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ARMS - Nintendo Switch (Motion [optional] controlled boxing, Nintendo, Spring 2017)

It's a huge improvement over Wii Boxing, but how long would this hold interest? Hopefully there's a but of Punch Out DNA in there.

Depends on how much we haven't seen, e.g., is the single player mode just sparring against the computer or is there some sort of "campaign", are there different modes, etc. If this thing is bare bones, it's dead despite having a neat concept.



Thanks for the video.

They go over the tutorial and have a match afterwards. You can equipt different arms at the start of the match on either hand, no need to match them. Among the perks I noticed were faster launch, quicker turning, larger fist, and one where you the fist splits and launch into three successive but small parts so you can catch dodgers.
Depends on how much we haven't seen, e.g., is the single player mode just sparring against the computer or is there some sort of "campaign", are there different modes, etc. If this thing is bare bones, it's dead despite having a neat concept.

I'd be fine with simple game modes like time attack and arcade as long as it has plenty of techniques to the game control. It looks like Virtual On + Punch Out. Each stage likely will have some strategy to it, and of course each fighter will have unique abilities... this could be really good.

However, my arm gets tired after 10-20 minutes of playing any Wii game that has me holding holding a Wiimote up suspended in the air. The Joy Con appears lighter that a Wiimote, but the fatigue aspect of the design has me kind of not feeling the return to motion control.


They are doubling down on motion controls with 1 2 Switch and this. ARMS looks like it could be fun but nothing that I need to experience. Might be different if it was in VR though but that won't be possible.


There are some intriguing elements, but I'm still not sold on it. The gameplay seems fairly basic. Not in an innovative way either, but in a "this is all you do" way. It's slower than both a fighter and a shooter, two genres it claims to have been influenced from.

And those characters are almost offensively bland. Spring Man? That's what you came up with? Spring Man? This is who is supposed to get people excited about Smash 5? SPRING MAN? Take another multiplayer-focused Nintendo franchise: Splatoon. Though it focuses more on customization, the core designs are extremely distinct which strongly contributed to the game's popularity. SPRING MAN?


There are some intriguing elements, but I'm still not sold on it. The gameplay seems fairly basic. Not in an innovative way either, but in a "this is all you do" way. It's slower than both a fighter and a shooter, two genres it claims to have been influenced from.

And those characters are almost offensively bland. Spring Man? That's what you came up with? Spring Man? This is who is supposed to get people excited about Smash 5? SPRING MAN? Take another multiplayer-focused Nintendo franchise: Splatoon. Though it focuses more on customization, the core designs are extremely distinct which strongly contributed to the game's popularity. SPRING MAN?

Mr. Negative here is right, this is my main concern. I was hoping that the characters had more going to differentiate them regarding movement options, spacial attacks, etc but in that match they seemed pretty similar.
For real? Day one if that's the case. This game looks sick but I'm a worthless out of shape slug and I don't want to get too exerted when I'm supposed to be relaxing.

Yup! Was going to use motion anyway, but the stream has me even more hyped than before. All about dem reads.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This reminds me of Pokken Tournament in a lot of respects.


I didn't read the entire thread, so sorry if this is old.

It's confirmed that the waggle is optional, you can use traditional controllers, so the joycons in (presumably) any configuration, or the pro controller.


Reassuring, because requiring you to own two pairs of Joycons for local multiplayer would kill it.


Arms + SF2 + almost assuredly Pokken + Smash

I guess "fighters" are part of their big esports push with this system.
Looks...unresponsive? :(
You can't to much miracle without 1-1 motion controls. A shame as the concept is very cool.

Do you call fighting games unresponsive because you can't have your characters match mashing 1:1? They are literally explaining right now in the treehouse gameplay how part of the game revolves around timing for combo-ing. There's nothing unresponsive about the controls. This isn't 2006 waggle

Mr. Negative here is right, this is my main concern. I was hoping that the characters had more going to differentiate them regarding movement options, spacial attacks, etc but in that match they seemed pretty similar.

Are you watching the Treehouse stream? The characters most definitely have all of those differences to them. Super armor, different jump/dashing abilities, specials, throws, combos, etc. Not to mention items also have their own properties and you can equip 3 different items per arm


The Treehouse stream sold me on the game, that and it has traditional controls. I'll probably mess around with the motion controls but ultimately, I'll be the lame-ass that will play with motion controls. I'll keep my eye out for it.


Not going lie, Arms was the most interesting thing there.

It was like Splatoon.

Me: What the fuck is this, fuck you Nintendo.
*Sees more gameplay*
Me:Look kinda fun
*Sees more*
Me:Damn, I like the art style and the gameplay
Me: Holyshit, I want to play it now


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Treehouse is playing this right now. Looks far more fun than i expected.


Any word on Amiibo functionality for this game?

It would be incredible if you could use Amiibo to morph into specific characters as you enter the ring.


There are some intriguing elements, but I'm still not sold on it. The gameplay seems fairly basic. Not in an innovative way either, but in a "this is all you do" way. It's slower than both a fighter and a shooter, two genres it claims to have been influenced from.

And those characters are almost offensively bland. Spring Man? That's what you came up with? Spring Man? This is who is supposed to get people excited about Smash 5? SPRING MAN? Take another multiplayer-focused Nintendo franchise: Splatoon. Though it focuses more on customization, the core designs are extremely distinct which strongly contributed to the game's popularity. SPRING MAN?

Now you're making me realize what else was bugging me. The speed is way down from what it should be.

The other thing that was bugging me is how hits are handled. Compared to say Fight Night or Skullgirls the attacks lack a feeling of heft and meatiness.

What they need to do is offer a game speed settings like in an RTS in order to cater to the party atmosphere as well as a more competitive one.

THe also need to rework the sounds and animations.
This actually looks really good...love the art style and concept, presumably there will be plenty of characters and not just the five that they've shown. I can't see this being a 60 dollar game with such a limited roster. Overall, this could be a cool sleeper hit - Splatoon + Punch-Out + Wii Sports. I'm diggin' it.


Played 10 matches of this, it's fun.
Like really, really fun.
Love Ribbon Girl!

Mind if I ask you some questions about the game?

-How different do the characters feel from each other?
-Do you think it has enough depth to be played competitively?
-How responsive are the Motion-Controls compared to Wii-Sports Boxing?
-Does moving around with the Joy-Cons feel good?
-Do you think you would rather play it with traditional controls once they are available?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
there are people seriously thinking the game is gonna ship with five characters and just what they saw.

I'm not sure if I should laugh or worry.


there are people seriously thinking the game is gonna ship with five characters and just what they saw.

I'm not sure if I should laugh or worry.

Oh come on, it's hard to be optimistic here. You don't know how it'll turn out. People were thinking MK8 repack would have new cups to justify the double dip, it made logical sense, and it doesn't have these. People thought underpowered hardware would mean low prices and low-priced accessories, because it made obvious sense, and it's not the way it went either.

It stands to reason that what we see of Arms is just a demo sample of content. That doesn't make it necessarily true.
Oh come on, it's hard to be optimistic here. You don't know how it'll turn out. People were thinking MK8 repack would have new cups to justify the double dip, it made logical sense, and it doesn't have these. People thought underpowered hardware would mean low prices and low-priced accessories, because it made obvious sense, and it's not the way it went either.

It stands to reason that what we see of Arms is just a demo sample of content. That doesn't make it necessarily true.

None of these are really reasons to think ARMS will be barebones...
ARMs will probably have more content than Splatoon at launch. The dash mechanic looks like it has quite an it or nuance as well.


With this and Splatoon, Nintendo's channelling some Dreamcast era vibes.

Give these dev team some more money and power. We need some more creativity and vibrancy in gaming.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh come on, it's hard to be optimistic here. You don't know how it'll turn out. People were thinking MK8 repack would have new cups to justify the double dip, it made logical sense, and it doesn't have these. People thought underpowered hardware would mean low prices and low-priced accessories, because it made obvious sense, and it's not the way it went either.

It stands to reason that what we see of Arms is just a demo sample of content. That doesn't make it necessarily true.

what's that term again? false equivalency?


None of these are really reasons to think ARMS will be barebones...

They are reasons for people not to think the logical thing isn't what will happen. The point is that it's not any more stupid to think this could be barebone than it is to think it won't. You don't know, I don't know, and at this point that only makes sense to be cautious, doesn't it?

what's that term again? false equivalency?

Sure. Partly, maybe.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I mean I get the (exaggerated) doom and gloom, but I really hate it when people use it to justify shitting on games.
I love the look. Gonna have to try out the controls before I really pass judgement, though.

Regardless of my positive impressions of this, this might be the shittiest name for a game I've seen in a while. They totally could've tried harder on that aspect.


Unconfirmed Member
wait you can give your character different fighting weapons in ARMS before the fight starts?

that's awesome.


I mean I get the (exaggerated) doom and gloom, but I really hate it when people use it to justify shitting on games.

I'm personally not, ARMS is actually a good surprise in all of this and depending on actual content when it launches, I'll be very happy to buy (especially now that we know traditional controls are in. I'd rather not buy two new joycons too for local multiplayer, that's 80€ more and it's tough). Skepticism, however, I'm finding myself confortable justifying given the context. False equivalency is a thing, but context matters.
Not going lie, Arms was the most interesting thing there.

It was like Splatoon.

Me: What the fuck is this, fuck you Nintendo.
*Sees more gameplay*
Me:Look kinda fun
*Sees more*
Me:Damn, I like the art style and the gameplay
Me: Holyshit, I want to play it now

Same, actually. Game came out of nowhere and it really resonates with me on several levels. My only problem is that I just can't justify the price of the hardware.


Are you watching the Treehouse stream? The characters most definitely have all of those differences to them. Super armor, different jump/dashing abilities, specials, throws, combos, etc. Not to mention items also have their own properties and you can equip 3 different items per arm

No, only the video mentioned above. What you're saying is encouraging. I really want this to be good.

Regardless of my positive impressions of this, this might be the shittiest name for a game I've seen in a while. They totally could've tried harder on that aspect.

Yeah, it feels like a tech demo name and probably contributes to the cheap feeling some get from it.
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