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Battlefield 1 leaked, Oct 18, Harlem Hellfighter DLC

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alternative history is much more attractive to me, i REALLY dont want to be playing iron sights all the time. its what killed bc2 vietnam for me, in a game of bfs size we need scopes.

as long as they dont go too crazy with the alt history it will sell well i reckon. no lasers/aliens

Most of all, I don't think a game historically accurate for World War I would be very fun to play. Story wise it could be great, but we all know Battlefield games never excelled at storytelling.

And in terms of gameplay, there are better settings. I'm all for early 1900, but it has to be alternate history.


I definitely think there is a twist. WW2 with dinosaurs or whatever but when we first heard talk of the game being set back to the past thing I thought was that they ain't making a "ordinary" War game then


If you know nothing of the history of ww1 besides "oh it was all trench camping" then sure.

I'm not talking about the tactics, I'm talking about the technology. Rifles and vehicles were a far cry from those even featured in WW2. If the developer had to make them accurate, they'd be a pain to handle, just like they were in reality.

It would appear to be a hint at multiple time periods.

I don't think that's hinting at anything. It seems more like they're sort of joking about him not knowing when it's set, just having a bit of fun with what he said.


Regular Conquest in a WW1 setting with dino raptors running around killing people.

GOAT game right there. Must happen.
Slower flying would be awesome for me, it would allow me to actually kill people on the ground, not just get a hitmarker on them.

Slower prop planes and bombers were so damn good in BF1942. No lock on missiles or anything, just dropping bombs and rockets or getting in the gunner bubbles on the big bombers. Its always bugged me how goofy jets seem in modern BF games going either way too fast on maps or feeling too sluggish and making them feel cut off from the action on the ground. Slower air forces makes them able to get more involved on the ground and no lock on surface to air missiles makes ground forces attacking air forces a little more engaging.

Single most important factor in this game for me is the destruction. Battlefront was a gigantic back-step in that regard and is a large reason why that is so unsatisfying to play with the little pea-shooter laser guns.

If they've pared back the destruction again in this or as much as they did in BF then I have totally lost faith in them. When you have vehicles especially, destructible environments enhances that aspect of gameplay immeasurably.

Yeah, especially with something like WWI or WWII, I would absolutely love a game to really amp up the environmental destruction. Not just BF4 style scripted environmental sequences where you have one thing change but just deformable terrain and buildings that get ripped up over time as artillery keeps beating up the battlefield.

I just think of playing Company of Heroes matches where you have tons of artillery and the terrain just turns into a moonscape of craters and destruction and how cool that could be if you did something like that in a Battlefield game. And a WWI setting would be perfect for that sort of thing.

It would appear to be a hint at multiple time periods.

Ehh.... If they're going to go WWI or WWII, I hope they keep it relatively grounded within that time period. So even if they have big steampunk looking mechs, they're not zipping around the battlefield. Just keep the gameplay feeling different from modern day BF3 and BF4.
I guess a post apocalyptic near future were everyone uses old guns or something like the Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40k ? I guess it might be ww1/2 era with super science or something close.


Surprised people are writing off WWI as a viable setting, under the strange assumption DICE would even try to accurately portray the war. That's not what Battlefield games are about. How true do you guys think any of the previous Battlefield games have been to real warfare?
If it's definitely focused on either of the first world wars, lack of destruction, at least ground manipulation like BC2, is simply not forgivable.


Please don't be another CGI/free-cam trailer, give me some proper gameplay this time. The Dawn of War 3 trailer was nice and all but I wanna be hyped about the actual game.
Please don't be another CGI/free-cam trailer, give me some proper gameplay this time. The Dawn of War 3 trailer was nice and all but I wanna be hyped about the actual game.

They always released gameplay when a Battlefield got revealed.

I hope we at least get some SP gameplay (if there even is a campaign)


I'd be in the dick
Please don't be another CGI/free-cam trailer, give me some proper gameplay this time. The Dawn of War 3 trailer was nice and all but I wanna be hyped about the actual game.
It'll probably be like the Battlefront trailers. In engine with actual assets.

We may get campaign footage though. BF3 and 4 had full mission walkthroughs at reveal.
Surprised people are writing off WWI as a viable setting, under the strange assumption DICE would even try to accurately portray the war. That's not what Battlefield games are about. How true do you guys think any of the previous Battlefield games have been to real warfare?


I mean, BF1942 was great fun but just because it was set in WWII its not like it was slavishly accurate. Yes, they used period accurate weapons and tech but it wasn't some hardcore sim.

I imagine any WWI era game would be similar. Its not like the whole game would be shooting from the trenches. I imagine they'd give more prominence to things like biplanes and zeppelins maybe but you'd still have tanks and so on too.

I think a WWI game could be pretty neat from a gameplay perspective if they use it as a chance to change things up a little bit from your typical BF games of late. Sure, trench warfare was a part of WWI but a whole lot of other stuff happened too, especially in the early days of the war and on the eastern front. Never mind that having to charge out of the trenches as you have some creeping barrage blowing up everything around you sounds incredibly cool to me.


hopefully ww1 then the sequel set in ww2 and in both you play a german.
then people are fed up with the vintage setting once again but they continue the story arc and go to a future setting where nazi germany invades america, that goes on for 3 games then people are fed up again with the futuristic theme and it's back to ww1, rinse and repeat.


Surprised people are writing off WWI as a viable setting, under the strange assumption DICE would even try to accurately portray the war. That's not what Battlefield games are about. How true do you guys think any of the previous Battlefield games have been to real warfare?
Thats why you would do it around 1918 and just throw in all the late war weapons. Sub guns, semi auto rifles, lmgs, etc.

edit: I am growing in numbers.
seems kinda lame to have a livestream without showing gameplay, so im still expecting something to be shown akin to "Fishing in Baku" and some multi-player gameplay at E3.
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