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August 2008 NPD Results

Wow, I didn't see that coming. After the recent MS press release and the fact that so many people knew about the September price drop, I seriously expected PS3 to beat 360 at least 3:2 in August.


andydumi said:
Even if the cards were everywhere like Live cards, they still would not sell well. Firstly, there are no subscription cards (free) and secondly, a large portion of people would rather use a credit card than go out and buy a PSN card. So the numbers would be greatly skewed even if they did register.

I think you underestimate the majority.

I really dislike using my card on the PSN and a lot of my friends refuse to use their card on their consoles and want point cards.


DCharlie said:
sales are one thing, but implying that sales = quality is a stretch surely?

I mean, 6m people bought the last Hasselhoff album in Germany alone - does that make the album great music?

its great music to germans. Tastes are different.


harSon said:
The term 'bombed' sure has been watered down over the years. Too Human was a disappointment, not a bomb. A bomb suggests that a product is selling below expectations and at quite a large loss. Okami for the Playstation 2 was a bomb, Brute Force for the Xbox was a bomb, etc.
Brute Force didn't take 4 years to make, and it sold 477K copies when all was said and done. Too Human will be lucky to get to that number.


Relaxed Muscle said:
That in America, It sold worldwide more than 10 millions, yeah in Europe is that huge....

Sold less than GT3 worldwide.

And Gt4 was at 6 million worldwide for a long time from what i remember, then it started being bundled with 99.99 PS2s.


border said:
Brute Force sold 477K copies when all was said and done. Too Human will be pretty lucky to make it that far.

It's amazing how many people forget this, maybe it's the nasty taste of the juices that makes them want to forget.
OldJadedGamer said:
This is an NPD thread, sales for America.......

But he were comparing it with the GT3 worldwide numbers, at least I want think it it that wayr, because GT3 didn't sell 10m in America...

WrikaWrek said:
Sold less than GT3 worldwide.

And Gt4 was at 6 million worldwide for a long time from what i remember, then it started being bundled with 99.99 PS2s.

Yeah, but still pretty huge.
As of April 30, 2008, Gran Turismo 4 has shipped 1.24 million copies in Japan, 2.9 million in North America, 5.77 million in Europe, and 150,000 in Asia (which includes 70,000 in Southeast Asia and 80,000 in Korea)[1] for a total of 10.06 million copies
10 millions of copies are a hell of copies, even if is still way behind of GT3

As of April 30, 2008, the game has shipped 1.89 million copies in Japan, 7.14 million in North America, 5.85 million in Europe, and 10,000 in Southeast Asia for a total of 14.89 million copies.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Agree to disagree I guess.

I never would have bought it if it wasn't bundled, and I'd say the same would go for almost EVERYONE who has bought it.

That's my angle anyway, obviously your is different. I have no issue with the game. I enjoyed it. I just don't get why people are surprised by it's sales.

But you said the game didn't matter, that anyone would automatically go for the bundle. Would you have bought the bundle if you thought the game in it was bad? Clearly not.

A $10 game wouldn't be on shelves if it weren't bundled. Retailers wouldn't want it. But if it were, or if it were $10 on the Wii Shop, it'd be doing well. Not as well as the bundle--it's free advertising, and a great upsell--but still well. You're very much wrong about "almost everyone".
I wonder if MS will have any interest in publishing the rest of the Too Human trilogy. Between TH and Alan Wake (which has to be costly) it's easy to see why MS may be a bit disgruntled with first party development right now.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
SupahBlah said:
I think you underestimate the majority.

I really dislike using my card on the PSN and a lot of my friends refuse to use their card on their consoles and want point cards.

I'll wait till GS gets their PSN cards next year.


Grecco said:
its great music to germans. Tastes are different.

That's like saying that 60 million people thought Bush had a good first term as president. Some opinions/things are just objectively wrong/shit, regardless of popularity.

Luckily, the Wii does not fall into this category and is legitimately awesome. :)
SupahBlah said:
I think you underestimate the majority.

I really dislike using my card on the PSN and a lot of my friends refuse to use their card on their consoles and want point cards.

And people want to give them as gifts. My teenage nephew racks up on point cards at Christmas and birthdays from aunts/uncles/cousins that want something cheap and easy to get him that they know he'll use.

Point cards make the perfect stocking stuffing for that gamer in your life!!


I don't think LBP will do the numbers the ''savior of the console'' crowd are going for but I think it will be profitable enough for them.


Relaxed Muscle said:
That in America, It sold worldwide more than 10 millions, yeah in Europe is that huge....
Yeah, but what I said is still right..as of April 2008:
  • Granr Turismo 3 was at 14.89 million
  • Gran Turismo 4 was at 10.06

Though yeah, most came from Europe..though both versions had similar sales overthere..in the US sales were less than 50%..
  • Europe: 5.84
  • N. America: 7.1
  • Japan: 1.8
  • Europe: 5.85
  • N. America: 2.9
  • Japan: 1.2


Relaxed Muscle said:
You are using Sony PR to proove your point?....

I think it's really a nice title for both casual and gamer audience, but it's not a game for:"OH MY GOD!! I NEED THAT 400$ CONSOLE!!" both gamer and casual reaction...

My point? I'm showing that my prediction for their PR was right. Now I just await the MS PR.
All that is really left to see in this generation is if third-parties will begin to shift to Wii or if they will continue to be embarrassed by Nintendo's monstrous success. Either way, third-parties are in trouble.


Nolan. said:
I don't think LBP will do the numbers the ''savior of the console'' crowd are going for but I think it will be profitable enough for them.

I predict right now LBP will not be in the top ten for October. I am excited for the game, but I agree people are WAY overhyping what it will do numbers-wise.


Agent Icebeezy said:
4 of the top ten slots are going to be Guitar Hero 4. October is going to be crazy.

Fable 2 should be a December release.

Seriously, December - Christmas - Fantasy, and a much less crowded schedule. I think MS is cutting the legs of that game, a shame.


eatyobeans said:
I wonder if MS will have any interest in publishing the rest of the Too Human trilogy. Between TH and Alan Wake (which has to be costly) it's easy to see why MS may be a bit disgruntled with first party development right now.

Remedy outsources at least they have an excuse for being late etc.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
100k isn't going to make the top 10 in October.

It shouldn't but it should be an ok number for them personally... I think anyway.
Not surprising that the HD consoles are still struggling, especially in August and when the US economy and gas prices are in the crapper.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
WrikaWrek said:
Fable 2 should be a December release.

Seriously, December - Christmas - Fantasy, and a much less crowded schedule. I think MS is cutting the legs of that game, a shame.

Fable is going to be fine. Preorders are healthy for it at my store. Motorstorm preorders are low. LBP has a bigger store presence and preorders are up from 2 to 5 now. LBP just might outdo Motorstorm, judging anticipation and talk from the last few times I was at work.


Relaxed Muscle said:
But he were comparing it with the GT3 worldwide numbers, at least I want think it it that wayr, because GT3 didn't sell 10m in America...
I wasn't.. :p
All I said was:
fernoca said:
At the same time, GT4 sold less than '3'....and Sony has been releasing "GT games" for 2 years on the PS3 (HD and Prologue)..by the time 5 actually gets here, people are going to be like "Meh, another GT"..the shock value that the previous GT games had, is not going to be there..unless they make some drastic changes..it will sell, but probably not as much as 3/4...but who knows.
To, which you replied with:
Relaxed Muscle said:
That in America, It sold worldwide more than 10 millions, yeah in Europe is that huge....
So you brought Europe and other regions, and the 10 million number... not me.. :p

I then replied with specific data, just in case..but still was right what I said..
fernoca said:
At the same time, GT4 sold less than '3'
I wasn't lying or anything.. :p
dabookerman said:
What about attach rates?

What about them? They're not relevant. That's just data, and you can just as easily use it to "prove" the opposite. I could say that a console with a higher attach rate shows that its owners are NOT happy with its games--because they are buying new games more quickly, it shows that they are displeased with the ones they've already bought.

Aside from that, attach rate is just as much a function of low hardware sales as it is of high software sales. What does that prove? You could argue that the console with lower hardware sales has less compelling games, since those games are clearly not worth the entry price of the hardware.

Data can be interpreted many ways. But higher sales clearly show public preference. Finding the preference of a small section of the public is hard to do, and "gamers" is so arbitrary that it's pretty much impossible.


B-Rad Lascelle said:
What if we don't get LBP's first month numbers? October is pretty crowded.
I would guess (or atleast i hope) that Sony will release a press release for October (even if we get no LBP numbers from the NPD for October) with some LBP number, or atleast some word on how the game has sold.


schuelma said:
I don't understand your question

He's asking if the number of Wiis sold is greater than the number of units of Wii software sold. Don't answer the question or we may all grow dumber.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
thuway said:
I was hoping to see Vesperia in the top 10. I don't want to believe that JRPGs are a dying genre :(.
The PS2 games never made the top 10 either, Tales of Symphonia is the only one that did and it had more time to make it to that 100k+ debut.
fernoca said:
Yeah, but what I said is still right..as of April 2008:
  • Granr Turismo 3 was at 14.89 million
  • Gran Turismo 4 was at 10.06

Though yeah, most came from Europe..though both versions had similar sales overthere..in the US sales were less than 50%..
  • Europe: 5.84
  • N. America: 7.1
  • Japan: 1.8
  • Europe: 5.85
  • N. America: 2.9
  • Japan: 1.2

I don't think you are right, people want GT, and is still huge and will be huge, GT5 prologue it's almost (if not) at 2.4 millions worldwide.


DCharlie said:
sales are one thing, but implying that sales = quality is a stretch surely?

I mean, 6m people bought the last Hasselhoff album in Germany alone - does that make the album great music?

Simply put:


EDIT: I only mean the Hasselhoff part

That other guy is out of his gourd
fernoca said:
NPD should let us see the Top 20, at least for October...too many games..that may miss the Top 10, but still get high-sales.

They practically used to give it freely when asked but not anymore thanks to certain dipshits out there.
MIMIC said:
So, um, has the Wii sold more systems than actual games or something?

Not possible: it comes with a game (5, if you're on Ebay).

...and if you were serious: No. The Wii has the highest software sales of any console in NPD history at this point.


WrikaWrek said:
Fable 2 should be a December release.

Seriously, December - Christmas - Fantasy, and a much less crowded schedule. I think MS is cutting the legs of that game, a shame.

I think they just want to continue with what happened with the last game. What they ultimately decided to imitate with Halo 3. Release it now get sales, get another bump later at Christmas season+ because of price drop it's more of an affordable console it should be Ok.
Haunted said:
So Madden Wii did rather badly, huh? Looks like the Wii is not the realistic sports gamer's console of choice. Poor Peter, he tried. :/

You either need to overhaul the basic to fit Wii. Pro Evolution Soccer 2008.
Or go the NBA Jam/NFL Blitz route.

Madden type could work but to make it great you need to overhaul it. Make passing pointer based and the camera is 1st person or closer over the shoulder 3rd. So much more rewarding to see the open guy and quickly zip over to him and make the throw right before you get hit.


ViperVisor said:
You either need to overhaul the basic to fit Wii. Pro Evolution Soccer 2008.
Or go the NBA Jam/NFL Blitz route.

Madden type could work but to make it great you need to overhaul it. Make passing pointer based and the camera is 1st person or closer over the shoulder 3rd. So much more rewarding to see the open guy and quickly zip over to him and make the throw right before you get hit.

Not Really. EA just needs to advertise the game.
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