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Bethesda: "Please Stand By" (aka obvious Fallout teaser) [maybe not crossgen]

Which platform will you play Fallout 4 on?

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Dead Man

2016 release. Either I'm right, or happily surprised. Unless they pull 2017 out. But they wouldn't do that, would they? Would they?

But I'm going to say May of the given year.


who gives a shit if it's crossgen, just gimme that delicious Fallout 4, it's been eight bloody years

Countless people give a shit. Going cross-gen would likely result in an inferior game, the memory of the new machines can allow for gameplay advancements that the PS3, 360 and Wii U can't do.

For example, you know how in the Batman Arkham games the only way to enter buildings is to go to the door, walk through, and sit through a loading screen while the building interior loads? That's due to 512MB of RAM not being enough to hold the open world AND the building interiors at once. Arkham Knight, due to being next-gen exclusive, will actually let you enter a building from various different points (like smashing through a 10th-floor window while gliding) because 8GB of RAM allows that. That sort of freedom could also work well in Fallout 4, and if they go cross-gen we miss out.


I got March 2016.

No, way too far to be announcing it this soon. Skyrim was announced a year before.

Plus, they've been working on this game for a while now, it's about time.

Ehhh, I dunno, XCOM 2 just got announced for a November 2015 release. It's unlikely, but I honestly wonder if maybe the reason for the delayed announcement isn't because the game has taken so long or suffered delays in development, but just because they wanted to announce it and release it within 2015.


2016 release. Either I'm right, or happily surprised. Unless they pull 2017 out. But they wouldn't do that, would they? Would they?

But I'm going to say May of the given year.

Would be very surprised if it were a 2015 release. There were 11 months between the Skyrim reveal and release date, and more than a year between Fallout 3's reveal and release.
If this is anything else than Fallout 4 there will be a giant backlash.

I hope Bethesda are not that stupid to try and release a Fallout MMO before they release Fallout 4. They should have learnt their lesson from the ESO failure.

Hah, same here! Would look really bad if I went to sleep while at work :D

I really hope they aren't playing with us and announce a Fallout 3 remaster or something. I need a new fallout! 7 more hours to go!

I would not mind a remaster of Fallout 3 and New Vegas for the new hardware/OS since they worked bad on last gen and have some troubles running on current Windows (7/8). Maybe they even could add some of the most popular mods as extra options.

I would pay full price for a PS4-compilation of said games.
2015 Doom / Fallout 4 November
2016 Fallout 4 / Doom
2017 Doom expansion pack (New blood type of game)
2018 Elder scrolls 6

This is how I see the release schedule going for Bethesda for the next few years.
2015 Doom / Fallout 4 November
2016 Fallout 4 / Doom
2017 Doom expansion pack (New blood type of game)
2018 Elder scrolls 6

This is how I see the release schedule going for Bethesda for the next few years.
You are forgetting The Evil Within and Wolfenstein. Pretty sure both will get a sequel.
2015. It would make my year if it does.

If the "behind-closed doors" thing from e3 2013 (iirc) was true...then it'll be October this year. Off the top of my head I can't think of anything that comes out then but my memory tends to abandon me in my moments of need.

Edit: I think co-op could work if the conversations were like SWTOR where it rolled a dice to see which party member's choice was chosen and maybe if VATS, rather than "freezing time" simply slowed it down a bit and they somehow synced it up like however the hell ME3 delt with Biotic Charge in MP. I wouldn't want a different co-op mode though, I'd fucking love say siblings emerging from VaultGAF into the Boston wasteland or whatever and they can proceed along the adventure like normal.


Huh, that's weird.

I thought Arkane Austin were now developing it.

They definitely were at some point. It is possible it got renamed and turned into a new IP or something like that. They were restarting from scratch anyways.

Edit: Or they are straight up lying. That would not surprise me either. They did it before, especially with Prey 2.
Cross gen you gotta be fucking kidding me. For a 2016 title as well.

Building any gameworld that scales between hardware with a total of 512Mb memory and another with 8000Mb of memory is ridiculous. In fact it's impossible to utilise the hardware of the latter in any way that does it justice so you end up with a game thoroughly gimped for consoles that were released 10 years ago at the point of release. TEN FUCKING YEARS!


6 hours till destination guys, everyone nice and comfy in the hype train?

Hell no, I'm gonna be sitting in an auditorium, starting a hard math exam the EXACT moment the timer is going to hit zero, no way in hell am I going to be able to focus and give it my all lol
It's going to be a 2 minute CG trailer with a "Watch the first gameplay at the Bethesda conference..." message at the end.

I'm hyped but let's set realistic expectations for today.


Time for bed. By the time I get up for work we'll be in a world in which Fallout 4 officially exists


I was secretly dreaming of Playstation 2 era resurrection, bring it!

Really looking forward to the reveal, hopefully we see some graphics. I think Fallout 3 and New Vegas aged really fast and they look awful (without mods) now, one reason I can't bring myself to finish FO3 now.

Green Yoshi

If this is cross-gen I am seriously going to wonder why. There is more than enough fanbase for the Xbone, PS4 and PC so why would they hinder themselves in the progress of development for it to make it run on the PS3/360?
Perhaps they use the Skyrim-engine, so even people with Intel HD GPU can play it.
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