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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


Gold Member
Just finished this after getting it around Christmas. I really enjoyed the story. It was a little slow to get going but once it got going, it was a very solid Batman story. Better than City and Asylum, I'd say.

As much as I love Conroy and Hammill, whoever the new voice actors were did an exceptional job. I even loved how they had Harvey Bullock from TAS. Although Gordon's voice sounded wrong. I'm pretty sure his voice actor was somebody in Skyrim, right? Sounded weird the whole time through.

So story wise I really enjoyed it but gameplay wise I wish they did something different. The combat and all was still good but I guess I just wish the gameplay and the levels felt more unique. It never really felt like a prequel Batman since you were basically using the same gadgets from City and alot of the areas felt the same as City. Then again, the Christmas theme over everything was great.

I really liked the character designs in Origins too. Joker, Croc, Bane- they all looked so much better than how they looked in the Rocksteady games. Even when
Bane goes all super huge from the venom, while I still think that looks silly, it works for the Arkham games, considering Bane's look in Asylum and City.

Playing on the PC though, it felt like some of the textures were really bad. A lot of the environment textures were just blurry messes.

Haha you are right about Gordon, he's voiced by the same guy who was Jarl Barlgruuf of Whiterun in Skyrim.
Haha you are right about Gordon, he's voiced by the same guy who was Jarl Barlgruuf of Whiterun in Skyrim.

Yeah, that's who it was.

Always bothered me they didn't get the same voice actor that did Gordon in TAS, since they seemed to get so many other of those voice actors for the Arkham games. That really bugged me in City with the voice for Ra's Al Ghul since anytime I see him I immediately think of David Warner.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I am not sure if anyone else has noticed, but A LOT more people are playing online now. Lobbies fill up in less than a couple of minutes. No more waiting around for 5-10 minutes to only max out at 4 people before everyone else gives up. There is a new message on the online main menu talking about tweeting splash damage (@splashdamage) if you have problems.

I am having quite a good time despite not playing an online shooting game in over a decade. I got that "defeat 4 elites within 4 seconds" trophy as Batman by just doing inverted takedowns as the elites tried to open the super villain door. It put a smile on my face as I just kept on taking them down one after another. Ended up winning the match as Batman with 16-0 (my Robin disconnected at some point).

On the down side I am also getting A LOT of random disconnects and migrating lobbies as well as freezes on my PS3. Which is is a real pain in the ass since you have to do that whole reboot process when you turn off your console. I've had it happen three or four times in one day. That isn't just me is it?


I am not sure if anyone else has noticed, but A LOT more people are playing online now. Lobbies fill up in less than a couple of minutes. No more waiting around for 5-10 minutes to only max out at 4 people before everyone else gives up. There is a new message on the online main menu talking about tweeting splash damage (@splashdamage) if you have problems.

I am having quite a good time despite not playing an online shooting game in over a decade. I got that "defeat 4 elites within 4 seconds" trophy as Batman by just doing inverted takedowns as the elites tried to open the super villain door. It put a smile on my face as I just kept on taking them down one after another. Ended up winning the match as Batman with 16-0 (my Robin disconnected at some point).

On the down side I am also getting A LOT of random disconnects and migrating lobbies as well as freezes on my PS3. Which is is a real pain in the ass since you have to do that whole reboot process when you turn off your console. I've had it happen three or four times in one day. That isn't just me is it?

No, the freezing has been there since day one. Even the demo had this issue.
Glad to know the online is active. I had given up on the trophies but now it sounds like I can give it another shot.
Thanks for the update!


Well I just finished the game and I have to say I'm mixed on it. I thought the story was the best of the bunch. by far. Batman was nicely done and the way the villain
the Joker
was used and developed really surprised me in a good way. I also like the new gadgets and the way they were used. The boss fights were really good as well. I thought they were varied fairly well, although some weren't intuitive. It seemed for a few of them were trial and error in terms of figuring out how to beat the boss. And by trial and error, I mean I had no clue what to do, died a few times and finally "figured out" what I was supposed to do to win, and beat the boss on the first try there after.

A few things I don't like, however, was how big and under used the city was. At first glance I thought it was going to be used a lot, but it just wasn't. After I finished the game I went walking around and was in areas that I didn't go to during the game and quite frankly, had no reason to actually go to them during post-game. The actual areas you explored were nice (such as
the boat or GCPD
), but I didn't like going back to them because they were, for me, a pain to get around and re-explore for the trophies. Speaking of trophies, my f'n god, enough of these. AA did it perfect with what? 75? Trophies you go back to get after you get the power up to get them and the game was actually fun to re-explore. This game seemed to drop them off sporadically and without forethought of how they play into the pace of the game. I thought AC did something similar as well and wasn't fond of how they were in that game either, but 200 of these? You have to be kidding me. I also absolutely, positively hated how they tied powerups to those challenges. Ridiculous. I don't really want to do the Worst Nightmare challenges (I think I'm on 6) and because I don't want to do that, WB said, f'u then, you're not getting all the power-ups.

To go back to size of the city, I went back and loaded up AC and while smaller than AO, at least most of the city was utilized. I actually remembered doing stuff in certain sections and I played that game on release. AO has just pointless filler. At lease there is fast travel which was needed because so much of the city was useless. Also, what the hell is up with everyone on rooftops with Sniper rifles in this game once you get about halfway through? Way to artificially increase the difficulty and make things incredibly annoying with no rhyme or reason.

To that point, I went back and loaded up AA as well and my god, it's still my favorite of the series. Yes, it's smaller in scale, but at least they utilized everything. Backtracking was done with forethought. You can't get riddler trophy? No biggie, you'll eventually get the appropriate powerup and have to use it for a few trophys. Not the pointless trophy hunt in AC or AO. The pacing in the game was much better and as the game opened up, so did the island. There are a lot of reasons I still prefer AA to the AC and AO. I hope that Rocksteady goes back and places Batman in a setting like that. I really don't like the open-world environment where you can pretty much go everywhere at the start. I'm guessing it continues growing in scale though and they do something like GTABatman with full batmobile, driving around the city, etc., at least that's a request I continually see.


This game seems a lot more difficult than the first two. I find the free-flow combat messing up a bit more. I think I just need to adjust to the changes, a lot of the mistakes are my fault. I was really good at mixing it up in the first two, and not getting hit once. In this game it seems a hell of a lot more unforgiving. Any tips?


This game seems a lot more difficult than the first two. I find the free-flow combat messing up a bit more. I think I just need to adjust to the changes, a lot of the mistakes are my fault. I was really good at mixing it up in the first two, and not getting hit once. In this game it seems a hell of a lot more unforgiving. Any tips?

- Don't waste time on a beatdown on the armored guys. Take them out as soon as you can with an Instant Takedown: doesn't matter if they are amidst a group of people, the game AI will prioritize the Instant Takedown to hit them.
- This one is tricky: when you are doing a beatdown, turn the camera around in order to have all the other enemies behind you and Batman at the bottom of the screen. Keep the beatdown going (if you learn the timing you can pause a bit between each punch) and let everyone try to hit you in the back. You can get a lot of counters because the AI in AO (@_@) is very aggressive and becomes even more aggressive when you are performing beatdowns. Learn to do this on enemies who stray from the group and things will become a lot easier.
- Don't throw batarangs to armored thugs or in the direction of armored thugs: batarangs in AC gave priority to rifle wielding thugs and armored thugs, but the thing in AO is when batarangs hit armored thugs the combo count stops. It's a major fault in AO combo system and basically forces you to dispose immediately of armored thugs, because you won't be able to spam batarangs if they are around.
- Don't try to use strikes in close quarter: stick to counters and use strikes only with enemies who are somewhat distant or very distant.
- When there is more then one enemy with a rifle in a combat encounter, throw a smoke pellet in the group so you will get 30-40 seconds of free hits. This is extremely useful when you get the electric gauntlets because you can start the combo with a beatdown, since all the other enemies will be gasping through the smoke, activate the gauntlets and raise hell.
- Spam batarangs when you don't have armored thugs to take care of. The batarangs prioritize enemies like this: first anyone with a rifle, then armored thugs, then anyone who is wielding environmental objects (boxes, gas tanks, chairs and so on) then and only then, the batarang will prioritize enemies who are closer to you. Of the ones closer to you, the batarangs will prioritize enemies about to hit you, meaning that if you are surrounded by 2 thugs and one is about to hit you the batarang will direct on that enemy first even if you aim at the other thug.
- Batarangs in freeflow focus do A TON of damage, which is enhanced if you hit an enemy trapped in a glue bomb.
- Spam bat-swarm and batarang takedown. Unless you are dealing with armored thugs, it's better to use batarang takedown even with only one enemy down. The camera tends to close up on instant takedowns and widen up on batarang takedowns: since enemy can slide half-way through the screen, the FOV granted by the batarang takedown gives a bit of a tactical edge.
- martial artists won't counter your moves if you jump over them and kick them in back like you do with stun-baton thugs in AC.
- Giants can be stunned by three cape stuns in sequence but they can also be stunned by esplosive gel detonations.
- Instead of using beatdowns (which are very dangerous to perform in AO) use cape stuns to incapacitate an enemy and concentrate on the others.
- Batclaw pulls are moderately safe moves to spam, in order to incapacitate armored thugs (if you vault over an enemy while they are pulled by the claw they will fall to the ground) and to disarm rifle wielding thugs until you get the disarm and destroy upgrade (why, Holmes! WHY!). Batclaw strikes on the other hand are possibly the most unsafe attack to use.
- a jump attack over an enemy without the shield is as unsafe as a batclaw strike, but against a shielded enemy the other thugs will actually stop their attack and let you smash the sob for the entire length of the animation.
No, the freezing has been there since day one. Even the demo had this issue.
Glad to know the online is active. I had given up on the trophies but now it sounds like I can give it another shot.
Thanks for the update!

Ah, I see. Thanks. I guess going from being able to play two matches a week to multiple in a day allowed me to see the true horror of the online system.


Ah, I see. Thanks. I guess going from being able to play two matches a week to multiple in a day allowed me to see the true horror of the online system.

I had a run on it.
It's true: players pile up in a few seconds O_O.
I'm also surprised the game, while being a third person shooter, isn't plagued by shotgun only and sniper rifle only load-outs. Actually, I've played 5-6 matches and I didn't see anyone deploying with those two weapons.
So I've been meaning to ask you:
- are there issues with balance, that you can see of? I played only the first two weeks and then I gave up on it. Don't know if Bats and Robin are still considered underpowered.
- tips?
- I can't see what's the point with the store. Why would people buy money to purchase consumables and cosmetic gear?
I had a run on it.
It's true: players pile up in a few seconds O_O.
I'm also surprised the game, while being a third person shooter, isn't plagued by shotgun only and sniper rifle only load-outs. Actually, I've played 5-6 matches and I didn't see anyone deploying with those two weapons.
So I've been meaning to ask you:
- are there issues with balance, that you can see of? I played only the first two weeks and then I gave up on it. Don't know if Bats and Robin are still considered underpowered.
- tips?
- I can't see what's the point with the store. Why would people buy money to purchase consumables and cosmetic gear?

I feel balance for the factions is okay, but also depends on the map as well. Joker's Carnival is open and non-linear which allows for more elites to wander alone which I feel gives Batman and Robin the advantage. Of course the ability to win is also based on your partners competency as well. If the run and get themselves killed all the time it hurts you. Wonder City has a lot of overhead cover which protects elites from above. Blackgate and Wayne Chemicals are probably the most balanced for all sides. The DLC weapons might be a tad overpowered. I only ran into them twice (each being sawed off shotguns) and I was absolutely wrecked by them.

Tips? Well, the last time I played an online shooter was Tribes 2 back in 2003 so I had a lot of learning to do. The subweapons for the elites are extremely powerful in their intended situational uses. The Bane shockwave generator is great for someone around the corner. Joker nailguns are great when you need to rush someone down and are a great complement if you have a slow primary weapon like the shotgun or sniper rifle. The aerial weapons are great for scouting ahead, but leave you unprotected and require some practice to control since they both control so differently. For Batman and Robin, try to put some explosive gel in the middle control point ASAP since both teams will try and capture their sides own control point first. Never stay in one point for too long if there is a direct line of sight to an elite. Also, I didn't notice until I was level 7, but clothing has an affect on gameplay so make sure you are equipped with the stuff that helps you.

The store is probably why they included multiplayer in the game, but I will most definitely NOT give them one more cent of my money.

Also there appears to be some bad news regarding the chances of a patch in the future

From the Arkham Origins community manager


Hi all,

The team is currently working hard on the upcoming story DLC and there currently are no plans for releasing another patch to address the issues that have been reported on the forums.

If we do move forward with creating a new patch, it will try to address the progression blocking bugs for players, not the minor glitches that do not prevent one from continuing to play. The issues that are not progression blockers will unfortunately no longer be addressed.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused for some of you, and want to thank you for having been patient.

Some Grade A BS right there. But it is too late for me to do anything since I was a fool and bought the season pass.

I think I will create a new thread on gaming about this in a second.
Much to my surprise, I actually got the platinum trophy for this game. I think the main driving force for me to get it was that I had gotten the platinum trophy for the first two games as well since I am not much of a trophy/achievement hunter overall. The offline stuff was your standard Arkham stuff, my drug canister glitch on new game plus didn't block me from any trophies. I thankfully got the worst nightmare predator challenges by the time I beat "I am the night" mode.

The online stuff wasn't too bad either. Most of the stuff is just playing the game an obscene amount of time. The last two trophies I got were a hassle since they required a full room. Most of the time you will get a jerk or two who will drop when their team is losing. In fact, less than a minute after I got the "Predator Paragon" trophy two people dropped from the game.

If you are wondering about the different types of takedowns that you need to do this video really helped me.

I didn't realize that explosive gel and explosive batarang counted as the same takedown.

Note: Do not prestige until it is the last thing you do as you lose all your upgrades, weapons and subweapons and have to earn them all again. I don't get the point of it unless you are the kind of player that likes seeing bars filling up or REALLY care about that Arkham Online ranking number.

Once the DLC comes out I think I will be done with this game. The online mode would be pretty damn great if all the glitches were worked out, but since it froze on me almost everyday I played I feel like I shortened the lifespan of my PS3 quite a bit.

Although I am a bit salty about seeing that 98% stare at me everytime I start up the game, I didn't realize until a couple of days ago that the Worst Nightmare skin was taken away as the reward for getting 100%.


Which appears to be because they ran into some problems with it (I am not surprised at this point). I think I would play online mode indefinitely if I could have used the Worst Nightmare skin when I played as Batman.

Lemon Head

Neo Member
Did anybody manage to defeat Branden and his SWAT team on Hard or New Game Plus? I've tried several times and can't seem to pull it off. Would've been a piece of cake if you kept all of your items in New Game Plus or had actually useful gadgets like the REC.


Did anybody manage to defeat Branden and his SWAT team on Hard or New Game Plus? I've tried several times and can't seem to pull it off. Would've been a piece of cake if you kept all of your items in New Game Plus or had actually useful gadgets like the REC.

yes, but I think the room is bugged.
- if you throw a smoke pellet and start hitting people while Branden is still talking, they will either stay still or they will attack you once you hit them. Otherwise Branden will keep talking (even if you hit him) and they will keep listening.
- for some reason, freeflow is glitchy in that room and sometimes it doesn't activate. Power mode (when the score counter becomes yellow) also glitches and you can't perform instant takedown.
Otherwise is just a matter of: getting into freeflow, perform a gel explosion, and conclude with a massive batarang takedown. Supposedly in new game plus you have all the upgrade so it shouldn't be that difficult.
I did on both the main game run (normal) and the new game plus run, but then I made the dumb-ass decision to try and do it also on my first I'm the Night run: epic fail XD Glitches said above completely took me by surprise and back to the main menu I went.
These glitches also happened on hard on both main game and new game plus. I specifically retried this room many times to see the frequency of these glitches: the results weren't constant but they were consistent, so I would say that that encounter is definitely glitchy.

Lemon Head

Neo Member
yes, but I think the room is bugged.
Supposedly in new game plus you have all the upgrade so it shouldn't be that difficult

Not really. You don't have the Shock Gloves, Disruptor etc. in New Game Plus. I also noticed that this section is completely glitched. Batman would either cape stun or enter the counter stance whenever I'm trying to perform an instant takedown or do an aerial assault on a stunned enemy when I wanted to evade in another direction.

I assume that nobody bothered to properly test this section during development because you're not supposed to engage to begin with. It's rather impressive that you managed to take them all down that feat in spite of all the glitches. ^^

Lemon Head

Neo Member
If the re-hire Mark Hamill as Ferris Boyle and finish the boss fight by having Batman pour hot chicken soup into Mr. Freeze's helmet, they can shut up and take my money.


How do I access the Gotham Merchant Bank? When I find the entry at the top of the building, the jammer wouldn't let me unlock the door. (my Internet has shit the bed so I can't consult YouTube)
Look for a sewer entry?


Gold Member
How do I access the Gotham Merchant Bank? When I find the entry at the top of the building, the jammer wouldn't let me unlock the door. (my Internet has shit the bed so I can't consult YouTube)
Look for a sewer entry?

You have to blow up a wall right next to the door to get in.


Gold Member
Yeah I had done that. Then you drop through a loft door and that's where my troubles lie. It is there that I can't get any further.

There should be a little wooden panel on the floor after you go down the little stairs. It's pretty easy to overlook, but that's your way in.
It looks like the 360 Dashboard leaked the design of the new suit from "Cold, Cold Heart"



Looks all right I guess. I hope the new gloves aren't as OP as the shock gloves though.


Is the 3D support in this game as good as Arkham City, which looks phenomenal?

I'm finding mixed indications if this game even supports 3D... but this image says yes:



Hmm, so I know there was a lot of uprising about WB Montreal's plans to prioritize DLC over fixing bugs, but have they fixed any to-date? The one I'm most curious about is the corrupted saves bug on the 360 version of the game.

AO is Best Buy's deal of the day, and I'm thinking about getting the game; I'd just prefer not to if I'm going to lose my save every time I end my play session. :(


I was thinking of picking this up on steam for $10, is the Deathstroke challenge maps included in the PC version or any DLC? Or was it really just for pre-order?
Hmm, so I know there was a lot of uprising about WB Montreal's plans to prioritize DLC over fixing bugs, but have they fixed any to-date? The one I'm most curious about is the corrupted saves bug on the 360 version of the game.

AO is Best Buy's deal of the day, and I'm thinking about getting the game; I'd just prefer not to if I'm going to lose my save every time I end my play session. :(
The only issues I've ever experienced with the game are frame rate drops. I've had more problems with Arkham City failing to start on the 360 than I've had problems with AO, use that how you see fit. However, if you have a problem with frame rate issues, this isn't the game for you. I normally don't really care if there's the odd drop now and then, but it's a serious problem with this game, especially when gliding.


The only issues I've ever experienced with the game are frame rate drops. I've had more problems with Arkham City failing to start on the 360 than I've had problems with AO, use that how you see fit. However, if you have a problem with frame rate issues, this isn't the game for you. I normally don't really care if there's the odd drop now and then, but it's a serious problem with this game, especially when gliding.
I don't care so much about frame rate drops, I'm more concerned about the corrupting game saves issue. Games like AA/AC/AO take a decent time investment to finish. Having hours of progress just go *poof* would be pretty deflating... Probably infuriating depending on how much time I lost.
I find I'm enjoying the combat in this game more than the other games for the same reason that other people hate this game's combat. I find that while the other games combat had better flow and "fluidity", the combat was so insultingly easy that I never died even on New Game + with no indicators. This game handed me my ass when I first started playing it, and I much enjoyed death being an actual threat.


Loving the game and now that I've played it I'm regretting not buying it at launch like I did with the others. The only downside for me is that it is really reinforcing my need of a new gaming PC. I've got everything turned down and still struggling to get decent frame rates and the Deathstroke fight is impossible timing wise with that issue.
I'm enjoying this, apart from the fact that literally every takedown but one is considered loud and alerts the other enemies.

Why give the player a nifty suite of moves if they can't use them?


I'm enjoying this, apart from the fact that literally every takedown but one is considered loud and alerts the other enemies.

Why give the player a nifty suite of moves if they can't use them?

As a general rule: during a takedown, Batman animations slows down. Use that time to rotate the camera towards a grapple point and mash the R1 button like hell. The game will buffer the grapple hook and will project you out of danger immediately once the takedown animation is over.


2 questions, first is the season pass worth it? Second, last night i got a 16mb patch. Was this new?

patch was on 360.

I would say no; it's worth it if you can get it on sale for <$15. It includes a TON of Batman skins and some Robin skins for MP, which I don't think is really worth anything.

The Initiation DLC is alright. It was good fun for an hour or so. The cutscenes looked great and I felt like the enemies in it moved more like the Arkham City enemies so there's that.

Cold Cold Heart is the only DLC that looks like it will be a must buy.

oh and I'm on PC and I got a 800MB "patch" that probably included Cold Cold Heart too.
I would say no; it's worth it if you can get it on sale for <$15. It includes a TON of Batman skins and some Robin skins for MP, which I don't think is really worth anything.

The Initiation DLC is alright. It was good fun for an hour or so. The cutscenes looked great and I felt like the enemies in it moved more like the Arkham City enemies so there's that.

Cold Cold Heart is the only DLC that looks like it will be a must buy.

oh and I'm on PC and I got a 800MB "patch" that probably included Cold Cold Heart too.

Season pass is 9.99 on xbox live right now.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Can you get an explosive gel takedown in a level with no destructible wall?

I blew up one of Bane's henchmen in the hotel like 7 times trying to get Takedown Variety, Worst Nightmare Level 6. He kept getting up. Fuck!
Can you get an explosive gel takedown in a level with no destructible wall?

I blew up one of Bane's henchmen in the hotel like 7 times trying to get Takedown Variety, Worst Nightmare Level 6. He kept getting up. Fuck!

I don't think so. But have you tried putting the gel at the top of a stair case/ladder? I'm not sure where you are, but if there's ladders that the grunts climb you could try it. That way, when they climb up it blows and sends them flying off.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I don't think so. But have you tried putting the gel at the top of a stair case/ladder? I'm not sure where you are, but if there's ladders that the grunts climb you could try it. That way, when they climb up it blows and sends them flying off.

Great, I'll give it a try. I'm in the hotel, after the suspended restaurant, in the first room where Bane's henchmen are the only enemies in the encounter.

I love their VO, getting pissed off as the Joker makes fun of them as you take them down.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Got this game after the gmg deal and I'm a few hours in. Enjoying it quite a bit. Just beat Deathstroke, which was a really fun fight. I'm into the story more than I was in City.
Can you get an explosive gel takedown in a level with no destructible wall?

I blew up one of Bane's henchmen in the hotel like 7 times trying to get Takedown Variety, Worst Nightmare Level 6. He kept getting up. Fuck!

It only registered for me when I used a wall.

I got most of them in the hotel, but in the end I actually completed it when I went up against Deadshot.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
It only registered for me when I used a wall.

I got most of them in the hotel, but in the end I actually completed it when I went up against Deadshot.

From what I been Googling, I might be fucked. I busted all the vent covers off last time I was through the bank, so now I can't get the Vent Takedown here, the last place I can get the Gel Takedown.

I shoulda read up more before deciding to go for those challenges.
From what I been Googling, I might be fucked. I busted all the vent covers off last time I was through the bank, so now I can't get the Vent Takedown here, the last place I can get the Gel Takedown.

I shoulda read up more before deciding to go for those challenges.

If you haven't done it yet, you can still get a vent takedown when you go against Black Mask for the final time.

I can't remember if they all have to be done in one encounter or not. It's been a while since I last played.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
If you haven't done it yet, you can still get a vent takedown when you go against Black Mask for the final time.

I can't remember if they all have to be done in one encounter or not. It's been a while since I last played.

Yup. Fuckit I'm gonna tourist again this time through and maybe go for it in New Game +.

I mostly replayed it on PC to see the cool snow effects that weren't there on PS3, and the story sucked me in!
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