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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|


LovingSteam said:
So just received this via Goozex for PS3 and I really am not sure if I am judging it to fast. I am disappointed to say the least. The controls really are not fluid like I would hope.

How far into the game before the rest of the game area opens up? Is the entire game limited to the same type of city/villages or does it open up into a larger and more open area? So far it's feeling like Oblivion with the constant chores/ favors and lack of variety just without the amazing environment. Please tell me it gets better.

This game takes about 4-5 hours to really get started.


LovingSteam said:
So just received this via Goozex for PS3 and I really am not sure if I am judging it to fast. I am disappointed to say the least. The controls really are not fluid like I would hope.

How far into the game before the rest of the game area opens up? Is the entire game limited to the same type of city/villages or does it open up into a larger and more open area? So far it's feeling like Oblivion with the constant chores/ favors and lack of variety just without the amazing environment. Please tell me it gets better.

The controls won't get any better. It's pretty terrible and sticky. You can hardly "platform" because Ezio doesn't know how to free-run properly.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Dogenzaka said:
The controls won't get any better. It's pretty terrible and sticky. You can hardly "platform" because Ezio doesn't know how to free-run properly.

Or maybe you just don't know how to properly understand the controls.


FTWer said:
Or maybe you just don't know how to properly understand the controls.

I properly understand them, that doesn't detract from them being terrible when Ezio sticks to geometry when he shouldn't.


Dogenzaka said:
I properly understand them, that doesn't detract from them being terrible when Ezio sticks to geometry when he shouldn't.

The controls are pretty much perfect.

In fact, they are almost too good.


Will Eat Your Children
LTTP- PC version has some BS so I went with a second hand PS3 version.

First off, why do they omit that you need to install the game? Not the cover, manual or even the goddamn installation screen says that it's installing. WTF? Did they think wouldn't notice or something? And then's the screen tearing, just wow.

But technical bullshit aside, I'm loving the story. Gameplay still tight, though I'm falling way more than I should. :S They probably did that on purpose but still love AC1's free running better.


An blind dancing ho
Teetris said:
LTTP- PC version has some BS so I went with a second hand PS3 version.

First off, why do they omit that you need to install the game? Not the cover, manual or even the goddamn installation screen says that it's installing. WTF? Did they think wouldn't notice or something? And then's the screen tearing, just wow.

it's on the backcover (hard drive 1.8Gb minimum) , it's very clear.

Ranger X

Dogenzaka said:
GAF is too funny.

Maybe if you enjoy tight-rope-walking across narrow beams with glue stuck to your heels.

I'd bet you'd be the first one to complain you can't walk for shit on tiny things if there's was no auto-steer at all.
All 3D games where you walk/run on thin stuff is having a degree of auto-steer. Also, all games where you jump and automatically land grabbing stuff and ledges also have jump pre-detection to a degree too. Those games would control like ass without those things.

Now, the controls in AC are particular in the mean that it's not like most game you're used to control. No controls are perfect but here I think they work really good in their context and with how you're expected to play the game. I personally think some of you have some more serious adaptation issues while I still can see how beaming is "stiff" in AC.


Aesius said:
The controls are pretty much perfect.

In fact, they are almost too good.
I agree. I am amazed at the great controls - especially the free running.

Had you shown me this game 10 years ago I would have been absolutely gobsmacked that a game would allow me to transverse walls and rooftops so effortless and elegantly.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Dogenzaka said:
I properly understand them, that doesn't detract from them being terrible when Ezio sticks to geometry when he shouldn't.

I never had him stick to geometry when I didn't want him too.

Maybe you're just holding RT & A non-stop & accidentally climb stuff when you don't want to?
I just finished the game and I have to say its the MOST improved sequel ever. AC2 makes AC1 look like a LAME tech demo. I can never go back to Assassins Creed 1.


+So Much to Do
+Better Story
+Awesome Graphics
+Customization: changing appearance with dyes was a really nice touch.
+Great Selection of Weapons
I mostly used disarmed
+Platforming/Tomb were amazing. I LOVED IT, reminded me of Prince of Persia.

-Controls need a lot of work, they seriously need to change the whole control mechanics. I got frustrated sometimes when Enzio would jump in the wrong direction. Sometimes while going for the Tombs the camera was wonky.

I loved everything else about the game, I played it on xbox360 but sometimes I felt the game was too dark so I had to constantly change Brightness.
So I took the advice given here of plugging on even after a boring first few hours and oh my goodness! I must have played for about 8 hours yesterday. The game is straight up amazing, addicting, awesome!


Will Eat Your Children
I'ma have to agree on AC2 being one of the most improved sequels ever. I got the game yesterday but already am at 50% or so of the story. The story is just too damn good. I love it, it's the thing that keeps me playing but the gameplay itself is amazing too.


Okay so I have the 30 codex pages and i`m staring at the wall but I have no idea what to do here...even in eagle vision,I see patterns but I have no clue what they are,it looks like nothing at all? what am I suppose to do here?...and i`m stuck in that room....I hope it has nothing to do with the tombs,because I gave up on a lot of those,those timed ones with platforming I don`t have the time or patience for stuff like this anymore...


Ricker said:
Okay so I have the 30 codex pages and i`m staring at the wall but I have no idea what to do here...even in eagle vision,I see patterns but I have no clue what they are,it looks like nothing at all? what am I suppose to do here?...and i`m stuck in that room....I hope it has nothing to do with the tombs,because I gave up on a lot of those,those timed ones with platforming I don`t have the time or patience for stuff like this anymore...
It's a

map of the world as it is today.
Ricker said:
Okay so I have the 30 codex pages and i`m staring at the wall but I have no idea what to do here...even in eagle vision,I see patterns but I have no clue what they are,it looks like nothing at all? what am I suppose to do here?...and i`m stuck in that room....I hope it has nothing to do with the tombs,because I gave up on a lot of those,those timed ones with platforming I don`t have the time or patience for stuff like this anymore...

Do the border/outside pages first to put the line on the outside edge of the map, that should give u a pretty good start, then just line up the lines to form a map.


Ahhh,finally got it,thanks guys...also finished the game...awesome stuff,managed a nice 83% completion hehe,might go for some feathers now and retry a few tombs that I cancelled memory out of....there`s a race also I might try again ,came very close a few times(22 rings to get)
I found the tombs to be nearly the best part of the game, loved doing them and it was a nice change as well. Plus
Altiar's armor is bad-ass


Is there no way to replay DNA sequences? I would like to replay Assassin's Creed 2 but I just don't feel like restarting all over again.


DualShadow said:
I found the tombs to be nearly the best part of the game, loved doing them and it was a nice change as well. Plus
Altiar's armor is bad-ass

I wholeheartedly agree with your spoiler :) I think one of my favorite aspects of this game was all the character development/advancement. I mean you start the game as a pretty average guy and end as a complete badass.

I finally platinumed it last week after someone pointed out the DNA shows where your missing feathers are located :) Was missing two and that helped me narrow em down right away so thanks for being awesome GAF!


I'm about 6 hours into the game, and I have no idea what is going on. I never played the first game, so I didn't know it was some dude traveling back in time. Seems kind of lame...and the story is kind of dumb. Some big conspiracy I guess. Leonardo da Vinci is in the game? LOL...

Fun gameplay, but yeah it starts off slow and the story is not engrossing AT ALL.
Aesius said:
The controls are pretty much perfect.

In fact, they are almost too good.

Yep, the controls are beautiful. Controlling Ezio is like an extension of my mind. I think, "do this," and he does it. I can't fathom how anyone could complain about this aspect of the game.
LM4sure said:
I'm about 6 hours into the game, and I have no idea what is going on. I never played the first game, so I didn't know it was some dude traveling back in time. Seems kind of lame...and the story is kind of dumb. Some big conspiracy I guess. Leonardo da Vinci is in the game? LOL...

Fun gameplay, but yeah it starts off slow and the story is not engrossing AT ALL.

Wow...I completely disagree. I find the story in AC2 to be the best story of any game I've played this gen. It's actually quite far from "dumb."
a friend of mine has got a problem with pc version
when he try to star a new game, he cant coz there's a message that says
"try to connect to the net, please wait..."
and not continue to the next step

anyone know about this?
I check firewall and so on, it' all right
Just finished this after not playing for a while.

The way game ends makes continuing playing it and getting everything make sense and fun. Most games are just over, but the way the end is set up it makes me feel that going back in the animus is a continuation of the story.

Great, great game.


TheBrain76 said:
Anyone else have problems with
Port Authority
in sequence 13? It's starting to piss me off.
Climb on the sides and back of the boat and clear a few guards out with ledge assassinations. Then drop a smoke bomb and take out the target. Smoke bombs make some of the assassinations ridiculously easy.

On a side note, just Platinum'ed and 100% the game last night. Wish I could recast my GAF Game of the Year vote. I gave it to Uncharted II, but Assassin's Creed II is easily my game of the gen. Just played it too late.
rataven said:
Climb on the sides and back of the boat and clear a few guards out with ledge assassinations. Then drop a smoke bomb and take out the target. Smoke bombs make some of the assassinations ridiculously easy.

On a side note, just Platinum'ed and 100% the game last night. Wish I could recast my GAF Game of the Year vote. I gave it to Uncharted II, but Assassin's Creed II is easily my game of the gen. Just played it too late.

Thanks! The smoke bombs did the trick. Now that that's done I'm off to
One question though, at what point can I no longer go back to do races, assassination contracts, treasure hunt etc?
TheBrain76 said:
Thanks! The smoke bombs did the trick. Now that that's done I'm off to
One question though, at what point can I no longer go back to do races, assassination contracts, treasure hunt etc?

After you finish the game you can do all that stuff I'm pretty sure. I did them all early anyways just in case :p


TheBrain76 said:
Thanks! The smoke bombs did the trick. Now that that's done I'm off to
One question though, at what point can I no longer go back to do races, assassination contracts, treasure hunt etc?
Smoke bombs definitely help in a pinch. And I think you can go back at any time and finish what you've missed, even after the final credits role. I completed the main story and then went back and did the few assassination contracts I hadn't completed. Got my 100% no problem.
I just picked this game up and I'm experiencing a bit of a problem. I'm at the villa after you assassinate Vieri and I can't pick up the fourth codex page to continue the game. It doesn't show up on the map and I've looked everywhere for it. I think I may have picked it up when I was at the villa before, but the game doesn't register it. Am I screwed GAF?


LegendofJoe said:
I just picked this game up and I'm experiencing a bit of a problem. I'm at the villa after you assassinate Vieri and I can't pick up the fourth codex page to continue the game. It doesn't show up on the map and I've looked everywhere for it. I think I may have picked it up when I was at the villa before, but the game doesn't register it. Am I screwed GAF?
There's a codex page outside of the villla walls. Behind one of the farmhouses.


Ahhh, nice to revisit this thread. What's the final verdict on the DLC? I l absolutely love AC1 and 2, but some of the impressions made me weary. Also, should I go for the version that includes the extra missions?(they were exclusive for the preorder stuff I'm assuming)

I'll get around to purchasing it eventually, there's just too many other titles out right now to drop everything and go back to AC2.


DualShadow said:
I found the tombs to be nearly the best part of the game, loved doing them and it was a nice change as well. Plus
Altiar's armor is bad-ass

It was the one section of the game where the platforming got a chance to shine. As a matter of fact, I wish they would have added some really advanced challenges, it would of been refreshing considering how easy the game is. I'm hoping the collectables for AC3 are not so numerous but spread around some REALLY tough areas instead to go along with even more challenging tombs(or any separate and enclosed level environment).

Speaking of which, I found the controls to be very good indeed. There is just a little too much automation, but you can't ask for a Mirror's Edge control scheme... not in a game this vast and not when you're trying to sell about 8 million copies. I went from AC2 straight into Uncharted 2 and to be honest, AC2 makes Uncharted look sluggish. Not only is Uncharted just as automated(hell even more automated in places, at least you could miss a jump in AC2 from time to time) it's linearity stands out like a sore thumb.


I just picked up the game for ps3 with the gamestop sale...I'm not very far into it (doing the first mission for your mother and sister) and have noticed some framerate type problems...it seems to run slow at times. Also especially when I pull up the map...the map seems very laggy for some reason.

Is it just like that at this part of the game or am I doing something wrong?
j-wood said:
I just picked up the game for ps3 with the gamestop sale...I'm not very far into it (doing the first mission for your mother and sister) and have noticed some framerate type problems...it seems to run slow at times. Also especially when I pull up the map...the map seems very laggy for some reason.

Is it just like that at this part of the game or am I doing something wrong?

I have the 360 version and it takes a few seconds for me to bring up the map as well. Considering all the content that can be viewed from the pause screen it's not that big of a deal if you ask me.


LegendofJoe said:
I have the 360 version and it takes a few seconds for me to bring up the map as well. Considering all the content that can be viewed from the pause screen it's not that big of a deal if you ask me.

Not to bring it up, but to actually use it. Moving the cursor around is really laggy
So, I very much have to eat crow about this game.

When AC1 was building hype, I was right on that train. I kept extolling its virtues as the first "real" next-gen game. It was one of those situations where the GOTY was already decided in my mind.

I still think it's the most disappointing game I have ever played in life.

It was with that in mind that I chose not to get hyped for AC2. As the previews came in, I dismissed them as pre-release hype. As the good reviews rolled in, I insisted they were bought and paid for, and that people gave the first game good reviews, as well (which I still believe were entirely unwarranted). I had some Gamestop credit, though, and decided to just go ahead and give it a try.

It's really goddamn good.

On that note, I was thinking about buying the DLC.

A) Is it worth it?

B) I saw two listings on Live for one of the DLC packs. One was more expensive. What's the difference?


Running off of Custom Firmware
One also includes the 3 preorder/bonus lairs/dungeons, the other just includes the new memory sequence.


So I loaded up AC2 after a while of not playing, and I'm hit with a 77MB update. What the hell is in this thing? :p
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