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August 2008 NPD Results


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
AstroLad said:
to those proclaiming that hd gaming has "lost" need i remind you that gta iv dlc isn't even out yet. i know "dlc" is a strange foreign concept to you guys but come on



Captain Smoker said:
Everything we have in the moment:

SCIV on PS3 total needs to corrected...

from Jim's Sony PR release:

Following its launch on July 29, more than 263K copies of the weapon-based fighting game Soulcalibur IV were sold for PS3 in July and August, a 38% higher attach rate than Xbox 360.

The 107K is for this month...


Bren McGuire said:
"Formerly a dumbfuck admin, now just a dumbfuck". Wasn't that his old tag?

HAH, i remember that one.

Count Dookkake said:
Do those have the same messianic pull for the fanboys? I thought LBP was the one.

GT is a heavyweight for sure. God of War 3 has pull, but not really in real life though.
Leondexter said:
Unless the game isn't any good. Your logic is really--well, wrong. Nobody would spend extra money unless they think what they're buying is worth the extra money. In other words, yes, they are 100% buying the game for the game.

It's a $10 game, and it's selling incredibly well. Bundling it with a controller that people are likely to buy anyway is just a great way to keep it on retail shelves and get free attention for it. What's so hard to understand about that? Do we really have to go through this every month?

Agree to disagree I guess.

I never would have bought it if it wasn't bundled, and I'd say the same would go for almost EVERYONE who has bought it.

That's my angle anyway, obviously your is different. I have no issue with the game. I enjoyed it. I just don't get why people are surprised by it's sales.
I can't remember if GT and GOW came out when console was already a monster. Did they move consoles at all?

CowGirl said:
Terrible numbers for Too Human.

There is no way it is going to make back its development cost.

Little chance of seeing a conclusion to the trilogy now :(

don't worry, some Thor worshipping fan will make a fanfic out of it


Grecco said:
If LBP does not make the top 10 ill be shocked and it will be a nuclear npd. Having said that. Its going to be tough with 9 spots for 12-15 mega games that month.

+ Lego Batman x 4
+ Guitar Hero x 4
+ Rock Band x 4
+ Fallout x 2
+ Motorstorm
+ SOCOM (don't underestimate the rabid fan base for this title)
+ Wii Play
+ Fable

I think LBP not making the top 10 is nearly a given. I'm not saying it's a sure thing that something like Fable will make it, but it does drop the same day LBP does and is surely competing for many of the same dollars.


And even i am moderately surprised
And when your xboat sinks

the XBOAT never sinks, it simply needs to go back to the home depot for another AWESOMENESS TOP UP.


Plinko said:
I'm curious to see how Little Big Planet affects system sales for the PS3.

THAT is going to be an epic NPD.

I am curious about that. 360 has Fable 2 around the same time, which I don't think will be that popular, but the month after it is almost guaranteed 360 will do good because of Gears 2.
I dont see the big deal about madden wii numbers. Sports afficianados are often the biggest consumers of hd sets. It would make sense for them to buy a console that can play madden in HD.

If its some kind of testament to the perception that third parties dont sell on wii, thats been proven false time and time again. How many times have we come about the stray earnings reports that indicate wii games that didnt debut on the npd top 10 in their premeire month slow burned to 500k throughout the rest of the year under the radar? Give it up people, wii sells games, period. Youll have to seriously consider buying the thing one day or miss out on some great experiences.

Jokeropia said:
I never made such a claim to begin with, but if I had to try then the simplest approach would be to just use the dictionary definition of gamer.
Jokeropia said:
Here's the truth: Wii has the best games of all three consoles in my eyes. Clearly the fact that the majority feels the same way is hurting you a lot.


Jokeropia said:
Do you remember which games that won GAF GOTY in 2006 and 2007?


1. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
2. The Orange Box (Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC)
3. Bioshock (Xbox 360, PC)
4. Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
5. Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC)
7. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Playstation 3)
8. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
9. Crackdown (Xbox 360)
10. God of War 2 (Playstation 2)


1. Zelda TP (Wii)
2. Gears of War (Xbox 360)
3. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Xbox 360, PC)
4. NEW Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo DS)
5. Final Fantasy XII (Playstation 2)
6. Okami (Playstation 2)
7. Wii Sports (Wii)
8. Dead Rising (Xbox 360)
9. Elite Beat Agents (Nintendo DS)
10. Viva Piñata (Xbox 360)

So OK, let's tally that up!

Wii - 4 games
360/PS3 - 11 games

Hell even if we stick with exclusive 360 games we end up with 6 games.

I don't know what you're trying to prove with this?

2 number 1 games = 5 games each?


Captain Smoker said:
I know, it´s part of the "Top10 - thing". ^^


It has no rank and managed 107.200 in this month. :)

Yeah I am surprise both versions of SC manage to sale over 100k for the second month.


Cheech said:
+ Lego Batman x 4
+ Guitar Hero x 4
+ Rock Band x 4
+ Fallout x 2
+ Motorstorm
+ SOCOM (don't underestimate the rabid fan base for this title)
+ Wii Play
+ Fable

I think LBP not making the top 10 is nearly a given. I'm not saying it's a sure thing that something like Fable will make it, but it does drop the same day LBP does and is surely competing for many of the same dollars.

You forgot Mario Kart Wii
System: Average weeks ownership (Average purchase date)

Wii: 43.1 (November 3, 2007)
PS3: 44.0 (October 28, 2007)
X360: 71.0 (April 21, 2007)

jimbo said:
The fact that the Wii's LTD in the US is basically double from its LTD last year and Madden sales haven't budget IS reason for concern.
While I agree with your overall sentiment, it's actually a bit worse: Wii after August 2008 is closer to triple Wii after August 2007. From ~4M to ~12M.
Anasui Kishibe said:
I can't remember if GT and GOW came out when console was already a monster. Did they move consoles at all?

GT3 was the PS2's first real killer app, and blew everything else away graphically. It also sold 10 million+. GOW was a very late title though, people already had the console.
EmCeeGramr said:
I dont see the big deal about madden wii numbers. Sports afficianados are often the biggest consumers of hd sets. It would make sense for them to buy a console that can play madden in HD.

If its some kind of testament to the perception that third parties dont sell on wii, thats been proven false time and time again. How many times have we come about the stray earnings reports that indicate wii games that didnt debut on the npd top 10 in their premeire month slow burned to 500k throughout the rest of the year under the radar? Give it up people, wii sells games, period. Youll have to seriously consider buying the thing one day or miss out on some great experiences.

Exactly. :)


Oh hi guys, what's going on here?

PlayStation 3 185.4K
PlayStation Portable 253.0K
Playstation 2 144.1K
Xbox 360 195.2K
Wii 453.0K
Nintendo DS 518.3K
booooooring. Microsoft and Sony, step the fuck up already and start making this a contest. :(


Cheech said:
+ Lego Batman x 4
+ Guitar Hero x 4
+ Rock Band x 4
+ Fallout x 2
+ Motorstorm
+ SOCOM (don't underestimate the rabid fan base for this title)
+ Wii Play
+ Fable

I think LBP not making the top 10 is nearly a given. I'm not saying it's a sure thing that something like Fable will make it, but it does drop the same day LBP does and is surely competing for many of the same dollars.

I'm expecting Motorstorm 2 to bomb but the rest will probably be there.


Anasui Kishibe said:
I can't remember if GT and GOW came out when console was already a monster. Did they move consoles at all?

Gran Turismo is a console mover for sure. Does it have the same status now as it did in the time of GT3? I doubt it. It will be late into the console's life, and then there's the wii and the 360, etc

But it is a console mover, GT is huge.

God of War though, not really. It sold 2 million + (Gow2) in a 120 million userbase. It's far from being the heavy hitter that some people paint it to be.


gtj1092 said:
Me earlier in the thread

One down, one to go.

Haha you can't blame them though

Electronic Arts Sports’ Madden NFL 09 proved to be a hot seller on PlayStation platforms in August, with more than 1.1 million copies purchased by PlayStation customers,

If xbox was alive all it would have had to have sold for the family's sake is about 200k.


Captain Smoker said:
I know, it´s part of the "Top10 - thing". ^^

It has no rank and managed 107.200 in this month. :)

Note the LTD numbers:

07.) 360 SOUL CALIBUR IV 174.000 [392.900]

xx.) PS3 SOUL CALIBUR IV 107.200 [107.200] (This should be 263K)

See, I'm not crazy!

Threi said:
Unlike Wii, PS3 can change its market perception/mindshare on the drop of a coin, whip up the casuals, and ride the unicorn on the rainbow to victory.


Pretty standard month, no real surprises, nintendomination, etc.

About Madden Wii, I guess there's two ways you can look at it. On one hand, the opening month only improved by a meagre 200 units from last year, which is disappointing given the Wii's huge growth since then.

On the other hand though, the Madden audience just doesn't want to be on Wii. Simple as that. Wii can be a viable platform for 3rd parties, but not every type of game will sell best on the system. It's hard to pinpoint which genres will and which won't. From what we've seen so far, licensed games can, music games can and some sports, like Tiger Woods for instance, can as well. But then you have things like Call of Duty and Madden, which can pull up respectable numbers on Wii but could never compare to the sales on the HD consoles.

Why is this though? As simplistic as it sounds, I think it's mainly because of what the game requires, and what the consumer wants from these games. Something like COD, which is a very cinematic experience, is at its immersive pinnacle on 360/PS3. Same goes for Madden. These games also really heavily on their online modes, which we all know is not a strong point of the Wii. But something like Guitar Hero, or LEGO Indiana Jones, or Harry Potter, or Tiger Woods - games that sold best on Wii - sell better on Nintendo's platform becaus, primarily speking, the appeal of the Wii controls overshadow any desire for cinematic experiences. These games don't really need the visuals that HD brings, so the consumer is more tolerant of purchasing it on Wii.

Of course, this theory doesn't relate to every example, and there's several more reasons as to why some games sell better on Wii and why some don't. But this is just something I've noticed.
dabookerman said:

He said the majority, not the majority of gamers. Sales clearly show that the majority does think the Wii has the best games, unless you think people buying the Wii are not buying it to play games...which would make you wrong.
WrikaWrek said:
Gran Turismo is a console mover for sure. Does it have the same status now as it did in the time of GT3? I doubt it. It will be late into the console's life, and then there's the wii and the 360, etc

But it is a console mover, GT is huge.

God of War though, not really. It sold 2 million + (Gow2) in a 120 million userbase. It's far from being the heavy hitter that some people paint it to be.

Well how many of the late PS2 titles reached those numbers?...

And yeah GT it's the best selling IP from Sony, it's gonna move some hardware for sure...


brain_stew said:
GT3 was the PS2's first real killer app, and blew everything else away graphically. It also sold 10 million+. GOW was a very late title though, people already had the console.
At the same time, GT4 sold less than '3'....and Sony has been releasing "GT games" for 2 years on the PS3 (HD and Prologue)..by the time 5 actually gets here, people are going to be like "Meh, another GT"..the shock value that the previous GT games had, is not going to be there..unless they make some drastic changes..it will sell, but probably not as much as 3/4...but who knows.


Cheech said:
+ Lego Batman x 4
+ Guitar Hero x 4
+ Rock Band x 4
+ Fallout x 2
+ Motorstorm
+ SOCOM (don't underestimate the rabid fan base for this title)
+ Wii Play
+ Fable

I think LBP not making the top 10 is nearly a given. I'm not saying it's a sure thing that something like Fable will make it, but it does drop the same day LBP does and is surely competing for many of the same dollars.

I dont think Socom will chart because of DL copies. I do think Dead Space will be a factor. I also think Saints Row will end up being the best selling game

Its going to be a mega packed Month


dabookerman said:


1. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
2. The Orange Box (Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC)
3. Bioshock (Xbox 360, PC)
4. Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
5. Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC)
7. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Playstation 3)
8. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
9. Crackdown (Xbox 360)
10. God of War 2 (Playstation 2)


1. Zelda TP (Wii)
2. Gears of War (Xbox 360)
3. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Xbox 360, PC)
4. NEW Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo DS)
5. Final Fantasy XII (Playstation 2)
6. Okami (Playstation 2)
7. Wii Sports (Wii)
8. Dead Rising (Xbox 360)
9. Elite Beat Agents (Nintendo DS)
10. Viva Piñata (Xbox 360)

So OK, let's tally that up!

Wii - 4 games
360/PS3 - 11 games

Hell even if we stick with exclusive 360 games we end up with 6 games.

I don't know what you're trying to prove with this?

2 number 1 games = 5 games each?

And you know why Wii games are always easy wins right? Because the Nintendo fanbase on GAF is huge, did you see the smash bros pre release thread for example?

And then they all vote for the same game or two.


B-Rad Lascelle said:
Just to contrast Tales of Vesperia's sales against the original Tales of Symphonia on Gamecube:

Tales of Vesperia < 111.2K
Tales of Symphonia 118,507 (July 2004) - good enough for 10th place

The Gamecube's install base at the time was slightly smaller at only 7.67 million. It also had more of the initial reporting period to sell (July 13th vs. August 26th).

not to mention there were some botched things on launch. my pre-order copy didn't even ship until like september or something from amazon, same shit with IU & VP. and that's even being a prime subscriber.


Plinko said:
I'm curious to see how Little Big Planet affects system sales for the PS3.

THAT is going to be an epic NPD.
In my experience, it already has. Everyone I know who owns a PS3 bought it for Little Big Planet. I don't know a single person who hasn't bought one yet and is planning on purchasing one in the month Little Big Planet releases.

You can't judge the effect of the game on system sales solely by a spike, or lack of spike of sales upon a game's release.


And even i am moderately surprised
Wii has the best games of all three consoles in my eyes. Clearly the fact that the majority feels the same way is hurting you a lot.

sales are one thing, but implying that sales = quality is a stretch surely?

I mean, 6m people bought the last Hasselhoff album in Germany alone - does that make the album great music?
Leondexter said:
He said the majority, not the majority of gamers. Sales clearly show that the majority does think the Wii has the best games, unless you think people buying the Wii are not buying it to play games...which would make you wrong.

What about attach rates?


Relaxed Muscle said:
Well how many of the late PS2 titles reached those numbers?...

And yeah GT it's the best selling IP from Sony, it's gonna move some hardware for sure...

God of War 2 had a massive marketing push. Tell me of another game like that late in the PS2 life cycle?

It did about the same as the 1st. It's simply not the huge game that people make it out to be. MGS for example is much bigger, and we saw how that went.
WrikaWrek said:
And you know why Wii games are always easy wins right? Because the Nintendo fanbase on GAF is huge, did you see the smash bros pre release thread for example?

And then they all vote for the same game or two.

Well yeah. Smash Bros thread was epic great.


AstroLad said:
to those proclaiming that hd gaming has "lost" need i remind you that gta iv dlc isn't even out yet. i know "dlc" is a strange foreign concept to you guys but come on

You are truly the master :lol
fernoca said:
At the same time, GT4 sold less than '3'....and Sony has been releasing "GT games" for 2 years on the PS3 (HD and Prologue)..by the time 5 actually gets here, people are going to be like "Meh, another GT"..the shock value that the previous GT games had, is not going to be there..unless they make some drastic changes..it will sell, but probably not as much as 3/4...but who knows.

That in America, It sold worldwide more than 10 millions, yeah in Europe is that huge....


Grecco said:
I dont think Socom will chart because of DL copies. I do think Dead Space will be a factor. I also think Saints Row will end up being the best selling game

Its going to be a mega packed Month
NPD should let us see the Top 20, at least for October...too many games..that may miss the Top 10, but still get high-sales.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
gregor7777 said:
Is that ~111k number for Vesperia legit?

If so that's a solid debut. Good to see people bought it up.

I believe that number is the maximum number it could have done.


So Madden Wii did rather badly, huh? Looks like the Wii is not the realistic sports gamer's console of choice. Poor Peter, he tried. :/

DCharlie said:
I mean, 6m people bought the last Hasselhoff album in Germany alone - does that make the album great music?
wait, what? Link please.

I always consoled myself that he was more popular in Austria and Switzerland than in Germany, but 6 million... damn, that's fucking embarrassing.
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