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Assassin's Creed III: Liberation |OT| VITA LA REVOLUTION


Game is kind of glitchy so far. I'm playing as the lady and trying to get into the warehouse. It shows up as a green square on the map. I've combed the area for 30 minutes, I'm looking for stolen goods. Now there is a bunch of reddish glowing barrels and crates but I can't interact with them. Is that the stolen goods? I charmed a guard to get through.
A friend just bought this game. Looks like it's a way bigger effort than Bloodlines which I own, but so far from what I played it's really glitchy with a lot of pop ins. I played about an hour of it and although it's in no way comparable to the console game I think it's still a pretty decent game.


After playing Bloodlines twice, this feels like a handheld revelation. Yes, there are a ton of frame rate drops and some poor narrative exposition, but it's pretty amazing to see the inclusions from III's engine.

The free running on trees feels liberating. Aveline's disguises could have been better integrated in the story, but the combat is lifted straight from III and it feels brutal!

I like it! But I'm a huge AC fan- it's pretty marvelous for a handheld AC game. New Orleans is such a different environment to explore. Technical disappointment could mar the experience for most, but I've enjoyed the first three sequences I've completed. Poison darts FTW!
Does anyone know how to beat the
voodoo boss guy in the swamp with one arm? He blocks every one of my hits and every time I do a counter, he just rolls over my shoulder and stabs me from behind
. He seems unkillable. What am I doing wrong?
Does anyone know how to beat the
voodoo boss guy in the swamp with one arm? He blocks every one of my hits and every time I do a counter, he just rolls over my shoulder and stabs me from behind
. He seems unkillable. What am I doing wrong?

on enemies that do that, after they role over you the triangle will go red and you have to then counter a second time and it should work.


An blind dancing ho
I honestly expected it to be better, but i didn't hated it and I like it, i enjoyed this game more than I thought, however I think the story and dialogue is the biggest unnecessary problem the game got, It can and should be better, way better especially with the setting and all other crap from AC main story gone, I guess Bulgarian studio doing it maybe the reason for that,but then again since AssCreed 1 all the stories went fucked up in this series anyway so maybe they want to stay true to the formula or something.

Overall good game (I'd give it 8 )but with many problems here and there,it remind me of AssCreed 1 and its problems if Sofia get a 2nd chance to polish all the ideas here I think they can bring something pretty good (like what happened with AC2) since the core here and the persona system is pretty damn good.

Get it if you have a Vita.
I think I'm actually starting to warm to this game a bit more. Story/Presentation is lacking and I'm still not big on the multiple personas (though conceptually it's a good idea), but I'm enjoying the missions which I've mostly been playing in small bursts.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Game is kind of glitchy so far. I'm playing as the lady and trying to get into the warehouse. It shows up as a green square on the map. I've combed the area for 30 minutes, I'm looking for stolen goods. Now there is a bunch of reddish glowing barrels and crates but I can't interact with them. Is that the stolen goods? I charmed a guard to get through.

I ran into the same issue. The game didn't bother telling me to hold down L button to examine stuff.


Sounds like it's like Uncharted Vita i.e. b team not quite as good at dialogue or story, boiled down gameplay sequences. It seems like they had some interesting new ideas, just didn't deliver. I'm sure it's fun just a little disappointed that we can't get to parity in things that don't depend on processing power.
Sounds like it's like Uncharted Vita i.e. b team not quite as good at dialogue or story, boiled down gameplay sequences. It seems like they had some interesting new ideas, just didn't deliver.
Pretty much, though I would say that (aside from all of the unnecessary Vita features) Bend did a better job of their title.


An blind dancing ho
Sounds like it's like Uncharted Vita i.e. b team not quite as good at dialogue or story, boiled down gameplay sequences. It seems like they had some interesting new ideas, just didn't deliver. I'm sure it's fun just a little disappointed that we can't get to parity in things that don't depend on processing power.

i'd compare it to AC1 more than U:GA since it share a lot of AC1 issues,it's a good game but there was lack of polish and many good ideas that I think needed more development time (and more staff).


Sounds like it's like Uncharted Vita i.e. b team not quite as good at dialogue or story, boiled down gameplay sequences. It seems like they had some interesting new ideas, just didn't deliver. I'm sure it's fun just a little disappointed that we can't get to parity in things that don't depend on processing power.

Uncharted is magnitudes better than this. I like it as much as the console games.


Junior Member
the writing here is better than in any of the ezio games, it just needed more exposition. but what is there is very good. your mentor agate is a fascinating dude, but you learn most about him through the database.

i love how the story paints both the assassin's and templar's as failed, manipulative institutions. finally that moral grey area that made the original so good has returned. much stronger than II's goodies v. baddies da vinci code rubbish.

also the citizen E stuff is just awesome, especially aveline's conversation with her father
on his deathbed


If the game was released as it is on ps3, it would deserve the 6's and 7's.

The fact it is on a handheld makes it and 8 or 9, in my opinion. Games of this quality in content are the reason I wanted a vita.

Yes its unpolished and glitchy, but it really does show that the vita can pull off console caliber games.


If this was released on a PS3, it would be more like a 5 or 6. No reason why it should get extra points just for being on a handheld. My motto is, if the game is good, it's good. Doesn't matter if it is an iOS game, a handheld game or a console game.


If this was released on a PS3, it would be more like a 5 or 6. No reason why it should get extra points just for being on a handheld. My motto is, if the game is good, it's good. Doesn't matter if it is an iOS game, a handheld game or a console game.

I disagree, and think thats why the game is being under scored.

A handheld game, for obvious reasons, cannot match the scope of a console title in size or power. To score it against the same standard is unfair.

Of course a game is either good or bad, but it should not be compared to a standard it cannot possibly match.

It's not that it should get more score for being on a handheld. Its that it should not get less for not being on a console.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
If this was released on a PS3, it would be more like a 5 or 6. No reason why it should get extra points just for being on a handheld. My motto is, if the game is good, it's good. Doesn't matter if it is an iOS game, a handheld game or a console game.

You cant divide it like that. Imagine releasing a monochromatic Gameboy game on PS3 today, would it still get the same scores even though it might be a good game?

Sure there is the time frame that is equally important (as in the technology available at time of release), but completely ignoring the platform its on and what people expect from it isnt quite great either as people always have some expectations lined up with games on certain consoles and this is ultimately what games are being measured against.


I find it interesting that the console versions of AC are put on a pedestal. The amount of screen tearing and frame rate issues make that hard to believe.
Games like this makes me realize that I would not recommend a vita to people that game primary on pc. The shitty iq and really inconsistent framerate is extremely apparent and distracting.

It's pretty disappointing. I'm sure combat animations are great, but the low framerates make it really hard to appreciate.

Only on sequence 3 atm though. When does the missions get less restrictive?


You cant divide it like that. Imagine releasing a monochromatic Gameboy game on PS3 today, would it still get the same scores even though it might be a good game?

Sure there is the time frame that is equally important (as in the technology available at time of release), but completely ignoring the platform its on and what people expect from it isnt quite great either as people always have some expectations lined up with games on certain consoles and this is ultimately what games are being measured against.

This is definitely true and I agree with it. I look at NG:S+ on Vita and think it's amazing because it's on the Vita, but I wouldn't accept 30fps NG on a console. Same type of thing applies here.

Games like this makes me realize that I would not recommend a vita to people that game primary on pc. The shitty iq and really inconsistent framerate is extremely apparent and distracting.

It's pretty disappointing. I'm sure combat animations are great, but the low framerates make it really hard to appreciate.

Only on sequence 3 atm though. When does the missions get less restrictive?

Well...I guess if people don't know how to temper expectations.

It took me some adjustment, for sure.
This is definitely true and I agree with it. I look at NG:S+ on Vita and think it's amazing because it's on the Vita, but I wouldn't accept 30fps NG on a console. Same type of thing applies here.

Well...I guess if people don't know how to temper expectations.

It took me some adjustment, for sure.
Maybe I shouldn't have bought virtua tennis 4.

60 fps native res. represents the promise pretty much.

Also doesn't help that the missions and plot does nothing for me yet.
Does any body manages to clear the "letter mini-game" that forces you to put the camera in front of a light? I just don't understand that shit, it seems totally random. Sometimes it's ok even if I'm in a dark room and I show some very soft light, some times I litterally put my my Vita in front of the sun and it takes hours to complete the mini game. It's extremely frustrating. Any body has a hint?


I disagree, and think thats why the game is being under scored.

A handheld game, for obvious reasons, cannot match the scope of a console title in size or power. To score it against the same standard is unfair.

Of course a game is either good or bad, but it should not be compared to a standard it cannot possibly match.

It's not that it should get more score for being on a handheld. Its that it should not get less for not being on a console.

A game being good and a game having a large scope are two very different things. Liberation has impressive scope for a handheld game, but the quality falls short of what you'd expect for any game regardless of platform.

I actually think aiming high in scope is one of the reasons they lost it with the story. Had they gone for something simpler and more cohesive the game would've been much better.

AC Revelations is a good example. In that game you have Ezio, his friend, his girlfriend and a couple of other guys. It's small and focused, and helps build the world and character. Liberation's story is an unfortunate mess.

Does any body manages to clear the "letter mini-game" that forces you to put the camera in front of a light? I just don't understand that shit, it seems totally random. Sometimes it's ok even if I'm in a dark room and I show some very soft light, some times I litterally put my my Vita in front of the sun and it takes hours to complete the mini game. It's extremely frustrating. Any body has a hint?

You have to tilt the Vita around as well.


If this was released on a PS3, it would be more like a 5 or 6. No reason why it should get extra points just for being on a handheld. My motto is, if the game is good, it's good. Doesn't matter if it is an iOS game, a handheld game or a console game.

I agree particularly because 1:1 parity with PS3 was a major soft selling point leading up to launch and from bull shots to outright showing the PS3 version of certain games in video form, Sony didn't do anything to change that perception. Said it before but I'm much more interested in cross play than most of the major titles from western studios if this is what we're going to get. Technical limitations I can handle, inferior gameplay and dialogue isn't something I'm going to subject myself too and give a pass on just because its portable...looking at you Burning Skies and MK.
I just wanted to come in here and say fuck that puzzle at the end of sequence 4. When I moved my vita around it was not moving the thing ingame like it should've. Tilting up was right, down was left and all sorts of crap. Took 15 mins too long. Besides that horseshit the game has been great.


So I just finished up this game today. Here are my thoughts:

- Refreshing and novel character and setting
- When the game most closely resembles Assassin's Creed, it is good
- The game at times looks really impressive

- The story was a complete waste of time. The templar/assassins rivalry is hardly developed. Aveline's storyline is muddled and forced. And the actual missions lack coherence. The lack of a real world/Abstergo story also eliminated depth from the story.
- The game is a technical mess. The framerate can be awful, characters will glitch when fighting all the time, Aveline's animations sometimes fail to perform during fights (so frustrating), voices will randomly disappear during cutscenes, bad guys will disappear or reappear, etc. ALL of this could have been eliminated with more time in the oven. The need to rush AC:L to make it come out on the same day as AC3 is ridiculous and obviously hurt the potential of this game.
- The touch controls are awful gimmicks. The rotating puzzle was frustrating, the mini games where you hold the camera up to a light is so stupid. Get rid of this garbage developers.
- The three personas are completely unnecessary and slow down the game play. Being a lady sucks, that's all there is to it. I'm playing AC to run, be free, be fast, be deadly. Not to WALK around a fucking town charming guards.

Final score, with a caveat:
- If you're a die-hard AC fan (like I am), 7/10
- If you're not, 6/10

The good news for us Vita/AC fans is that there is a great foundation here. Very much like AC1, if Ubisoft Sofia take the time to fix all these mistakes and listen to fan reaction, they can have just as amazing of a jump in quality as AC2 was over AC1. I'm seeing this game advertised a lot so I'm hoping we get a sequel, whether it be on a Vita, 3DS, PC/consoles I don't care. Aveline has potential.
I actually think the persons thing is fine. You are rarely forced to use the lady and it offers a nice change of pace to the gameplay. Obviously not everyone is gonna like that but I def did. It's also nice to be able to switch personas to and the reduce then awareness rating of your other personas.


I actually think the persons thing is fine. You are rarely forced to use the lady and it offers a nice change of pace to the gameplay. Obviously not everyone is gonna like that but I def did. It's also nice to be able to switch personas to and the reduce then awareness rating of your other personas.

There are other ways of "adding a change of pace to the gameplay." I don't play AC games to be tied to the ground and walking slow.

I barely made it through the first portion of the lady persona. If it's forced on me very option, I probably won't finish the game.

Just finished the first sequence. Mixed feelings so far.


I actually think the persons thing is fine. You are rarely forced to use the lady and it offers a nice change of pace to the gameplay. Obviously not everyone is gonna like that but I def did. It's also nice to be able to switch personas to and the reduce then awareness rating of your other personas.

I would have agreed if the personas actually led to interesting and unique mission scenarios, but they rarely do.
I would have agreed if the personas actually led to interesting and unique mission scenarios, but they rarely do.

I agree they didn't make enough use of the lady persona in missions. This game def did a lot of things wrong. I just liked the three personas and there differences.


Aftershock LA
I guess I'm one of those people that have a "special" Vita, or I'm just not predisposed to care about framerate drops (I'm also one of those folks that loved Castlevania: LoS, and didn't pay attention to the framerate), because the framerate has been pretty solid for me so far. Nothing that has caused any major detriment to my game play experience. Other bugs and glitches I've come across have been negligible, and a Checkpoint Restart only took a few seconds, so it's not like I lost hours, or even minutes, of progress.

I'm also a PC gamer, and it's great to game on hardware that can run games as smoothly as PC does, but the Vita isn't a PC. It's a handheld gaming device, and it has limitations. It's still been out for less than a year (approaching it's 1st birthday), so I can't say I'm surprised at those growing pains every console in existence goes through during that first year.

There will be games that run like a dream, and there will be games that struggle.

I've sunk a few hours into AC3: Lib (I'm not sure how many, since the Stat timer appears to be broken, as it only has me listed for 1 hour and 23 minutes, when I've been playing it since release day, for at least 1 to 2 hours a day).

It's been a great game for me, so far. I don't give scores to games in my reviews, but I'd definitely recommend Lib as a purchase, especially if you are an AC fan. If you are not an AC fan, I simply can't see how this game would convert you. It's Assassin's Creed, through and through, and if it's your first experience with the game, I find that interesting, and maybe a little weird, just because you are experiencing a game series that was designed for consoles and PC from the beginning, so you probably aren't getting an optimal AC experience, even though the game is rather fun.

For beginners, I always recommend AC2. I enjoyed AC1, but I think AC2 is superior, and you aren't really missing that much. I loved Brotherhood as well, but have yet to play Revelations and 3. Lib has satisfied my AC fix, as it's been at the very least a year since I've played an AC game. I'll get 3 eventually.


I ran into the same issue. The game didn't bother telling me to hold down L button to examine stuff.

Exactly! Apparently you need to go into eagle vision to "see" the stolen goods yet they are PLENTY VISIBLE without it. What are glowy red barrels and crates supposed to mean anyways? Just seems odd you have to use this vision to see something that is already so cleary visible. Odd gameplay design decision there.


Oh my god.

Who designed this tilt puzzle?

Who thought it would be a good idea to rotate the controls 90 degrees?

Who failed to notice that the motion controls don't stop the system from going into standby mode?



So, I'm pretty much nearing the 100% Platinum of this game. After putting a lot of hours into this game, I can only end with the following:

+ Graphics are good, especially Sequence 4 & 6

+ The typical AC gameplay is there, but it's harder than usual. Enemies attack quicker and you can't always counter on time. This is good.

+ Fun

= Multiplayer is mediocre at most

= Persona system is unique, but boring in the end. I hate running around with Lady and the slave is just a dumbed down Assassin. I get it that they offer some different gameplay, but it just doesn't fit at times.

- 'dat framerate in New Orleans

- A lot of glitches, including one that can corrupt the entire game, and you have to restart from sequence 1. (confirmed by several people on ps3trophies)

- Aveline's plot is one giant pile of bizarre shit, really. Most bad guys have no motive, except for "because I can". Also, the plot tweest is worse than any M. Night Shyamalan movie.

- Lack of polish. This game certainly has been rushed for the AC III release. You can notice this everywhere. Things like pocket watches are buyable, but not required for anything.

Total: 7/10

Fix your story, framerate and glitches, Ubisoft Sofia. Next time Ubisoft should give you the time you need, because with some extra polish and time, every fault could have been fixed.

A sequel should happen.
If this was released on a PS3, it would be more like a 5 or 6. No reason why it should get extra points just for being on a handheld. My motto is, if the game is good, it's good. Doesn't matter if it is an iOS game, a handheld game or a console game.

But if IOS games were reviewed by "home console" standards, the vast majority would probably be on the 1-3 scale, if that. I don't think it is fully pertinent
I'm really impressed with how big the enviroments/cities are. It gets me excited at the thought of other this-gen open world games on the Vita.

Oh my god.

Who designed this tilt puzzle?

Who thought it would be a good idea to rotate the controls 90 degrees?

Who failed to notice that the motion controls don't stop the system from going into standby mode?


I passed that part earlier today. I'm usually good with some of the touch/motion/tilt portions of games, but this ticked me off pretty bad. Terrible execution (clearly its not hardware, as other vita games handle tilt quite well) and I don't see how that made it past QA.
But if IOS games were reviewed by "home console" standards, the vast majority would probably be on the 1-3 scale, if that. I don't think it is fully pertinent
True. But that could be said for all shovelware.
It's not like the industry is afraid of giving good scores to cheap dl games on consoles.
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