as she doesn't connect with her punch she doesn't reset her aerial jumps, so there's a limited number. If I need to create an opening I just wait for her to hit that aerial limit, then attack. I haven't taken a really close look at every character yet (I'll do that this week), but at the moment I think Twintelle and Ribbon Girl are top 2 and Master Mummy is the worst. Helix and Byte/Barq have the highest learning curve so it's hard to say, but both of them and Mummy seem limited against the faster characters.


I suck at beating Ninja boy....but not as much as I suck playing him! I figured out some tricks with some arms, but other characters I was completely fucked unless they didn't know what they were doing.

Goo boy is unstoppable at Hoops is another observation.
Not really, they're hard to grab but slow with punches, so it's easy to dode at closer range and counter with a grab (I do have dat reflexes, so that helps a lot in Hoops).


I don't mean to call you out, but instead of looking at how you're playing you should be looking at how your opponents are playing. To know whether or not your strategy is valid you need to play someone who's capable of getting around it.

First off, how are you knocking me down? Let's say I messed up. That's on me not being as good. Let's say you closed in on me and I got thrown (this will happen). Now I'm looking for your throw and I'm ready to counter it on wakeup if that's what you do. If you do anything else I can just block.

How many people did you see intentionally interrupting throws with a single punch? That's the kind of stuff you'll see high level players using.

Everyone gets knocked down at some point in any game. Everyone. Whether or not a player can take advantage of this is on them.

Also, yes, I am looking at what people are doing... it's why I've been able to punish movement that involved no punches >_>

(actually, one of the first things I'll probably do with the real game is get an excel spread sheet out and map out the possible punishes for each movement option lol)

People I've played have generally not stood there when waking up and will always go to a mobility option.

(which is kind of funny since you can actually just block... but people don't like blocking in games and would rather mash cr lk on wakeup... I've seen dudes wakeup into active supers in this game because they apparently don't know that you can just hold block on wakeup >_>)

You observe what people like doing on wakeup and then input the appropriate response to the option you think they'll go to. When they start using another option, you try to predict this and adjust your response.

I'm not saying that I'll always guess right, but who does?

(I mean... you can play conservatively and just let them wakeup like a true gentleman, but I see no reason to do this if you're confident about your read)

Arms doesn't have any of that. If I don't attack you in Arms all you can do is try to get close to me so I potentially can't react to a throw. My concern is that the best players will be able to react to that throw at close range. When that happens, you have no way to inflict damage if my defense is good and I don't attack first.

Who are all these people that can react to point blank throw in this game?

I know I can't even after dicking around with friends offline to see whether or not you can actually consistently react to the thing... and this is me expecting it.

(but I'm also 30 and don't have those young man reactions)

It's harder than it seems.

(also, throws have different speeds depending on whether light, medium or heavy arms are equipped, so this is another thing to consider as I've actually not tested whether or not you can actually go through the entire process of wakeup guard and then inputting a punch to cancel the guard and then successfully breaking the fastest throws, assuming fastest reaction possible... this is even before considering the option where someone actually dashes around to mess with your lockon/timing)

You're in this theoretical world where S1 Chun-li is busted because of insta air legs in perfect execution, but Mika getting a random clap in is what bops most people in pools (or in top 32 :v).

Two high level players who can actually react to this stuff will probably be high level for a reason, but I sincerely doubt they can input the correct response to something 100% of the time.

So I see no reason how attacking first can be detrimental considering the options available to all the players.

(and you're not necessarily at a disadvantage for throwing something out there... for example, bird arm will retract quickly even on whiff and this is before considering the idea that you can cancel the majority of recovery and not get bopped if your spacing is not horrible... having read your posts, it honestly feels like you're saying that people are always at a disadvantage when throwing a random limb out because you can theoretically be punished, but people aren't this godlike 100% of the time)

Like... you don't necessarily have linear attack patterns in this game, so that in itself should give people a good idea as to the possibility of how strong offense can be... then we go back into this thing about whether or not it's even possible for people to react to point blank throws 100% of the time (since blocking negates almost all offense and this will be the only option left to someone being aggressive), which I don't think is possible unless you're like Xiaohai who can DP hops in KOF or whatever on reaction (but somehow misses anti-airs in SFV lol).

Unfortunately, this kind of means people likely won't jump as much at higher levels of play, further limiting your offensive options.

I mean, you're not really suppose to jump in a lot of FGs either if you can win the ground game.

Jumping is an option in this game, albeit risky, but you need to kind of take it sometimes if you think you can catch someone sleeping. Just like any other FG.


Right now I don't think curving your punches really changes any of my concerns. Do you have any insight on how curving would allow me to open someone up who's playing defensively? Not trying to say you're wrong, I'm legit curious because I don't see it.

I do wish I could curve with the right analog stick because that would make a huge difference, but for whatever reason that's not an option.

Curving exists in part to get around the block shield in general. There are Arms that go over or around it. Coupled with movement and baiting, you're set.

I agree with DrDogg in that there's no incentive to attack first, I also felt this when playing the game

Where is the incentive for that in any other fighting game?

I don't see it. I'm not buying this "defensive game" argument.

Some of this reads to me like the traditional "high level fighting game vets" are trying to apply that thinking to ARMS instead of playing ARMS like ARMS wants to be played.


Curving exists in part to get around the block shield in general. There are Arms that go over or around it. Coupled with movement and baiting, you're set.

Actually, guarding in this game covers all angles.

Having tested it in warmup, guard covers your back too even if it looks like it only covers a specific space in front of your character model.

The only way to break a shield is to throw or wail on it hard enough with super (there actually might be specific arms configuration meant for breaking shields, but I don't know since I don't have the full game yet).

That said, a point I keep bringing back is that I don't know how reactable throws are at certain distances. We can say that we can theoretically break all throws, but in practice, this probably doesn't happen.


People I've played have generally not stood there when waking up and will always go to a mobility option.
Why would you block when 90% of the players follow with a grab anyway?

I assume all of the people invited to the E3 tournament have the game. I know D1 (one of the commentators) was playing last week. I got a few games in with him. Kayane has only been posting about Tekken, so I'm guessing she's not playing, but who knows. I'm curious if they'll have to play with motion controls or if they can use whatever control option they want.

I would be surprised if they played with anything else but motion controls at this point. It's clear that Nintendo want's to differentiate itself with the joycons from their competitors. -thanks for your insight by the way.
I don't think that's true at all from my experience. Wish I could test to confirm -.- (servers pls!)
Guard covers all angles, is what i saw also. Easy to see (and probable reason) is in free for alls where attacks can come from all angles and from opponents not facing each other.

And maybe is also the case for some explosive power ups, a player can guard even when it explodes from behind it seems.


I vividly remember hitting people with my Thunderbird or Helix' blue blob arm OVER their shield, though.

They most likely simply stopped blocking the moment they were hit because they didn't expect the thunderbird to hit them from behind after it passed them.


Why would you block when 90% of the players follow with a grab anyway?

Actually, neutral jump will beat someone who does throw on your wakeup.

So then, to beat your wakeup neutral jump, they jump and then throw you.

But this assumes that they guess correctly and that you will indeed jump on wakeup, but you could also tech left, right, forward or back.

So, you get them to think that you will go to those options, but then you beat their responses by just mashing throw on your wakeup to catch them while they're jumping.

But then they know that you're gonna mash throw on wakeup, so they'll just push a button to beat your wakeup throw.

But then you know that they're gonna punch, so you wake up and then successfully block the punch and use counter move to maybe get a punish assuming you don't mess up.

But you could also tech in a direction to not block altogether... but the enemy can also throw enough stuff out to cover your tech options and you would still have to block anyway.

There's like... a lot of configurations of how wakeup can work.

The mind read flowchart for this is similar to most FGs >_>


They most likely simply stopped blocking the moment they were hit because they didn't expect the thunderbird to hit them from behind after it passed them.

Clearly this calls for Nintendo to turn the servers back on so we can test this for another, say, 500 hours or so :)

Just to be sure.
Okay, so I watched some of these matches and I'm not seeing how he gets an advantage or opens up the opponent just by curving. Not trying to call out donkey or anything, but he left himself open a lot. The opponent didn't capitalize on it, but there were plenty of times he could've taken damage if he was up against a better player.

You may not see it in my match videos, but what I'm constantly doing is trying to punish everything and do my best to keep myself safe. I'm only a week in so that doesn't happen 100% of the time, but I'm at a point now when I know when someone is open to an attack or when I leave myself open to an attack. It doesn't look like donkey has that down yet. Again, I mean no offense by that.

It's not a problem. ^^ I can see the reads, throw out to force action so I can react, and aim to punish landings, but the execution needs to be tighter and I need a better sense of spacing. I sometimes think I have more options to protect my own landings or give follow up attacks because of my Gundam EXVS background and the options they give you there. I also attempt to bait a lot which does leave myself open a fair amount. In EXVS, you don't have the luxury of playing the waiting game since there are multiple vectors of attack you have to worry about with it being 2v2. I'm also impatient, so that doesn't help. xD You're right in the fact playing the wait and react game is the way to go.

Anyway, it's become a lot better each testpunch though. You could argue the amount of time we've had with the game is still technically day 1/2-ish. And I'm sure once we have more intimate time with the game like you have, those habits will get better. I do appreciate your insight, so that's been helpful. :)

Plus that TT vid is so bad when I look at it again. Hardly doing stalls and extra dashes unlike the later vids!

Unicorn said:
Most of my friends in FGC are smash or Street Fighter so they have passing curiosity to 0 interest. I'm interested in Tekken fans or NRS (juggle fans, basically) or Gundam VS fans feel. 2D fighter fans like Marvel and SF I assume wouldn't give it much interest in contest with their main game, but I feel like someone who has a deep interest in fighting games that a new perspective to the genre is exciting and worth getting people digging into it for viability.

As a big GVS fan, ARMS is exciting as it does bring 3D arena fighting more to the foreground. It's also fun because of its limitations in comparison to GVS. In that game, you have long range/close range options, cancels, formations, assisting your partner, need for more spatial awareness, lots of mobility and so on while being centered around 2v2 team gameplay. ARMS has effectively ripped out half of that, but still manages to be intriguing and scratch that itch. It does make me wish there were more close range options though, like if we could coil up our arms for some quicker short-range multi hitting combos or something like that.

And if you guys have any passing interest in gameplay similar to ARMS, please check out our Gundam Versus thread as the main series is finally coming stateside and they are currently running a trial version this month similar to the Testpunch: http://neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1383438


Cpt Lmao

I wish you could use the analogue stick to move your character while also using motion controls to punch and block; I generally like them; but really dislike having to tilt to move.


And if you guys have any passing interest in gameplay similar to ARMS, please check out our Gundam Versus thread as the main series is finally coming stateside and they are currently running a trial version this month similar to the Testpunch: http://neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1383438

My friends were actually playing this on another setup lol

That said, I'm probably gonna show up to local anime meets and will play the game there since the setup for locals is too complicated on our own...

I'll just play Arms while I'm waiting for my turn on the setups lol


Clearly this calls for Nintendo to turn the servers back on so we can test this for another, say, 500 hours or so :)

Just to be sure.

The game will be released in roughly 264 hours though, so I guess 263 hours would suffice.

Actually, neutral jump will beat someone who does throw on your wakeup.


There's like... a lot of configurations of how wakeup can work.

The mind read flowchart for this is similar to most FGs >_>

Yes a lot can happen, but honestly I'd avoid all the drama entirely and dodge to one side when waking up, I haven't been hit when standing up at all in the whole 10h I've played during the testpunch, granted some have tried and those who tried got countered most of the time by a punch of my own. Also jumping(without air-dodging at least) seems to be the most risky move.


As a big GVS fan, ARMS is exciting as it does bring 3D arena fighting more to the foreground. It's also fun because of its limitations in comparison to GVS. In that game, you have long range/close range options, cancels, formations, assisting your partner, need for more spatial awareness, lots of mobility and so on while being centered around 2v2 team gameplay. ARMS has effectively ripped out half of that, but still manages to be intriguing and scratch that itch. It does make me wish there were more close range options though, like if we could coil up our arms for some quicker short-range multi hitting combos or something like that.

And if you guys have any passing interest in gameplay similar to ARMS, please check out our Gundam Versus thread as the main series is finally coming stateside and they are currently running a trial version this month similar to the Testpunch: http://neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1383438

ARMS and GVS are definitely my two most anticipated games at the moment.
your gifs reminding me of all the stuff I can't do and suck at in Gundam D=
Got dayum. After the first testpunch I thought ' nice, may buy this'. But during the second testpunch I switched to the ProController and suddendly it clicked.

Honestly, all I can't think of now is playing Arms. I suck a fighting games but now I actually feel in controle of what I'm doing and even managed to win a few rounds.
Really feels good.

Pre-ordered Arms and a set of neon yellow joycons so. bring on june 16 😉
So... you pre-ordered the yellow joycons to play ARMS on your Pro Controller?

Sounds crazy doesn't it 😅 Playing on the go I will use the joycons attached. Also... I love the colors. Hope the Splatoon 2 Joycons will be available for pre-order soon, will get them too .


Missed 45 mins of this one. Curse you sleep. Does headlok focus on the people who hit him the most, because he focused everything he had on me at level 6, and ult'd directly into my face to KO me.

I think - unless you override it with the target toggle - all characters default to targetting the player who last made contact with them
I was sold on ARMS... but what the testpunch sold me on was Party Mode. I feel like I might usually stray from modes like that but the "room" is executed so well.

Anyone else feel similarly?
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