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ARMS - Nintendo Switch (Motion [optional] controlled boxing, Nintendo, Spring 2017)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So if ARMS is an acronym what would they mean?

I'm personally not, ARMS is actually a good surprise in all of this and depending on actual content when it launches, I'll be very happy to buy (especially now that we know traditional controls are in. I'd rather not buy two new joycons too for local multiplayer, that's 80€ more and it's tough). Skepticism, however, I'm finding myself confortable justifying given the context. False equivalency is a thing, but context matters.

Like I said I understand the sentiment, but some posters are really shitting threads with that.
Not going lie, Arms was the most interesting thing there.

It was like Splatoon.

Me: What the fuck is this, fuck you Nintendo.
*Sees more gameplay*
Me:Look kinda fun
*Sees more*
Me:Damn, I like the art style and the gameplay
Me: Holyshit, I want to play it now

Yea, I didn't get to see the entire segment but what I saw was very interesting. Interested in hearing how many characters, stages, modes, and info on single player. Still wish it was a $40 or $50 title but I'm still leaning towards picking it up.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I don't... understand why you can't move them with the analog sticks that are like... right fucking there?

I assume there has to be an extra mode for that?


May I have a cookie?
It does look fun, but it doesn't feel as deep as Splatoon. With that game, the mechanics of painting to cover territory and being able to swim in that paint to move around the map faster combined in a way that enhanced each other and gave rise to many possibilities. For me at least, it instantly made sense.

However with ARMS, I'm still not seeing that extra mechanic that combines with the fighting in the same way that traversal combined with shooting in Splatoon.

Is there something I've missed?


Unconfirmed Member
It does look fun, but it doesn't feel as deep as Splatoon. With that game, the mechanics of painting to cover territory and being able to swim in that paint to move around the map faster combined in a way that enhanced each other and gave rise to many possibilities. For me at least, it instantly made sense.

However with ARMS, I'm still not seeing that extra mechanic that combines with the fighting in the same way that traversal combined with shooting in Splatoon.

Is there something I've missed?

mh, before the fight you can equip different arms for different effects/mechanics.


May I have a cookie?
mh, before the fight you can equip different arms for different effects/mechanics.

That's not sufficiently different from equipping weapons, items or special moves, which is something many fighters have.

Edit: Splatoon also has a ton of customization, but think about how different it would be without the swimming?
stream just confirmed traditional controls.
Thank you Nintendo! I was so worried!

I want to go all portable so the standard method was a no go for me. It looks pretty cool to control, but thank you Nintendo for having regular controls for portable mode. Day one. Game looks amazing! I hope it sells well and has a long lasting online community!
That's not sufficiently different from equipping weapons, items or special moves, which is something many fighters have.

Well we haven't seen much in the way of combos and changing the direction of your arms, which was talked about briefly. Not to mention it seem more akin to Powerstone and Smash, in that there are stage gimmicks to exploit in matches


Neo Member
Ok, the treehouse demo made this game look so much better than it did last night during the launch event. I am still a little worried about the motion controls, which is something I will have to try out for myself, but the game actually looks pretty good. I am willing to admit I may have miss judged this one. Still not worth $80 canadian though lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like a fun $15 downloadable game.

That's what people said about Splatoon when it launched.

Maybe wait before we jump to conclusions.

Ok, the treehouse demo made this game look so much better than it did last night during the launch event. I am still a little worried about the motion controls, which is something I will have to try out for myself, but the game actually looks pretty good. I am willing to admit I may have miss judged this one. Still not worth $80 canadian though lol.

Game supports traditional controls.


May I have a cookie?
Well we haven't seen much in the way of combos and changing the direction of your arms, which was talked about briefly. Not to mention it seem more akin to Powerstone and Smash, in that there are stage gimmicks to exploit in matches

Stage gimmicks are a secondary layer of gameplay. I'm trying to say is it feels like this game needs an additional core mechanic that interplays with the fighting. Before you add on customization and different stages etc.


Peléo;228268680 said:
Mind if I ask you some questions about the game?

-How different do the characters feel from each other?
Pretty different: for example Ribbon Girl and the green ninja character (forgot his name) while being both quick and agile are absolutely not the same thing to play as.

Peléo;228268680 said:
-Do you think it has enough depth to be played competitively?
Yeah, I could see this becoming absolutely fun between players who know their shit. I got quite decent at playing this today, and my last game was against one of the demoist who clearly knew the game well. It was a super tense fight until the very last punch (I won, yay for my Ribbon Girl)

Peléo;228268680 said:
-How responsive are the Motion-Controls compared to Wii-Sports Boxing?
Hmm, it's a different game, the rhythm here is different and you have many more options while attacking. That said, motion controls were good and responsive, but nothing close to something as mindblowing as the HTC Vive motion controls. The tech inside the Joy-Cons feels very very close to the one inside the MotionPlus, I'd say.

Peléo;228268680 said:
-Does moving around with the Joy-Cons feel good?
Yes, it's just natural. You move around and attack, it's all really smooth and immediate, very easy to pick up and play. Absolutely NO waggle whatsoever, if you shake your Joy-Cons around like a possessed individual you're not going anywhere.

Peléo;228268680 said:
-Do you think you would rather play it with traditional controls once they are available?
Honestly, I should try it and decide. But based on what I played, I didn't miss the traditional controls (but I've never been a motion control hater).
So all of the characters are double amputees right? How do they eat and wipe their butts? These are important questions Nintendo needs to answer.


paid requisite penance
I'm getting a strong Windjammers vibe from this. Anyone else?

Probably the game I'm most curious/excited about, along with Super Mario Odyssey and... maybe 1 2 Switch? It's hard to tell without knowing more. Could be really gimmicky.


The dev match showed them punching one another's punches. Straight up parries are possible.

This is going to be like Rocket League but boxing. Provided it feels as solid as Rocket League feels mechanically. Potentially hundreds of hours of playtime if it is really easy to pick up, challenging to master.

Biggest worry is balance if all characters play differently. Windjammers and RL have small differences, but everyone basically has the same tools.
Just thinking about the footsies gets me all hot and bothered. It's what I enjoy most about Gundam VS and other 3D arena fighters of this ilk.

So all of the characters are double amputees right? How do they eat and wipe their butts? These are important questions Nintendo needs to answer.
Deepest lore.


Sweet, you can play with traditional controls. I am sold. This is certainly the best game they revealed today.
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