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Best game to show a first date?

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"Yes, chatting to this girl..." "Hmmm she plays candy crush, yep, right.Ok" "So she now want's to come back to mine after hitting a bar. My obvious concern is what video game I must show her..." "I mean, what else would I do..?"
Seriously OP, why is this even a question. Get this thread moved to off topic and ask for some real advice.

You could just play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liy-hy5RPYw
OP you are a legend, and this thread is incredible. Maybe for your second date you should create a thread to decide which one of your Skylanders you should let her play with

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Has this been confirmed as a troll thread, it is amazing...
It's had it all, the sincerety, the heartache, the highs, the lows...

I hope this was a troll thread.
Turn all the lights off, turn the volume full, lock the doors, hide in the room and force her to watch.

You'll be married by next week.


The ones that are actually legitimately suggesting games to show off to a first date (especially in this situation) clearly havent been laid yet.

NeoGAF: An Ocean of Virgins

And OP, the only game you should be showing off is how long you can go without busting a nut.

And if this is a troll thread, then rock on. It's still a good teaching tool.


I've been using OKCupid a bit lately, and I just got a date with a really cute girl lined up. We've sent several messages back and forth and chatted over the phone once. She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.

So on Friday we´re going to a bar in the neighborhood. She said she wants to see the puppy I have in one of my profile pics (I got a puppy like two months ago), so we´re going to come back to my apartment after the bar.

While I have her there, it´s probably the perfect opportunity to show her how far gaming has come since Super Mario World. What would be a good game for this? Originally I thought The Last of Us, but she doesn´t like zombies (she told me she gets scared by The Walking Dead), so that one is probably out, even though it´s probably the highest achievement we´ve seen in the art. So what else might work?

Guild Wars 2 or Diablo 3, my wife and I play them together every single weekend.
Holy shit, I thought going to the cinema is the worst for a first date. This takes the cake. Just talk over a few drinks, maybe a bit of atmosphere with some ambient music. It'll be 1000x more interesting for her, and 10000000x more successful.


Pretending to be somebody you're not, and not showing off your video game collection to a girl who is not in the slightest bit interested are not the same thing in any sense, and I'm puzzled how you came to think they are.

Because the OP is someone who thinks showing a first date his games is a good idea. He's someone to whom videogames are so important that he feels compelled to bring it up on the very first meeting, and a potential partner sharing the mutual interest is enough of a priority that he's obsessed on a couple of comments from the girl.


I didn't bring up video games with my girlfriend until 4-5 months after we were dating lol. She is actually quite accepting of when I like to play in my free time but I wasn't trying to take any risks ya feel me


I've been using OKCupid a bit lately, and I just got a date with a really cute girl lined up. We've sent several messages back and forth and chatted over the phone once. She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.

So on Friday we´re going to a bar in the neighborhood. She said she wants to see the puppy I have in one of my profile pics (I got a puppy like two months ago), so we´re going to come back to my apartment after the bar.

While I have her there, it´s probably the perfect opportunity to show her how far gaming has come since Super Mario World. What would be a good game for this? Originally I thought The Last of Us, but she doesn´t like zombies (she told me she gets scared by The Walking Dead), so that one is probably out, even though it´s probably the highest achievement we´ve seen in the art. So what else might work?

Don't show her any games, show her the puppy and then have a cool conversation.

She sound the type that likes casual games, but isn't SUPER into them.

Don't blow your chances OP, get to know her first, then by that show her games.
Also asking GAF is a mistake....
Dude, just be yourself.
You barely know her anyways ,if she really likes you for who you are, and you want to play games with her, just do it.

The game wont matter, the Chick will give you obvious signs that she is either having a fun time or not.


Junior Member
OP, you are going at this all wrong.

You need to rent a van, and put the puppy in the van.

Once your date is over, tell her you have a surprise for her and that she can see the puppy right now, in your van.

If you really want to make it romantic, also leave a shovel in the van, and take her on a surprise tree planting expedition, chicks love that environmental shit man.

THEN show her your games.


Steroid Distributor
Has the OP poster replied in this thread yet? Sucks that you don't know what to do on a first date. But it's awesome that you asked others for advice. And please take the advice that has been given and do not show her anything from the hobbie you are super passionate about unless she asks to see something.
If she has said good things about games during your conversations she was trying to relate to you. That's all. That wasn't a "I wish I had every console since the Colecovision" moment.

Advice I took years ago and always share with others is this.... Ask her questions. Show that you want to know more about her and what she is in to. For activities do things that you think she would feel happy to share with her friends when she is letting them know how the date went. She is likely not going to be sitting cross legged on her bed talking to two of her friends explaining how awesome the games were that you showed her. Even if she did like them she wouldn't feel comfortable telling other people.
The reaction she would get from her friends would be "really? Haha. He showed you his video games? Are you going out with him again?"
Best of luck.
Pop in Super Mario Sunshine. The FLUDD will come in handy after all the moisture is gone from her vagina.

Get OP to the burns unit!

Seriously though this has to be a troll thread. No way anyone would consider this unless the girl not only asks but turns out to have a bigger collection than you? Candy crush and words with friends do not a gamer make. Kinda got the impression you would know this after owning a GAF account. Or, you know, a PAIR OF EYES.


She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.

So on Friday we´re going to a bar in the neighborhood. She said she wants to see the puppy I have in one of my profile pics (I got a puppy like two months ago), so we´re going to come back to my apartment after the bar.

So what else might work?

I highly recommend just letting her play with the puppy, asking if she would like anything to drink/eat (depending on amount from bar), and kicking back in your "living area" and having a conversation with her.

She doesn't sound like a gamer...however, if your consoles are in view..she may request it at her own choice if she is into games.

Learn a few things about her. (The "scared of The Walking Dead" would make me worry..lol..but you may not care.)

See if she wants to watch TV, or a movie...or just chat.

(Edit** The first things my wife suggested when I went to her apartment were "Watching a movie or playing Halo on HER Xbox") However, she is not like most women I've been around.


I've been using OKCupid a bit lately, and I just got a date with a really cute girl lined up. We've sent several messages back and forth and chatted over the phone once. She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.

So on Friday we´re going to a bar in the neighborhood. She said she wants to see the puppy I have in one of my profile pics (I got a puppy like two months ago), so we´re going to come back to my apartment after the bar.

While I have her there, it´s probably the perfect opportunity to show her how far gaming has come since Super Mario World. What would be a good game for this? Originally I thought The Last of Us, but she doesn´t like zombies (she told me she gets scared by The Walking Dead), so that one is probably out, even though it´s probably the highest achievement we´ve seen in the art. So what else might work?

dude, she wants to have sex. Trust me on this.


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
The vanishing of Ethan Hawk.. I mean Carter. Think about it, it's gorgeous and challenging with its puzzles. You can get into it even if you're not a dedicated gamer.
I highly recommend just letting her play with the puppy, asking if she would like anything to drink/eat (depending on amount from bar), and kicking back in your "living area" and having a conversation with her.

She doesn't sound like a gamer...however, if your consoles are in view..she may request it at her own choice if she is into games.

Learn a few things about her. (The "scared of The Walking Dead" would make me worry..lol..but you may not care.)

See if she wants to watch TV, or a movie...or just chat.

(Edit** The first things my wife suggested when I went to her apartment were "Watching a movie or playing Halo on HER Xbox") However, she is not like most women I've been around.

this seems like the correct thing to do. the only reason to show her a game is if you hand a hand in making it.
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