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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


but ever so delicious
I'm thinking you were either into rage against the machine or radiohead in the 90s. As someone who was into rage, radiohead didnt mean much to me until a year or so ago. I knew the name from back in high school and probably the usual 1 or 2 songs but that was it.

It still means nothing to me as I find just about every song to be boring along with his singing style. Theres nothing wrong with that, just like I wouldn't expect someone to enjoy and understand something like meshuggah.

That's why music is awesome. There's so many different styles that there is bound to be one that clicks with you, regardless of how it sounds to someone else.


First I ever heard of Radiohead was back when Creep was released in the mid-90s. Never hated it, but never became a fan. Somewhere along the way they became quite big, but I missed it. Apparently when Pyramid Song came out, they were 'big'. News to me.

From an outsider's perspective, they seem to be about on par with or similar to Pink Floyd - ie a big band I dont get, but dont dislike.

Incidentally I bought DSOTM yesterday, and Ive not listened to it before. It will be on rotation for my roadtrip starting tomorrow. Along with Iggy Pop, Queen, The Knife doing some joint project about Darwin's Theory of Evolution, and Adam Freeland.

I'm thinking you were either into rage against the machine or radiohead in the 90s.

Alternatively, Nevermind, Dangerous and Ten were also distinctive albums for classification of musical taste.
All three are great


You've never lived musically until you've driven at night in the rain listening to OK Computer.

Amazing driving album.

driving along highways at night time listening to music just takes it to another level. It was like that for me listening to Bon iver and james Blakes albums

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
my best driving music experience was The Social Network soundtrack at night over the Westgate and into Melbourne City. That shit is tight, yo.


First I ever heard of Radiohead was back when Creep was released in the mid-90s. Never hated it, but never became a fan. Somewhere along the way they became quite big, but I missed it. Apparently when Pyramid Song came out, they were 'big'. News to me.

From an outsider's perspective, they seem to be about on par with or similar to Pink Floyd - ie a big band I dont get, but dont dislike.
This describes my relationship to Radiohead exactly. Creep was very "me too" for the time, so I never paid much attention. Obviously they've become something very different since then. I put them on from time to time and can appreciate them, but it would require more re listens than I have time to give it for me to really enjoy it I think.

Alternatively, Nevermind, Dangerous and Ten were also distinctive albums for classification of musical taste.
All three are great
I loved all three, but one of them in secret shame.


While we talk about meeting up...

SydGAF Board Gamers... When will our next day be? Probably best if we keep it to Sundays. I can currently do any upcoming day. Which Sunday's are good for the rest of you? Also, anybody else interested in joining in that didn't express interest for the first?

I'm good most Sundays also, quite easy for me to go with the flow of what's best for everyone.


Has anyone here tried gaming with an ips moniter? If so, was it off putting >.<?

Also, how the hell do you do the amd 3d stuff? I dont get it, with nvidia there is that stupid kit, do you just need glasses with AMD?


I am pleased to report the Blackboard Learning Management System is performing well this week after untimely electrical faults during O-week.

Oh good.

But wait.

ITS regrets the inconvenience caused by the recent Blackboard outages,
particularly at this busy time for staff and students.

In order to quickly resolve the current issue, we will be performing
emergency maintenance at 5.30pm today


Oh good.

But wait.

Blackboard Quizzes:

There is a known issue with Blackboard Quizzes where some students are unable to complete or save their current quiz attempt.

Use these Blackboard compatible browsers: IE8, Firefox 3.6 and Safari 5.0 for Macs.

DO NOT USE these browsers: Chrome, IE9 or later versions Firefox, and Safari 2.0 and 3.2

Blackboard Mobile Application

The Blackboard Mobile Application will be suspended by friday the 3rd of February 2012.

The Mobile service for Bb was trialled across 2011 to gauge interest and effectiveness of the tool. Whilst we acknowledge and regret that loss of this access will be keenly felt by the people making use of it, the service will be suspended due to investment considerations and licensing costs. The provision of Mobile services and access across all UNSW services is to be strategically reviewed in 2012 to best leverage University resources moving forward.

Why do you suck Blackboard!?


Just listen to the whole Radiohead discography. Even the shit ones make you appreciate the good.
You can't just tell anyone to listen to the whole discography. Radiohead aren't like The Beatles where you pretty much can listen to their whole catalogue and appreciate it even if you don't like it.

First I ever heard of Radiohead was back when Creep was released in the mid-90s. Never hated it, but never became a fan. Somewhere along the way they became quite big, but I missed it. Apparently when Pyramid Song came out, they were 'big'. News to me.

From an outsider's perspective, they seem to be about on par with or similar to Pink Floyd - ie a big band I dont get, but dont dislike.
This describes my relationship to Radiohead exactly. Creep was very "me too" for the time, so I never paid much attention. Obviously they've become something very different since then. I put them on from time to time and can appreciate them, but it would require more re listens than I have time to give it for me to really enjoy it I think.

I loved all three, but one of them in secret shame.
Same. I'm a fan of a few singles (even though I heard Creep first, the first one that I actually gave time to was High & Dry), can see the appeal but don't get the adulation they receive. I was, however, brought to respect them a little lot more after seeing this.

Geelong somehow manages to get COMPLETELY missed. Bravo, fuckheads.


You can't just tell anyone to listen to the whole discography. Radiohead aren't like The Beatles where you pretty much can listen to their whole catalogue and appreciate it even if you don't like it.

Why not? I disliked The King of Limbs greatly but I'd still tell people to give it a try. Each album seems to have its own fans, can't tell if a person will like a particular Radiohead album until they try it.


Why do you suck Blackboard!?


PS3 320Gb for $320. Is that a good price? No idea. Too many SKU's.

GOG still have their D&D sale up! Buy one get one free, PLUS Temple of Elemental Evil free too! 3 games for the price of one.

You guys talking about awesome music warms my cockles. Much love for the grunge. When my mates and I go down the pub in Geelong for happy hour it is always Animal (Pearl Jam), Stinkfist (Tool), Rusty Cage (Soundgarden) and Testify (RATM).

I liked Radiohead but was never a massive fan until Kid A blew my fucking childish mind away as I expected another guitar album and was introduced to electronic music through that album. Idioteque is still one of the best songs I have ever heard. Thom truly did change from singing to using his voice as an instrument to a much greater degree than anyone expected.

Street Spirit is probably the best track they have done, feels incredibly powerful.

Man, how do you avoid the friend zone. Becuase I sure get stuck in it an awful lot.
Same here, the vast majority of girls that I wanted to date ended up putting me in the friend zone really quickly. Mainly because I was too shy to emote that I was interested in them as more than a friend and once they pushed me to that category it takes a LONG time to change that mindset.

To avoid the friend zone you have to be honest from the get go. Don't avert your eyes because you don't want to give away your intentions too early, look at her as you feel. Don't hold your tongue or lie about something in conversation because you want to ease in or play it cool, be blunt, be honest, be yourself.

There is no point being in a relationship with someone where you cannot be yourself, you think you can spend the next 50 years pretending to be someone you are not and somehow be happy? Better to wear your heart on your sleeve and have those who surround you be there because of who you are, not because of who you want to be.

Also law of numbers. There is an insane amount of people on this planet and there are so so so SO many different types of people, it is impossible to get along well enough with 50% of people you meet to spend 5+ hours a day together, let alone the rest of your life. I never did well with girls because I was too worried about people somehow having negative thoughts of me so I didn't want to blow it, while my mate would hit on 20 different girls in a night (completely being himself) and rarely had much downtime between girlfriends. Everyone is looking for a connection. Just need to find those who aren't currently caught up in one. Law of numbers, at least one person at a club would be interested in learning more about your personality if you put it out there.

as hard as it is confidence is an aphrodisiac to women. You come across like it doesn't matter if she says yes or no and you will be fine
Confidence is king. Power determines much in life, just think of your day to day interactions and how much peoples goals and needs determine how your think and act towards them. If the other person in a conversation reeks of desperation you feel a slight rush of power, the knowledge that you have a small amount of control over someone. If there is no consequence there is no power and there is no clouding of someone's actions and reactions. Be confident but nonplussed. There is always another day so who cares how things go today.

Pretty much. Why wouldn't it be?

Girl You know
- Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go out and have dinner. Just you and me.
-- Omg, like, a date or something?
- Yes, a date
-- Yea ... Ok cool
-- Nope .. I don't feel about you that way.
On to the next target!

Girl you meet randomly - Talk for 10 or 15 minutes
- Hey, I gotta jet but i would like to see you again. Want to catch up for lunch or maybe dinner?
-- Omg like totally yes
- Exchange numbers
-- Omg no, I'm taken and was just being friendly
- No problem. Have a nice day.

Getting to that stage is the hardest part ;)
lol I could totally see you telling someone you gotta jet.
If you can hold a conversation with someone then it shows that are enjoying themselves enough with you, once you get to that point you can let them see a bit more of who you are and try and see common links.

Go somewhere fun is best advice ever.
Mainly don't go to the usual spots, try not to be boring or mediocre. Find out what she likes, try and find something you will both enjoy. The happier you are with your surroundings the more fun you are likely to be for her.

Kritz cooking bacon in the oven isn't anything new.
They do that on epic meal time as well.
I could never do it. You gotta burn those bacon bits in a pan. Mmmm bacon
Hopefully I can swing Bacon Con Carne tomorrow night after reading this. Bacon is just too damn good to not have in my bowels.

Basically what happened to me. Suddenly people started asking "are you dating?" so we shrugged like "I guess"... five years later still goin' strong.
It is a good indication that both people are comfortable and on the same wavelength, good chance things will be stable for a fair while. If you don't feel the need to quantify it you obviously don't feel like things could fall apart or think they could drift away to someone else. Same reason I don't really give two shits about getting married, I'm not interested in leaving any time soon so the need to spend a boatload of money and time seems strange.

It's always better to line up at an actual ticketmaster joint if it's such a popular event.
Hell yeah. Especially if you can get a quiet place like we did at Kardinia Park in Geelong for the RATM tickets a few years back. 3rd in line baby!

Seeing Enter shikari with Let Live and Your Demise at Billboard in melbourne tonight :D
You arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsehole :(

Crap, Where did you get the batteries from? I should really get some of those.
What's the story?
The story is you guys don't read my posts :(

So do Razer make crap mice?
The Nostromo I have is fantastic, enjoying it more by the day.
I would recommend the Logitech G400 though, replaced the MX518 and is a piece of joy. Think they got down around $28 last year. Wired and really accurate. Went from using my desk as a mouse pad to NEEDING a SteelSeries one to stop it jumping everywhere it was that accurate, picking up the woodgrain in the desk.

hmm plugged it into one of the usb ports on the back of the motherboard and seems to be better. Previously had it in one of the front ports on case, maybe wasn't getting enough juice?
I hate front ports, seem to wear out a lot faster than the motherboard ones.

How come there are no 'classy' computer companies though?!
Logitech are pretty damn classy, even with their flashy HAF series. Everything else is sleek and sexy. Love my G930's.

What's the best SSD to go for these days, folks?
You REALLY don't read my posts! Arsehole. Was $151AUD shipped but it has gone up $20 again. There is a really awesome site that graphs the change in prices on Amazon. Any way give it a few days as they are constantly fluctuating. I will, AGAIN, post the OzBargain when it pops up.

my best driving music experience was The Social Network soundtrack at night over the Westgate and into Melbourne City. That shit is tight, yo.
BROFIST. The Dragon Tattoo Soundtrack is even better.

Oh awesome. They are doing the swamp of Armstrong Creek before the rest of Geelong. Fuckers. Armstrong Creek isn't even built yet! Still just soppy paddocks.

Has anyone here tried gaming with an ips moniter? If so, was it off putting >.<?
Love teh FUCK out of my Dell IPS (not full IPS according to Fred et al on here though) monitor that I got for $170. 23 inchs of pure joy. So much better than my old ASUS LCD. No eye strain and the screen looks like it is downsampled or something it is so crisp.
GOG still have their D&D sale up! Buy one get one free, PLUS Temple of Elemental Evil free too! 3 games for the price of one.
You forgot to mention that Baldur's Gate 1/2, Icewind Dale 1/2, Planescape: Torment and Temple of Elemental Evil are under seven bucks for ALL OF THEM.


Think I'll be kicking myself if I don't get this.

Does Blackboard at Deakin still suck balls? It was Blackboard right?
Really not sure. Was it Elluminate Live maybe? I don't even know if they're the same thing. Haven't seen any outage notifications the past few weeks at least!
You forgot to mention that Baldur's Gate 1/2, Icewind Dale 1/2, Planescape: Torment and Temple of Elemental Evil are under seven bucks for ALL OF THEM.


Think I'll be kicking myself if I don't get this.

Really not sure. Was it Elluminate Live maybe? I don't even know if they're the same thing. Haven't seen any outage notifications the past few weeks at least!

Apparently the GamersGate versions are direct rips of the GOG versions provided by the publishers which is a bit dodgy since GOG are the ones who did all the work to make them Win7 compatible and turned it into a single package. At least, that is my understanding of the GOG process in the past.

Plus GOG are the ones who have pestered the publishers for these kinds of games and it is nice having them up there on my wall.

Plus I didn't actually notice that thread on GAF until I was about to hit the buy button on the 2 Baldurs Gate games :)
$9.70 for BG1&2 and ToEE is a good deal in any case.

Blackboard (Vista) was the former Learning Management System used at Deakin to deliver web-based study material and assessment tasks. It has been replaced by Desire2Learn.
Had no idea that happened. Ironically entering my login details and pressing Login does nothing :) Good ole Deakin
There is no point being in a relationship with someone where you cannot be yourself, you think you can spend the next 50 years pretending to be someone you are not and somehow be happy? Better to wear your heart on your sleeve and have those whaho surround you be there because of who you are, not because of who you want to be.

This. If there's one thing I can't understand, its that some people see a relationship as a magical utopia that only requires a man/lady as the ticket. Well, sort of. But that doesn't mean grab the nearest person even if you have nothing in common. The best relationships are also friendships. I don't get the "boyfriends are like handbags" mentality, if you just need anyone you probably aren't going to find someone worthwhile.

HEY! :mad:

They have 36 people going to their event :O

And is that really enough to fill a bar? :p


but ever so delicious
Finished SR3! Another game off by backlog.

I really started to enjoy it over the past 3 days with just focusing on main missions.
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